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Tutorial 2

Using Theory:
Integration & synthesis
Intended Learning Outcomes
Your goal in this tutorial is to learn to:

1. Synthesise two theories from the readings

2. Integrate a theory with a business example
3. Identify sustainability problems in a case study
4. Explain wickedness of sustainable commerce problems
1. Review triple bottom line (TBL)
2. Review wicked problems
3. Synthesise theory using TBL &
wicked problems
4. Integrate theory using to explain a
business case
Review triple bottom line
Triple bottom line definition
"...triple bottom line is a sustainability framework that examines a company's
social, environmental, and economic impact" (Elkington 2018, n.p.).

Sustainability definition
"meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs." (Brundtland Commission 1987)

1. Fill in the triple bottom line diagram with examples of sustainability
problems which would fit in each category on white board.
2. Draw lines connecting the problems to other categories and other
3. Ask the students how these problems may change and impact each
other over time.
Review wicked problems

"...cause-effect relations are complex and solutions unclear; many of these problems are
urgent, yet there is not central authority to solve them; their magnitude is often hard to
estimate; and those trying to solve them may even contribute to causing them"(Manning &
Reinecke 2016, n.p.).
Exemplar: Using synthesis in academic writing
Elkington (2018) developed triple bottom line theory to argue that
organisations must consider the social, environmental, and
economic aspects of their operations as equally important for their
own sustainability. These social, environmental, and economic aspects
may interact with one another to create complex problems for
organisations that we describe as wicked problems (Manning &
Reinecke 2016). Attempts by organisation leaders to resolve these
complex problems may have unintended negative consequences for
the organisation (Manning & Reinecke 2016). This means there may
not be simple actions that an organisation can take to become more
socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. Becoming
sustainable may involve substantial strategic challenges.
Case study: Journey of a coffee bean
Integrating theory: Journey of a coffee bean

1. Identify the sustainability

problems in coffee
productions and their

2. Show how you can use

theory (TBL & WP) to
explain the sustainability
problems in this case?

Which theories have you

used, and why?

Explain how the theory

helps us understand the
sustainability problems.
Source: Melanie, 2017
Exemplar: Using integration in academic writing
The coffee industry has become a pioneer in navigating wicked
problems associated with environmental, social and economic
sustainability in the developing world. Coffee production has been
historically associated with environmental degradation, poor labour
conditions, and a lack of productivity. These problems in the coffee
industry are interrelated, leaving no easy solutions for organisations
trying to be sustainable. Manning and Reinecke (2016) argue that the
coffee industry has achieved some success in navigating these
problems by implementing fair trade practices which decrease the
environmental impact, improve labour conditions for workers, and
increase productivity for companies.
1. We use theory to explain how and why questions.
2. We use synthesis to connect multiple theories.
3. We use integration to connect theory with a case study
4. Synthesis and integration are useful for:
• Explaining complex ideas using multiple theories
• Explaining how and why things happen in a real
situation using theory
5. Wicked problems are complex problems with no clear
cause or solution. Solutions to wicked problems can
cause further problems or exacerbate existing problems.
6. Sustainability problems in commerce are often
wicked problems.
Check your learning
At the end of this tutorial, can you:

q Synthesise two theories?

q Integrate a theory with a case study?
q Identify sustainability problems in a case study?
q Explain wickedness of sustainable commerce problems?

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