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Guiding operators through the
re-evaluation process

Victoria Monsma, Tim Illson, Ramgopal Thodla, Afzal Hussain

JØrg Aarnes, Shane Finneran

Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


1. Repurposing pipelines is essential to scaling hydrogen 03

2. Overview of standards and R&D 05

3. Making the decision to evaluate the repurposing of pipelines 10

4. A harmonized, rigorous evaluation process 12

5. Five pioneering projects - supporting operators globally

to re-evaluate their pipeline assets 18

Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

The energy transition and climate targets have created a pressing need to scale technologies to
decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors, many of which require low-carbon gases as well as greater

To reach the targets of the Paris Agreement, DNV forecasts

that hydrogen will need to meet around 15% of world energy
demand by mid-century. This will necessitate a significant How can this white paper help?
build-out of infrastructure to enable a hydrogen economy, This paper presents the current research and latest
much of it repurposed from natural gas infrastructure. The cost development around hydrogen pipelines. It explores
to repurpose pipelines is expected to be just 10-35% of new established standards and the challenges facing the
construction costs1. This potential saving will lead to more than sector. It also outlines a process to assess the safety
50% of hydrogen pipelines globally being repurposed from and feasibility of repurposing pipelines for hydrogen to
natural gas pipelines, rising to as high as 80% in some regions build the confidence and certainty needed by network
that have significant existing natural gas infrastructure. operators, governments, and regulators, enabling
decision making today to transform energy systems
As demand for repurposing natural gas pipelines grows, for a low-carbon future.
companies operating in the sector will have different questions
and need guidance to help them get started. For example,
as a pipeline operator looking to transform energy systems
for hydrogen, or a government decision-maker or regulator,
where do you start in your efforts to repurpose natural gas
networks? What are the vital factors you need to assess?
And what standards should guide your assessment?

European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (2021) Transporting Pure Hydrogen by Repurposing Existing Gas Infrastructure.

Available at:


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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


Assessing existing natural gas transmission pipelines for hydrogen transport requires a set of reliable
and adequate guidelines. The baseline for evaluating the repurposing of pipelines is the standards and
recommended practices available today, but there are gaps in these standards that need to be filled.

Industrial users, such as producers of ammonia, have 2.1 Current standards focused on natural gas and
transported hydrogen in pipelines for decades, but in limited new-build hydrogen pipelines
use cases. Standards are not yet fully developed for the
transportation of hydrogen more widely in gas infrastructure Existing pipeline infrastructure has been designed for
and in repurposed pipelines. transporting natural gas. Various industry standards govern
the construction and operation of natural gas pipelines, as
This is where R&D and joint industry projects play an essential seen in Table 1, along with local regulations. However, the
role to close knowledge gaps to develop standards and codes that are currently in place provide limited guidance
recommended practices needed for safe and efficient on the design and use of hydrogen in existing pipelines.
repurposing of pipelines for hydrogen as an essential enabler The commonly cited design practice for hydrogen pipelines
of a hydrogen economy. is based on the ASME B31.12 standard.



BSI PD 8010-1 Pipeline systems - Part 1 United Kingdom Yes No

Code of Practice, Steel pipelines on land

ASME B31.8 Gas transmission and United States No No

distribution piping systems

ASME B31.12 Hydrogen piping and United States Yes, 10-100% hydrogen Yes

EN 14164 Petroleum and natural gas European Committee for Yes No

industries pipeline transportation systems Standardization (CEN)

NEN 3650/51 The Netherlands Yes No

ISO 13623 Petroleum and natural gas International Organization for Yes No
industries - pipeline transportation systems Standardization

IGEM/TD/1 Edition 6 steel pipelines for United Kingdom No No

high pressure gas transmission

IGEM/TD/1 Edition 6 steel pipelines for United Kingdom Yes Yes

high pressure gas transmission supplement 2

AS/NZS 2885.1 Pipelines gas and liquid Australia and New Zealand No No
petroleum, Part 1: Design and construction

Z662 Oil and gas pipeline systems Canada No No

DVGW G 409, 2020 Conversion of Germany Yes Yes

high-pressure gas steel pipelines for a
design pressure of more than 16 bar for
transportation of hydrogen

Table 1 - Existing standards related to gas pipelines RED: no requirements and hydrogen is not allowed

YELLOW: no requirements but hydrogen is allowed

GREEN: hydrogen is allowed, and requirements are provided

Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

2.2 Understanding the application standards 2.3 Key considerations when repurposing pipelines
for hydrogen
Many existing international pipeline standards include
hydrogen in their scope but provide no specific integrity or Transport of hydrogen in pipelines poses a wide range of
materials requirements for hydrogen. As a result, the ASME challenges, which include safety and financial risks for both
B31.12 standard is often used as the template for feasibility new and repurposed pipelines. The demand for hydrogen
assessments. However, some ASME requirements are likely from end users is likely to place constraints on the quality and
to be conservative as they are based on sour (infrastructure quantity of hydrogen transported in pipelines, and it may also
containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4)) place operating restrictions and challenges on pipelines.
service design guidance. These requirements are then
challenging to achieve for existing natural gas transmission
pipelines. Some of the requirements, such as weld hardness,
are even more conservative than those found in sour service
guidelines such as NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156. ENVIRONMENT OPERATIONS

Nevertheless, the possible negative effects of hydrogen • Hydrogen pressure • Pressure

on pipeline materials, especially long-term, should not be • Impurities • Loading variations
underestimated, especially considering that there is limited • Temperature • Residual stress
experience of operating hydrogen pipelines. For this reason,
the repurposing process needs to be aligned so that it
ensures safe hydrogen transportation in the future. During
the repurposing process all aspects related to change of fluid
must be carefully evaluated, taking into account the local MATERIAL CURRENT STATE
regulatory regime. This requires deep technical knowledge
• Grade • Weld quality
and an understanding of gas networks.
• Microstructure • Defects
• Chemical composition • Installation strain
According to DNV’s observations, many existing pipelines
will not comply with the ASME requirements, but they could
still be used for hydrogen. To convert these assets, operators Figure 1 - Key pipeline challenges during repurposing
need to take mitigating measures such as performing material
testing to prove that the material has sufficient fracture
toughness. The ASME B31.12 standard requires the testing Typically, gas pipelines are subject to many low amplitude
specified in the boiler and pressure vessel code (ASME VIII), (ripple) loads, and a few large amplitude loading events
using multiple specimens from each pipe/weld system. associated with large pressure fluctuations. Pipeline operations
However, based on experience from current conversion typically fall in two regimes:
projects, this test approach may not be appropriate for
existing pipeline systems. Issues include the test method, the • Low ΔK/high R-ratio. Typically, there are many cycles in
possibility to obtain representative specimens in sufficient this range
quantities, and the method for using test data to validate an • High ΔK/intermediate R-ratio. Usually, there are fewer deep
existing pipeline. unload cycles.

The result is that for repurposing assessments, it is essential

to know the gaps in standards and guidelines and understand ΔK indicates the changes in the stress state of the crack
where it will be necessary to follow a more bespoke tip, due to, for example, pressure fluctuations.
repurposing evaluation process based on hydrogen
engineering knowledge and a design review. R-ratio is the ratio of the minimum and maximum loads
during the fatigue loading.

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

To assess the integrity of pipelines, operators need to

understand the fatigue performance over a wide range
of amplitudes. In addition to fatigue loading, pipelines
are typically subject to high mean loads, emphasizing the
importance of the fracture toughness characteristics of the Quasi static load
material. See Figure 2, which shows the typical operating
conditions of a gas pipeline.

Low amplitude load

2.4 Gaps in existing standards

One of the major gaps in the ASME B31.12 is that it does High amplitude load
not consider the probability of hydrogen embrittlement
mechanisms: it always assumes that hydrogen has entered Time
the steel and caused degradation of properties, but this
assumption is conservative. For hydrogen embrittlement or
other hydrogen-related degradation mechanisms to occur, Figure 2 - Typical operating conditions of a gas pipeline
atomic hydrogen (H+) must enter the metal matrix. Molecular
hydrogen, H2, does not directly cause material issues; it must
dissociate to H first to cause issues. This dissociation can be Another gap is knowledge on different blends of hydrogen.
promoted by high temperatures, arcs, or other high-energy The blend of hydrogen versus natural gas will affect the gas
phenomena, which are rarely encountered in transmission properties in many aspects. The ASME B31.12 standard
pipelines. is applicable for ≥10% hydrogen. However, some of the
requirements such as impact radius and arrested crack length
However, atomic hydrogen can also be generated at an are based on the 100% hydrogen case and do not account for
actively growing fatigue crack, where the fresh metal surfaces the different properties of blends – especially in cases where
catalyse the dissociation mechanism. In addition to H2 most of the blend is natural gas. There is a need for guidelines
interacting with surface-breaking flaws, one often-raised related to the assessment of the integrity and safety of natural
consideration is whether H+ can enter the pipeline steel gas grids for natural gas/hydrogen mixtures with different
under typical operating conditions and interact with mid-wall hydrogen concentrations.
or external defects associated with the pipeline. The entry of
atomic hydrogen, under the typical operating temperatures of The above discussion highlights a few important aspects that
a pipeline, through the oxide films of steel is kinetically limited, operators need to consider when qualifying the integrity of
according to the latest industry understanding. However, both new hydrogen pipelines and natural gas pipelines that
limited work has been performed to ascertain whether H2 will be repurposed for hydrogen service.
dissociation and entry can occur over the lifetime of the pipe.
It is important to determine with sufficient confidence whether Many of the existing pipeline codes are under revision.
H2 dissociation and entry can occur, as this will have significant Alongside this, the requirements for an engineering
implications for structural analysis of mid-wall and outer assessment are evolving as project experience and research
diameter flaws. develops best practice guidance. Pipeline operators and the
wider energy industry are participating in several ongoing
Furthermore, the standard provides guidance on fatigue efforts aimed at addressing the critical questions needed to
behaviour but does not account for the low amplitude safely transport hydrogen via pipelines, and to improve the
behaviour in hydrogen service. The fracture toughness existing repurposing guidelines and requirements (see
recommendations in ASME B31.12 are based on constant Section 2.5).
displacement methods that are applicable for pressure
vessel design, but do not provide representative toughness
behaviour for pipeline operations.

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

2.5 Developing standards and recommended practices — ongoing joint industry projects

HYREADY — Preparing networks and end users for the H2Pipe — Developing standards for offshore hydrogen
addition of hydrogen to natural gas pipelines

Within the HYREADY Joint Industry Project (JIP)2, With the rapidly growing interest for hydrogen
partners have prepared guidelines for the injection of transportation in offshore pipelines, either in new
hydrogen into natural gas systems. The HYREADY project pipelines or in conversion of existing natural gas pipelines,
gathers and evaluates existing information about the the industry needs guidance on how to do this safely
impact of hydrogen on natural gas systems for 2, 5, 10, and effectively. DNV launched a JIP in 2021 to develop a
20 and 30% blends added to natural gas, and 100% of recommended practice for offshore hydrogen pipelines3.
hydrogen. The guidelines developed as part of the The objective of the JIP is for this Recommended Practice
project will provide support in the decision-making to supplement the existing offshore pipeline standard,
process in which a balance needs to be found between DNV-ST-F101. This would take a similar approach to the
the aimed maximum hydrogen percentage and the cost development of DNV-RP-F104 for CO2 pipelines.
of the needed counter measures to overcome
unacceptable consequences from the addition of
hydrogen. These guidelines are intended to be converted
further into DNV Recommended Practices.

In-service welding onto methane/hydrogen mixture

pipelines — JIP

This JIP aims to determine if welding onto an in-service

pipeline that contains a mixture of methane and hydrogen
results in an increased risk of hydrogen cracking and, if so,
to develop guidance pertaining to measures that can be
taken to mitigate the increased risk4.

In-service welds can be particularly susceptible to

hydrogen cracking, and many pipeline operators do
not allow hot tapping for this reason. The primary
defence against hydrogen cracking is to strictly limit the
introduction of hydrogen into welds by the proper use
of low-hydrogen welding electrodes. Even when low-
hydrogen electrodes are used, elevated weld hydrogen
levels can result from hydrogen being present in the steel
or from exposing the steel to elevated inside surface
temperatures during in-service welding.

HYREADY, Joint Industry Project, DNV:
H2Pipe, Joint Industry Project, DNV:
In-service welding of methane/hydrogen mixture pipelines, Joint Industry Project,

Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process



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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


Gas network operators are under pressure to transform their infrastructure and operations to support
low-carbon energy sources and carriers, and to avoid stranded assets. They need to work together
with both energy producers and energy users, and crucially they need to be ready as the pace of the
energy transition continues to accelerate. This requires making assessments and decisions today to
make gas networks ready for future transformations.

It is gas network operators, together with governments and

regulators, that initiate decisions to evaluate the possibility
of repurposing pipeline systems for hydrogen. Many natural
gas network operators have started evaluating which of their
pipelines could be converted to hydrogen service, and where
The European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) is one of the
new pipelines need to be built. Operators must ensure the
leading initiatives for the development of hydrogen
repurposing of pipelines is safe, feasible, and cost effective.
infrastructure globally. It aims to ensure secure supply
The next chapter of this paper sets out DNV’s Repurposing
and demand, and to increase cross-border collaboration
Pipelines for Hydrogen process. However, prior to undertaking
between European countries and their neighbours.
this process gas network operators should assess where,
By 2040, it foresees a hydrogen network of 23,000 km,
when, and what quantity demand there will be for hydrogen
75% of which will consist of converted natural gas
transport across their networks.
pipelines – with members having concluded that
pipelines may be reused for hydrogen based on the
Gas networks can assess demand: It is important for operators
current state of knowledge and standards.
to establish the requirements that infrastructure should meet
to be able to transport hydrogen. An operator can make an
More than 30 pipeline operators are part of the EHB (as
initial assessment of hydrogen transport requirements by
of January 2023)5. The initiative’s vision is to develop a
surveying existing natural gas users to determine their plans
hydrogen network connecting industrial clusters, ports,
for conversion to hydrogen or electrification in the energy
and hydrogen valleys – and laying the foundation for
transition. Operators can use this as a basis to decide whether
future large-scale hydrogen supply corridors.
to assess the suitability of existing infrastructure for hydrogen,
and to determine where new infrastructure will need to be
The initiative is leading European operators to
re-evaluate their assets for conversion to hydrogen.

Policymakers and regulators can increase predictability:

A solid regulatory framework for hydrogen is needed.
Up to now, no specific legislation has been implemented for
widescale hydrogen transportation in pipelines, meaning that
existing regulations for natural gas are used for hydrogen
projects. Governments can also assist network operators
in their evaluations by setting national hydrogen strategies
outlining the sectors expected to utilize hydrogen and
making clear the pricing models to be used for hydrogen
transportation and supply. This will allow operators to better
plan the conversion of existing assets.

European Hydrogen Backbone initiative:


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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

Before a natural gas pipeline is filled with hydrogen, operators need to understand and account for
the challenges and impact of hydrogen. Hydrogen use in long-distance pipelines, for example, has
been relatively limited to date, and such new uses could lead to new and unknown failure modes.

A harmonized process is needed to align operators on DNV has developed a process to guide operators in
their repurposing projects, to ensure safety, as significantly evaluating their pipelines for hydrogen. This process, set
greater amounts of hydrogen are transported, by a growing out in the following sections, considers the current state of
network of repurposed pipelines, over longer distances and infrastructure, the anticipated operating conditions, and the
across borders. Beyond a harmonized process, operators various damage mechanisms involved. It includes examples
also need to perform a rigorous evaluation of the specific of some of the variables that may influence the evaluation.
pipeline system before converting a pipeline for transporting


Define basic operational parameters

Safety assessment Assess current integrity

Revisit step 2
consider new pipeline

Establish revised basis of design

Hydraulic assessment

Safety and integrity reassessment MODIFICATIONS FEASIBLE?

REQUIREMENTS MET? Identify modifications



Figure 3 - DNV’s Evaluation process for repurposing pipelines for hydrogen

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

The following describes some of the key steps of the process, Assessing safety
providing current knowledge to guide operators in applying it Operators should perform a safety evaluation of the system,
in their own pipeline re-evaluation initiatives. addressing the implications of the change from natural gas
to hydrogen. The system should be evaluated based on the
specific safety requirements for hydrogen pipelines.
Defining the requirements and parameters for
operations As part of the safety evaluation, operators should identify and
evaluate the requirement for modifications of the pipeline
To properly assess whether a pipeline system can be system, such as additional block valves, leak detection
repurposed, operators need to define the content of upgrades, and updating ATEX zones. This should include an
hydrogen in the blend and the requirements for the evaluation of the suitability of components, and a change-out
pipeline material and compare this with existing natural gas of valves and gaskets not suitable for hydrogen transport.
code requirements. ASME B31.12 offers two options for Operators should pay particular attention to analysing the
determining design pressure: a prescriptive option (A) and consequence of accidental releases, caused by the change in
a performance-based option (B). Each option has different characteristics from natural gas to hydrogen.
material requirements as shown in Table 2.
The most important differences between natural gas and
When designing a new pipeline, the pipeline material can hydrogen to consider in terms of accidental releases are:
be specified for hydrogen service to meet the ASME B31.12
requirements. For existing natural gas pipelines that have • Hydrogen’s larger flammability range, which means that
been in operation for years, it will be a challenge to meet all a larger part of the gas can be ignited when mixed with air
requirements, especially for the performance-based option • Hydrogen’s lower ignition energy (for the high
(option B). Typically, mid-strength steel such as X42 to X65 is concentrations)
used for natural gas transport for pipelines with a diameter of • Shorter burning distances needed to initiate deflagration
16-36 inches and pressures of 40-66 bar. Higher steel grades to detonation transition (DDT)
are used for large-scale transport at 66-94 bar, and it is these • Higher explosion pressures in a hydrogen explosion.
pipelines that are intended for dedicated hydrogen transport.


Charpy test ≤0°C or min. operating/pressure testing Same as option A

temperature, 27J full size (average)

Charpy base metal absorbed energy CVN = 0.008 · (R · T)0.39 · σhoop2 Same as option A

Fracture shear % At least 80% (average) for full size Charpy Same as option A
At least 40% (average) for drop weight
teat test (DWTT)

Fracture toughness & stress intensity Not addressed KIH ≥ 55 Mpa √m


Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) Max. 689 N/mm2 Max. 758 N/mm2

Yield strength (YS) Max. 482 N/mm2 Max. 551 N/mm2

Steel composition and processing Not addressed Max. P 0.015%

Must be inclusion shape control

Thickness Not addressed Repair and other activities may not reduce wall
thickness to less than 87.5%

Design pressure limits Not addressed P≤85% of mill test pressure or field hydrotest
pressure. Cold worked pipe P≤75% of the design

Weld hardness Max. 235 HV10 Same as option A

Table 2 - ASME B31.12 material requirements for options A and B

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

Regarding failure causes, a switch to hydrogen can increase Option A limits the pressure up to 50% of that possible for
the potential for embrittlement of materials. Other failure natural gas, depending on the steel grade, which is not
causes such as third-party damage, corrosion, and ground economically feasible in most cases. For this reason, gas
movement, can be assumed to be the same as for natural gas operators are more interested in Option B, which allows them
transmission pipelines. A switch to hydrogen may reduce the to keep a higher maximum operating pressure (MAOP).
pipeline resistant capacity related to third-party damage, and
reduce the pipeline’s post-incident performance, and this must When determining the MAOP, operators should consider the
be considered during the integrity assessment. pipeline condition. For old pipelines with defects, it is currently
uncertain how operators should assess the remaining strength
capacity. The remaining strength of corroded pipelines for
Assessing integrity oil and gas operations have traditionally been assessed
using methods defined in standards such as ASME B31G or
Integrity assessments can be performed based on material DNV-RP-F101. The question is whether these methods are
properties, historical operating condition, and state of the applicable to assess pipelines under high-pressure hydrogen
infrastructure. The results of the assessments can be used to environments without modifications or calibration. This is
determine the new operating conditions, which could include an area of current research both in DNV and international
one or a combination of the following: research institutes (The European Gas Research Group,
European Pipeline Research Group).

1 2 3 There may be certain defects which are acceptable under

current integrity management criteria, which will become
Determine Control the fatigue Determine critical due to the material property change in hydrogen
operating cycling and assess inspection containing environments. There are several defects that can
pressures fatigue-associated intervals contribute to reducing the fatigue life of a pipeline. These
risk include corrosion or metal loss, weld seam defects, stress
corrosion cracking, dents, and dents in combination with
gouges. The most significant defects in the case of hydrogen
Asset integrity management of the existing natural gas service are crack-like defects, which reduce the fatigue life of pipelines
is a mature technical discipline, based on extensive operator operating under pressure fluctuations. An existing crack-like
experience, as well as analytical, experimental, and empirical defect will have an impact on the MAOP, and on the number
data. Yet, even with this experience, integrity management and amplitude of cycles.
programs (IMPs) are constantly developing and improving.
Conversely, the industry has limited experience transporting FOCUS ON EVOLUTION OF CRACK-LIKE DEFECTS
hydrogen in pipelines not originally designed to hydrogen There are always existing defects in welds. Adding hydrogen
standards, and operators recognize the potential for hydrogen into the pipeline network changes the pipeline operating
to exacerbate certain defects. In “Transitioning Line Pipe to environment, which may accelerate crack propagation or
Hydrogen Service – Integrity Management”, DNV identifies fatigue failures due to the existing defects, and thus adversely
the integrity, risk, and operational factors that operators impacts pipeline integrity.
should consider when transitioning a pipeline to hydrogen
service6. When considering the potential conversion of natural
gas pipelines for hydrogen, operators need to evaluate
the likelihood that expected pressure cycles will produce
Determining the maximum allowable pressure (MAOP) acceptable (very low) fatigue crack growth. They can then
establish a threshold value for the pipelines. Based on the
The maximum allowable pressure (MAOP) of a pipeline has frequency of pressure cycles, operators can also estimate the
a strong effect on its transport capacity and is an important amount of time until a crack reaches its selected maximum
step in the assessment. The MAOP can be determined by depth.
using option A (prescriptive) or B (performance-based) from
standard ASME B31.12 as seen in Table 2.

R. Dinata, S. Finneran, N. G. Thompson; EPRI Report 300202505: Transitioning Line Pipe to Hydrogen Service – Integrity Management;
Report #: 3002025050, Oct 31, 2022

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


Usually, it is assumed that repurposed hydrogen pipelines
EXAMPLE OF CRACK DEPTH EVOLUTION will be operated under similar conditions to natural gas in
This example explores the effects of several pressure terms of pressure fluctuations. In practice, it could be different,
cycles from 15 to 30 bar amplitude on crack depth and it will not always be possible to keep the pressure
evolution, for a 36-inch X70 pipeline with a wall thickness fluctuation below the determined threshold value. It can be
of 11.9mm and an initial defect 3mm deep and 25mm expected that pressure fluctuations will sometimes exceed
long, as shown in Figure 4. the threshold value when transporting hydrogen.

For this reason, it will not always be possible to control and

limit the crack growth in repurposed hydrogen pipelines.
0.9 This makes it essential to understand the risks and
0.8 consequences associated with fatigue. While the resulting
fatigue crack growth rate may exceed the threshold value it
Crack depth a/t

may still be acceptable if the crack does not approach critical

crack size during the design life of the pipeline. To manage
the fatigue risk for repurposed natural gas pipelines, operators
0.4 can develop a fatigue risk matrix considering the crack growth
0.3 per cycle and the number of cycles per given period (see
0.2 Figure 5). The fatigue risk matrix should take into account the
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 current integrity of the pipeline and operating conditions, the
Number of cycles determined threshold pressure value, and the new operating
deltaP=30barbar deltaP=25bar
deltaP=25 bar deltaP=20bar
deltaP=20 bar delta P=15 bar
deltaP=15 bar
conditions expected when transporting hydrogen.
Source: DNV


Figure 4 - Example of crack depth evolution
∆P, bar Pipe A Pipe B Pipe C Pipe D Pipe E Pipe F
In this example, the initial defect would not grow
significantly when the pressure variation is 15 bar (light
blue line). However, it will grow 10 times faster in the case 15
of pressure variation of 30 bar (green line). This indicates
that in this example, 15 bar could be used as a threshold 20
value to direct operational practices to achieve the
desired pipeline life.
In this example, a crack depth of 0.4 a/t would be reached
in 3,000 cycles for the pressure fluctuation 25 bar, and in Figure 5 - Risk-based pipeline fatigue evaluation
5,000 cycles for the pressure fluctuations of 20 bar.

Understanding fatigue associated risks helps pipeline

operators to optimize their integrity management when
transporting hydrogen, through inspection and other
mitigation actions. Examples of mitigation measures include:

• Controlling the number of deep cycles – large amplitude

loading events associated with large pressure fluctuations
• Material testing to perform more precise fatigue analysis
• Optimizing and prioritizing inspection and maintenance,
by considering fatigue cycles in inspection scheduling
• Assuring that inspection methods can detect crack like
defects in addition to corrosion and mechanical defects.

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

Hydraulic assessment Assessing feasibility

The transport capacity of a transmission system will change if When considering the conversion of an existing pipeline to
the gas composition is changed. The energy content of 1m3 hydrogen service, operators need to consider the business
of hydrogen at pressures relevant for pipeline transportation case justifying the conversion. This includes factors such
is roughly one third of the energy content of 1m3 natural gas as the demand for energy capacity from end users, supply
at equivalent pressure. This implies that to transport an equal availability, determination of an acceptable conversion cost
amount of energy, the velocity of pure hydrogen would need compared to a new-build option (or alternative transportation
to be three times that of natural gas. method), the consequences for end users, the required
pipeline life, and the availability of state support or funding.
When converting an existing natural gas system to hydrogen,
there are typically three scenarios:
Confirming operating conditions
• Equal maximum velocity – most conservative option
sticking to maximum design velocities Based on the MAOP calculations and capacity assessment,
• Equal pipeline capacity or equal pressure loss operators should define optimal operating conditions,
• Equal energy flow – the velocity of pure hydrogen considering the pipeline condition and operating scenario
would need to be three times that of natural gas. — see three scenarios set out in the section above. Operators
should then compare the pipeline capacity with the
Operators need to calculate and evaluate these scenarios to requirements of the business case, to determine if conversion
determine the most optimum one – considering all pipeline is economically viable or if a modified strategy is needed.
limitations. Figure 6 depicts the pipeline capacity for these
three main scenarios.
Identifying gaps

Operators should perform an analysis to identify gaps

between the original design standard and current design
80.0 requirements, and hydrogen specific guidelines and
70.0 recommended practices. Where operators identify gaps,
60.0 they should propose mitigation measures. The mitigation
Gas velocity, m/s

measures should cover all stages of the pipeline integrity

management system, with modification alternatives evaluated
with respect to feasibility, safety, and integrity. Operators
should re-assess the modification alternatives through
20.0 documenting the integrity status. Modification could also
10.0 include material testing to better understand material
0.0 properties.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Percentage of hydrogen

Eqenergy Eqcapacity
Eqcapacity Eqvelocity
Determining pipeline feasibility and recommended
mitigation actions
Source: Hydrogen Network Readiness, DNV, Pipeline Technology Conference (PTC) 20217

As a result of the re-evaluation, operators should be well

positioned to determine the feasibility of repurposing
Figure 6 - Pipeline capacity for three main scenarios pipelines and be aware of the mitigation actions they need
to take.

Independent assurance providers can play an essential role

here. They can support and advise operators throughout the
re-evaluation, and can provide assurance to the assessment,
such as by issuing an independent statement of pipeline
feasibility for hydrogen repurposing.

Hydrogen Network Readiness, Pipeline Technology Conference (PTC) 2021, DNV, V Monsma, H. Riezebos

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process



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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process


DNV is leveraging its technical expertise and Re-purposing Pipelines for Hydrogen process to
support network operators to assess the suitability of their infrastructure for hydrogen.

Here we present five projects in which DNV is supporting network operators to assess the suitability of their infrastructure
for hydrogen – readying operators to keep pace with the energy transition and accelerate the supply of low-carbon gas
to their customers.

Evaluating hydrogen suitability of a natural gas pipeline in the Czech Republic

As a Central European gas transmission system operator, NET4GAS is an important player in the European
gas market and is one of the sponsors of the “European Hydrogen Backbone” initiative. As part of the
initiative, NET4GAS is mapping its existing infrastructure and its preparedness for the transmission of pure
hydrogen and various hydrogen blends with natural gas.

NET4GAS contracted DNV to evaluate the hydrogen suitability of an existing DN 1400 pressure natural gas transmission pipeline and
related stations8, 9 – drawing on DNV’s technical knowledge and gas network understanding to provide a tailor-made solution.

DNV is investigating different scenarios for mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas, from 2% up to 100% hydrogen. The assessment includes
integrity aspects as well as safety, metering, operation, and maintenance topics.

Integrating hydrogen into gas network assets in India

Pipeline Infrastructure Limited (PIL) operates a 1,375 km long natural gas transmission pipeline in India,
connecting major domestic supply hubs in India’s east to key demand centers in the west.

The operator is assessing the readiness of its infrastructure to incorporate hydrogen – driven by the ambitions of
India’s National Hydrogen Mission to produce five million tonnes of hydrogen production a year by 203010.

DNV is providing technical advice and support to the operator on the integration of blended hydrogen into their gas
trunkline assets – including transmission pipelines, interconnects and spur lines, compressor, valve, and metering stations
and equipment11.

This includes assessing the technical impacts on gas pipelines of using hydrogen at different blending ratios (5%, 10%, 15%, 50%
and 100%). The assessment covers pipeline integrity and safety, and network operations.

DNV to evaluate hydrogen suitability of Czech Republic natural gas pipeline:
V. Monsma, DNV Challenges of converting existing natural gas pipelines to hydrogen service, including high-grade steels. PTC2022
National Green Hydrogen Mission, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India:
DNV and Pipeline Infrastructure Limited (PIL) collaborate to integrate hydrogen into PIL gas network assets in India:

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Repurposing pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process

Technical advisory and testing the suitability of hydrogen blending, for South Korea’s gas network

Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) is the world’s largest importer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and transports the
regasified fuel nationwide through its extensive high-pressure gas pipeline network. The operator has an ambitious
strategy to build hydrogen production capacity and related infrastructure.

DNV is assessing the scope for blending hydrogen with natural gas in KOGAS’ 5,000-kilometre-long domestic
transmission network12.

The work plan includes:

• Assessing and demonstrating the viability and impact of blending hydrogen with natural gas at various ratios in KOGAS’ transmission
pipeline system
• Advising on the options, construction, and operation of hydrogen injection facilities and equipment
• Reviewing methods for controlling the concentration of hydrogen blending for customers
• Providing on-site technical support and data analysis for KOGAS’ hydrogen demonstration project
• Supporting KOGAS in addressing the requirements of the energy regulator through the application of knowledge gained in related
projects internationally.

Assessing the suitability of the Danish gas network for PtX (Power to X) opportunities in line with the EU Green Deal

Energinet is Denmark’s national transmission system operator for electricity and gas. The operator is assessing
its infrastructure in the context of the European Green Deal strategy for decarbonization. The operator is eyeing
significant upside for Denmark’s PtX producers and clusters of off-takers, if large parts of the gas network can
be repurposed and possibly extended with new infrastructure to the likes of hydrogen.

DNV is supporting Energinet using its Repurposing Pipelines for Hydrogen process13. This includes assessing and
advising on pipeline re-qualification, especially in identifying the major risks for project feasibility – as any weaknesses
found could significantly increase the cost of conversion.

Previously, DNV has advised Energinet as part of a conversion study for its Frøslev to Egtved pipeline route, which is part of the Danish
Hydrogen Backbone to set up a connection to Germany for hydrogen export.

Assessing hydrogen readiness of the Hungarian gas pipeline

FGSZ operates the Hungarian high-pressure natural gas transmission pipeline system, servicing gas distribution
companies, power plants, and large industrial consumers. In the context of the European Green Deal, FGSZ is
examining the possibility to transport hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures in the Hungarian natural gas system.

Towards this aim, DNV is assessing the suitability for FGSZ’s 72 km DN600 high-pressure natural gas pipeline for
transport of hydrogen and hydrogen blends14. This includes different scenarios to assess the implications of exchanging natural gas
with up to 100% gaseous hydrogen.

DNV to assess the viability of blending hydrogen into South Korea’s gas transmission network,
DNV will aid Energinet TSO with critical knowledge on PtX (Power to X) and Denmark’s progression with EU’s green deal strategy:
DNV assesses hydrogen readiness of Hungarian gas pipeline,

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DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating
in more than 100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property,
and the environment. Whether assessing a new ship design, qualifying
technology for a floating wind farm, analysing sensor data from a gas
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We provide assurance to the entire energy value chain through our advisory, monitoring,
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many complex, interrelated transitions taking place globally and regionally, in the energy
industry. We are committed to realizing the goals of the Paris Agreement, and support our
customers to transition faster to a deeply decarbonized energy system.

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