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Speaking Part 1
Topic: Languages

1. How many languages can you speak? [Why/Why not?]?

Well, I can use 2 languages. I was born and brought up in
Vietnam and so you can say I speak Vietnamese fluently. I know
English as well because it is taught as a compulsory subject in
most schools in my country.

2. How useful will English be to you in your future?

[Why/Why not?]
I think knowing English increases my chances of getting a good
job in a high-profile company or of finding a scholarship to study
abroad. You know, English is the most commonly spoken
language in the world, so this language will give me a big
advantage over others.

3. What do you remember about learning languages at

school? [Why/Why not?]
English was the only foreign language I learnt at high school and
sadly, at that time, I was not a big fan of the subject in any case.
Attending English classes was a real nightmare for me because
our teachers’ idea of teaching was to stand at the podium and
read from the textbook for the entire 45 minutes.

4. What do you think would be the hardest language for you

to learn? [Why?]
I actually tried learning Japanese a while back and yes, it is
certainly the most challenging language I’ve ever known.
Everything fell apart as soon as I started to learn by heart three
different alphabets, including Chinese characters. After struggling
in my Japanese class for a few weeks, I realized that I was not
cut out for this language.

2. Speaking Part 2
Describe a website that you bought something from.

You should say:

 What the website is

 What you bought from this website
 How satisfied you were with what you bought
 And explain what you liked or disliked about using this website.

 Sample Answer:
 I’m going to talk about “”, one of my go-to websites
when it comes to handicraft products.
 I first used this website about 2 years ago when I needed to buy
some hand-made ornaments for my friends in Australia.

What I like most about this website is the variety of products it can offer.
The website’s owners, who apparently have a great passion for Vietnam’s
traditional crafts, manage to get the most beautiful and meticulously-
made products from thousand-year traditional craft villages all over the
nation and sell them with rather reasonable prices. Shoppers can easily
find their ideal souvenirs within a few clicks in a wide selection of one-of-
a-kind artistic products, ranging from pretty ceramic teapot sets to
mesmerizing lacquer vases. I believe that anybody who appreciates arts
and culture will definitely like these beautiful gifts.

For me, this website is a great place to find a gift for your foreign friends
and is an interesting source of information about Vietnam’s arts. Besides
displaying their products, the owners of the website also upload many
videos about famous tourist attractions and world-acclaimed heritage
sites in my country.

3. Speaking Part 3
Topic 1: Shopping online

1. What kinds of things do people in your country often buy

from online shops?
If there’s an online business in Vietnam that is never out of
fashion, I suppose it must be clothing as clothing is an essential
item in people’s lives and seasonal fashion has never failed to
keep the market heated. Shops selling accessories are also really
common on the Internet, especially on Facebook.

2. Why do you think online shopping has become so popular

The most obvious reason is that it saves time. With just a couple
of clicks of the mouse, shoppers can purchase almost everything
they need. Besides, when shopping online, they can enjoy the
freedom to figure out which online store offers the most
affordable item.

3. What are some possible disadvantages of buying things

from online shops?
Of course, online shopping does not come without its
disadvantages. For many people, the most annoying thing is
shipping costs. If they buy something from another country,
costs can rise significantly. Also, when it comes to buying clothes
or footwear, it is difficult to estimate the size of the products
properly so people can end up making a bad purchase.
Topic 2: The culture of consumerism

1. Why do many people today keep buying things which they

do not need?
In my opinion, there are a few psychological reasons beside their
tastes and the money they have. Let’s face it, we are all swayed
by marketing. Advertising not only makes us remember and
recognize brands better, they also work through our emotions,
affecting our preferences and changing our attitudes towards

2. Do you believe the benefits of a consumer society

outweigh the disadvantages?
Unfortunately, I cannot see any benefits from it. Consumerism
encourages people to have more desire, manipulates them into
wasteful purchase. More importantly, it leads to overproduction,
which is the primary cause of the exhaustion of natural resources
as well as the ever-increasing amount of toxic waste.

3. How possible is it to avoid the culture of consumerism?

I think the solution is all about attitude and the perspective of life
you have. Although it’s not very easy to get rid of some of the
behavior we have adopted for a long time, if we can really think
about all negative effects the culture of consumerism may have
on our life and the natural world, changes can start, slowly but
Questions 1 – 4
Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Festival information
Date Type of event Details

performers from
17th a concert
18th a ballet
called 1……………
type of play: a
19th-20th comedy
a play
(afternoon) called Jemima has had
a good 2………….
a 3………… show is
20th (evening)
show called 4………….
Questions 5-10
Complete the notes below.
Write  ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.
●   Making 5…………….. food
●   (children only) Making 6……………..
●   (adults only) Making toys from 7……………… using
various tools
Outdoor activities
●   Swimming in the 8………………
●   Walking in the woods, led by an expert
on 9……………….
See the festival organiser’s 10………………. for more

Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Minster Park
11   The park was originally established
A   as an amenity provided by the city council.
B   as land belonging to a private house.
C   as a shared area set up by the local community.
12   Why is there a statue of Diane Gosforth in the
A   She was a resident who helped to lead a
B   She was a council member responsible for giving
the public access.
C   She was a senior worker at the park for many
13   During the First World War, the park was mainly
used for
A   exercises by troops.
B   growing vegetables.
C   public meetings.
14   When did the physical transformation of the park
A   2013
B   2015
C   2016
Questions 15-20
Label the map below.
Write the correct letter,  A-I, next to Questions  15-20.

15   statue of Diane Gosforth       …………..

16   wooden sculptures                  …………..
17   playground                                …………..
18   maze                                           …………..
19   tennis courts                            …………..
20   fitness area                               …………..

Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO groups of people is the display primarily
intended for?
A     student from the English department
B     residents of the local area
C     the university’s teaching staff
D     potential new students
E     students from other departments
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What are Cathy and Graham’s TWO reasons for
choosing the novelist Charles Dickens?
A     His speeches inspired others to try to improve
B     He used his publications to draw attention to
social problems.
C     His novels are well-known now.
D     He was consulted on a number of social issues.
E     His reputation has changed in recent times.
Questions 25-30
What topic do Cathy and Graham choose to illustrate
with each novel?
Choose  SIX  answers from the box and write the correct letter,  A-H, next to
Questions 25-30.
A     poverty
B     education
C     Dickens’s travels
D     entertainment
E     crime and the law
F     wealth
G     medicine
H     a woman’s life
Novels by Dickens
25   The Pickwick Papers               …………..
26   Oliver Twist                               …………..
27   Nicholas Nickleby                    …………..
28   Martin Chuzzlewit                   …………..
29   Bleak House                              …………..
30   Little Dorrit                               …………..

Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below.
Write  ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.
Agricultural programme in Mozambique
How the programme was organised
●   It
focused on a dry and arid region in Chicualacuala
district, near the Limpopo River.
●   People depended on the forest to provide charcoal
as a source of income.
●   31…………. was seen as the main priority to ensure
the supply of water.
●   Most of the work organised by farmers’
associations was done by 32…………….
●   Fenced areas created to keep animals away from
●   The programme provided
     –  33……………. for the fences
     –  34……………. for suitable crops
     –  water pumps.
●   The farmers provided
      –  labour
      –  35……………. for the fences on their land.
Further developments
●   The marketing of produce was sometimes difficult
due to lack of 36…………….. .
●   Training was therefore provided in methods of
food 37……………… .
●   Farmers made special places where 38……………….
could be kept.
●   Local people later suggested keeping 39……………… .
Evaluation and lessons learned
●   Agricultural
production increased, improving
incomes and food security.
●   Enough time must be allowed, particularly for
the 40……………… phase of the programme.

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