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1. What is the need and importance of electric vehicle.

• Environmental benefits: Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, which helps to
improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
• Economic benefits: Electric vehicles are typically more fuel-efficient than gasoline-powered
vehicles, which can save drivers money on fuel costs. They also have lower maintenance
costs, as they have fewer moving parts.
• Technological benefits: Electric vehicles are powered by advanced technology, which can
lead to new innovations in the automotive industry. For example, electric vehicles can be
equipped with self-driving features and other advanced safety technologies.
• Sustainability: Electric vehicles are a more sustainable form of transportation than gasoline-
powered vehicles. They can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a
cleaner environment.
Overall, electric vehicles offer a number of advantages over gasoline-powered vehicles. They are
better for the environment, more efficient, and can save drivers money on fuel costs. As the world
becomes increasingly aware of the need to address climate change, electric vehicles are becoming
more important.

2. Explain the terms rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag in vehicles and derive the
expression for vehicle translational speed from fundamentals
• Rolling resistance is the force that resists the rolling motion of a vehicle's tires. It is
caused by a number of factors, including the weight of the vehicle, the type of tires,
and the condition of the road surface. Rolling resistance is a major factor in the fuel
efficiency of a vehicle.
• Aerodynamic drag is the force that resists the motion of a vehicle through the air. It is
caused by the shape of the vehicle and the speed of the vehicle. Aerodynamic drag is
a major factor in the fuel efficiency of a vehicle at high speeds.
The expression for vehicle translational speed from fundamentals is:
v = (F - R - D) / m

• v is the vehicle's translational speed

• F is the force applied to the vehicle
• R is the rolling resistance force
• D is the aerodynamic drag force
• m is the vehicle's mass
The force applied to the vehicle can be from the engine, the brakes, or a combination of both. The
rolling resistance force and the aerodynamic drag force are always opposing the motion of the vehicle.
The translational speed of a vehicle will increase as the force applied to the vehicle increases. The
translational speed of a vehicle will decrease as the rolling resistance force and the aerodynamic drag
force increase.

• Reduce the weight of the vehicle. The heavier the vehicle, the more rolling resistance and
aerodynamic drag it will experience.
• Use tires with low rolling resistance. Low rolling resistance tires are designed to reduce the
friction between the tire and the road surface.
• Keep the tires inflated properly. Underinflated tires will increase rolling resistance.
• Drive smoothly. Sudden acceleration and braking will increase rolling resistance and
aerodynamic drag.
• Use a aerodynamic car design. The shape of the vehicle can have a big impact on
aerodynamic drag. Vehicles with a smooth, streamlined shape will experience less
aerodynamic drag than vehicles with a boxy shape
By reducing rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag, you can improve the fuel efficiency of your

3. Explain the characteristics and performance of ultra-capacitor for EV application.

Ultracapacitors are energy storage devices that have a high power density but a low energy
density. This means that they can deliver a large amount of power in a short period of time,
but they cannot store a lot of energy. Ultracapacitors are often used in conjunction with
batteries in electric vehicles (EVs) to provide the high power needed for acceleration and hill

Here are some of the characteristics of ultracapacitors:

• High power density: Ultracapacitors can deliver a large amount of power in a short
period of time. This makes them ideal for applications that require short bursts of
power, such as acceleration and hill climbing.
• Low energy density: Ultracapacitors cannot store a lot of energy. This means that they
cannot be used as the sole power source for an EV.
• Wide temperature range: Ultracapacitors can operate over a wide temperature range,
making them suitable for use in EVs in all climates.
• Long life: Ultracapacitors have a long life, typically lasting for millions of charge-
discharge cycles. This makes them a cost-effective option for use in EVs.

Here are some of the performance advantages of ultracapacitors in EV applications:

• Improved acceleration: Ultracapacitors can provide the high power needed for
acceleration, which can improve the performance of EVs.
• Extended range: Ultracapacitors can help to extend the range of EVs by providing
power during acceleration and hill climbing.
• Reduced battery size: Ultracapacitors can help to reduce the size of the battery in an
EV, which can save weight and cost.
• Improved safety: Ultracapacitors are less likely to catch fire than batteries, which can
improve the safety of EVs.
Overall, ultracapacitors offer a number of advantages for use in EV applications. They can
improve acceleration, extend range, reduce battery size, and improve safety. As ultracapacitor
technology continues to improve, they are likely to become even more widely used in EVs.

4. Compare and differentiate between the battery electric vehicle (BEV), hybrid electric vehicle
(HEV), and plug in HEV (PHEV) technologies.
Here is a comparison of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs):
Power source Battery Battery and gasoline engine Battery and gasoline
engine, with a plug-in
port for charging the
Range 100-300 miles 20-50 miles 10-40 miles on battery,
200-300 miles on gasoline
Fuel efficiency 100-300 MPGe 40-60 MPGe 40-60 MPGe on gasoline,
100-300 MPGe on battery
Cost $30,000-$60,000 $20,000-$40,000 $30,000-$50,000

Availability Increasing Widely available Widely available

BEVs are powered by batteries alone, and do not have a gasoline engine. They have the
highest range and fuel efficiency of the three types of vehicles, but they are also the most
expensive. HEVs have both a battery and a gasoline engine. The battery is used for short trips,
and the gasoline engine is used for longer trips. HEVs have lower range and fuel efficiency
than BEVs, but they are also less expensive. PHEVs have both a battery and a gasoline
engine, and can be plugged in to an outlet to charge the battery. PHEVs have a range that is
somewhere in between BEVs and HEVs, and they are also less expensive than BEVs.

The best type of vehicle for you will depend on your individual needs and budget. If you are
looking for the most environmentally friendly vehicle, a BEV is the best option. If you are
looking for a more affordable vehicle, an HEV or PHEV is a better choice.

5. State and define the key battery parameters (i) Battery capacity (ii) C rate (iii) SoC (iv) DoD
(v) Specific Energy (vi) Energy Density.
here are the key battery parameters
• Battery capacity: The amount of energy that a battery can store. It is usually measured
in ampere-hours (Ah) or watt-hours (Wh).
• C rate: The rate at which a battery can be charged or discharged. It is usually
expressed as a multiple of the battery's capacity. For example, a 10 Ah battery with a
C rate of 2 can be charged or discharged at a rate of 20 A.
• SoC: The state of charge of a battery. It is usually expressed as a percentage and
indicates how much energy is stored in the battery. A SoC of 100% means that the
battery is fully charged, while a SoC of 0% means that the battery is fully discharged.
• DoD: The depth of discharge of a battery. It is usually expressed as a percentage and
indicates how much energy has been discharged from the battery. A DoD of 100%
means that the battery has been fully discharged, while a DoD of 0% means that the
battery has not been discharged at all.
• Specific energy: The amount of energy that a battery can store per unit mass. It is
usually measured in watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg).
• Energy density: The amount of energy that a battery can store per unit volume. It is
usually measured in watt-hours per liter (Wh/l).
These parameters are important for understanding how batteries work and how they can be used. They
are also important for choosing the right battery for a particular application.

6. Explain fuel cell and flywheel as energy source element in electrical and hybrid
electric vehicle.
• Fuel cells: Fuel cells are devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
They are powered by a fuel, such as hydrogen, and an oxidant, such as oxygen. When
the fuel and oxidant react, they produce electricity and water. Fuel cells are a clean
and efficient way to generate electricity, and they have the potential to be used in a
variety of applications, including electric and hybrid electric vehicles.
In an electric vehicle, a fuel cell can be used as the sole power source or as a range extender.
As a sole power source, the fuel cell would provide the electricity to power the vehicle's
motor. As a range extender, the fuel cell would provide additional electricity to the battery
when the battery is low.

In a hybrid electric vehicle, a fuel cell can be used in conjunction with a battery and an
electric motor. The fuel cell would provide electricity to the motor when the battery is low,
and the battery would provide electricity to the motor when the fuel cell is not running.

• Flywheels: Flywheels are rotating disks that store energy. They can be used to store
energy from braking or from regenerative braking. When the flywheel is spinning, it
has kinetic energy. This kinetic energy can be converted back into electricity when the
flywheel is slowed down.
In an electric vehicle, a flywheel can be used to store energy from braking or from
regenerative braking. The energy stored in the flywheel can then be used to power the motor
when the battery is low.

Flywheels have a number of advantages over batteries. They have a higher power density,
which means that they can store more energy in a smaller space. They also have a longer life,
and they are less likely to catch fire. However, flywheels are also more expensive than

Both fuel cells and flywheels have the potential to be used in electric and hybrid electric
vehicles. However, they are still under development, and they are not yet widely available. As
the technology continues to improve, they are likely to become more widely used in electric
and hybrid electric vehicles.

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