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Install Jmeter / Launch Functions and Variables

Source - Download zip ( Jmeter

Windows / Linux - Uncompress source file, then run ‘cd <DIRECTORY>/bin/jmeter’ Time - ${__time(dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss)}
Docker - Run ‘docker pull egaillardon/jmeter’ UUID - ${__UUID()}
Email (Random) - ${__V(${__UUID()}${__Random(1,90000000,)}}
Random - ${__Random(0,10)}
Random Date - ${__RandomDate(,,2050-07-08,,)}
Plugin Manager / Suggested Plugins
Random String - ${__RandomString(10,abcdefg)}
Source - Download JAR ( copy to the Jmeter lib/ext
Time shift - ${__timeShift(dd/MM/yyyy,21/01/2018,P2D,,)}
Convert epoch - ${__dateTimeConvert(1526574881000,,dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm,)}
Custom Thread Groups Perfmon (Servers Performance Monitoring)
Upper Case - ${__changeCase(Avaro omnia desunt\, inopi pauca\, sapienti nihil,UPPER,)}
Weighted Switch Controller SSHMon Sample Collector
Lower Case - ${__changeCase(LABOR OMNIA VINCIT IMPROBUS,LOWER,)}
Dummy Sampler Selenium/WebDriver Support
URL encode - ${__urlencode(Word "school" is "école" in french)}
Random CSV Data Set Siebel CRM Recorder
URL decode - ${__urldecode(Word+%22school%22+is+%22%C3%A9cole%22+in+french)}
RTE Protocol Support Websocket Samplers by Peter Doornborsh
Thread Num - ${__threadNum}
SSH Protocol Support IBM MQ Support
Thread Group - ${__threadGroupName}
ElasticSearch backend listener MQTT Protocol Support
Escape HTML - ${__escapeHtml("bread" & "butter")}
Azure backend listener JmeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool
Unescape HTML - ${__unescapeHtml(&lt;Fran&ccedil;ais&gt;)}
Blazemeter Jmeter Citrix plugin Filter Results Tool
CRLF - ${__unescape(\r\n)}
Parallel Controller & Sampler AMQP Client
Split - ${__split(${VAR},VAR,|)}
Machine IP - ${__machineIP}
Shortcut keys (Common) Shortcut keys (Common) Machine name - ${__machineName}
Duplicate - CTRL+ SHIFT+C Thread Group - CTRL+ 0
Cut - CTRL + X HTTP Request - CTRL + 1 Groovy
Copy - CTRL + C Regex Extractot - CTRL + 2 Properties put - props.put("protocol", "${protocol}");
Paste - CTRL + V Response Asset - CTRL + 3 Properties get - props.get(“protocol”);
Remove - DELETE Constant Timer - CTRL + 4
Toddle - CTRL + T JSR223 PostPro - CTRL + 5 Beanshell
Clear all - CTRL + E JSR223 PrePro - CTRL + 7 Nested Variables - ${__BeanShell(vars.get("Var${N}")}
Start - CTRL + R Debug Sampler - CTRL + 8 JMeter get var - vars.get(“HOST”);
Search - CTRL + F View Tree Result - CTRL + 9 JMeter put var - vars.put(“MSG”, “Success);

Shortcut keys (Remote) Variables and Properties Network Throttling with properties
Start all - CTRL + SHIFT + R Variable - ${Variable}
Stop all - ALT + X Property - ${__P(variable,default_value)} cps = (target bandwidth in kbps * 1024) / 8
Shutdown - ALT + Z Nested - ${__V(Var${N})}
171 Kbits/second
jmeter -Jhttpclient.socket.http.cps=21888 -Jhttpclient.socket.https.cps=21888 -t testplan.jmx
Jmeter CLI
Default value set to 0 in which means no restriction
-n Run headless -t test plan -l output log file -J local jmeter property -H Proxy host -P httpclient.socket.http.cps=0
Proxy port httpclient.socket.https.cps=0

Basic HiDPI properties

./jmeter -n -t testplan.jmx -l testresults.jtl jmeter.hidpi.mode=true
jmeter.hidpi.scale.factor=2.0 jsyntaxextraarea.font.size=28
Advanced jmeter.toolbar.icons.size=48x48
./jmeter -n -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -Jvu=400 -Jpacing=6000 -JRampup=60 - Jmeter.tree.icon.size=48x48
JRampDown=0 -JDuration=3600 -Jremote_hosts=, -t testplan.jmx -l
JMETER TESTING CHEAT SHEET (version 1.0 - 24/02/2020)
Written by Mark Lilley @ Contact:

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