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This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of the units:
• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing.


This cluster requires that you complete 5 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all tasks to
demonstrate competency in these units.

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all 30 questions.

Assessment Task 2: Case studies There are six case studies in this task. You are to read and
complete the questions related to each.

Assessment Task 3: Project – Cultural You are to reflect on your own experiences of culture and
reflections diversity.

Assessment Task 4: Project – Cultural You are to research a number of different cultures.

Assessment Task 5: Workplace You will be observed assisting three clients with activities of
observation daily living.

Supporting resources
You may like to look at the following websites, books and documents for more information about the
topics related to this cluster:

• Arnott, G 2011, The Disability Support Worker, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.

• Croft, H 2013, The Australian Carer 3rd edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.
How to submit your assessments
When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it
in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.

Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the
back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the
documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us.
Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Assessment plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this cluster. You are required to
complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in these units.

Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table

Assessment Requirements Due date

• Written questions

• Case studies

• Project – Cultural reflections

• Project – Cultural research

• Workplace observation

Agreement by the student

Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make
sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? • No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? • No


Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? • No


Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this • No

assessment? If yes, what are they? Y

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? Yes •

Student name: RAJWINDER KAUR_____________________________________________________________________

Student signature: Rajwinder kaur_____________________________ Date: 23/ 02/ 2019________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: 02/01/1995 Student ID: 77116

Cluster: Supporting Others


• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Studen Sufficient/
Resubmission? t insufficien
Assessment Task Y/N initials t Date

Written questions


I RAJWINDER KAUR________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: Rajwinder kaur_____________________________________________________________________

Student name: RAJWINDER KAUR_____________________________________________________________________

Date: 23/02/2019____________________________________________________________________________________


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Task summary:
• This is an open book test – you can use the Internet, textbooks and other
documents to help you with your answers if required.

• You must answer all 30 questions correctly.

• Write your answers in the space provided.

• If you need more space, you can use extra paper. All extra pieces of paper must
include your name and the question number/s you are answering.

• You may like to use a computer to type your answers. Your assessor will tell you
if you can email them the file or if you need to print a hard copy and submit it.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

• Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).

When do I do this task?

• You will do this task in the classroom or for homework – your assessor will advise.

• Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: ____________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You
will need to do one of the following:

• Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.

• Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

Question 1
• Describe what diversity means in the workplace.

Diversity must do with more than race or ethnicity. Diverse workplaces are composed of employees
with varying characteristics including, but not limited to, religious and political beliefs, gender, ethnicity,
education, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation and geographic location.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of culture and diversity in the workplace? Provide at
least 3 examples of each.

Advantages of culture and diversity

Example 1: Better Ideas Through Unique Experience

Ideas come from everywhere and everyone. By limiting entire groups of people based
on some predefined criteria, we are also limiting ideas and perspectives that could
help the business greatly

Example 2: Increased creativity

In a diverse workplace, this saying becomes two different people are better than one.
When people in different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs come together to work for
a common goal, increased creativity can be achieved. What is already artistic can
become even better. What already works can evolve into something else

Example 3: Increased productivity

Globalization and internalization are two of the gifts that workforce diversity brings to
the table, foreign executives are very successful in the corporate world & while citizens
from Europe find their place in high-level jobs. Put them together in one place and
what you get is increased productivity

Disadvantages of culture and diversity

Example 1: Communication Issues

To communicate with someone who understands their culture and knows their native
language. so, unless effective communication is achieved, workplace diversity can be
a problem

Example 2: Lack of freedom of speech

People can’t freely state their opinions or tell stories whenever they want for fear of
being judged as discriminating. it’s not only effective communication that is a
disadvantage in a diverse workplace, but also freedom of speech. Imagine working in
an environment where you need to always tread carefully. Not exactly a fun and
attractive workplace

Example 3: Increased cost of training

Apart from the usual training, an organization must invest in seminars, programs and
lectures designed to promote diversity in the workplace. If unity is to be achieved, such
training is essential as they will teach employees how to accept thoughts, ideas and
personalities of others in the workplace. As it is possible that you are likely to continue
hiring employees, you will continue to spend on training

Question 2
How could you develop or improve your social and cultural awareness? Provide at least three strategies.

Strategy 1 Communication

This is perhaps the biggest challenge facing leaders. Outstanding communication

skills are valuable in any employee and at any organizational level; they’re even more
important when dealing across cultures. Subtle differences in how people
communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, can make the difference between a
deal going through and an agreement falling apart. Certainly, it’s helpful to speak the
local language. However, with a thorough understanding of the local culture and a
skilled translator, its possible to be an effective communication in any country.

Strategy 2 Observation and sensitivity

There are several ways to become more culturally aware.the most reliable tools could
be your level of sensitivity and your powers of observation. When you’re in a foreign
country, learn how those around you conduct themselves and their behaviour. Listen
more than you talk and chances are you’ll learn more, faster.

Strategy 3 Self-awareness

It’s not easy to absorb and understand everything that is happening around you in
cross-cultural environment. At such times, it can be beneficial to tap into your self-
awareness skills. Ask yourself, “Why do I think this?” and “Why am I feeling this way?”
and then adjust your responses or actions as necessary

Question 3
Provide at least 3 methods of improving and promoting inclusiveness of culture and diversity in the

Method 1: diversity is about more than race

Diversity means having a workforce composed of many different types of people.

Different race is just one example. Different religious backgrounds, different genders,
different nationalities, and differing physical abilities are more diversity options

Method 2: Providing diversity training.

This can help the organization to be more inclusive overall, which can assist in
retention efforts. It can help people understand the benefits of having a more diverse
and inclusive workforce, which in turn helps to create a more welcoming environment

Method 3: Respectful relationships

Respecting diversity entails more than tolerance.When genuine acknowledgement,

appreciation of, and interest in diversity is experienced, respectful relationships develop.
Apart from avoiding the occurrence of disrespectful behaviours, engaging in respectful
relationships means demonstrating a positive appreciation of people and their cultural

Question 4
In one short paragraph, briefly explain how everyone is responsible for cultural inclusiveness.

A culturally inclusive environment requires mutual respect, effective relationships, clear

communication, explicit understandings about expectations and critical self-reflection. In an inclusive
environment, people of all cultural orientations can freely express who they are, their own opinions and
points of view, fully participate in teaching, learning, work and social activities, feel safe from abuse,
harassment or unfair criticism. To establish an environment where diversity is genuinely valued, equity
needs to be embedded into the core business of each working area.

Question 5
In what instances would you need to seek assistance from other people or services such as
interpreters? Provide at least 3 examples.

Example 1: Medical Appointments

Example 2: Court Proceedings

Example 3: International Business

Question 6
What regulations, standards or Act support culture and diversity in the workplace? Provide at least three.

1: Anti-Discrimination Legislation

2: Workplace Relations Legislation

3: Gender Equity Legislation

Question 7

The new personal care workers are planning a night out to celebrate the end of their probationary
period. The team leader responsible for the new staff is organising dinner at a local pub advising staff
they welcome to bring a friend or partner. One of the new instructors Tom, is planning on bringing his
partner of 5 years Dave. When the news circulates to the team leader, he pulls Tom aside and tells him
it would not be appropriate to bring his partner as it may impact the reputation of the facility and cause
discomfort among the other staff.

• Is Tom being discriminated against? Explain your answer.

Yes, because team leader has explained to Tom about consequences and discomfort to other staff if
he would bring his partner to that party.

• What legislation or relevant Acts protects this type of breach?

Human rights, Equal opportunity act 2010

Question 8

Jana’s team are organising a team barbecue lunch as part of their Friday activities. To organise the
food, the team sent around a survey so everyone could indicate their food preferences. Jana advised
that she could not eat pork as part of her Muslim culture. When Jana bit into her sausage during the
lunch, she questioned the organiser on what the meat was. She asked them whether they had seen
her food preference on the survey. She was told that they were not able to cater for her as the majority
of the team opted for pork sausages and it would have complicated the order.

• Is this an example of cultural inclusiveness? Explain your answer.

NO, because of every culture has different values and beliefs for food, clothes, living. Here in this
example Jana cannot eat pork as part of her culture and she informed the cater about this but cater
was not able to manage other food for Jana as majority of people asked for pork sausage.
• How should the organiser of the lunch have responded to her request?

Organiser should arrange some food as per her preferences for food

Question 9
What are human rights?

• the recognition and respect of people’s dignity

• a set of moral and legal guidelines that promote and protect a recognition of our values, our
identity and ability to ensure an adequate standard of living

• the basic standards by which we can identify and measure inequality and fairness

• those rights associated with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

• Universal They belong to all of us – everybody in the world

• Inalienable They cannot be taken away from us

• Indivisible and interdependent Governments should not be able to pick and choose which are

Question 10
• Describe at least 3 effective strategies that could assist with communication when there is a
language barrier.

Strategy 1: Use plain language.

Whether you’re working with someone who knows your primary language as a
secondary, or you’re trying to communicate a deeply technical problem to your non-
technical co-workers, everyone should get in the habit of using plain language
whenever possible. While many people try to use large words to make themselves
sound intelligent or good at their jobs, they’re not doing anyone any favours. Using
complex vocabulary only creates the opportunity for miscommunication and makes
people feel bad that they can’t understand what you’re saying. Creating a culture in
your workplace of speaking simply and explaining all issues as straightforwardly as
possible is key

Strategy 2: Use visual methods of communication. Words often fail us, and when they do,
showing can be a lot more effective than telling. Use pictures or diagrams to explain
complicated concepts. Visuals are invaluable for getting everyone on the same page,
not to mention, thinking more creatively about new solutions

Strategy 3: Be respectful
Language barriers, like all barriers to communication, can be frustrating. They require
patience, understanding, and conscientiousness. Ensure that when you or your team
are struggling to communicate that you never raise your voice or over-enunciate. Talk
slower instead of louder, clearly instead of forcefully

• How effective is visual imagery when communicating information to ethnic groups? Provide at least
three examples of universal imagery or colours used within the workplace (you may draw examples
where required).

Example 1:

Signs are an essential method of communication all over the world, irrespective of the
language which supports the imagery behind them. All safety signs follow a certain
layout and incorporate set images to ensure they are understood by everyone. This is
especially true within the workplace as signs promote safety and provide important
instructions in case of emergency

Example 2:

Colours and Their Meanings

Red – Signs that are red in colour usually indicate danger or provide instructions
towards minimizing hazardous behaviour.

Yellow /Amber – Yellow is meant to highlight instruction and important information;

such as health and safety warnings and precautionary instructions.

Example 3: More attention-grabbing and engaging

People only tend to remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read.
However, they tend to remember 80% of what they see. Therefore, most of us use the
visual aid to express ideas or share information
Question 11
What are some benefits of culture and diversity on Australian employment and economy? Provide at
least 5.

• Increase in Productivity

• Increase in Creativity

• Increase in Employee Engagement

• Increase in Sales

Positive Reputations

Question 12
Describe at least three issues a client who is intersex or transgender may experience during their
everyday living.

Issue 1: Homophobia and heterosexism

Issue 2: Health impacts for gay men and lesbians

Issue 3: Sexuality and violence

Question 13
In a short paragraph, describe at least three cultural biases or social expectations which may exist when
working with:

• Someone of a young age.

• a) accepting that communication and authenticity is a fundamental key to providing a welcoming

and trusting environment

• awareness of personal cultural biases, and avoidance of benchmarking other’s behaviours or

beliefs against personal experiences

• understanding adolescence to be a time of identity formation and that not all young people share
the beliefs of their family's cultural or religious background

• appreciating that culture itself is fluid, and the young person and their family may be undergoing
transformations through the migration experience
. avoiding generalisations about culture, language or ethnicity. Cultural should be confirmed or
conveyed by the client

• Someone of an older generation

• Remove your expectations

• Focus on results

• employees have different interests

Keep every employee engaged

Question 14

• Elsie is 80 years old. She lives on her own in an old country property five kilometres from town. Her
nearest neighbour lives over 500 meters away and is often away from home. Elsie does not have a
mobile phone. The house needs repair as the roof is leaking but Elsie does not have the money for

• What safety and security risks does Elsie face?

• Risk of physical injuries

• Loneliness and depression

• Financial issues

Health problems

• What strategies could be put in place to reduce Elsie’s safety and security risks? (List at least four.)

Strategy 1: She should install Thief security system

Strategy 2: She should be install Fire alarm in the case for fire

Strategy 3: For her safety, she should be repair house and Roof repair, because no one know
what happen next
Strategy 4: She should buy mobile phone for emergency contact for help and she should be keep
one helper for her because she is old

• Gianni lives alone at home. His eyesight is deteriorating rapidly however he is fiercely determined
to stay in his own home until he dies. He walks to the shops each day at 10.00am for his shopping
but is finding that harder and harder with his bad eyesight. The town where he lives is not the same
as it was when he moved there fifty years ago. In those days it was a nice country town – now it is a
growth area in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. There is a large problem in the area with high rates
of unemployment and large rates of methamphetamine use.

• What safety and security risks does Gianni face?

• She should be check her eyes for eye doctor or specialist for avoid problem currently she has

• She should find some work for inflation in future or start some house work whose make some

She must be control for her shopping

• What strategies could be put in place to reduce the safety and security risks of Gianni? (List at least

Strategy 1: For her safety, she should concur to doctor and follow doctor advice for better result
for her eyes

Strategy 2: Online shopping

Strategy 3: Arrange social worker of family members to take him for shopping

Strategy 4: Change the time for shopping

Question 15

Lois is 50. She has had a stoke which has left her paralysed down her right side. Her needs are being
assessed. Through the assessment process it has been noted that
Lois has the following needs:
• Lois is very keen to remain living in her home. Her son comes in to visit twice a week and there are
neighbours who can assist with shopping etc
• Needs assistance to shower and dress
• Lois is right handed so paralysis on right hand side is restricting her ability to do many activities of
daily living
• Lois finds it difficult to walk with the crutches she was given when coming out of hospital. She is
able to walk but does not think the crutches give her enough stability
• Lois is worried about her security. She wonders about getting a personal alarm
• Enjoys knitting but finds this impossible while her right hand is paralysed. She feels she needs
something to do – perhaps learn a new language
• Lois loves her garden. It is breaking her heart to see all the weeds growing.

• Make a list of resources that would assist Lois. (List at least eight.)

1: Lois son

2: Lois neighbours

3: Crutches

4: Personal alarm

5: Knitting

6: Learn a new language

7: Garden

8: Shower and dress

• What strategies could be put in place to increase Lois’s strength that she has lost due to the stroke?
List 3 strategies and explain how these would benefit Lois and how the carer could support Lois in
each process.

Strategies for Lois Benefits Carer support

Exercises of down right side Strength muscle Arrange physiotherapy

where paralyses affected Improve movement appointment
And try to learn to do by left side Arrange transportation
in daily routine work Documentation

Try to Learn new thing which Increase strength and balance Remind her benefits of exercise
helpful to develop new skill, Increase fitness Monitor
encouraged her to do exercises

Healthy die Increase muscle strength Diet plan

Quick recovery Encourage her to have healthy
and balanced diet

Question 16
• Provide two reasons why aged care clients may feel disempowered.

• Anxiety can include feelings of apprehension, fear and dread, which can lead to nausea, dizziness,
shortness of breath and diarrhoea.

Depression may result in a loss of pleasure or interest in things around them. Depressed people may
feel hopeless or helpless and become isolated from those around them

• Provide two strategies that can enable clients to be empowered in relation to their care.

Strategy 1: Use skills such as empathy, reflection and validation to negotiate a realistic goal

Strategy 2: Listen to their concerns, regardless of how we perceive the situation

Question 17
Write down the definition of the terms in the table below.

Term Definition

Sexuality Sexuality is a combination of people's sex, their sexual feelings for others, their
feelings about themselves as sexual beings, their sexual orientation and their
sexual behavior. Exploring and discovering your sexuality can be confusing,
exciting, difficult and wonderful

Personal identity Personal identity is the concept you develop about yourself that evolves over the
course of your life. This may include aspects of your life that you have no control
over, such as where you grew up or the color of your skin, as well as choices
you make in life, such as how you spend your time and what you believe.

Spirituality Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it
includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it
typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human
experience—something that touches us all
Cultural identity Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a
person's self-conception and self-perception and is related to nationality,
ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group
that has its own distinct culture

Question 18
• In the table below, list some indicators you may observe in an older person who is subject to abuse.
You must list at least 3 indicators for each form of abuse.

Type of abuse Indicators of abuse (list at least 3 for each type)

Financial missing belongings, fear, stress and anxiety

inability to find the money for basics such as food, clothing, transport
costs and bills

large withdrawals or big changes in banking habits or activities

Sexual unexplained sexually transmitted disease

internal injuries

bruises, bite marks, pain, burn marks

Physical pain or restricted movement

unexplained accidents

unexplained injuries such as broken bones, sprains, punctures

Psychological Fear, depression

low mood, confusion

Loneliness, feeling of helplessness

• If you suspected that a client was being abused, do you have an obligation to report it? Explain your

Immediately I have to report to supervisor for suspected cases of abuse. Another option is offer the
older person he/she opportunity to speak to the supervisor directly. Collect the record any direct
observation, information or discussions with (or concerning) the older person that might indicate that
abuse is occurring. I have to follow the organisation policy and protocols when responding to an older
person experiencing abuse. I have to Report back to supervisor if any changes or concerns about the
directives or action steps recorded in the care plan which I required to follow.
• In the table below, list some indicators you may observe in an older person who is exhibiting
emotional issues. You must list at least three indicators for each type of issue:

Emotion Indicators of emotional issue

Prolonged sadness Unexplained or aggravated aches and pains

Slowed movement or speech

Lack of motivation and energy

Distress poor self-care and neglected personal hygiene

increases in impulsive behavior

violent acts towards self and/or others

Anxiety Increased heart rate/ racing heart

Muscle tension and pain

Vomiting, nausea or pain in the stomach

Lack of engagement Apathy- a lack of interest in activities, hobbies, talking with friends,
engaging in conversation with the family

Anger - the person gets angry at the suggestion that they are retreating
into the house and not engaging in social activities as they used to

Depression- the person stays in bed for longer periods of time, more

Heightened level of They handle criticism without denial, blame, excuses or anxiety
emotional expression
They’re open-minded

They’re good listeners

Question 19
In one paragraph, describe one common myth that surrounds sexuality in older people, and why this
myth is not true.

For many people, it is hard and potentially uncomfortable to imagine their parents or even
grandparents engaging in intimacy or sex. However, many studies have shown there to be a significant
presence of sex drive, sexual activity and function in people older than 50. This works against the
stereotype of an asexual old age and proves that many people do in fact engage in an active and
regular sex life after the age of 50. Granted, a recent study showed that there are in fact some
differences in sex among the elderly; these include a reduction in the quality of erection, amount of
ejaculation, lubrication of the vagina and pleasure from orgasms. However, the study concluded that
people are never too old to have a happy and healthy sex life.However, many studies have shown that
couples still enjoy engaging in sexual activities late into their seventies and eighties. It is very possible
for the elderly to be sexually active and satisfied with their sex lives, no matter what age they are. Sex
has many positive benefits and is said to increase happiness and even the length

of one’s life.

Question 20
• List 3 health risks involved in poor dental hygiene.

Risk 1: Cardiovascular disease

In a nutshell, this means heart disease. The bacteria from inflammation of the gums
and periodontal disease can enter your bloodstream and travel to the arteries in the
heart and cause atherosclerosis

Risk 2: Dementia

The bacteria from gingivitis may enter the brain through either nerve channels in the
head or through the bloodstream, that might even lead to the development of
Alzheimer's disease

Risk 3: Diabetic complications

Inflammation of the gum tissue and periodontal disease can make it harder to control
your blood sugar and make your diabetes symptoms worse. Diabetes sufferers are
also more susceptible to periodontal disease, making proper dental care even more
important for those with this disease

• List five ways that exercise improves health.

1: Wards off depression

An exercise prompts the release of mood-lifting hormones, which relieve stress and promote a
sense of well-being
2: Enhances sex life

Both libido and performance benefit from moderate to vigorous exercise

3: Sharpens wits

Physical activity boosts blood flow to the brain, which may help maintain brain function

4: Improves sleep

Regular exercise provides three important sleep benefits: it helps you fall asleep faster, spend
more time in deep sleep, and awaken less during the night

5: Protects mobility and vitality

Regular exercise can slow the natural decline in physical performance that occurs as you age

• Why is support with personal hygiene important in aged care?

• Settle on a bathing schedule that truly meets their needs.

• When it is time for bathing, try to create a peaceful environment. Music might help to calm your
senior loved one.

• To help minimize embarrassment, keep the conversation natural and relaxed. Talk about plans for
the day or what you saw on the morning show.

• Remember to allow your loved one to maintain as much of their self-care as is safely possible. It
might take them longer, but it is an important part of maintaining independence.

• Don’t overlook safety issues in the bathroom. Make sure there are no throw rugs that could create a
fall risk, that grab bars are safely installed, and that you check the water temperature before your
loved one gets into the tub or shower.

Have their towel and clothing ready to put on immediately when they come out of the tub or shower.
That will help protect their modesty and prevent them from becoming cold.

• What are 4 common diet related health problems experienced by older people?

Problem 1: Chronic health conditions

Problem 2: Cognitive health

Problem 3: Mental health

Problem 4: Physical injury

• What are four things that can improve mental health outcomes?
Improvement 1: Value yourself:

Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism

Improvement 2: Take care of your body:

Eat nutritious meals

Avoid cigarettes

Drink plenty of water

Improvement 3: Surround yourself with good people:

People with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than those
who lack a support network

Improvement 4: Avoid alcohol and other drugs:

Keep alcohol use to a minimum and avoid other drugs

Question 21
• Suggest a community network that could be beneficial to the following groups of people.

Aged clients with National Drug and Alcohol Service Directory (NDASD)
alcohol addictions The National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase

National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS)

Vietnamese Vietnamese Community in Australia - Queensland Chapter Inc.

women The Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association

Arthritis sufferers Arthritis Australia

MOVE muscle bone & joint health

Arthritis and Osteoporosis New South Wales

Italian men The Italy-born Community

• What is the advantage of older people continuing with social groups and activities that they have
been involved in for some time?

• Preserving tradition and routine

Enables links with the community

Question 22
You are talking to a friend outside of work about the number of multicultural clients where you work. He
says ‘How do you manage to work with all those different kinds of people? How do you know that you
are not going to offend someone by mistake?’

Write down how you would answer your friend.

Treat everyone with respect

Find out what different people’s preferences are

Being non-judgemental and act professionally

Question 23
Choose three problematic issues that are currently facing older people living in the community. Write
one paragraph for each issue that describes how it impacts on the health and wellbeing of older people.

Issue 1: Transport is major issue for older people. They have to rely on some one else
because of their age it is very dangerous to drive

Issue 2: Most of the family Member or friends are busy with their own life so they might not
have time for older people to look after so older people get social isolated from other

Issue 3: Mostly older people relying on pension money and they invested their money aged
care centre so they are that much rich and facing financial problems like poverty

Question 24
• What is meant by the term ‘normal’ ageing’? How can attitude and a healthy lifestyle influence the
impact of the normal ageing process both physically and psychosocially?

The changes aging individuals experience are not necessarily harmful. With age, hair thins and turns
grey. Skin thins, becomes less elastic, and sags

• What is meant by the term ‘ageing in place’?

The act of aging in place takes place during a period of time in an elderly person’s life where they can
have the things that they need in their daily life, while maintaining their quality of life
Question 25
• Participating in the community is important for many people. As people age, community
engagement can often become more difficult. Think of a person you know who is elderly or
disabled, or imagine yourself as elderly and frail.

What types of community participation do you think is important so an aged person can engage
socially and undertake their tasks of daily living? What challenges are there?

- Attending appointment

- Social activities

- Shopping

- Continuing with religious practices

- Challenges

- Mobility and transport

- Cognitive ability

- Isolation

- Lack of social support

- Social devaluation

• Choose one of the challenges that you identified above. What support could be provided to
someone with this challenge so they could continue their community participation?

Social Activates: Socially isolation is a biggest challenge among them. Family and friend should
frequently visit their elderly family member so they don’t become victim of social isolation and can
enjoy their life with socially involved in social activities

Question 26
If you were unsure of the cultural needs of a particular person, how would you go about finding out
information about that culture?

First, I find out a person back ground, like that person country, community, like dislike, etc. then read
article about all this information and make one conclusion. After finishing I share all information to that
person and try to explain and discuss about what I research on his culture and his community.

Question 27
You will have your own perception of different cultures and practices depending on your own beliefs
and values, and your own life experiences.

What can you do to prepare yourself to work with all types of different cultures – some of which will have
values and beliefs very different from you own?

Different cultural belief

- Respect all culture

- Do not devaluate any other culture

Question 28
In one to two paragraphs, explain why Australia is considered a multi-cultural country.

Australia is a multicultural country. Australia’s multicultural policy embraces our shared values and
cultural traditions. It also allows those who choose to call Australia home the right to practise and share
their cultural traditions and languages within the law and free from discrimination. Almost a quarter of
us were born overseas, and half-quarter Australians speak a language other than English. Australian
culture is as broad and diverse as the country's landscape. Australia is multicultural and multiracial,
and this is reflected in the country's food, lifestyle and cultural practices and experience.

Australia is a society of people from a rich diversity of cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious
backgrounds. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have inhabited Australia for tens of
thousands of years. In the recent global social and political environment, threats to social cohesion,
harmony and security have emerged. The Australian Government is responding to these challenges by
encouraging continuing dialogue with a wide range of community groups

Question 29
• What does a cultural interpreter do?

Interpreters and translators speak, read, and write in at least two languages fluently. Interpreters and
translators convert information from one language into another language. Interpreters work in spoken
or sign language; translators work in written language

• What is the role of a language interpreter?

A sign language interpreter is someone who helps hearing impaired or deaf individuals understand a
spoken language by converting it into sign language. Interpreters are needed in both one-on-one
situations as well as group settings

Question 30
List two strategies you could use if you were involved in a cross-cultural conflict with a work colleague
and needed to resolve it.

Strategy 1: Don’t assume all disputes that involve people of different cultures, have a cultural

Provide a thorough explanation of the dispute resolution process. Never assume that
what you are saying is being understood

Strategy 2: Ask for frequent expansion on points that you are unfamiliar with, especially if they relate
to cultural issues.

Highlight the presence of the various cultures at your work and foster understanding
through cultural events. Tolerance is built on understanding

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: 02/01/1995 Student ID: 77116

Cluster: Supporting Others


• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Assessment Task Resubmission? Studen Sufficient/ Date

t insufficien
Y/N initials t

Case study 1: Claude and Ray

Case study 2: Team conflict

Case study 3: Harry

Case study 4: Billy

Case study 5: Fadi

Case study 6: Rachella


I RAJWINDER KAUR________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: Rajwinder kaur_______________________________________________________________________

Student name: RAJWINDER KAUR_______________________________________________________________________

Date: 23/02/2019______________________________________________________________________________________


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Task summary:
• Complete the questions that follow each case study.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials

• Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).

When do I do this task?

• You will do this task in the classroom or as homework – your assessor will advise.

• Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: ____________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You
will need to do one of the following:

• Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.

• Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

Case Study 1 – Claude and Ray

Claude is a new client at New Greens Aged Care Facility. He has come into aged care as he has had a
stroke and his male partner Ray is no longer able to look after him. Claude is finding it very difficult to
adjust to life at the facility. Ray’s sister brings him in to visit Claude once a month as he is unable to
drive, but she has never been able to accept their homosexual relationship. After 20 minutes or so she
insists on leaving.
Claude confides to his carer that he misses Ray terribly. He might as well not come to visit anymore as
his sister glares daggers at them if they so much as hold hands and says they are disgusting. He would
so love just to share some love and affection.

• What effect do you think Claude’s separation from Ray is having on his emotional well-being?

Claude’s missing his partner because he loves him so much. He is feeling sad and alone. he also afraid
of losing him

• What effect do you think Ray’s sister is having on Claude’s emotional and psychological well-being?

She takes his brother Ray to meet Claude once in a month so, Claude may not feel separated from Ray

Suggest at least three strategies could be put in place to enable Ray to visit so that they can enjoy some
intimate time together?

Strategy 1: Organise candle light dinner for them

Strategy 2: Provide privacy to them

Strategy 3: Make some arrangement of entertainment for them

• If nothing is done to bring Claude and Ray together how might this effect his health over a period of
time? Suggest four possible effects.

Effect 1: Feeling separated

Effect 2: Feeling depressed

Effect 3: Produce anxiety

Effect 4: Loneliness

• Research community support organisations that Ray or Claude could contact to obtain advice about
their problems. List two organisations and provide their web addresses.

Organisation 1: Name”

Website address:
Organisation 2: Name”

Website address:

Ray and Claude manage to get some time together – in fact, Ray is going to stay overnight. A trundle
bed has been wheeled into Claude’s room for him to sleep in.
• Apart from supplying a trundle bed, what support could you give Claude to provide a suitable
environment where they will feel secure, private and comfortable?

Yes, we provide one room for both of them, so they could stay together for some time and enjoy each
other’s company

You notice that Claude is setting out a lot of candles. While you think that is very romantic you are
concerned about the risk of fire – especially as there are so many of them. When you tell Claude that
this is a safety risk he gets very discouraged – the lights in the room are so bright and sterile.

• What could you suggest as a safer alternative?

We can suggest use of lantern or big glass candle. We also make some electric colourful light series
instead of candles

Claude is much happier now Ray is able to visit regularly. However the other day they got a bit carried
away in the dining room and offended some of the other residents who complained that their behavior
was putting them off their dinner!

• How would you deal with this problem?

Request to other residents to have their dinner with the apology. We will reassure that this would not be
happened again and make general arrangement for all so, no one feel biased.

Given that your own values and attitudes about sexuality may be different than that of your clients, or
your co-workers, how do you go about making sure you do not impose your views onto others?

Everyone has own values and attitude about sexuality. We have to respect everyone choice and way of
thinking about their own sexual status

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question

Case Study 2 – Team conflict

A team of carers is experiencing conflict. There is an Aboriginal worker on the team (Barry), a Muslim
worker (Ahmed) and two white Australian workers (Janice and Julia). It started when Ahmed accused
Barry of being lazy and rude – ‘He never rushes, even when we are rushed off our feet and he doesn’t
even look me in the eye when he talks to me.’
Barry retaliates by accusing Ahmed of taking time off all the time to ‘pray on his stupid prayer mat’.
Janice responds by saying, ‘For God’s sake, why can’t you just be normal like the rest of us?’
Janice and Julia get caught up in it with, both Ahmed and Barry complaining all the time about each
other and trying to get them to take sides.
Their conflict is impacting on their clients.

• What are the cultural issues that are impacting on this team?

People working together with different cultural background should respect each other’s values and
beliefs and should accept each other with their differences. Here, Barry and Ahmed do not want to
accept each other’s differences and they also make Janice and Julia to take one’s side in their fight.
This behaviour would divide a great team that would impact on patients as well

• Is there a legal requirement for Ahmed to be allowed time to pray during work hours?

Prayer is important for all religious people. It depends on the organization they should be provide for
the special time and space

• What do you think Janice means by ‘normal’? What is the problem with her statement?

As per Janice think normal means no fighting and no complains about each other. She just explains
why Ahmed and Berry not work as good co-workers just like Janice and Julia

• What could this team do to resolve its differences?

They should respect each other’s religious, values, prayers and believes. They should work as good co-

• What external resources could they use to resolve the cultural differences?

They should explain their problem to supervisor and take some advice and suggestion to resolve
• What could management put in place to eliminate bias and discrimination in the workplace?

Management should give equal importance to all employee having different culturel background.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question

Case Study 3 – Harry

Harry has recently entered aged care. Through the assessment process it has been noted that Harry
has the following needs:
• Needs assistance to get out of his chair
• Has recently had hip replacement. Recovery has been slow and muscles are badly wasted.
• Likes to shower everyday but requires assistance
• Incontinent
• Enjoys reading, chess and reading the newspaper

• In what way do you think Harry’s physical disabilities may impact on his overall wellbeing?

• Pain level

• - Frustration

• - Feel useless and dependent

- Possible depression

• Make a list of resources that will be needed to suit Harry’s needs. (List at least 10.)

- Electric chair

- Walking aids

- Exercise activates

- Physiotherapy

- Support with walking

- Incontinence pads
- Chess set

- Care assist with shower every morning

- Access to book

- Access to newspaper

• What strategies could be put in place to increase Harry’s strength that he has lost due to the hip

List three strategies and explain how these would benefit Harry and how the carer could support
Harry in each process.

Strategies for Harry Benefits Carer support

Exercise Strength muscle Provide motivation to attend take

Increase fitness Harry to exercise group

Physiotherapy Device suitable exercises Arrange physio appointment

to strengthen muscles Arrange transport
Provide massage and other Document any exercise or treatment
treatment required on care plan

Balanced Diet plan Provide energy Provide energy

Make him healthy Make him healthy

Quick recovery Quick recovery

• What strategies will be used to monitor Harry’s physical status?

• Regular functional assessment

• - Document observation

- Ask Harry to report of pain

• What are two other activities that Harry would enjoy that would suit his physical limitations?

• Playing chess

- Reading newspaper
What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question

Case Study 4 – Billy

Billy is very overweight. Because of this mobility is difficult, his breathing is labored and the doctor is
concerned about his heart. Billy has a mental disability which makes communication difficult. Billy’s
doctor has asked that he be given a diet and exercise program.

• Write a goal for Billy’s individual diet and exercise plan in relation to his diet and nutrition.

• To lose weight

• Avoid junk food

. 30 min Daily exercise

• What are the objectives of the diet and exercise that are planned for Billy?

• For his well being

• - To lose weight

• - Prevent from the other diseases

- For mental health well being

• Which body systems are being affected by Billy’s weight? (Name three body systems)

- Muscular-skeletal

- Cardiovascular

- Respiratory

• What actions may be specified in Billy’s care plan to support him with his exercise?
• - Assist him with exercises

• - Remind the benefit of exercises

- Provide the safe environment for exercise

• What aids could Billy use to assist him with mobility?

• Walking stick

- Walking frame

• What assistance can be given to Billy to help him to recognise his strengths and achievements
through the program?

• - Physiotherapy

• - Encourage to lose weight

• - Make a chart for weight which motivates to follow the plan.

- Reward

• What support services could Billy be referred to obtain expert advice and assistance that is outside
your scope of practice? Name at least three.

• - Refer to dietician

• - Refer to physiotherapist

- Gym

• What documentation should be kept to track progress towards Billy’s goals

• - Lose weight record

• - Diet plan chart

- Fitness level chart

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question

Case Study 5 – Fadi

Fadi’s son has put in a formal complaint about the food that is served to his father. Fadi told his son that
the food is mainly western style, is very dull and often tough. As he is a Muslim, Fadi does not eat pork.
The staff always provide another alternative when pork is on the menu but yesterday, when pork
sausages were on the menu, the only alternative was fish – which Fadi’s has never liked.
When he said he didn’t want sausages or fish he was told he would have to have a Vegemite sandwich
instead. This is hardly enough for the main meal of the day!
There are many different nationalities and it is impossible for every cultural food requirement to be
catered for all the time. But the kitchen is keen to help out as much as they can so long as it is within
their tight budget.

• What rights does Fadi have?

• - Right to have preferences food

- Right to complain

• What process should be undertaken to investigate this complaint?

• - Document of complaint

• - Complaint officer to investigate complaint

• - Discuss problem with Fadi and his son

- Consult with kitchen staff

• Suggest three strategies that might solve Fadi’s problem.

Strategy 1: Have more alternative of meals available

Strategy 2: They can provide different traditional food once

ina week.

Strategy 3: They can provide different traditional food once in

a week.

• How can Fadi be offered choice in determining solutions to his problem?

• - Discuss the issue with Fadi

• - Ask him for his suggestion

- Discuss available strategies and involve Fadi in decision making

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question

Case Study 6 – Rachella

Rachella is one of your clients. Rachella suffers from anxiety and depression for while she takes
medication and is monitored by her GP. Rachella also has counselling once per fortnight.
Today Rachella is very fidgety. She is pacing up and down, seemingly in a world of her own. When you
ask her if she is OK she snaps at you and says “Of course I’m not all right – nothing is all right. You know
nothing!! No-one can help me – I’m sick of everything – I just can’t go on anymore”.
When you ask what the matter is she gets angry and tells you to just leave her alone.

• From her manner you think that she may be suicidal – you know that she has attempted suicide
once before. As a personal care attendant this is beyond the role of your job. What will you do?

• - Find out the trigger

• - Inform the supervisor

- Inform the GP as well

• What action needs to be taken to protect Rachella from harm until medical help can be obtained?

• Do not leave her own but do not irritate her

• Observe her activities
• Keep away other residents from her
• Remove any danger object from her reach.
• If possible communicate with client in a positive manners

What do I need to hand in for this Have I completed this?


Your answers to each question


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: 02/01/1995 Student ID: 77116

Cluster: Supporting Others


• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Studen Sufficient/
Resubmission? t insufficien
Assessment Task Y/N initials t Date

Project – Cultural reflections


I Rajwinder kaur____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: Rajwinder kaur_____________________________________________________________________

Student name: RAJWINDER KAUR_____________________________________________________________________

Date: 23/02/2019____________________________________________________________________________________


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Task summary:
You are to reflect on your own experience of culture and diversity in
the workplace.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

• Access to textbooks, learning materials and the Internet for research.

When do I do this task?

• You will do this task in the classroom or as homework – your assessor will advise.

• Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: ____________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any part of your report as incorrect, you will need to rewrite the required sections.

For this task you need to reflect on your own attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of cultural diversity in the
You are to provide a report that covers each item below. Your report should be no more than 750 words.

• What is your definition of a culturally diverse workplace?

• Cultural diversity also known as multiculturalism is a group of diverse individuals from

different cultures or societies. Usually cultural, diversity based on language, religion, race,
sexual orientation, gender, age and ethnicity
• What do you feel is the value of diversity when working in the health and community care sector?

The benefits of diversity in the community services sector are enormous.  It can improve the
level of teamwork, performance and client service through a broadened base of knowledge and
experience. It exposes clients and co-workers to new ideas, and to different ways of working and
reaching decisions

• How do you think that different cultural influences and changing cultural practices have
impacted on Australian society? Think about political, social, economic and cultural influences.

• Describe your own cultural background. Identify any conceptions and preconceptions you may have
of other cultures based on your own upbringing and experiences.

In Indian culture, the Indian have ingrained in them a strong obligation to look after the elderly
parents. The Indian tradition is of a duty of care for its elderly parents, which exists to a greater
degree than in the western culture. In Indian culture, it is irresponsible of the children if the
elderly parents are put in the nursing homes and the children’s reputation will be considered as
bad children/child. In Chinese culture, often the task of looking after the elderly parents will be
delegated to the eldest son in the family. As for the western culture, there is more of a propensity
to put elderly parents into nursing homes. When I was young, I used to think that in the western
culture, when the elderly parents are put in nursing homes, there is a lack of duty of care in
taking care of their elderly parents. However, this is not the case as I’ve grown and understand
the other cultures have their own perspective and ways of doing things. In fact, in the western
culture, it is not the lack of duty of care, but an inability to cope as they normally work and live
far away from their elderly parents. Also in the western culture, the people who are now older
have lived an independent life away from their children and are proud of their independence
lifestyle. They don't want to feel as they are losing control and some will not make the changes
for others in their family to care for them, such as moving in with them or moving closer which
would be very helpful in caring for them. Some opt to live in retirement assisted communities or
nursing home as a choice because they believe they have more freedom than living with their

• How do your cultural beliefs, values and experiences impact on your personal behaviour,
interpersonal relationships, perception and social expectations of others?

Diversity practices and experiences impact on personal behaviour - there is

legislation that aids in ensuring that prejudice and unfair treatment of other which may influence
personal behaviour - such as name calling, etc.
Interpersonal relationships, - increased diversity and acceptance of other cultures had increased
relationships between people of different cultures, which further reduces stigma and prejudice
and increases understanding

Perceptions - with increased understanding and personal experience with different cultures,
perceptions can be based on more accurate information rather than on assumptions therefore
potentially reducing prejudice.

and the social expectations of others in the workplace - equality and fairness is now generally a
large component of workplace policies and practices, with prejudiced behaviours not tolerated.

• Describe two social practices that you do that are a direct result of your cultural upbringing.
Have these changed from the practices of your parents when they were young. Why/why not?

How has your cultural background impacted on your communication style and delivery

• What difficulties or challenges might you expect to experience if you were of the cultural minority in
a workplace?

• Describe whether you needed any communication assistance from friends, family or specialised
services, or if you have observed this. Describe your experience of either getting or providing
communication assistance.

• Do you feel that you have experienced any issues of discrimination – describe this.

• Do you consider yourself to be socially and culturally aware in the workplace? Provide an example
to support your response.

• What programs or initiatives have you participated in that support or promote cultural diversity in the

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to the questions


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: 02/01/1995 Student ID: 77116

Cluster: Supporting Others


• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Studen Sufficient/
Resubmission? t insufficien
Assessment Task Y/N initials t Date

Project – Culture research


I RAJWINDER KAUR________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: Rajwinder kaur_____________________________________________________________________

Student name: RAJWINDER KAUR_____________________________________________________________________

Date: 23/02/2019____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Task Summary:
You are to reflect on your own experience of culture and diversity in the workplace.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

• Access to textbooks, learning materials and the Internet for research.

When do I do this task?

• You will do this task in the classroom or as homework – your assessor will advise.

• Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: ____________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any part of your report as incorrect, you will need to rewrite the required sections.

• Research each of the different cultures below.

What things are of specific importance in these cultures that would need to be considered when
providing health and community services?

List at least four items of importance for each culture listed.

• Aboriginal culture

1 Not looking at eyes while talking

2 They do the task in their own time

3 Connection with family

4 Connection to the country

• Italian culture

1 Focused on their traditional food

2 May not speak English well

3 Often strict Catholics

4 Expectation that family will look after aged parents

• Vietnamese culture

1 New Year’s Day important ceremony

2 Food is important and different from western diet

3 Buddhist and Catholics

4 Younger generation look after aged parents

• A culture of your choice that is different to your own.

1 Buddhist

2 Hindu

3 Buddhist

4 Catholic

• What are four access and equity issues that Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders face when being
provided health and community services?

1 Trust issue

2 Gender
3 Health services may not available in remove area

4 language

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to the questions


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: 02/01/1995 Student ID: 77116

Cluster: Supporting Others


• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Studen Sufficient/
Resubmission? t insufficien
Assessment Task Y/N initials t Date
Workplace observation


I RAJWINDER KAUR________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: Rajwinder kaur_____________________________________________________________________

Student name: RAJWINDER KAUR_____________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.














Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Task summary:
Students will be observed assisting three clients with activities of daily living.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

• Access to your work placement service.
• Access to three clients.

When do I do this task?

• During one of your assessor’s visits to your work placement service.

• Write in the date of your assessor’s work placement visit: _______________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge during any of these tasks,
they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.

If your assessor marks any of your written answers as incorrect, you will need to either:

• Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.

• Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

During one of your assessor’s workplace visits, you will need to demonstrate that you can support three
clients undertaking activities of living.

‘Activities of living’ refer to everyday tasks that we do as part of our normal life. This can include activities
such as:

• Gardening

• Cleaning

• Domestic laundry

• Meal or snack preparation

• Shopping

• Attending to financial matters and personal correspondence.

You need to choose three clients to work with and identify one ‘activity of living’ that each client is
interested in, and where you can provide support. You must plan the activities prior to the assessment.

You must obtain the permission of your clients and your supervisor prior to conducting this task. You will
also need to liaise with each client’s carer.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:

For all three clients

Identify a client to work with and identify one activity of living of interest to the client?

Obtain permission from the client and your supervisor to conduct the task?
Locate the client’s individualised plan and refer to this for information about the client?

Plan the activity in conjunction with the client?

Seek feedback on your plan from the client’s carer – this may either be done by phone or face to face.
Did you amend the plan if necessary?

Ensure the environment is safe prior to the task?

Remind the older person of any potential risks throughout the task?

Discuss the activity with the client allowing them to take the lead role where they are able?

Obtain appropriate aids and equipment appropriate to the client’s needs (eg mobility devices,
gardening equipment, specialised equipment etc)?

Promote healthy lifestyle practices while undertaking the activity?

Demonstrate an inclusive attitude and cater for individual needs, adapting the environment where
necessary to cater for these?

Deal sensitively with any age or disability-related conditions that the person faces?

Provide support to undertake the task while encouraging independence wherever possible?

Communicate effectively , both verbally and non-verbally, with the client taking into account their

Following the observations, your assessor will ask you a set of verbal questions about the activities of
living, your clients and their carers.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to hand in anything

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