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Life Cycle of a Plant - Worksheet for Grade 5 (Cambridge)

Name:_________________________ Date:_________________________

Instructions: Read the questions carefully and answer them based on your understanding of the
plant life cycle.

1. Label the Plant Life Cycle: Label the parts of the plant life cycle in the diagram below.

[Image: A simple diagram depicting the plant life cycle with labeled parts]

Parts to Label: A. Seed B. Germination C. Seedling D. Growth and Development E. Maturity

F. Pollination G. Fertilization H. Fruit Formation

2. True or False: Circle "T" for True or "F" for False for each statement below.

a. T / F Plants only start from seeds. b. T / F Germination is when a seed begins to grow into a
new plant. c. T / F A seedling is a fully grown and mature plant. d. T / F Pollination is the
transfer of pollen from the male part to the female part of a flower. e. T / F Fertilization is the
process where a pollen grain lands on a stigma. f. T / F Fruit formation is the final stage of a
plant's life cycle. g. T / F Maturity is when a plant is at its peak growth and can produce flowers
or fruits.

3. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate words.

a. Germination is the process when a seed starts to sprout and grow into a new plant. b. During
pollination, pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma. c. Fertilization occurs when
pollen meets the ovule, resulting in the formation of a seed. d. A seedling has roots, a stem, and
at least one cotyledon, which stores food for the young plant. e. Maturity is the stage when a
plant is fully grown and can produce flowers or fruits.

4. Sequence the Stages: Put the following stages of the plant life cycle in the correct order.

a. Germination b. Maturity c. Pollination d. Seedling e. Fertilization f. Fruit Formation

5. Short Answer: Explain the importance of each of the following stages in the plant life cycle:

a. Germination:

b. Pollination:

c. Fruit Formation:
6. Draw and Label: Draw and label the stages of a sunflower's life cycle on a separate sheet of
paper. Include brief descriptions for each stage.

7. Research and Report: Choose a specific plant (e.g., apple tree, tomato plant) and research its
life cycle. Write a short paragraph describing the unique features of its life cycle compared to
other plants.

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