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Q.No.  Question

 Jolene, a manager, delegates the authority for a project to Lee, her

 1. subordinate. Jolene is most likely involved in which function of the management

Gerard is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for

accomplishing the organization's tasks. Gerard is most likely a ________.

Smith Industries, located in Paris, is thinking of having another company in the

town take care of its benefits management. This is called:

Kate works as a nurse on temporary assignment for hospitals throughout the

region on an as-needed basis. Kate is most likely ________.

Which tool is most effective if James wishes to understand what attributes

distinguish his company's most effective managers from the others?

 6. Which of these would not really help a company to embed inclusivity?

The ________ of the California Energy Commission indicates that the

organization assesses and acts through public and private partnerships to
improve energy systems that promote a strong economy and a healthy

John is a manager is looking at HR scorecard data through a ________, which

presents the manager with desktop graphs and charts, showing a computerized
picture of how the company is doing on all the metrics from the HR scorecard

 9. The primary purpose of strategic human resource management is to ________.

 9. The primary purpose of strategic human resource management is to ________.

A company's ________ strategy identifies the portfolio of businesses that

comprise a firm and the ways in which these businesses relate to each other.

In which of the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard would Return on

Capital Employed (ROCE) be likely to appear?

All of the following requirements are typically addressed in job specifications

EXCEPT ________.

A(n) ________ shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from a job being

Murray, Inc. emphasizes a desire for detail-oriented, motivated employees with

strong social skills as indicated in the firm's job ________.

Mark is an employee at a Best Western Hotel. Some weeks he works with the
 15. catering group, and other weeks he assists the reservations clerk or the parking
attendant. This is an example of ________.

Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what positions the firm
 16. should fill in the next six months, which means Marcus is currently working on

Pablo wants to figure out likely future employment needs for Slate Industries by
 17. examining past organizational employment needs of the company. This is an
example of:

Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra $4 million in sales next

 18. year. A salesperson traditionally generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using
ratio analysis, how many new salespeople should Newton hire?

Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using all of the

following EXCEPT a ________.
Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using all of the
following EXCEPT a ________.

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional
hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years
and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at
Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before
 20. quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its
personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and
improve employee retention rates.
Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a scatter plot is
the most appropriate tool for Marie to use in estimating future personnel needs?

A ________ is used to calculate the number of applicants a firm must generate

to hire the required number of new employees.

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional
hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years
and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at
Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before
 22. quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its
personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and
improve employee retention rates.
Which of the following, if true, most likely undermines Marie's decision to fill top
positions with inside candidates?

When constructing a job advertisement, all of the following are aspects of the
AIDA guide EXCEPT ________.

Pamlico River Productions is seeking a top-level manager to oversee its finance

 24. division. Qualified candidates can be difficult to find, so the business would most
likely benefit from using a(n)________ to recruit potential candidates.

Which of the following would be the best option for a business that needs to
attract local applicants for hourly jobs?

 Q.No.  Question

Information collected through the job analysis process is the basis for the
following HR activities

 2.  What kind of people to hire for a particular job is indicated by the:
 2.  What kind of people to hire for a particular job is indicated by the:

 Which term describes the process of gathering, analyzing and synthesizing

 3. information about the jobs that are being done and any new jobs that are

 The first step in a typical job analysis is to examine the overall organization.
The next step is

 A job _________ is a written statement of the job's activities, the equipment

required for it, and the working conditions in which it exists.

 Which of the following is a written statement of the skills, knowledge, abilities,

and other characteristics needed to perform a job effectively?

 7.  Analyzing jobs involves determining in detail

 Identifying personal traits that validly predict which candidates will do well on
the job is the goal of:

 9.  The organization-wide division of work is shown by a(n):

 An HR manger is responsible for coordinating the human resources planning

processes in the organization. This includes all of the following EXCEPT:

 11.  All of the following are sources of internal recruiting except:

 12.  Two tangible products of the job analysis are

 12.  Two tangible products of the job analysis are

 13.  Popular methods for gathering job analysis data are:

 The most widely used method for identifying a job's duties and responsibilities
is the:

 15.  Human resource departments are

 16.  The primary purpose of strategic human resource management is to ________.

 According to experts, the primary hindrance to a firm's productivity is its

inability to _______.

 Bonus plays an important role in today's competitive executive payment


 The primary purpose of providing employees with feedback during a

performance appraisal is to motivate employees to ________.

 20.  The most common long-term benefits offered to executives are

 The indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees receive for

continuing their employment with a company are called ________.
 The indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees receive for
continuing their employment with a company are called ________.

 22.  Managerial remuneration cannot be

 23.  Objective measures are quantifiable and are therefore highly useful in

 Which of the following terms refers to financial rewards paid to workers whose
production exceeds some predetermined standard?

 Which of the following terms refers to an incentive plan that ties a group's pay
to the firm's profitability?

 Which of the following provides pay to an employee when he or she is not

working because of illness?

 27.  What is the first step in the appraisal process?

 When designing an actual appraisal method, the two basic considerations are

 The development and application of employees' skills and energies to

accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization is called:

 30.  What is the primary premise of Strategic Human Resources Planning?

 30.  What is the primary premise of Strategic Human Resources Planning?

 31.  -

 Will works at a position in his organization where he maintains contacts within

 3. the local community and travels to search for qualified job applicants. Will's
position is best described as:

 Smith Industries, located in Paris, is thinking of having another company in the

city take care of its benefits management. This is called:

 Kate works as a nurse on temporary assignment for hospitals throughout the

region on an as-needed basis. Kate is most likely ________.

 The ________ of the California Energy Commission indicates that the

organization assesses and acts through public and private partnerships to
improve energy systems that promote a strong economy and a healthy

 John is a manager is looking at HR scorecard data through a ________, which

presents the manager with desktop graphs and charts, showing a computerized
picture of how the company is doing on all the metrics from the HR scorecard

 10.  The primary purpose of strategic human resource management is to ________.

 A company's ________ strategy identifies the portfolio of businesses that

comprise a firm and the ways in which these businesses relate to each other.

 12.  What is a lagging performance indicator?

 12.  What is a lagging performance indicator?

 If a person scores a 78 on a test on one day and scores a 79 when retested on
another day, you would most likely conclude that this test is ________.

 Which of the following best describes how to use a test-retest reliability

estimate to assess reliability?

 Demonstrating the content validity of a test can be best accomplished by

showing that ________.

 Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what positions the firm
 19. should fill in the next six months, which means Marcus is currently working on

 Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra 4 million in sales next

 20. year. A salesperson traditionally generates 800,000 in sales each year. Using
ratio analysis, how many new salespeople should Newton hire?

 Pamlico River Productions is seeking a top-level manager to oversee its finance

 18. division. Qualified candidates can be difficult to find, so the business would most
likely benefit from using a(n) ________ to recruit potential candidates.

 As part of the selection process for a position at UPS, Jack has been asked to
 19. lift weights and jump rope. Which of the following is most likely being measured
by UPS?

 Red Robin Gourmet Burgers is a national restaurant chain with nearly 36,000
employees that began as a small restaurant in Seattle. Over the years, Red
Robin has attempted to develop a reputation as a fun, family restaurant that
offers both excellent food and service. Red Robin's core values-honor, integrity,
having fun, and continually seeking knowledge-serve as the basis for all of the
firm's decisions and are even embroidered on the sleeves of every employee's
uniform. As Red Robin continues to expand, executives are considering adding
tests to the screening process.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that Red Robin
should use personality tests in the employee selection process?
Robin has attempted to develop a reputation as a fun, family restaurant that
offers both excellent food and service. Red Robin's core values-honor, integrity,
having fun, and continually seeking knowledge-serve as the basis for all of the
firm's decisions and are even embroidered on the sleeves of every employee's
uniform. As Red Robin continues to expand, executives are considering adding
tests to the screening process.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that Red Robin
should use personality tests in the employee selection process?

 Carl recently participated in a selection test for a position at Northern

 18. Aeronautics. The test measured Carl's finger dexterity and reaction time, so it
was most likely a(n) ________ test.

 Tina is applying for a job as an assembly worker at Honda. As part of the

selection procedure, Tina received classroom instruction and was asked to
practice assembling windshield wipers onto cars. Tina most likely participated in

 Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the
regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next
three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee
turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or
two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant
changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the
future and improve employee retention rates.
Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a scatter plot is
the most appropriate tool for Marie to use in estimating future personnel needs?

 Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the
regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next
three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee
turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or
two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant
changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the
future and improve employee retention rates.

 22. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that Marie should
implement a computerized skills inventory database?

 Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the
regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next
three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee
turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or
two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant
changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the
future and improve employee retention rates.
Which of the following, if true, most likely undermines Marie's decision to fill top
positions with inside candidates?

 Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the
regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next
three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee
turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or
two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant
changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the
future and improve employee retention rates.
All of the following questions are relevant to Marie's decision to fill top positions
at the new hotels with internal candidates EXCEPT:
 Options  Answer
 1.  staffing
 2.  organizing
 3.  motivating  2
 4.  leading
 5.  -
 1.  training specialist
 2.  staff manager
 3.  line manager  3
 4.  recruiter
 5.  -
 1.  outsourcing
 2.  screening
 3.  telecommuting  1
 4.  offshoring
 5.  -
 1.  working as a contingent worker
 2.  participating in a job rotation
 3.  using job enlargement  1
 4.  using jobs enrichment
 5.  -
 1.  Employee involvement programs
 2.  HR/talent analytics
 3.  HR scorecards  2
 4.  Digital dashboards
 5.  -
 1.  Adjusting work practices to accommodate certain employees
 2.  Confronting stereotypes and preconceptions
 3.  Training all staff  4
 4. Set quotas on all teams
 5.  -
 1.  mission statement
 2.  strategic plan
 3.  code of ethics  1
 4.  vision statement
 5.  -
 1.  digital dashboard
 2.  strategy map
 3.  HR audit  1
 4.  mission plan
 5.  -

 1.  develop human resource policies that align with industry standards
 integrate a company's strategic plan with its human resource
 create stringent appraisal systems that highlight employee  2
 use offshoring to reduce human resource costs and to initiate

 5.  -
 1.  functional
 2.  business unit
 3.  corporate-level  3
 4.  competitive
 5.  -
 1.  Customer
 2.  Financial
 3.  Internal processes  2
 4.  Learning and growth
 5.  -
 1.  desired personality traits
 2.  required education levels
 3.  necessary experience  4
 4.  working conditions
 5.  -
 1.  organization chart
 2.  process chart
 3.  job analysis  2
 4.  job description
 5.  -
 1.  specifications
 2.  analysis
 3.  reports  1
 4.  descriptions
 5.  -
 1.  job enlargement
 2.  job rotation
 3.  job enrichment  2
 4.  job specialization
 5.  -
 1.  screening job candidates
 2.  personnel planning
 3.  interviewing job candidates  2
 4.  writing job descriptions
 5.  -
 1.  a qualification inventory
 2.  replacement chart
 3.  succession planning  4
 4.  trend analysis
 5.  -
 1.  2
 2.  5
 3.  10  2
 4.  20
 5.  -
 1.  ratio analysis matrix
 2.  personnel replacement chart
 3.  position replacement card  1
 4.  skills inventory software
 5.  -
 Productivity levels for Barnum employees typically vary from
month to month.
 The size of the two new Barnum hotels will be similar to the
chain's other hotels.
 Barnum requires HR to maintain qualifications inventories for all  2
current employees.
 Personnel replacement charts serve as useful tools when filling
Barnum's managerial positions.
 5.  -
 1.  trend analysis
 2.  ratio analysis
 3.  recruiting yield pyramid  3
 4.  scatter plot
 5.  -
 Barnum needs to head in a different direction with innovative ideas
if it is to remain competitive with other hotel chains.
 Many current Barnum employees have indicated they are loyal to
the firm by rejecting offers to work at competing hotels.
 Training new employees about the practices and procedures at  1
Barnum is costly in regards to both time and money.
 The influence of local labor unions is blamed for the high turnover
rate among Barnum employees.
 5.  -
 1.  attracting attention to the ad
 2.  implying long-term benefits
 3.  prompting applicant action  2
 4.  developing interest in the job
 5.  -
 1.  executive recruiter
 2.  temporary agency
 3.  Internet-based job site  1
 4.  College recruiting
 5.  -
 1.  employee referral campaigns
 2.  head-hunters
 3.  college recruiting  4
 4.  walk-ins
 5.  -
 Options  Answer
 1.  Performance appraisal
 2.  Human resource planning
 3.  Recruitment and selection  4
 4.  All of the above
 5.  -
 1.  Activities and responsibilities of job.
 2.  Performance standards.
 3.  Job description.  3
 4.  Job specifications.

 5.  -
 1.  job description.
 2.  job analysis.
 3.  job specification.  2
 4.  human resource inventory.
 5.  -
 1.  collect data on jobs.
 2.  prepare job description.
 3.  prepare job specification.  1
 4.  select jobs to be analyzed.
 5.  -
 1.  analysis.
 2.  specification.
 3.  design.  4
 4.  description.
 5.  -
 1.  job design.
 2.  job specification.
 3.  job analysis.  2
 4.  job description.
 5.  -
 1.  What kind of people to hire.
 2.  What the job entails.
 3.  The employee's performance.  4
 4.  What the job entails and the characteristics of people to hire.
 5.  -
 1.  Standards of performance.
 2.  Job specifications.
 3.  Job descriptions.  3
 4.  None of the above.
 5.  -
 1.  Organization chart.
 2.  Process chart.
 3.  Job analysis.  1
 4.  All of the above.
 5.  -
 1.  Obtaining financial resources
 2.  Forecasting HR needs
 3.  Balancing the supply and demand  1
 4.  Forecasting availability of internal and external candidates
 5.  -
 1.  job posting.
 2.  employee recommendations.
 3.  advertisements.  3
 4.  transfers.
 5.  -
 1.  Process chart; job description
 2.  Job description; job specifications.
 3.  Process chart; organization chart  2
 4.  Job description; performance appraisal
 5.  -
 1.  Questionnaires.
 2.  Observations.
 3.  Diaries/logs.  4
 4.  All of the above.
 5.  -
 1.  Questionnaire
 2.  Interview
 3.  Diary/logs  2
 4.  Observation
 5.  -
 1.  Line dept
 2.  Service dept
 3.  Functional dept  2
 4.  Authority dept
 5.  -
 develop human resource policies that align with the industry
 2.  link a company's strategic plan with its human resource strategies
 create stringent appraisal systems that highlight employee  2
 use offshoring to reduce human resource costs and to initiate
 5.  -
 1.  establish effective manufacturing facilities
 2.  acquire and maintain human capital
 3.  use advanced accounting controls  2
 4.  develop organizational plans
 5.  -
 1.  It is based on performance
 2.  It is usually short-term i.e. annual

 3.  They have more opportunity to influence organizational success  4

 4.  All of the above

 5.  -
 1.  apply for managerial positions
 2.  remove any performance deficiencies
 3.  revise their performance standards  2
 4.  enroll in work-related training programs
 5.  -
 1.  Bonus
 2.  Stock options
 3.  Benefits  2
 4.  Perquisites
 5.  -
 1.  reimbursement
 2.  salary
 3.  benefits  3
 4.  remuneration
 5.  -
 Compared to wage and salary schemes applicable to other
employees in the company
 2.  Fixed and non-negotiable
 Dependent on individual performance but on organizational  4
 4.  All of the above
 5.  -
 1.  Rating the trainers
 2.  Measuring the performance of an employee
 3.  Improving the organizational effectiveness  2
 4.  Choosing the evaluation methods
 5.  -
 1.  indirect financial payments
 2.  merit payments
 3.  hardship allowance  4
 4.  financial incentives
 5.  -
 1.  variable pay
 2.  pay-for-performance
 3.  merit pay  1
 4.  sales commissions
 5.  -
 1.  sick leave
 2.  health insurance
 3.  severance pay  1
 4.  supplemental pay
 5.  -
 1.  giving feedback
 2.  defining the job
 3.  administering the appraisal tool  2
 4.  making plans to provide training
 5.  -
 1.  who should measure and when to measure
 2.  what to measure and who should measure
 3.  what to measure and how to measure  3
 4.  when to measure and how to measure
 5.  -
 1.  human resource management.
 2.  human resource planning.
 3.  selection.  1
 4.  recruiting.
 5.  -
 1.  Strategic management is reactive.
 Different organizational strategies demand different HR policies
and procedures.
 3.  Planning must occur over a ten-year time span.

 4.  SHRP is less concerned with measurable performance.

 5.  -
 1.  -
 2.  -
 3.  -  0
 4.  -
 5.  -
 1.  Staff manager
 2.  Line manager
 3.  Labor relations specialist  1
 4.  Job analyst
 5.  -
 1.  outsourcing
 2.  screening
 3.  telecommuting  1
 4.  offshoring
 5.  -
 1.  working as a contingent worker
 2.  participating in a job rotation
 3.  using job enlargement  1
 4.  using jobs enrichment
 5.  -
 1.  mission statement
 2.  strategic plan
 3.  code of ethics  1
 4.  vision statement
 5.  -
 1.  digital dashboard
 2.  strategy map
 3.  HR audit  1
 4.  mission plan
 5.  -

 1.  develop human resource policies that align with industry standards
 integrate a company's strategic plan with its human resource
 create stringent appraisal systems that highlight employee  2
 use offshoring to reduce human resource costs and to initiate
 5.  -
 1.  functional
 2.  business unit
 3.  corporate-level  3
 4.  competitive
 5.  -
 1.  An indicator that depends on another performance measure
 2.  An indicator that highlights past performance
 3.  Delayed reporting of performance  1
 4.  An indicator that can anticipate future performance

 5.  -
 1.  valid
 2.  invalid
 3.  reliable  3
 4.  unreliable
 5.  -
 administer a test with content based on what a person actually
needs to know to effectively perform the job in question
 administer the same test to different people at two different points
 2. in time and compare their test scores at time 2 with the scores at
time 1
 administer different tests to a group of people and compare the  4
range of collected test scores
 administer the same test to the same people at two different
 4. points in time and compare their test scores at time 2 with their
scores at time 1
 5.  -
 tasks performed on the test are general enough to apply to any
type of job
 higher test scores are statistically equivalent to proven, long-term
job success
 the test is representative of important aspects of performance on  3
the job
 4.  scores on the test are both internally and externally reliable
 5.  -
 1.  screening job candidates
 2.  personnel planning
 3.  interviewing job candidates  2
 4.  writing job descriptions
 5.  -
 1.  2
 2.  5
 3.  10  2
 4.  20
 5.  -
 1.  executive recruiter
 2.  temporary agency
 3.  Internet-based job site  1
 4.  College recruiting
 5.  -
 1.  interpersonal skills
 2.  cognitive skills
 3.  physical abilities  3
 4.  achievements
 5.  -

 Red Robin encourages employees to participate in the firm's

environmental stewardship program to show community support.
 Red Robin seeks outgoing, motivated, and compassionate
employees to enhance the experience of its customers.
 Red Robin offers monetary incentives to managers who meet  2
quarterly sales targets and exceed performance expectations.

 Red Robin desires employees with extensive knowledge of the

 4. restaurant industry and at least two years of experience serving
 5.  -
 1.  motor ability
 2.  personality
 3.  cognitive  1
 4.  interest
 5.  -
 1.  miniature job training and evaluation
 2.  situational judgment tests
 3.  assessment centers  1
 4.  management games
 5.  -

 Productivity levels for Barnum employees typically vary from

month to month.

 The size of the two new Barnum hotels will be similar to the
chain's other hotels.
 Barnum requires HR to maintain qualifications inventories for all
current employees.
 Personnel replacement charts serve as useful tools when filling
Barnum's managerial positions.
 5.  -

 Barnum offers its employees the opportunities to participate in job

rotation and job expansion experiences.

 Barnum's recruiting yield pyramid indicates that the firm should  3

generate 1,000 leads in order to fill 100 positions.
 Barnum executives would like to transfer the firm's most qualified
employees to the new hotels to fill supervisory positions.

 HR managers at Barnum frequently receive discrimination

 4. complaints that must be investigated by the Equal Employment
Opportunity committee
 5.  -

 Barnum needs to head in a different direction with innovative ideas

if it is to remain competitive with other hotel chains.

 Many current Barnum employees have indicated they are loyal to
the firm by rejecting offers to work at competing hotels.
 Training new employees about the practices and procedures at
Barnum is costly in regards to both time and money.
 The influence of local labor unions is blamed for the high turnover
rate among Barnum employees.
 5.  -

 What are the key managerial positions that are available at the
new hotels?

 What percentage of employers in the service industry use
succession planning?
 What skills, education, and training have been provided to
potential candidates?
 What is the designated procedure for assessing and selecting
potential candidates?
 5.  -

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