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Do you think modern life is very comfortable? Just wait and see! Future life is going to be more

comfortable. Scientists tell us about the maid of the future: the computer. We know the importance of the

computer today, but it is going to be even more important in the future.

There is going to be a "home computer" in every house. A home computer is a computer terminal

connected to public computers. It is going to be the major source of information for the family.

The housewife is going to do her shopping through the computer. She is going to order directly

to the computer of the supermarket. Then, the supermarket is going to deliver the goods directly to her house.No

need to waste time with shopping. There is going to be a complete system of instant information: right time,

weather forecast, movies in town, airplane, train and bus schedule, traffic in then streets, etc.

According to experiments in England and Japan, we are going to have a new newspaper system in the

21st century. The newspaper is going to disappear. We are going to have the newsvideo, or the videotext. You

type message into your home computer. You ask, "Give the political news of Western Europe". The news is going

to appear immediately on the videoscreen of the terminal. We are also going to see talking machines. You are

going to tell your TV, "Turn on!", "Change the channel!", "Correct the color!". On the other hand, your stove is

going to shout at you, "The water is boiling”. “The beans are burning!", "Turn me off!".


Do you think modern life is very comfortable? Just wait and see! Future life is going to be more

comfortable. Scientists tell us about the maid of the future: the computer. We know the importance of the

computer today, but it is going to be even more important in the future.

There is going to be a "home computer" in every house. A home computer is a computer terminal

connected to public computers. It is going to be the major source of information for the family.

The housewife is going to do her shopping through the computer. She is going to order directly

to the computer of the supermarket. Then, the supermarket is going to deliver the goods directly to her house.No

need to waste time with shopping. There is going to be a complete system of instant information: right time,

weather forecast, movies in town, airplane, train and bus schedule, traffic in then streets, etc.

According to experiments in England and Japan, we are going to have a new newspaper system in the

21st century. The newspaper is going to disappear. We are going to have the newsvideo, or the videotext. You

type message into your home computer. You ask, "Give the political news of Western Europe". The news is going

to appear immediately on the videoscreen of the terminal. We are also going to see talking machines. You are

going to tell your TV, "Turn on!", "Change the channel!", "Correct the color!". On the other hand, your stove is

going to shout at you, "The water is boiling”. “The beans are burning!", "Turn me off!".

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