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First, we cannot think about language as if it were something ready, finished. In no way
it is like this. Language is dynamic; it is in constant evolution and is also submitted to different
changes. Second, we live in an open country to different cultures. And third, this is a time
where everybody is concerned about globalization. This is very important because it shows
that we are not isolated in the world. There is a continuous process integration with the whole
world, which is becoming smaller and smaller. This is very important for us because it improves
our culture much more. But will the globalization reach all people in anywhere? About the
conflicting aspects of the globalization, consult the books of Geography and Sociology.

We left the Industrial Age and evolved into the Information Age. That is a great
evolution for the whole society, demanding great changes and adaptation. What is on the top
line today may be obsolete tomorrow. We are watching technological advances in every field,
which are happening very fast, so we have to be aware because we can´t take the risk of being
obsoletes. It´s a moment in history that knowledge is essential for everybody. Think about this.
It´s worth while.

We can notice that a great social change is happening. We are changing not only our
behavior but also our language.

Social changes are always happening and different theories, for example, the theory of
modernization and the theory of post-industrial society have been discussed and tried to
explain these significant social changes in our history.


First, we cannot think about language as if it were something ready, finished. In no way
it is like this. Language is dynamic; it is in constant evolution and is also submitted to different
changes. Second, we live in an open country to different cultures. And third, this is a time
where everybody is concerned about globalization. This is very important because it shows
that we are not isolated in the world. There is a continuous process integration with the whole
world, which is becoming smaller and smaller. This is very important for us because it improves
our culture much more. But will the globalization reach all people in anywhere? About the
conflicting aspects of the globalization, consult the books of Geography and Sociology.

We left the Industrial Age and evolved into the Information Age. That is a great
evolution for the whole society, demanding great changes and adaptation. What is on the top
line today may be obsolete tomorrow. We are watching technological advances in every field,
which are happening very fast, so we have to be aware because we can´t take the risk of being
obsoletes. It´s a moment in history that knowledge is essential for everybody. Think about this.
It´s worth while.

We can notice that a great social change is happening. We are changing not only our
behavior but also our language.

Social changes are always happening and different theories, for example, the theory of
modernization and the theory of post-industrial society have been discussed and tried to
explain these significant social changes in our history.

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