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********************* A(21) Have they delivered our lunch yet?

A(22) When did you begin your new job? A(23) What was that loud noise I just heard? A(24) When will my laundry be ready? A(25) Who will go with you on the business trip? A(26) Has the director already left? A(27) How long do you think the staff meeting will last? A(28) What time does the play begin? A(29) Dont you want to take your briefcase with you? A(30) Why is this train running late? A(31) You want me to retype this document, dont you? A(32) Would you like to order a calendar for next year? A(33) What do you think I should wear to the party? A(34) Shall we send you a reminder for your next dental appointment? A(35)

Where should I put these lab materials when Ive finished using them? A(36) Whose coffee cup is this on my desk? A(37) Why didnt you let us know youd be late? A(38) Whos the new chef at Fontaines bakery? A(39) Why dont we go out this evening?

A(40) What is the fine for overdue books? A(41) You dont really want to start a new project this late in the day, do you? A(42) Should I wait here at the counter or follow you? A(43) Your managing director resigned yesterday, didnt he? A(44) How will you get to work tomorrow? A(45) Is Ms. Liu from the payroll department here today, or is she still on vacation? A(46) Where should we meet so we can all go to the game together? A(47) How can we be sure that the order will arrive on time? A(48) Didnt anyone train the new employee to use the copier? A(49) What do you think, plain or patterned carpet in the waiting room?

A(50) Wilma gets reimbursed for the cost of driving her car the meeting, doesnt she? ********************* A(51) (Man 1)Dont stack more than 4 boxes on top of one another, Bill. (Man 2)Should I move them down to that area over there? (Man 1)Yes, thats near where the truck will drop off the rest of the crates. A(52) (Woman)Id like to return this blouse. I have the receipt here. (Man)Whats the reason for the return? (Woman)It doesnt fit very well. A(53) (Man)So, Jennifer, how are you enjoying your new job? (Woman)Well, so far its not very interesting, actually. (Man)Hmm. Maybe things will get better after the first few months. A(54) (Woman)This printer doesnt seem to be working. (Man)Uhcheck the cord. It may have been unplugged. (Woman)Youre right. Maybe someone used it with a laptop computer. A(55) (Woman)May I bring this bag with me onto the flight? (Man)Im afraid thats too large maam. Youll have to check it in. (Woman) OK, as long as its handled carefully. A(56) (Woman 1) Have you read Joan Smiths new novel? (Woman 2)No, but I didnt really like her last story about the journalist. (Woman 1)I love her books. She writes so well. A(57) (Man) What are you doing in your Business Writing class today? (Woman)Im giving a test. What about you? (Man)Were still reviewing. My students are having trouble with business letters. A(58) (Man)Why werent you at the training session? (Woman)I thought it was canceled. (Man)No, yesterdays session was canceled, but not todays.

A(59) (Man)Id like to make a reservation for the night of September fourth. (Woman)Yes, of course. Would you like our business traveler rate, which includes breakfast in the room? (Man)Yes. Id also like to be on either the first or second floor. A(60) (Woman)This soup is much too salty. I think Ill send it back. (Man)Im surprised. The food here is usually very good. (Woman)I know. Ive brought clients here many times. A(61) (Man 1)Thats funny. Im sure there used to be a pharmacy on this corner. (Man 2)Well, now its a barbershop. (Man 1)Lets go in. Maybe the barber will know where the pharmacy moved.

A(62) (Man)How late can we submit this bid? (Woman)Well, the notice of tender gives a May tenth deadline. (Man)Wow! Wed better get moving on this then! A(63) (Man)Two tickets for the 12:30 (Woman)Here you go. Were running about thirty minutes behind schedule, so youll be leaving at one. (Man)Thats fine. We have to go exchange some more money anyway. A(64) (Man 1)We need to send a buyer to New York to look at the new lines of summer clothes. (Man 2)Winter isnt even over yet! How can they plan so far in advance? (Man 1)Designers are always at least two seasons ahead. A(65) (Man)Ms. Lee, why are you interested in transferring to another department? Youve worked in Customer Service for almost six years. (Woman)Well, my current manager, Mr. Parker, suggested I apply. (Man)I see. Well, Ill send your resume to Ms. Foley. A(66) (Man)Where would you like to put these plants, Ms. Kim? By the window? (Woman)No, they dont need that much light. How about over here by the water cooler? (Man)OK. Ill push them back so theyre away from the door.

A(67) (Man 1)Can I help you, sir? (Man 2)Yes, Id like to know if this table is marked down. (Man 1)Yes, that one has been reduced for our clearance sale. A(68) (Woman 1)How often do you come to Argentina? (Woman 2)Well, usually twice for business and at least once for leisure each year. (Woman 1)Really? So youre here quite often? A(69) (Man)Susan, I hear that you finally decided to buy that house you were looking at! (Woman)Yes, I did, Roberto. I hope its the right decision. (Man)My friends Douglas and Beth bought a house in that same area last year. Theyre very pleased so far. A(70) (Woman)Whats that cafe across the street like? (Man)They have a great menu, but its kind of small and a bit overpriced. (Woman)Thats okay, as long as it has something different from all the other places around here. A(71) (Man)If we replace the workstations, well need to re-cable the whole floor. (Woman)How can we be sure of that? Lets check with the installers first. (Man)OK. Ill find the phone number. A(72) (Man 1) Mr. Garcia, did the new tenant sing his lease yet? (Man 2)No, hes busy unpacking some boxes that just came off the moving van. (Man 1)Please get his signature on it by the end of the day.

A(73) (Woman)Im giving a presentation to the board of directors today. (Man)Make sure to give a clear statement of our marketing strategy. (Woman)I think theyll be more interested in how the moneys being spentat least initially. A(74) (Man 1)Its been good talking with you, Sam. I guess Id better let you get back to work, (Man 2)Yes. I need to finish this design so I can submit it by Friday. The company wants to have it ready for next months magazine. (Man 1) Yes. Once thats done, youll be able to relax a little bit.

A(75) (Woman)Id like to buy some aspirin, please. (Man)We have bottles with 50, 100, or 150 tablets. Which would you like? (Woman)The smallest one, please. A(76) (Man)Excuse, me, the sun is shining right on my seat and its a bit warm. Would you mind if I opened the window? (Woman)Yes, actually. I have a cold and Id rather keep it closed. (Man)Oh, Im sorry. Never mind. A(77) (Man)Im thinking of having the lobby redecorated this year. (Woman)Are you going to hire an interior decorator this time? (Man)Not until I talk to someone in Accounting! A(78) (Woman 1)Can we use the conference room for an Administration Department meeting? (Woman 2)No, its already been reserved. It is free in the afternoon, though. (Woman 1)OK. Well reschedule for tomorrow at 2 P.M. Can you make the reservation, please? A(79) (Woman)I just received an e-mail from Mr. Smith at the factory. He needs product specifications immediately. Are you still planning to see him today? (Man)Yes, Ill be leaving in about a half hour. (Woman)Great. Ill get the information ready and you can give it to him when you see him. A(80) (Woman 1)Do you think we should hire some temporary workers to finish this data entry? (Woman 2)Yes, then the two of us can concentrate on writing the reports. (Woman 1)All right, Ill call Brenda in Personnel and see what she can do. ********************* A102.In order to place a call outside the office, you have to _____ nine first. A103.We are pleased to inform _____ that the missing order has been found. A104.Unfortuately, neither Mr. Sachs _____ Ms. Flynn will be able to attend the awards banquet this evening. A105.According to the manufacturer, the new generator is capable of _____ the amount of power consumed by our facility by nearly ten percent. A106.After the main course, choose from our wide_____ of homemade deserts. A107.One of the most frequent complaints among airline passengers is that there is not _____ legroom. A108.Faulty members are planning to_____ a party in honor of Dr. Walker, who will retire at the end of the semester. A109.Many employees seem more ______ now about how to use the new telephone system than they did before they attended the workshop. A110._____ our production figures improve in the near future, we foresee having to hire more people between now and July.

A111.The prime minister is expected to arrive at the convention hall at _____ 7:00 P.M. A112.Responses to the proposed work schedule changes are ______ outstanding from several departments. A113.As the filming location has not yet been _____, the release date has been postponed. A114.Extreme ______ should be used when the forklift truck is being operated. A115.The county hospital is currently ______ volunteers to staff the reception. A116.We are a major international company with a growing number of _____ in North America. A117.The report indicates that the Tilbrook Fund is acting properly by delivering policy advice _____ rather than announcing it to the public. A118.This presentation will demonstrate how Metron computers are superior _____ those of our competitors in terms of both features and speed. A119.The Executive Council of the Fashion Buyers Congress is _____ of fifteen members from various branches of the fashion industry. A120.Though their performance was relatively unpolished, the actors held the audiences _____ for the duration of the play. A121.Dr. Abernathys donation to Owston College broke the record for the largest private gift _____ given to the campus. A122.Savat National Park is _____ by train, bus, charter plane, and rental car. A123.In Piazzos latest architectural project, he hopes to _____ his flare for blending contemporary and traditional ideals. A124.Replacing the office equipment that the company purchased only three years ago seems quite _____. A125.On ______, employees reach their peak performance level when they have been on the job for at least two years. A126.We were _____ unaware of the problems with the air-conditioning units in the hotel rooms until this week. A127.If you send in an order _____ mail, we recommend that you phone our sales division directly to confirm the order. A128.A recent global survey suggests _____ demand for aluminum and tin will remain at its current level for the next five to ten years. A129.Rates for the use of recreational facilities do not include tax and are subject to change without _____. A130.We conduct our audits in accordance _____ generally accepted auditing standards. A131.The Director of Educational Programs works collaboratively with the Ministry of Education to _____ that the programs are meeting the needs of the institution. A132.Armstrong has the ______ management team of the three companies under consideration. A133.There are over thirty keyboard commands that can prompt word-processing procedures, but common usage_____ only a few. A134.The recent storms have led to the _____ closure of our overseas office. A135.Accounts receivable is money owed to a company, _____ accounts payable is money owed by the company to creditors. A136.Cooks must remember that some raw foods are very _____ and should be refrigerated or chilled until ready to be eaten or cooked. A137.If savings could have been made elsewhere, we _____ to give financial support to local community service organizations last year. A138.The telecommunications department is completing a detailed _____ of each factory site to determine the types of equipment and features needed in each area.

A139.Proposed changes that are not _____ with existing safety regulations will not be considered. A140.The lectures will cover the relevant methods of _____ the impact of currency fluctuations on international transactions. ********************** A145.If clients do not know how respond to a questionnaire item, ask them to circle I dont know. A146.An increasing number of companies has changed dress codes, allowing employees to wear casual clothing in the work place. A147.When you send a fax from this machine remember to enter the area code for number that you are dialing. A148.Before submitting the draft document to the vice president, see that it has been reviewed thorough. A149.Even we had been behind schedule at one point, the proposal was submitted on time. A150.The new lounge furniture has arrived and will be in place by the end next week. A151.Effective immediately, Craig Wu will be the new branch management of the Mottsboro division. A152.Monica moved to the city last year because she was tried for driving so far to work every morning. A153.Perhaps Mr. Rhequist is not quite as well qualified for the position as Mr. Robbins does. A154.Desiging and implementing successful incentive pay plans are a complex undertaking for any business. A155.Shipment of windows ordered on or near the fifteenth of the month will be delay due to staffing shortages. A156.From next year, the London office will be responsible of all the European news coverage. A157.Revitalization of the transportation system would be a major victor for Glenville, which is showing signs of recovering following years of economic decline. A158.Ms. Jacobs in Personnel can be relied upon to provide an excellent advice on how to conduct interviews with job applicants. A159.The provincial government is offering Bristol Corporation a $10-million incentive package to build a new office buildings in the center of Selisburg. A160.Clients using travel agency vouchers should stay in hotels that accept vouchers and should present it on arrival.

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