Cae 230 Transformations Words

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it has been such a long time since

Mark met his wife while they were doing volunteer work.

Cristina couldn’t believe she had forgotten.

On summer mornings, they used to go for a walk in the countryside before breakfast.

Due to the rain lasting all day yesterday, we stayed at home

Charlie has been driving since.

In high school, Kelly felt like she spent hours upon hours doing homework.

Before Berta had a full-time job, she would play the piano daily.

Kayla disliked fish, so she had never had sushi before.

The paint is still wet because they have been painting.


The Titans are unlikely to win.

We will be able to go.

Our children will be left with a disaster because of the environment being in danger/are going to be
left with.

After class, I am going to get together with Paul and James for lunch.

Medical technology is advancing quickly, which will help a lot of people.

The government is bound to pass.

Harry feels sick, so he will probably stay at home.

Laura is due to have her second baby any day now.

We are planning on renting/plan on renting.

The meeting will definitely have finished before the lunch break.

Omer felt we really must complete the project on time.

Tina asked if she could have some extra time off for family leave.

Not long ago, you didn’t have to wear a seat belt…

Not long ago, you were not obligated to wear a seat belt in the back seat of your car.

The Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East might have been where agriculture originated.

The match may be canceled due to the rain.

It couldn’t have been Simon who broke the kitchen window because he was at school.

Everyone thought that Bill must have caused the accident.

Sandra felt/thought her husband should have cleaned the kitchen yesterday, which frustrated her.

shouldn’t go for a swim.

knew how to play.

Sophie and Lauren are just as tall as each other despite the age difference.
The blue whale is a great deal larger than any other animal in the world.

There is nothing worse than people being disrespectful to strangers.

the least appetising dish that

more you practise the more likely

Understanding technology is more important now than ever before

Lenny’s old job didn’t pay quite as much as his new one.

After the class, Kyle felt no more prepared for the test.

The more I travelled with Jimmy, the less I enjoyed his company.

The new musical was nowhere near as good as Natalie had hoped it would be.

not to share any

William always says he cannot bear traveling by plane because there is no space.

We had a lot of trouble finishing all the work before the deadline.

It can be difficult to get used to living

I can’t stand Phil complaining about his job all the time.
Robert insisted on receiving samples before making his final decision.

It was rather disappointing to stay in a hotel room that hadn’t been cleaned well.

It is never a good idea to drive in snowy conditions if you can avoid it

Faustino resents his sister for forgetting his birthday.

Catherine can’t live in her new house because it needs fixing up first.

After falling off, Rachel said would never going to get on a horse again.

Francesca agreed that everyone had to put in extra effort if they were to win the competition.

Nora spoke about improvements that could be made to increase profits for the company in her

Martha ordered her daughter not to touch the cooker.

They complained that the service was/had been rude at the hotel reception desk.

The shopkeeper refused to sell anything to the youths unless they had identification.

The street performer asked the crowd if they had seen his act before.

When we were kids, our parents forbade us to go into the park alone at night.
In the airport, they often warn you not to touch unattended luggage.

Ana apologised for getting upset with her parents at dinnertime.


The whole area is being revitalised by the local council with new park and shooping centre.

Cures to infectious diseases will surely continue to be developed by scientists.

Julia’s garden is never left uncared for during her holidays because her friends help out.
Historical controversy can cause new laws to be made quickly in some countries.

Extensive corruption in the local government was revealed by the journalist’s article

When political figures are assassinated by radicals, it is a tragic occurrence.

It has been declared that all new purchases must be approved by management.
During their shifts employee’s hand must be washed regularly

The package must have shaken during delivery and that is what broke it.

If Mike was taken advantage of, he hast to report it to Human Resources.


Audrey’s predictions are known to be excellent, so we will go ahead with the project.

Audrey’s prdicitons are known for being excellent, so we will go ahead with the project.
Lack of environmental awareness is believed to have done significant climate change already.

At headquarters, It is understood that we must not interfere with decision made by the boss

t’s most expensive painting is said to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

John is known to react badly when he doesn’t get his way.

The economy is estimated to have shrunk by 5% this quarter due to the crisis.

Users are told no to share any personal information on public websites.

Coca-Cola is known to be unhealthy, but

The royal family is alleged to have participated in widespread corruption.

Football is accurately claimed to be the most popular sport in the world.


Jen had her hair cut disastrously by a novice hairdresser.

If you’re moving house, having it done by a professional saves a lot of time and effort.

Deliah had her purse stolen on the train coming home from work yesterday

The producers had the film cancelled because of controversial claims from the lead actor.
For Anne, the worst thing at the dentist was getting her teeth cleaned.

Fiona walked home after she had her car broken into.

Farmer John had to call for help when he had/got his tractor stuck in the mud.

Danny had his mother’s phone fixed at a shop after she dropped it and the screen broke.
The new government will have taxes lowered as part of a stimulus package.

Real conditionals

The purchase will be refunded on the condition that the item is not damaged.

If you happen to go to the shops after work, can you buy some milk?

Tim’s parents wouldn’t let him leave the table before/until/unless he had finished all his food.

Tony is going to make a cake for his birthday provided he can buy/get/find the ingredients.
We ought to leave soon, otherwise it will take hours to get home if there’s traffic.

You will always be running late if you don’t set an alarm in the morning.

Ben gets up at 7 o’clock every day whether or not he is working.

Wendy will get a promotion/promoted as long as the figures from last quarter are good.

Gary might have to sell his home supposing he does not get a job soon.
Athletes can lose their contracts if they avoid training on purpose during off-season.


It has been raining so if he were fixing the roof now, he’d likely do more damage.

Had it not been for the poor final essay grade. Freddie would have passed his course.

Had she spent more time preparing, Had she spent longer preparing, if she had spent more time
Ruby couldn’t have afforded this house if it wasn’t for the inheritance.

Leon wouldn’t have gone to Dubai unless he was/getting paid well because he hates the fucking sun.

But for having trained so hard for the last several weeks, Manny wouldn’t have won.

if the company were to go bankrupt,the employess would need new jobs.

If the weather had been better, they wouldn’t have cancelled their trip.
It would be foolish for Fran to pass up such a good opportunity.

If she had been listening, Donna might have known where to go next.


Paola wishes that she had learnt how to ride a bike when she was young.

Xavier felt that if only he had postponed the presentation, he would have been able to prepare
I wish the local council would clean up the parks more often because there is a lot of rubbish.

Catherine would sooner leave than listen to yet another lecture about economics.

George hates cooking, so he would rather not have been asked to make dinner.

I regret that they didn’t inform you about the scheduled website maintenance.
Karla only wishes she had a bit of peace and quiet.

Relative clauses

Norah, whose restaurant is known for serving exquisite seafood, is becoming a well-known chef.

Tina and Ben, who are in a relationship, met at a concert when they were teenagers.

There are a lot of people affected by the budget cuts, many of whom have families and bills to pay.
A jab I’d love, but which requires more experience than I have, is to wark as a software engineer.

Jo insisted that she would do whatever job her boss asked of her, within reason.

Nelly decided that a career in fashion was what she wanted to do as she had always loved clothes.

The wedding starts at 1 pm, at which point the guest might already be hungry.

The storm could be heavy, in which case we need to bring in the garden furniture.
Adam works at a factory where car parts are made and shipped globally.

Maria couldn’t provide us with a reason why the delivery was damaged.

Maria couldn’t tell/give us the/a/any reason why the delivery was damaged.

Participle clauses

Bob Marley wrote song about poverty, having grown up in a poor neighbourhood.

In the 90, with his competitors failing, Arnold was able to take control of the local food delivery
Spending hours working on his novels, David was dedicated to becoming a best – selling author.

Having forgotten to charge her phone that morning. Noelia was lost without her navigation app.

Rosemary sat down for a cup of tea, having prepared lunch for the family.

At 64 years old, having finished a long day at work, Joseph sat down with a good book to relax.

The toy given to Veronica by her uncle when she was a baby is now priceless.
The class normally kept quiet with Mrs Holmes, knowing that she had a bad temper sometimes.

Having checked regularly your car tyres shouldn’t have issues for years.

Sophie was a creative girl, inventing interesting stories using her imagination from a young age.

Cleft sentences

His parents can’t afford it at the moment, but What Josh needs is a new computer.
With permission from the local council, What they want to do is build a new house.

Her parents warned Lola about wearing a helmet, but it was only when she fell that she started
wearing one.

Tony’s mother claimed(said) that all he wanted to do was play football.

Everyone though it had been stolen, but it was Scoot who forgot his passport at the hotel.
If John doesn’t study more, what will happen is that he will fail the exam.

It is because he speaks Spanish that Alan got the job instead of you.

It seemed that What everybody did was go to the beach in the summer.

According to the survey, What people want is more free time to spend with family.

It was not until remodelling that Janet felt at home in her new house.

No sooner had George been offered a new job than he quit his old one.

At no time/point did the bank return Jane’s call to discuss her loan despite having met all the criteria.

Kate’s plan is that only when she has finished the university Will she start working for her parents'

Preferring dense forests as their home, seldom Are nightingales spotted by birdwatchers.
This is classified information and on no account Should any of it be shared…

People loved Ian’s book and little did he know that he would soon be famous.

The pigeons in Central Park Must not be fed under any circumstances.

No sooner had she arrived than Mary checked into her hotel.
Not since yesterday Has Sarah had anything to eat due to being so busy.

Jack hopes to be a successful musician, so not only does he play the guitar he also sings and dances.


Ofelia was overwhelmed because there were so many fabrics available for her wedding dress.

Despite Philip being much better at tennis than Sally, neither of them played well in their last match.
The concert was advertised all over the city, but very few people showed up.

For those of us who finished our tasks on time, there was a special bonus.

There was yet another issue to solve before they could release the product line.

Laura had been in charge for quite a time before she decided to step down.
Ben was sure there were fewer problems last year at the annual training event.

Rashed had a reputation for accepting absolutely any invitations he received.

As store manager, a great deal of Mary’s time was spent calculating receipts.

After the disastrous opening show, none of the audience applauded.

Linking words and expressions

Greg speaks several languages fluently as well as having worked abroad.

Josh has a tendency to undervalue his art despite it being very popular.

The reason Julie is so scared of heights is due to a childhood trauma.

Kate always keeps her music low so as not to cause any trouble with her neighbours.

Bill stayed at this job until he retires, in spite of the fact that he never liked it.

On account of the recent marketing push, sales were growing.

Neither Heather nor Brian expected/had expected to bump into each other at the supermarket.

It was owing to a/the push from the local council that the parks were cleaned up.

As a result of having spent all day training for the marathon, Gary was exhausted.

The transition to paperless invoices was handled well by everyone apart from Karen, who struggled.

Fixed expressions
As she was the best player at the school, it came as no surprise (to anybody) when Sarah won.

This is fire door and under no circumstances should it be opened or an alarm will sound.

A great deal of people made the decision not to attend the meeting.

It is only a matter of time until the highly debated pay rise comes into effect.
Paul and his family were taken aback by the news about their neighbours.

Mary didn’t see any point of/in buying a new jacket without it being on sale.

The mayor was highly regarded by everyone after many successful years in office.

Lucy was at/on the point of submitting her essay when the internet stopped working.

Isabelle asked her husband if he could keep an eye on the kids while she was out.
Building a new shopping centre will result in local shops closing down.

Phrasal verbs

They asked Hannah from HR to look into whether employees had been stealing office supplies.

The criminal was quickly arrested again after having broken out of prison the night before.

Wendy became a lawyer in order to stand up for people who needed help.
Due to the weather, the match was put off until further notice.

Having to deal with difficult customers was Danny’s least favourite part of the job.

Farah looked up to his parents because they had always supported him.

Diana was invited to take part in the conference by giving a short presentation.

The discount on the clothes made up for the lack of quality.

The team was counting on Alex to get them into the final.

Madeline came down with a cold as soon as her holidays started.

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