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Subject – English 2nd Paper

Class – 5
Unit Test- 2, 2023

Chapter 16: Comparison of adjective

Worksheet – 1

Name: SL: Section: _ Date: ____________

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adjective given in the bracket.
a. He is the ____________________ (good) boy in the class.

b. Rahim is ____________________ (tall) than Karim.

c. Habib is _____________________ (strong) than his brother.

d. She is the ____________________ (beautiful) girl in the class.

e. This pen is ___________________ (cheap) than that.

f. Iron is the _____________________ (useful) metal.

g. Jamil is _______________________ (active) than Kamal.

2. Determine which form of the adjective best completes each of the following sentences.
a) This is the_________________ interesting matter. (More/most/much)

b) She is _____________________than he. (More happy/happier/happier)

c) He is a ____________________ man. (Wise/wiser/wisest)

d) He is the __________________(thinnest/more thin/most thin) boy in the class.

e) He was the _______________ man in the company.(Truest/more true/most true)

f) Her____________________ (most high, highest) score at bowling was 200.

g) It goes without saying that Roger’s hand was_______________ than mine (larger, more large).

h) Jessica was_______________ (more good, better) than Jason at solving riddles.

i) This test tube of water is definitely__________________ than the other (clearer, clearest).

j) Tomorrow’s weather should be _______________ than today’s. (coolest, cooler)

Subject – English 2nd Paper
Class – 5
Unit Test- 2, 2023

Chapter 16: Articles

Worksheet – 2
Name: SL: Section: __ Date: ______________

1. Use articles, where necessary in the following sentences:

(a) He is honours graduate.

Ans. ___________________________________________________________

(b) He reads Observer daily.


(c) I could see nothing but sky.

Ans. ___________________________________________________________

(d) Meghna is very fast train.


(e) Dhaka is oldest city in Bangladesh.


(f) Horse is useful animal.

Ans. __________________________________________________________

(g) Milk is ideal food.

Ans. __________________________________________________________

(h) Rome was not built in day.


2. Correct the following sentences:

(a) The man is mortal. (________________________________________________________)

(b) He is coward. (____________________________________________________________)

(c) He reached the Dhaka. (____________________________________________________)

(d) I met an one-eyed man. (____________________________________________________)

(e) This is fact. (______________________________________________________________)

(f) An honest man leads poor life.(_______________________________________________)

Subject – English 2nd Paper
Class – 5
Unit Test- 2, 2023

Chapter 19: Conjugation of Verb

Worksheet – 3
Name: SL: Section: __ Date: ______________

1. Change the following sentences to past tense

(a) I forget your name.
Ans. ____________________________________________________-

(b) You know the story.


(c) The students choose Hamid their captain.

Ans. _____________________________________________________

(d) The wind blows.


(e) They stand beside the door.


(f) We wait here every day.


(g) Sihab brings me a chair.


2. Fill in the blanks using the past or past participle form of the verb given in the brackets.

(a) My patience ………………………….. out at last. (wear)

(b) A mad dog …………………………… the boy. (bite)

(c) He has long …………………………….. under suspicion. (lie)

(d) He has …………………………….. a fancy to gambling. (take)

(e) The inscription has …………………………… away in several places. (wear)

(f) Sincerity is ………………………….. on his face. (write)

(g) The verdict …………………………. against him. (go)

(h) He ……………………….. a clean pair of heels. (show)

Subject – English 2nd Paper
Class – 5
Unit Test- 2, 2023

Chapter 20: Tense

Worksheet – 4

Name: SL: Section: _ Date: ____________

1. Choose simple past form of the verbs in brackets.

(a) Lucy ________________________her leg in an accident. (Broke/will break/was broken)

(b) He _____________________________us English. (Teach/has taught/taught)

(c) I _______________________________ him last week. (See/saw/shall see)

(d) He ______________________________me a picture. (Showed/will show/has shown)

(e) Why __________________________you late yesterday? (Were/had been/are)

(f) This _______________________ long ago. (Happen/happened)

(g) Who _______________________ it? (Did/had done/has done)

(h) They ________________________the match. (Won/have won/will win)

(i) Mother _________________________a shirt. (Sew/sewed/sewn)

2. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of verb.

(a) Don't disturb him. He____________________ (work) now.

(b) It is raining.________________ (not go) out.

(c) The sky is cloudy .It __________________ (rain) soon.

(d) He couldn’t attend the meeting. He __________________ (be) sick.

(e) The bell rang. The students___________________ (leave) the class room.

(f) Rahim is a driver. He_________________ (drive) bus.

(g) There are many rivers in Bangladesh. They ___________ (be) full of fish.

(h) The baby _____________ (cry). It is hungry.

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