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Bài 1:

In the past, technology and progress was very slow. People “invented” farming
12,000 years ago but it took 8,000 years for the idea to go around the world. Then,
about 3,500 years ago, people called “potters” used round wheels to turn and make
plates. But it took hundreds of years before some clever person thought, if we join
two wheels together and make them bigger, we can use them to move things

In the last few centuries, things have begun to move faster. Take a 20th-century
invention like the aeroplane, for example. The first acroplane flight on 17
December 1903 only lasted 12 seconds, and the plane only went 37 metres. It can’t
have been very exciting to watch, but that flight changed the world. Sixteen years
later, the first plane flew across the Atlantic, and only fifty years after that, men
walked on the moon. Technology is now changing our world faster and faster. So
what will the future bring?

One of the first changes will be the materials we use. Scientists have just invented
an amazing new material called graphene, and soon we will use it to do lots of
things. With graphene batteries in your mobile, it will take a few seconds to charge
your phone or download a thousand gigabytes of information! Today, we make
most products in factories, but in the future, scientists will invent living materials.
Then we won’t make things like cars and furniture in factories – we will grow

Thirty years ago, people couldn’t have imagined social media like Twitter and
Facebook. Now we can’t live without them. But this is only the start. Right now,
scientists are putting microchips in some disabled people’s brains, to help them
see, hear and communicate better. In the future, we may all use these technologies.
We won’t need smartphones to use social media or search the internet because the
internet will be in our heads!

More people will go into space in the future, too. Space tourism has already begun,
and a hundred years from now, there may be many hotels in space. One day, we
may get most of our energy from space too. In 1941, the writer Isaac Asimov wrote
about a solar power station in space. People laughed at his idea then, but we should
have listened to him. Today, many people are trying to develop a space solar
power station. After all, the sun always shines above the clouds!

Question 1: The writer says that in the past ___________.

A, people didn’t invent many things

B, people didn’t want to use wheels

C, most inventions were to do with farming

D, it took time for new ideas to change things

Question 2: Why does the writer use the example of the aeroplane?

A, To explain why transport changed in the 20th century.

B, Because he thinks It’s the most important invention in history.

C, To explain how space travel started.

D, To show how an invention developed quickly.

Question 3: What does the writer say about the future of communication?

A, We can’t know what the most popular social media will be.

B, Microchips will become faster.

C, We won’t use the internet as much.

D, We won’t need devices like smartphones.

Question 4: What does the writer say about space solar power?

A, It’s an old idea, but people are only starting to develop it now.

B, It’s a science fiction idea, and nobody really thinks it will work.

C, It’s much easier to build a solar power station in space than on Earth.

D, People tried it in 1941, but they didn’t succeed.

Question 5: The best title for the article would be ___________.

A, Man in space

B, Will computers rule the world?

C, More and more inventions

D, Progress now and then

Bài 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Accidents do not occur at random. People eighty-five years of age and older are
twenty-two times likely to die accidentally than are children five to nine years old.
The risk for native Americans is four times that for Asian-Americans and twice
that for white Americans or African-Americans. Males suffer accidents at more
than twice the rate of females, in part because they are more prone to risky
behavior. Alaskans are more than three times as likely as Rhode Islanders to die in
an accident. Texans are twenty-one times more likely than New Jerseyites to die in
a natural disaster. Among the one hundred most populous counties, Kern County,
California (Bakersfield), has an accident fatality rate three times greater than
Summit County, Ohio (Akron)

Accidents happens more often to poor people. Those living in poverty receive
inferior medical care, are more apt to reside in houses with faulty heating and
electrical systems, drive older cars with fewer safety features, and are less likely to
use safety belts. People in rural areas have more accidents than city or suburban
dwellers because farming is much riskier than working in a factory or office and
because emergency medical services are less readily available. These two factors –
low income and rural residence – may explain why the south has a higher accident
rate than the north.

(Source: Proficiency Reading)

Question 38: Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A, Children aged five to nine face the greatest accident risk.

B, All people face an equal risk of having an accident.

C, One in every 22 people aged 85 and over will die in an accident.

D, The risk of having an accident is greater among certain groups of people.

Question 39: The word “inferior” in the passage is closest in meaning


A, modern

B, low-quality

C, well-equipped
D, unsafe

Question 40: According to the passage, which of the following groups of people in
America face the highest risk of having an accident?

A, Native Americans

B, Asian-Americans

C, White Americans

D, African-Americans

Question 41: What does the word “that” in the passage refer to?

A, males

B, native Americans

C, the risk

D, African-Americans

Question 42: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for a higher
accident rate among the poor?

A, Little knowledge about safety.

B, Inadequate medical services.

C, Poor housing and working conditions.

D, Use of cars which incorporate fewer safety features.

Bài 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Accidents do not occur at random. People eighty-five years of age and older are
twenty-two times likely to die accidentally than are children five to nine years old.
The risk for native Americans is four times that for Asian-Americans and twice
that for white Americans or African-Americans. Males suffer accidents at more
than twice the rate of females, in part because they are more prone to risky
behavior. Alaskans are more than three times as likely as Rhode Islanders to die in
an accident. Texans are twenty-one times more likely than New Jerseyites to die in
a natural disaster. Among the one hundred most populous counties, Kern County,
California (Bakersfield), has an accident fatality rate three times greater than
Summit County, Ohio (Akron)

Accidents happens more often to poor people. Those living in poverty receive
inferior medical care, are more apt to reside in houses with faulty heating and
electrical systems, drive older cars with fewer safety features, and are less likely to
use safety belts. People in rural areas have more accidents than city or suburban
dwellers because farming is much riskier than working in a factory or office and
because emergency medical services are less readily available. These two factors –
low income and rural residence – may explain why the south has a higher accident
rate than the north.

(Source: Proficiency Reading)

Question 38: Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A, Children aged five to nine face the greatest accident risk.

B, All people face an equal risk of having an accident.

C, One in every 22 people aged 85 and over will die in an accident.

D, The risk of having an accident is greater among certain groups of people.

Question 39: The word “inferior” in the passage is closest in meaning

A, modern

B, low-quality

C, well-equipped

D, unsafe

Question 40: According to the passage, which of the following groups of people in
America face the highest risk of having an accident?

A, Native Americans

B, Asian-Americans

C, White Americans

D, African-Americans

Question 41: What does the word “that” in the passage refer to?

A, males

B, native Americans

C, the risk

D, African-Americans

Question 42: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for a higher
accident rate among the poor?

A, Little knowledge about safety.

B, Inadequate medical services.

C, Poor housing and working conditions.

D, Use of cars which incorporate fewer safety features.

Plants and animals will find it difficult to escape from or adjust to the effect of
global warming, Scientists have already observed shifts in the lifecycles of many
plants and animals, such as flowers blooming earlier and birds hatching earlier in
the spring. Many species have begun shifting where they live or their annual
migration patterns due to warmer temperatures.

With further warming, animals will tend to migrate toward the poles and up
mountainsides toward higher elevations. Plants will also attempt to shift their
ranges, seeking new areas as old habitats grow too warm. In many places,
however, human development will prevent these shifts. Species that find cities or
farmland blocking their way north or south may become extinct. Species living in
unique ecosystems, such as those found in polar and mountaintop regions, are
especially at risk because migration to new habitats is not possible. For example,
polar bears and marine mammals in the Arctic are already threatened by dwindling
sea ice but have nowhere farther to go.

Projecting species extinction due to global warming is extremely difficult. Some

scientists have estimated that 20 to 50 percent of species could be committed to
extinction with 2 to 3 Celsius degrees of further warming. The rate of warming, not
just the magnitude, is extremely important for plants and animals. Some species
and even entire ecosystems, such as certain types of forest, many not be able to
adjust quickly enough and may disappear.

Ocean ecosystems, especially fragile ones like coral reefs, will also be affected by
global warming. Warmer ocean temperatures can cause coral to “bleach”, a state
which if prolonged will lead to the death of the coral. Scientists estimate that even
1 Celsius degree of additional warming could lead to widespread bleaching and
death of coral reefs around the world. Also increasing carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere enters the ocean and increases the acidity of ocean waters. This
acidification furter stresses ocean ecosystems.
Question 1: Scientists have observed that warmer temperatures in the spring cause
flowers to.

A.die instantly

B.bloom earlier

C.become lighter

D.lose color

Question 2: According to paragraph 2, when their habitats grow warmer, animali

tend to move .

A.South – eastwards and down mountainsides toward lower

B.north – westwards and up mountainsides toward higher

C.toward the North Pole and down mountainsides toward lower

D.toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher

Question 3: The pronoun “those” in paragraph 2 refers to .





Question 4: The phrase “dwindling sea ice” in paragraph 2 refers to .

A.the frozen water in the Artie.

B.the violent Arctic Ocean.

C.the melting ice in the Arctic.

D.the cold ice in the Arctic.

Question 5: It is mentioned in the passage that if the global temperature rose by 2

or 3 Celsius degrees, .

A.half of the earth’s surface would be

B.the sea level would rise by 20

C.water supply would decrease by 50

D.20 to 50 percent of species could become

Question 6: According to the passage, if some species are not able to adjust quickly
to warmer temperatures, .

A.they may be endangered

B.they can begin to develop

C.they will certainly need water.

D.they move to tropical forests.

Question 7: The word “fragile” in paragraph 4 most probably means .

A.very large

B.easily damaged

C.ather strong

D.pretty hard

Question 8: The bleaching of coral reefs as mentioned in paragraph 4 indicates

A.the water absorption of coral reefs.

B.the quick growth of marine mammals.

C.the blooming phase of sea weeds.

D.the slow death of coral reefs.

Question 9: The level of acidity in the ocean is increased by .

A.the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the

B.the decrease of acidity of the pole

C.the extinction of species in coastal

D.the lose of acidity in the atmosphere around the

Question 10: What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Influence of climate changes on human

B.Effects of global warming on animals and

C.Global warming and possible solutions

D.Global warming and species

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