English Literature Class 6

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Class 6

Subject English Literature

1.Give the meaning of the following words. (10)
1. Cavalcade. 6. Ethereal
2. Wafting 7. Tabernacle
3. Lime. 8. Conjugate
4. Skims 9. Thrived
5. Brow. 10. Clacked
2. Answer the following questions with reference to the context. (10*3=30)
a) He saw Ben Rogers coming. He was eating an apple.
1. How did the whitewash seem painful to Tom? What did he really want to do?
2. How did Tom react to the arrival of Ben Rogers?
3. Tom had discovered a great law of human action. What was it?
4. How was Tom rolling in wealth?

b) All her clothes were of finest cotton. The antariya, tied like a dhoti, was embroidered all
over with gold.
1. Who is referred to as ‘she’? How was she dressed?
2. What kind of noblewomen Parvati had seen earlier? How is ‘she’ different from them?
3. How did ‘she’ react after seeing Parvati’s collection of painted pots?
4. How is Parvati’s pottery different from other pottery?

c) Softly, O softly we bear her along

She hangs like a star in the dew of our song.
1. Who is she? Where is she going? Who are carrying her and how?
2. Which figure of speech is used in the second line of the above extract?
3. What do the tears in the eyes of ‘her’ tell?
4. What do the palanquin bearers compare the bride to?
3. Write the summary of the poem ‘Palanquin Bearers’ in 100 words. (5)

4. Write the summary of the poem ‘Word Balloons’ in 100 words. (5)

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