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Enhanced CPD DO C RestorativeDentistry

Graeme Bryce

Nicholas Diessner, Ken Hemmings and Neil MacBeth

Solutions for Implants Placed with

Prosthetic Inconvenience
Abstract: A prosthetically-driven approach for dental implant placement offers the most predictable means of achieving a biologically
stable and aesthetic implant-supported restoration. Optimal dental implant placement may be limited by local factors and complicate the
prosthetic reconstruction. This article aims to offer guidance on the surgical and prosthetic options available to manage suboptimally-
positioned dental implants.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: This article is relevant to dental clinicians placing and restoring dental implants, and those who are considering
them in treatment planning.
Dent Update 2019; 46: 1003–1014

The popularity of implant-supported The importance of this implant-tissue outcome and long-term maintenance
restorations has led to the development of association has led to the development issues.9 Conversely, superficial fixture
increasingly innovative clinical techniques of ‘prosthetically driven’ surgical placement (<2 mm) can also lead to
to provide successful and aesthetic tooth protocols, where the optimal prosthetic aesthetic complications as it may create
replacements. Successful implant outcomes tooth position2 is used to determine the a more acutely angled emergence profile
are underpinned by positioning the fixture correct spatial position for the implant of the prosthetic restoration and risk
at the optimal vertical and horizontal fixture. exposure of the abutment and possibly
position within the alveolar bone, Failure to achieve the the fixture10 (Figure 2).
encouraging the development of a healthy ideal horizontal and vertical spatial Comprehensive patient
peri-implant soft tissue collar1 and reducing relationships can lead to problems. assessment and treatment planning,
the risks of peri-mucosal complications.2 Horizontal misalignment within the in combination with a good surgical
buccal plane may increase the risk technique, can normally mitigate against
Graeme Bryce, BDS, MSc, MEndoRCS, of alveolar bone loss3,4 and mucosal the risk of implant malposition. A
MRD RCPSG, FDS(Rest), Consultant in recession2,5,6 (Figure 1). In contrast, diagnostic wax-up of the final prosthetic
Restorative Dentistry, Defence Primary palatal placement risks an inferior restoration can help determine not
Health Care Centre for Restorative emergence profile of the prosthetic only the ideal shape of the restoration,
Dentistry (email: graemebryce001@ crown.7 Inappropriate mesial-distal but also optimally guide the implant, Nicholas Diessner, MSc, implant position may also affect the position. However, despite meticulous
Dental Technician, Defence Primary Health shape and size of the interproximal planning, the ideal fixture position may
Care Centre for Restorative Dentistry, Ken papilla,8 with failure to achieve a be inherently compromised by the
Hemmings, BDS, MSc, DRD RCS, FDS RCS, 1.5−2 mm peripheral bone margin, presence of adverse anatomical features
ILTM, FHEA, Consultant in Restorative resulting in loss of the papilla height, (neurovascular bundles, maxillary
Dentistry, Eastman Dental Hospital, 256 reduced thickness of the gingival collar sinus, adjacent teeth alignment) or
Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD and and an undesirable embrasure form and alveolar bone and soft tissue defects,
Neil MacBeth, BDS, MSc, FFGDP, MGDS, emergence profile. resulting in a challenging prosthetic
MFGDP, MFDS, FDS(Rest), Consultant in With regards to vertical reconstruction. The early identification
Restorative Dentistry, Defence Primary
apical-coronal malpositioning, deep of cases, where the prosthetically-driven
Health Care Centre for Restorative
implants (>2 mm) can result in an protocol cannot be followed, allows
Dentistry, Evelyn Woods Road, Aldershot,
increased risk of bone resorption, tissue for investigation of different prosthetic
GU11 2LS, UK.
shrinkage, a compromised aesthetic solutions. Close liaison with the dental
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a at the expense of the ability to construct

an optimal prosthetic emergence profile.
Simple management of a
buccal placed implant may involve the
use of a two-stage protocol, which aims
to distribute the residual mucosal tissue
electively. In the maxillary area, the
alveolar crestal secondary stage incision
can be placed palatally and the reflected
flap displaced towards the buccal aspect
Figure 1. UR3 implant placed too deep and in of the fixture. This protocol promotes
too buccal a position with subsequent soft tissue the retention of keratinized mucosa, at
recession and metal abutment show.
b an adequate tissue thickness around the
implant neck. However, primary closure
a may sometimes be difficult after this
procedure, as it can be dependent on
the tissue thickness and the extent of
the displacement. Delayed healing by
secondary intention, with increased risk
of recession to the adjacent teeth, can
result if the tissues cannot be closely
Figure 3. (a, b) Case 1: This hypodontia case A variety of surgical peri-
illustrates failed block bone grafting with implant mucosal augmentation
resultant vertical and horizontal bone defects techniques have been promoted,
that necessitated buccal angulation of both with the aim of either improving the
the UR5 and UR3 fixtures. Subsequently, the prosthetic emergence profile of the
provisional restorations can be seen to have
restoration and/or reducing the risk of
a reduced band of KM and the mucosa is
soft tissue recession.14 These techniques
erythematous and oedematous.
attempt to increase either the volume of
connective tissue at the site, resulting in
increased vascularity to the region and
b laboratory technician at this stage can enhancement of the body’s regenerative
ensure that the subsequent prosthesis is response,15,16 or the development of a
both harmonious with the mucosal tissues more robust and stable zone of keratinized
and aesthetically acceptable, minimizing mucosa. Reported augmentation
the risk of longer-term prosthetic and peri- techniques are wide-ranging and include
implant complications.9 the use of autogenous tissue-free gingival
This article uses clinical cases grafts (FGGs),17 connective tissue grafting
to present both clinician and dental (CTG),18 xenogenous (porcine-derived
technician with solutions for implants products such as MucoGraft®19) or
placed in sub-optimal positions. allografts (Alloderm®). Although opinions
on the optimal soft tissue augmentation
approach differ, the use of autogenous
Soft tissue strategies grafts (CTG/FGG) has been found to
The consequences associated with be effective at increasing the mucosal
Figure 2. (a, b) These CAD images illustrate two
implants placed in a sub-optimal position thickness and KM.20
different emergence profiles resulting from are particularly severe in the aesthetic The early identification of
implant placement. The abutment in (a) has a zone and can be further complicated implant fixtures, positioned with an
tapered design (marked in blue), leading to the when the individual has a thin and angulation that may predispose to soft
emergence at the mucosal margin (marked in scalloped biotype, a tapering tooth form11 tissue loss, is crucial for early intervention
red). The abutment in (b) has been placed too and less than 2 mm of keratinized mucosa to promote successful management. Case
shallow and has resulted in an abrupt crown (KM).12 It has been suggested that patients One (Figures 3−6) details the use of an
margin emergence (measured as 90˚). Such an with a thin scalloped biotype require apically repositioned flap in combination
angulation may impinge upon the aesthetics of placement of the implant shoulder more with a FGG, to increase the KM and
the crown emergence and creates a plaque trap
palatally, in order to reduce the risk of improve soft tissue health around two
that impacts upon the implant mucosal health.
titanium show through,13 but this may be buccal-orientated implants.
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a a

Figure 6. Case 1: The final outcome shows
b improved peri-implant soft tissue health
associated with the increased width of KM
around the implant-retained bridge. However,
the limitations of the buccal angulation of the
implants with metal show at the neck of the UR3.

Figure 4. (a, b) Case 1: To stabilize the peri-

implant soft tissues, an FGG was harvested from
the palate and sutured onto the buccal aspect.

Figure 8. (a−c) Case 2: The case was managed

using a CTG roll-flap technique, with connective
tissue rolled from the palatal to the buccal
b aspect and same-day laboratory manufactured
provisional crowns. This avoided the need for the
placement of healing abutments that may have
Figure 7. (a, b) Case 2: This case details encouraged soft-tissue recession.
incorrectly placed implants within the UR2 and
UL2 sites with subsequent labial mucosa shine
through of the implant collar.
Alternatively, enhanced soft tissue
healing can be achieved by using
same-day provisional crowns, provided
available to guide the clinician on chairside or through the laboratory, if
Figure 5. (a, b) Case 1: The definitive restoration
appropriate abutment choice, with close support is available. The early use
was a hybrid bridge with screw retention on the
UR3 implant and a gold cast custom abutment,
most guidance originating from case of provisional crowns has been found
with a margin lying 0.5 mm below the soft tissue reports or manufacturer guidelines. to improve the mucosal profile around
collar, for the UR5 fixture. Conventional parallel-sided healing the definitive prosthetic structures.21,22
abutments have been augmented Adaptation and individual molding of
with a range of contoured, aesthetic the provisional crowns (see Case Two)
or adjustable abutments that aim to can be an effective means of preserving
Prosthetic management improve soft tissue adaptation around and manipulating the soft tissues until
at second stage surgery: the coping during early healing. Such the desired mucosal emergence profile
abutment selection contoured healing abutments may and papilla contours are achieved.23
Temporary abutments include cover mitigate against the risk of soft tissue Case Two details a clinical
screws, healing abutments and provisional recession around implants positioned example of implants that were labially
crowns. Surprisingly, little research is with an increased buccal emergence. angulated due to lack of bone (Figure
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mucosal tissues were stable at the

2-year review (Figure 9).

Definitive restoration
The definitive implant restoration can
be manufactured as either a one-piece
screw-retained structure starting at the
implant level, or in two components,
using an angulated or custom abutment
Figure 9. Case 2: The 2-year review shows a thick and cemented crown. Although both
soft tissue collar around the crowns, masking Figure 12. Case 3: The shallow placement of the techniques are successful, the use of
the underlying implants. However, the custom implant has challenged the emergence profile as an angulated abutment allows the
abutments were unable to disguise the poor illustrated by the dimensional disparity between clinician to use a variety of abutment
positioning of the implants, with the emergence the ‘red’ line of the emergence profile and ‘black’ orientations to support the prosthetic
of the crowns lying apical to the gingival zenith line of the ideal crown shape. structure. Influencing factors include:
of the adjacent central incisors. Alternative
the type of implant (bone level or
treatment options would have been explantation a
with block bone grafting to facilitate improved
trans-mucosal designs), the implant
positioning. configuration (internal or external
hex), divergent implant direction, the
a available restorative space, aesthetic
demands and desired prosthetic

Implant level abutments

Dental implant fixtures can be restored
with screw-retained or cement-
retained crowns, with each technique
having individual advantages and
b disadvantages. The major benefits of
b screw retention include a reduction in
the inter-occlusal vertical space required
for restoration and simplification of
prosthetic retrieval. Retention of an
access foramen may, however, be at
the expense of impaired control over
occlusal contacts.24
Successful planning for
Figure 13. (a, b) Case 3: The subsequent
screw-retained restorations requires
provisional crown had a labial cantilever of labial
the adoption of a prosthetically-driven
Figure 10. (a, b) Screw-access channel lying crown margin and a poor emergence profile,
with the soft tissue collar lying below the gingival surgical protocol, where the vertical
within the cingulum plane of a canine crown. This
margin of the adjacent UR1 tooth. screw access emerges within the
position negatively impairs the technician’s ability
to contour the crown effectively to provide both
cingulum envelope of the implant
an occlusal contact and dynamic guidance. crown (anteriorly) (Figure 10) or inter-
cuspal fossa (posteriorly).
Within the aesthetic
7). Clinical options to manage the case
zone, adoption of this protocol can
included explantation and repositioning
result in the implant being palatally
of the implant or, as detailed, soft tissue
positioned in the alveolar ridge, with
augmentation at second stage surgery the requirement to use a labially
using the combination of immediate cantilevered crown, to achieve
provisional crowns (Figure 8a) and a alignment in the arch. Cantilevering
roll-flap connective tissue graft (Figure the crown in this manner can increase
8b and c). The definitive management the difficulty associated with creating a
Figure 11. Case 3: Conventional screw-retained of the case employed UCLA cast custom natural emergence profile, particularly
implant placement in UL1 site with access cavity abutments with cement-retained crowns. when the technician attempts to
within the cingulum of the restoration.
Despite the aesthetic compromise, the recreate a desired ‘triangular’-shaped
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Figure 17. Translation of labial emergence profile

Figure 14. Addition of composite to the from adjusted provisional to definitive crown.
provisional restoration until a satisfactory
emergence was achieved.

Figure 19. (a, b) Stock abutment with

inappropriate marginal height, lying above the
mucosal collar (Figure 9) and post-technician

Figure 18. Improved aesthetics achieved by a

adjusted emergence profile of definitive crown.

Figure 15. Addition of composite onto an

impression coping to capture the emergence
either an impression coping customized
through the addition of a composite
material (Figures 14 and 15), or through
a direct impression of the provisional
crown emergence surface. Both
techniques allow the developed soft b
tissue profile to translate directly into the
definitive restoration (Figures 16−18).
Small subsequent changes in emergence
profile are well tolerated by the mucosal
tissues in most circumstances, resulting
Figure 16. The emergence of the provisional in transient blanching of the adjacent
profile was subsequently copied and captured soft tissues which normally resolves
within the definitive digital model (outlined in after a few minutes. Large changes to
red) constructed screw-retained crown.
the emergence profile may promote
apical displacement or recession of the Figure 20. (a, b) UCLA in process of wax-up.
mucosal tissue and unwanted aesthetic
anterior crown against the circular gingival changes.
cross-sectional shape of the dental The use of angulated
abutments and cement-retained crowns damage to the implant. Abutments for
implant. Again, the use of provisional
can facilitate restoration of implants cement-retained crowns can be either
crowns, with additions or alterations,
can help manipulate the soft tissue that are not restorable via conventional prefabricated standard abutments or
collar until the desired emergence screw retention. In addition to custom made, where they are designed
profile is achieved (Case Three: Figures purported improved aesthetics, cement to promote an idealized mucosal peri-
11−13). The preferred soft tissue retention may add a stress-breaking implant collar.
contour, produced by the provisional cement interface between the crown Stock/standard abutments
restoration, can then be captured with and abutment, reducing the risk of are relatively inexpensive and are
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available in an array of angle-correction

sizes (ranging from 12°−30°), to simplify
the prosthetic manufacturing process.
However, their use is limited, as they
can only be used when their design
correlates with the requirements for the
abutment margin and its relationship
with the mucosal tissue collar (Figure
19). Sometimes, significant angle
correction, in combination with a
superficial implant fixture placement,
Figure 21. CADCAM design of same abutment.
can result in visibility of the abutment
structure affecting the aesthetics of the
prosthetic restoration. Use of standard
angled abutments can also result in
a deep abutment/crown interface
Figure 23. Nobel® angulated screw channel.
that predisposes to both sub-gingival
cement extrusion and an uncleansable
junction, with increased risk of peri-
implant disease.
In contrast, custom
abutments can limit the risks associated
with the creation of this interface,
through the manufacture of an
abutment/crown margin that lies 0.5
mm to 1 mm below the peri-implant
Figure 24. Head of an angled screw-driver
mucosal collar (Figure 20). Custom
(Neoss®, Harrogate, UK).
abutments can also help to manage
the complex 3D emergence profile
requirements, when implant fixtures
have been placed too deep or shallow.
Custom abutments
may be waxed-up and cast (UCLA)
or manufactured using CADCAM
processes (Figure 21). Cast custom
abutments have good survival rates,25,26
Figure 25. Two part zirconia with metal base held
predictability and can allow the crown
to the implant by the Nobel Biocare Omni® screw.
to be cemented with a provisional
cement, aiding retrieval if required.
However, their use is more expensive,
owing to the high costs associated the implant.29 In addition, fractures of
with the components and cast metals, zirconia abutments have been reported
in addition to their labour-intensive when it is used in thin sections.30
CADCAM abutments retain Figure 22. Co-Axis® implant with prosthetic
Angle correcting implants
many of the benefits of cast custom
and abutments
abutments but are cheaper and, from
a laboratory perspective, more time- Implant companies have sought
efficient to construct.27 CADCAM innovative solutions to the conundrum
tissues or a higher risk of recession has of merging the biological benefits
also facilitates the use of additional
been seen as advantageous as its white achieved when adopting a cement-
materials such as zirconia, titanium and
cobalt chromium. Zirconia has been coloration can mask unwanted aesthetic retained implant placement orientation
viewed as an attractive sub-structure changes. However, concerns have also and the benefits of a screw-retained
material as it has excellent strength, been expressed relating to potential prosthetic solution. Implants with
comparative marginal fit and aesthetic damage to the implant hex through angled prosthetic correction of 12, 24
properties.28 Its use in situations micro-movement fretting of the harder and 36 degrees (Co-Axis®, Southern,
involving patients with thin mucosal zirconia on the softer titanium alloy of Centurion, RSA) offer solutions to
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a a a

b b b

c Figure 27. (a, b) Case 5: Use of mucosal-coloured Figure 29. (a, b) Case 6: The implants were
porcelain to disguise loss of inter-dental papilla. explanted using 3i BioMet® (Palm Beach, Fl, USA)
Implant Removal Kit and a further two implants

Figure 30. Case 6: 3i BioMet® Implant Removal

Figure 28. Case 6: This case shows unrestorable
implants within the UR1 and UR2 sites.

stock components and generally allow

angle correction of between 12 and 30
of screw insertion (Figures 23 and 24).
degrees, in full-arch, implant-supported
Such systems may allow the implant
restorations. They are used as a
Figure 26. (a−d) Case 4: The use of multi-unit to be placed in the ideal buccal-lingual
transitional or intermediate component,
abutments to correct angulation from implants direction to optimize aesthetics whilst
placed for an All-on-Four® rehabilitation (Nobel to establish a common screw orientation
retaining the benefits of screw-retained
Biocare). The definitive CADCAM framework of the abutment structure at a preferred
retrieval. In addition, the flexible
has employed mucosal-coloured composite vertical level to facilitate restoration of
nature of these systems allows metal
to disguise the soft tissue loss and give the the patient. Their use has been found
interface with the implant and zirconia
appearance of papilla. to be associated with longstanding
substructure to support the restoration,
bone stability31 and allow for simplified
redressing the reported problems with
prosthetic outcomes.32
implant/zirconia interfaces (Figure 25).
optimize placement within bone whilst Multi-unit abutments once
retaining screw-retained retrievability fitted, are left in situ, with subsequent
(Figure 22).
Multi-unit abutment impressions and fit of the prosthetic
Recently, manufacturers have restoration components occurring at the newly
introduced a modification to the retaining Multi-unit abutments can facilitate determined transitional abutment level.
screw head, allowing a matching screw- restoration of multiple divergent The increased height of the abutment
driver to engage with the head at an implants with both fixed and removable platform increases visibility and ease
angle tilted to 25 degrees from the path prostheses. Multi-unit abutments are of access to the prosthetic interface,
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a check-jigs on the abutments, making subsequent cost to the patient.

impression-taking and cast-verification
simpler. Patient comfort may also be Porcelain/composite soft
improved, with reduced requirement for tissue replacement options
local anaesthesia at the clinical stages
The replacement of extensive vertical or
of prosthesis construction and easier
horizontal alveolar/mucosal tissue defects
cannot always be easily managed with
The major limitations
associated with the use of multi-unit bone and soft tissue grafting procedures.
abutments relate to the requirement If the tissue loss is accepted, then the
b to use smaller diameter retaining prosthetic structure may need to cope
screws, that have reduced maximum with an increased inter-arch distance,
torque value (with increased risk of longer teeth, a reverse smile line,
loosening of the superstructures) and rectangular tooth forms, inverted tooth
the requirement for sufficient inter- axes, and lack of support for the upper lip.
arch vertical restorative space, to house Alternatively, dental
both the multi-unit abutment and the technicians can use an array of techniques
definitive prosthetic structure. and materials (including pink ceramic,
The use of angled multi- acrylic or composite) to replace gingival
unit abutments have facilitated the tissues. Small defects (single or two-unit
Figure 31. (a, b) Case 6: Definitive screw-
retained prosthesis restoring the implants. development of novel approaches to cases) can often be simply managed using
full-arch reconstructions, such as All-on- small additions of pink ceramic (Case Five:
FourTM (Nobel Biocare, Zurich-Flughafen, Figure 27) or larger teeth compensating
Switzerland) (Case Four: Figure 26). This for reduced proximal tissue. More severe
whilst reducing the risk of trauma to
approach facilitates the placement of defects, involving multiple implant
the peri-implant mucosal collar during
larger implants in divergent orientations sites, may include sizable composite
the rehabilitation pathway. The reduced
that avoid the anatomical limitations layering techniques as detailed in Case
need to disrupt the mucosal margin may
associated with the inferior dental nerve 4 (Figure 26). Hybrid techniques, such
be of particular benefit in patients with as the use of a mucosal coloured screw-
and maxillary sinus. The ability to place
reduced KM, for instance, in implant- implant fixtures which do not conform retained base with individual cemented
supported over-denture cases. In to the prosthetically-driven protocol crowns, have also been advocated as a
addition, the use of these components can help to avoid the needs for grafting means of replacing larger defects, whilst
allows the clinician to check the seating procedures and can allow for longer but reducing the maintenance burden.
of impression copings visually and fewer implants to be used, reducing the Such prostheses require careful liaison

Implant Orientation Biological Implications Prosthetic Complications Laboratory Technician


Deep (>5 mm peri-implant Deep uncleansible periodontal Increased abutment length  Manufacturing a tapered
pocket) pocket Risk of abutment exposure abutment to achieve a natural
Soft tissue recession emergence profile.
Peri-implantitis  Gauging the correct amount
of pressure that the abutment/
restoration can apply to the
soft tissue (biotype is difficult to
determine from models).
 A removable soft tissue
model is required.

Shallow (<1 mm peri-implant Unsatisfactory emergence  Achieving contact points that

pocket) profile manage the papillae to reduce
Risk of implant exposure the aesthetic limitations posed
by dark triangular spaces.
 Managing an acute
emergence profile angle.

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Implant Orientation Biological Implications Prosthetic Complications Laboratory Technician

Buccal Mucosal recession Mucosal shine through of  Managing the aesthetics of
implant the prosthesis labial face – the
Unsatisfactory emergence reduced space often leads
profile to over contouring of the
 Managing the alignment of
the prosthesis in relation to the
surrounding dentition.
 The creation of a greying of
the mucosal tissues around the
margin (if metal is used).

Palatal Cleansability of pontic Labial cantilever of crown  Hard to match emergence

profile of teeth.
 Gauging the correct amount
of pressure that the abutment/
restoration can apply to the soft
 Intrusion of the abutment/
restoration onto the palatal/
lingual aspect leading to
over-contour of the palatal
restoration surface.

Table 1. Overview of implant orientation and potential clinical and laboratory challenges.

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substructure design is: cleansable, damaged fixture head. participants included in the article.
provides support for the overlying
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