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To determine the volatile oil content in spices (black pepper, cardamom, ginger


The volatile oil content in the sample is separated by hydro distillation using
Clevenger apparatus and measured.

Volatile Oil

The low boiling components in the plants responsible for the flavour and
fragrance is very important in deciding the quality of spices.

Hydro – Distillation

The plant material is socked with water and boiled, the volatile gets distilled
along with the steam. On condensation the water and oil get separated. A common
industrial method for the preparation of volatile oils.


Analytical balance (0.01 g) accuracy

Heating mantle

RB flask

Clevenger apparatus

Reflux condenser


Step 1

1.Preparation of test sample

Pulverize the spice sample, pass through No.2 or No.3 sieves and mix well.

About 30- 50 g of the powered 3 sample is accurately weighed to the nearest

0.01g, and put into the RB flask.

Add 300 – 500 mL of water and a few glass beads, shake and mix well.

Connect the RB flask to a volatile oil determination tube and then connect the
volatile oil determination tube to a reflux condenser.
Fix the reflux condenser to the Clevenger trap.

Add water through the top of reflux condenser until the graduated tube of
volatile oil determination tube is fille and overflows to the round- bottomed flask.

Heat the flask gently until boiling by using an electric mantle.

Continue the boiling for about 3h until the volume of oil does not increase.

Stop heating; allow it to cool for 30 minutes.

Record the volume of oil determination tube and calculated the percentage of
volatile oil.

Setting up of Clevenger apparatus

The apparatus should be cleaned before use.

The Clevenger apparatus is fixed vertically as shown

All parts should be connected via ground glass joints to avoid the loss of

Volatile oil determination tube should be set vertically.

Condenser should be connected to chilled water preferably.


𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑂𝑖𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝐿

Volatile Oil content (%) = X 100
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑔


Weight of the black pepper = g

Volume of oil collected in Clevenger apparatus = mL



The volatile oil content in the black pepper is %



To estimate the ash content in the cumin sample provided.


Organic matter in the sample is removed by heating at about 5000 𝑐 and the
remaining inorganic minerals are considered as ash content. Water and other volatile
materials are vaporized and organic substance are burned in the presence of the
oxygen in air to CO2, H2O and nitrogen oxides. Most minerals are converted to oxides,
sulfate, phosphates, chlorides or silicates.

Apparatus Required

Analytical balance with 0.001 g accuracy

Silica Crucibles

Muffle furnace with temperature range upto 600℃, tongs for crucible handling, that
resistant gloves.



Step 1

Preparation of crucible – Crucible are cleaned well and kept in the Hot air oven
for 2 hrs.

Then the crucible is taken out and allowed to cool in dry desiccator for 20 min
and weighed in analytical balance.

Step 2

Sample Preparation

The samples are finely ground and mixed well.

About 1 g of sample is accurately weighed in to a pre weighed silica crucible

Step 3

Dry ashing

Dry ashing is preformed using high temperature muffle furnace capable of

maintain temperature of between 500℃ and 600℃
The sample in the crucible is burnt at 500℃ for 4 hours. Then the crucible is
taken out and allowed to cool in dry desiccator for 20 minutes

Once the crucible attains the room temperature, it is weighed in the balance.

The crucible again heated in the furnace at 500℃ for 1 hour, cooled in
desiccator and weighed.

The procedure is repeated till consecutive weights are obtained.


Weight of cumin (Ws) = g

Weight of blank crucible (Wc) = g

Weight of crucible with ash (Wa) = g


𝑊𝑎 −𝑊𝑐
Ash Content (%) = X 100


The ash content in the cumin is %



To estimate the moisture content in the black pepper sample provided.


The sample is heated under specified conditions and the loss of weight is used
to calculate the moisture content of the sample. Moisture content is required to
express the nutrient content per dry weight basis. In some spices, moisture is used to
indicate their quality

Apparatus & Equipments

Metal tong


Hot air oven

Petri dish


Weighing balance

Preparation of drying container
Place container in the drying oven at 100 ± 5°C until constant weight (1 - 2h).
Cool in a desiccator for about 30 min and weigh.
Preparation of sample
• Grind or blend sample until homogenous.
• Weigh the blank Petri dish and note the reading
• Take 5 - 10 g sample in the petri dish. Note the sample weigh
• Spread the sample on the surface by shaking the plate.
Hot Air Oven
• Place container with sample in the hot air oven pre-heated to 100 ± 5º C for 2
• Transfer the container with the dried sample into a desiccator, cool for 30 min
and weigh.
Weight of the empty Petri dish (W1) = g
Weight of the Sample (Ws) = g
Weight of the empty Petri dish + weight of the sample after drying (W2) = g
Moisture content (%) = x 100


The moisture content in the black pepper is = %



To familiarize the CODEX quality standard for cumin

CODEX Standards

CODEX Alimentarius Commission, coming under WHO/FAO is functioning to

ensure the fare trade practices between the countries. The CODEX quality standards
are considered as a bench mark for international trades. These are voluntary


1. Reference number of the standard C x S 327 – 2017

2. Styles

Cumin may be offered in one of the following styles:

a)Whole / intact

b) Cracked: broken into two (or) more pieces

c) Ground: Processed into powders

3. Moisture content
Cumin (whole, cracked or ground) must not contain more than 10% moisture
4. Physical characteristics
Parameter Class / Grade


Extraneous vegetable matter content, 1 2 3

maximum, % mass fraction
Foreign matter content, maximum % mass 0.1 0.5 0.5
Mould Visible, Maximum, % mass fraction 1.0 1.0 1.0

Proportion of damaged/ defective fruits, 5.0 5.0 5.0

maximum. % mass fraction
Dead insects, insect fragments rodent 0.1 0.5 0.5
contamination max% mass fraction
Insect damaged matter, maximum % mass 0.5 1.0 1.0
5. Chemical Requirement

Parameter Requirement for Required for

grade, whole & ground cumin
Total ash, % mass fraction (dry 8.5 10.0 12.0 9.5
basis) max
Acid – insoluble ash, % mass 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5
fraction (dry basis) max
Volatile oils, ml/100 g (dry basis) 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.3


Thus, the CODEX quality standards on cumin was familiarized.



To determine the specific gravity of the given sample.

Preparation of sample

Melt sample if necessary. Filter through a filter paper to remove any impurities
and the last traces of moisture. Make sure that the sample is completely dry. Cool the
sample to 30℃ or ambient temperature desired for determination


a) Pycnometer fitted with a thermometer of suitable range with 0.1 or 0.2 subdivision
or a density bottle

b) Balance

c) Water bath maintained at 30℃

The thermometer should be checked against a standard thermometer calibrated and

certified by National Physical Laboratory New Delhi or any other approved institution.

Standardisation of Pycnometer

• Carefully clean pycnometer by filling with Chromic acid cleaning solution and
letting stand several hours.
• Empty pycnometer and rinse thoroughly with water, fill with recently boiled
water previously cooled to about 20°C and place in constant temperature water
bath held at 30°C.
• After 30 minutes adjust water level to proper point on pycnometer and stopper,
remove from bath, wipe dry with clean cloth or towel and weigh.


• Fill the dry pycnometer with the prepared sample in such a manner to prevent
entrapment of air bubbles after removing the cap of the side arm.
• Insert the stopper, immerse in water bath at 30°C and hold for 30 minutes.
• Carefully wipe off any oil that has come out of the capillary opening.
• Remove the bottle from the bath, clean and dry it thoroughly.
• Remove the cap of the side arm and quickly weigh ensuring that the
temperature does not fall below 30°C.
Specific Gravity at 30 degree C / 30 degree C =

A = weight in gm of specific gravity bottle with oil at 30°C

B = weight in gm of specific gravity bottle at 30°C

C = weight in gm of specific gravity bottle with water at 30°C


Thus, the specific gravity of the given sample (__________) =



To determine the refractive index of the given sample


The Refractive Index (RI) of oil or fat is a mean for identification of nature of a
particular oil due to the difference of saturation, conjugation, presence of hydroxyl
substituted and chain length of fatty acids. Measurement of refractive index is
convenient for the following the progress of hydrogenation of oils and fats. The
refractive index is measured under different temperature conditions applied such as
20°C for oils, 40°C for solid fats which are fully molten at that temperature, 60°C for
hydrogenated fats and 80°C for waxes. Refractive index is very specific for a particular
oil or fat.


RI is expressed as the ratio between the sine of the angle of incidence to the
sine of the angle of refraction when a ray of light of a known wavelength (mean of
the D lines of sodium) passes from air into the oil or fat.



Refractometer - Abbe or Butyro refractometer. The temperature of the

refractometer should be controlled to within ±0.1°C and for this purpose it should be
provided with a thermostatically controlled water-bath and a motor-driven pump to
circulate water through the instrument. The instrument should be standardized,
following the manufacturer’s instructions, with a liquid of known purity and refractive
index or with a glass prism of known refractive index. Distilled water, which has a
refractive index of 1.3330 at 20.0°C, is a satisfactory liquid for standardization.

Light Source - If the refractometer is equipped with a compensator, a tungsten lamp

or a daylight bulb may be used. Otherwise, a monochromatic light, such as an electric
sodium vapour lamp, should be used.


Melt the sample, if it is not already liquid, and filter through a filter paper to
remove any impurities and the last traces of moisture. Make sure that the sample is
completely dry. Adjust the temperature of the refractometer to 40.0 ± 0.1°C or to any
other desired temperature. Ensure that the prisms are clean and completely dry, and
then place a few drops of the sample on the lower prism. Close the prisms, tighten
firmly with the screwhead, and allow to stand for 1-2 min. Adjust the instrument and
light to obtain the most distinct reading possible, and determine the refractive index.

Temperature and Corrections

Unless the correction factors are specified in the detailed specification, approximate
corrections shall be made using the following equation:
R = R’ + K (T’ – T )
R = the reading of the refractometer reduced to the specified temperature, T°C;
R’ = the reading at T’°C;
K = constant, 0.000365 for fats, and 0.000385 for oils ( if Abbe refractometer is used),
or = 0.55 for fats and 0.58 for oils (if Butyro refractometer is used );
T’ = the temperature at which the reading R’ is taken; and
T = the specified temperature (~40.0°C).


The refractive index of commonly used edible oils is given as below.

Type of Oil RI at 20℃

Pepper oil 1.480-1.499

Coriander 1.463-1.471

Fennel seed oil 1.528-1.539

Mustard 1.527 -1.529



To determine the acid value of the given sample.


The acid value is defined as the number of milligrams of Potassium hydroxide required
to neutralize the free fatty acids present in one gram of fat. It is a relative measure of
rancidity as free fatty acids are normally formed during decomposition of triglycerides.
The value is also expressed as per cent of free fatty acids calculated as oleic acid,
lauric, ricinoleic and palmitic acids.


The acid value is determined by directly titrating the oil/fat in an alcoholic

medium against standard potassium hydroxide/sodium hydroxide solution.

Analytical Importance

The value is a measure of the amount of fatty acids, which have been liberated
by hydrolysis from the glycerides due to the action of moisture, temperature and/or
lipolytic enzyme lipase.


Weighing balance

Burette with stand

Measuring cylinder

conical flasks

Hot plate


0.1 N of sodium hydroxide


Phenolphthalein indicator

Chemical Preparation

a) Ethyl alcohol: Ninety-five percent alcohol or rectified spirit neutral to

phenolphthalein indicator.
b) Phenolphthalein indicator solution: - Dissolve one gram of phenolphthalein in 100
mL of ethyl alcohol.

When testing rice bran oil based blended oils or oils or fats, which give dark colored
soap solution, the observation of the end point of the titration may be facilitated, by
using Alkali Blue in place of Phenolphthalein.

c) Standard aqueous potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 or 0.5 N.

The solution should be colourless and stored in a brown glass bottle. For refined oils,
the strength of the alkali should be fixed to 0.1 N.


• Take 10 g of sample in the conical flask and note the sample weight
• Measure 50 ml ethanol (99%) and pour into a 150 ml conical flask
• Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution and shake
• Add 0.1 N of NaOH dropwise until the light pink colour solution is formed. (this
action is done to neutralize the ethanol)
• Stop the addition of 0.1 N NaOH as the solution is turned into pink
• Now the neutralized ethanol is added to the flask containing sample
• Shake the flask to mix the solution
• Boil the mixture by placing the flask on hot plate for 10 minutes
• Continue the boiling until the sample is dissolve completely
• Shaking with hand should be continued periodically
• The mass of the test sample shall be taken based on the colour and expected
acid value.

Expected Acid Value Mass of test portion Accuracy of weighing

(gm) of test portion (gm)

<1 20 0.05

1 to 4 10 0.02

4 to 15 2.5 0.01

15 to 75 0.5 0.001

>75 0.1 0.0002


Take 0.1N of NaOH (standardized) in a burette

Note the initial burette reading

Start titration by adding few drops of phenolphthalein indicator

Titration should be continued with vigorous agitation to get the accurate results

Stop the titration when the solution colour change into pink

Note the final burette reading


Sample weight (Ws) = g

Normality of NaOH (N) = 0.1 N

Volume of NaOH Solution (V) = Final burette reading – Initial Burette reading (ml)

Molecular Weight of NaOH = 40.001

𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻 𝑋 𝑉 𝑋 𝑁
Acid Value =

V = Volume in mL of standard potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide used

N = Normality of the potassium hydroxide solution or Sodium hydroxide solution; and

W = Weight in gm of the sample

The Acid Value of the given sample ( )=


In this experiment we learn the preparation of Curry Powder.


Curry powder is usually a mixture of turmeric, chilli powder, ground coriander,

ground cumin, ground ginger and pepper, and can be bought in mild, medium or hot
strengths. Curry powder consists of turmeric, coriander, cumin, cayenne pepper, black
pepper and fenugreek. It may also contain mustard seeds. All these spices are lightly
roasted and powdered. American curry powder is usually mild. It’s also available as
sweet curry powder.


20 Dried Curry Leaves (Kaddi Patta)

6-10 Dried Red Chiles (Lal Mirch) - amount to taste (the more the spicier)

8 Whole Cloves (Laung)

8 Green Cardamom Pods (Choti Elaichi)

2 Indian Bay Leaves (Tej Patta)

1 2inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini)

2 Tbs Coriander Seed (Dhania Saabut)

1 ½ Tbs Cumin Seed (Jeera)

1 ½ Tbs Fenugreek Seed (Methi Dana)

1 Tbs Black Peppercorns (Kali Mirch)

1 Tbs Turmeric Powder (Haldi)

2 tsp Black Mustard Seed (Rai)

1 tsp Fennel Seed (Saunf)


1) Place small to medium dry skillet over medium-low heat

2) Add all ingredients to the hot, dry, skillet and toast (constantly moving the spices)
for apx 2-3 minutes until slightly darkened and fragrant
3) Allow to cool completely to room temperature

4) Place toasted ingredients in a mortar and pestle, clean coffee grinder, or spice
mill and grind into a fine powder

Use immediately or store in an air tight container in a cool, dry, dark place for up to
3 months



To identified and characterized of flavoring compounds of spices in this



Flavour is combination of taste, aroma and texture derived from an overall

combination of volatile components (aroma) and non- volatile components
(taste) in a spice. tongues have receptors to identify: bitter, salty, sour, sweet,
and umami. Flavor is the reaction that occurs when our tongue processes food
via the taste receptors on the tongue in combination with the input from aroma.

Spices can exhibit essences of the five basic flavors of bitter, salty, sour,
sweet, and umami.

The Sensory Characteristics of Spices - The Five Basic Tastes

• Bitter
• Salty
• Sour
• Sweet
• Umami

S.No Basic Tastes Example

1. Bitter Ajwain Seeds, Bay Leaves, Black Cumin

Seed, Celery Seed, Fenugreek Seeds, Greek
Oregano, Horseradish Root
Powder, Lavender, Mace, Marjoram
Leaf, Mediterranean
Thyme, Mustard, Turmeric.

2. Salty Fine sea salt, Kosher salt, Garlic Salt, Chipotle

salt, Seasoned salt

3. Sour Amchur, Sumac, Tamarind, Hibiscus, Lemon

Peel (dried)

4. Sweet Allspice, Anise, Caraway, Cassia

Cinnamon, Chervil, Cloves, Dill
Seed, Fennel, Green
Cardamom, Nutmeg, Poppy Seed, Sesame
Seed, Star Anise, Granulated
Honey, Granulated Molasses

5. Umami California Roasted Minced Garlic, Porcini

Mushroom Powder, Tamari Soy Sauce
Powder, Tomato Flakes

The Sensory Characteristics of Spices - The Supporting Flavors

• Cooling
• Earthy
• Floral
• Fruity
• Herbaceous
• Hot
• Nutty
• Piney
• Pungent
• Spicy
• Sulfury
• Woody


Cooling flavors don’t actually drop the temperature in your mouth. The
cool sensation you get from herbs like mint is known as chemesthesis, a reaction
that occurs when certain chemical compounds in food activate certain receptors
in your mouth. The protein TRPM8, which responds to the presence of menthol,
tricks your mouth into feeling cool, even though a thermometer wouldn’t register
a physical change.

Some cooling spices include Spearmint, Dill, Anise, Fennel, Sweet



Earthy flavors are rich and minerally. They originate from an organic compound
called geosmin , that is present in soil and can impact the foods that grow closely
in it, like potatoes and beets. We are particularly sensitive to the presence of
geosmin, and are able to detect it at concentrations of 400 parts per trillion.

Some earthy spices include Achiote, Cumin, Saffron, Turmeric


Floral flavors tend to be sophisticated and elegant, and surprisingly

strong. They can be tart, or bitter, or peppery, but share aromatic qualities that
trigger the smell receptors that line the nose and throat. Their smell is a
profound factor in their flavor and we are wired to detect florals —we smell one
of the chemical compounds in the aroma of roses at concentrations of 5 parts
per billion—so they are easy to over-use. Used wisely, they bring ethereal
fragrance and gentle sumptuousness to food.

Some floral spices include Lemongrass, Rose Petals, Saffron, Sweet

Basil, Thyme, Lavender

Fruity – Fruity flavors are generally bright and bracing. They can be juicy
and berry-like, or tart and citrusy. Fruit flavors are often the result of the
presence of esters, a compound that develops from the synthesis of organic
alcohols and acids.

Some fruity spices include Anise, Coriander, Fennel, Nigella, Summer

Savory, Star Anise, Tamarind

Herbaceous – Herbaceous flavors are full of personality. They don’t rely
on one particular chemical compound for definition but rather, express the
overall presence of an herb. The flavors can range from clean and grassy, like
parsley, or warm and peppery, like sage, with a welcoming perfume that lingers
as the flavor fades.

Some herbaceous spices include Dill weed, Fennel seed, Lavender,

Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Summer Savory, Tarragon, Thyme

Hot spices work the same way that cooling spices do, triggering a reflex
reaction—chemesthesis—rather than changing the physical temperature of your
mouth. The chemical that causes the change is, most often, capsaicin, the active
heat compound in chile peppers that gives it that fire, though there can be o ther
compounds that elicit similar reactions. Piperine, in black pepper, is what gives
that spice its signature bite.

Some hot spices include Black Pepper, Chiles, Horseradish, Mustard,

Sichuan Peppercorns, Wasabi, White Pepper

When a food tastes nutty—rich, a little fatty, with a savory woodsiness

that’s perhaps even a little buttery—it indicates high concentrations of Strecker
aldehydes, a compound that develops as amino acids degrade. This flavor is
often found in high-fat, high-protein seeds.

Some nutty spices include Ajwain, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed,

Cumin Seed, Fenugreek Seed, Mustard Seed, Poppy Seed, Sesame Seed.

The aromatic, biting, balsamic pine flavor that can be found in various
herbs and spices is the result of a volatile organic compound called—perhaps
unsurprisingly—pinene. This compound is found in a wide variety of plants,
which are not necessarily related to pine trees. It easily aerosolizes, which
means that plants that express pinene have a rich fragr ance.

Some piney Spices include Bay Leaf, Black Peppercorns, Rosemary,



Pungency is not the cause of one specific volatile compound but rather, a
way to describe boldly flavored spices and herbs. It’s not particularly hot, or
acrid, or sharp, or biting, though it can be any or all of these. Pungent flavor
providers, like garlic, tend to keep delivering the pungent flavor through the
course of a meal and, sometimes, beyond that.

Some pungent spices include Allspice, Dill Seed, Epazote, Garlic,

Ginger, Grains of paradise, Horseradish, Marjoram, Mustard, Onion,
Paprika, Spearmint, Star Anise, Wasabi.


Spicy foods are piquant and bold. They are often hot, but are most notable
for delivering a flavorful, one-two punch that’s dominated by the zingy way it
lifts the palate. Spicy flavors tend to mellow fairly quickly into a gentler finish
on the tongue.

Some spicy spices include Bay Leaf, Cassia Cinnamon, Cloves,

Coriander, Cumin, Curry Leaf, Ginger, Marjoram, Nutmeg

Some of the world’s most beloved ingredients, like onion and garlic, get
their distinctively sharp and aggressively aromatic flavor profiles from the
presence of sulfur compounds. On its own, sulfur can smell off -putting and
almost egg-y, but when these compounds are treated with heat they become
savory and alluring. Sulfur is an essential mineral for the human body, as it plays
roles in DNA repair, cell protection, and the metabolization of food.

Some sulfury spices include Asafoetida, Chives, Garlic, Onion


Woody flavors are not beholden to one particular chemical compound.

Instead, they evoke the idea of a damp, fragrant wood, like mellow cedar. They
are often robust and warm, with a sprinkling of piquancy.

Some woody spices include Cardamom, Ceylon Cinnamon, Cloves,

Juniper, Lavender, Rosemary, Sichuan Peppercorns.


S.No Spices name Flavour

To study about the packaging of spices in this experiment.
• A natural plant or vegetable products or mixture thereof, in whole or ground
form, as are used for imparting flavour, aroma and pungency to the food and
as well for seasoning of them. (ISO)
• Spices make the food palatable by imparting the flavour to the food
• Spices are characterized by the “Character Impact Compound”
• CIC makes the impression of spice
• Applied properties of spices
Based upon contribution to world trade of spices in terms of their export
Major spices
Minor Spices
• Dry spices are not normally subject to spoilage but can get loaded with high
mold spores
• However, the losses of flavouring constituents deteriorates the flavour profile
• Losses of the flavouring constituents can be minimized by
▪ Processing of spices
▪ By providing or modifying packaging conditions
Classification of Spices
Pungent Spices
Aromatic Fruits
Aromatic Bark
Phenolic Spices
Colored Spices
Forms of Spices
Ground spices
Essential oil
Encapsulated oleoresin
A functional package for spices should possess following attributes
➢ Ability to protect the contents from spoilage and spillage
➢ Should offer protection against physio – chemical and microbiological spoilage
with respect to storage condition
➢ Prevent the loss of volatile oils and also prevent the pick of foreign odour i.e.
off odour
➢ Prevent insect and fungal infestation and protect from other biological
contamination and damage
➢ Assist in selling by suitable attractive outer graphics and should also conform
to the food laws of the importing and exporting countries
➢ Should be economical and easily available
Insect Proof Packaging
➢ Spice products are fumigated and are packed immediately
➢ Flexible packaging materials have varying degree of insect resistance
➢ Laminates based on foil or PET with PE is fairly insect proof
➢ Metallised PET or PE and foil based laminates offer better resistances to insects
compared to others.
➢ Inclusion of duplex board carton to unit packs
Whole spices
The flavour is protected by outer natural coating and losses during storage are
Gunny bags
Polyethylene lined gunny bags
HDPE woven sacks
PE lined plywood boxes
Multi wall paper bags
Cotton bags lined with suitable polymeric materials
Compressed packages for whole spices
In case of whole dry chillies, due to the low bulk density, package becomes
voluminous and suitable method has to developed to compress the chillies to reduce
its bulk density.
Moisture content of 10% and pressure of 2.5 kg/ was found optimum and
it reduced the volume by 78% of its original value. Compressed packages of 10 kg
and 25 kg are packed in PE bags.
Packaging for ground spices
Materials used Desired Properties Disadvantages
Polyethylene (LDPE & Retards ingress of water Printing gets disfigured
HDPE). Polypropylene vapour and smudged
Offers inadequate
protection against volatile
Cellophane or polyester Less permeability for
Poor moisture barrier
organic volatile oils property
Laminates ± cellophane/ Retain the volatile oil Under the conditions of
PE or PP, Glassine / PE or Provide adequate
high temperature and
PP moisture relative humidity these
characteristics are lost
Metallised polyester/PE or Good barrier against the Delamination at high
PP, Paper/ foil/ poly loss of volatile oil and temperature
laminate, PET/met, ingress of moisture,
PET/PE or PP provides a shelf life of
about 1 year

Oleoresins and Volatile oils

Tightly closed glass
Pure aluminium
Suitable tinplate containers or food grade high density polyethylene containers
Essential oils are packed in epoxy coated aluminium narrow mouthed bottle
PET and Colored PET
Other Packaging Materials
Nylon and polyester based films
Special foil laminates in combination with cellophane, PE, PET, Multi-layered
co- extruded nylon-based films
Films based on ethylene vinyl alcohol and PVDC coated BOPP with their very
good aroma barrier property are also used.


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