Are You A Colloborative Leader

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Are You a Collaborative Leader?

Herminia Ibarra The Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning, Professor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD Morten Hansen Professor, University of California, Berkeley

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Are You a Collaborative Leader?

Herminia Ibarra The Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning, Professor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD Morten Hansen Professor, University of California, Berkeley HBR Webinar / 14 June 2011

About our Research

The Best-Performing CEOs in the World, HBR JanuaryFebruary 2010 (Hansen, Ibarra & Peyer) Hard Ways to Measure Soft Leadership (HBR Agenda 2011) Collaboration (Hansen, 2009) How to Overcome Success Traps & Transition to Leadership (Ibarra, forthcoming)

4 Things Collaborative Leaders Do

1. Play global connector 2. Engage talent from the periphery 3. Collaborate from the top first 4. Show a strong hand

1. Play Global Connector

Many ties to different social worlds CLs have the ability to link people, ideas, and resources that wouldnt normally bump into one another Collaboration is highly overrated if you dont have the right thing to do Spotlights: David Kenny, Akamai Beth Comstock, General Electric

David Kenny, President

Beth Comstock, CMO

Play Global Connector

Global connectors facilitate collaboration by: Sensing trends & seeing opportunities Building ties to opinion leaders and talent in diverse areas Connecting the world outside to those inside the company

Are You a Global Connector?

Do you attend conferences outside your professional speciality? Does your network include people in their twenties (who arent your kids!)? Do you belong to any global networks?

2. Engage Talent from the Periphery

Diverse teams produce better results, as long as they are well led CLs have the ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures and generations, and leverage what they have to offer Spotlight: Franck Riboud, Danone

Franck Riboud, CEO

Engage Talent at the Periphery

Easier said than done: Only 15% of our 2000 CEOs worked for companies based in a country that was not their country of origin. Cultural misunderstanding is the most commonly reported barrier to effective teams (EIU report) Women are less than 15% of top teams Generation Y employees excluded from strategic conversations

Diverse Executive Committee

2 Dutch (incl. CEO) 1 Indian (new CEO) 2 British 1 German 1 South African 2 Italian

Do you Engage Diverse Talents?

How diverse is your immediate team in terms of nationality? Gender? Age? Have you visited your emerging markets this year?

3. Collaborate from the Top First

CLs set the tone by being good collaborators themselves Efforts to collaborate in the middle are too often sabotaged by political games and turf battles higher up in the organization Many leadership teams actually dont operate as teams Spotlight: Alessandro Carlucci, Natura Cosmetics

Alessandro Carlucci, CEO

Collaborate at the Top First

Collaboration at the top ensures that: The organizations various collaborative projects and operations are aligned Executives are rewarded for collaborating rather than promoting their individual agendas Learning goals trump (short-term) performance goals Performance goals: show one has a valued attribute Learning goals: develop a valued attribute Spotlight: Vineet Nayar, HCL

Vineet Nayar, CEO


Does Collaboration Start with You?

What have you done to eradicate power struggles in your team? Are common goals on your team more important than individual goals?

4. Show a Strong Hand

Danger in overdoing it: collaborate on the wrong things, waste time in endless meetings, fail to reach decisions or to execute quickly Effective CLs assume a strong role directing Forming & disbanding teams as opportunities come and go Assigning clear decision rights & responsibilities Spotlight: Bart Brecht, Reckitt Benckiser



RECKITT BENCKISER Ratio Reckitt Benckiser to FTSE 100 from 3 December 1999 to 31 May 2011, in Cumulative Shareholder Returns






20 00 9 20 04 20 08 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 09 20 10 19 9

Bart Becht, CEO

Source: Datastream

Do You Show a Strong Hand?

Have you killed any collaboration projects the past year? Are you (or another member of your team) empowered to "close" a discussion and make a decision? Do you have a DRI on key projects?


Loosening Control Without Losing Control

Collaborative leaders:
Make global connections to help them spot opportunities Engage diverse talents from everywhere to produce results Collaborate from the top to role- model expectations Show a strong hand to speed decisions and ensure agility

Rather than:
Focus on internal connections Rely on homogeneous teams for new ideas Serve corporate politics and parochial agendas Let groups get mired in conflict or consensus


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