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1. "With the exception of Feste, all the inhabitants of Illyria strike us as being very

Write an essay in which you discuss the nature of the folly that grips Olivia,
Orsino, and Malvolio and show each of these individuals the folly of their
behaviour. You should explain how Feste contributes to the prevailing comic
tone of the play.

2. "Much of the comedy in Twelfth Night depends on disguise, mistaken identity,

and false posturing."

Write an essay in which you explain why Viola puts on a disguise, and identify

TWO problematic (and humorous) situations the disguise creates for her. You
should show how Viola's disguise serves to reveal the truth about each of

these characters to the audience, if not to themselves; Sir Andrew, Olivia and

3. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night focuses on the use of disguise.

Write an essay in which you describe two different incidents in the play in
which disguise is used. In this essay, choose one of the incidents and describe
the dramatic effect it has on the play and discuss one dramatic technique that

Shakespeare employs to add to the dramatic effect.


4. Twelfth Night's major theme is love.

Write an essay in which you highlight two different kinds of love. In your essay,

you must also explain the effect of one type of love on the characters involved
and discuss the dramatic effect the situation, in which the type of love
described above, has on the play.

5. Viola is very significant to the development of the play.


Write an essay in which you describe Viola's role in the play and discuss the
dramatic effect her character has in the play and discuss one theme that
comes out of her character interacting with other characters in the play.

6. Feste the jester has been called the mastermind and controller of the play.

Write an essay in which you discuss the role of Feste in the play. In this essay,
you must also discuss the extent to which you agree with the statement above
and what dramatic effect Feste has in the play.

7. Twelfth Night is more of a comedy than a love story.

Write an essay in which you describe one incident of comedy and one incident
of love. In your essay, discuss to what extent you agree with the statement

8. Music plays an integral role in the play.

Write an essay in which you describe two instances in which music is used in
the play. In your essay, choose one of the selected instances and discuss the
dramatic effect it has on the scene and discuss one theme that comes out of
that event in which music is used.

9. Twelfth Night is a painful comedy.

Write an essay in which you describe two different instances of comedy. In this

essay, discuss the effect that humour has on the audience in each instance
described stating to what extent you find the play is actually a painful comedy.

10. Twelfth Night's major theme is deception.

Write an essay in which you describe two different instances of deception. In
this essay, discuss the effect that one type of deception has on the play and
discuss one dramatic technique Shakespeare employs to help develop the
theme of deception.

11. Twelfth Night is a play that displays the theme of journey by means of
experience and maturity.

Write an essay in which you identify two characters who were initially blinded
by their own limitations and in this essay show how they changed at the end.

Finally, discuss the dramatic effect of one of the characters' journey on the

12. Malvolio indeed has been notoriously abused.


Write an essay in which you describe how Malvolio is humiliated in the play.

Discuss how far you agree with the statement and examine one theme that
comes out of his humiliation.

Write an essay based on one of the following questions.

1) “Anansi is a trickster character who occupies a morally ambiguous position in

many tales.”
Write an essay in which you describe TWO instances in the Forest of Stories that
proves Anansi’s moral ambiguity. You must also analyse how the TWO tales are used
to suggest that Anansi’s wit is something positive in the play. Finally, comment on
Campbell’s use of ONE device to characterise Anansi as a trickster.
35 marks

2) "Anansi is a play that is built on the depiction of binary opposites.”
Write an essay in which you describe TWO contrasts in the play. The essay must also

explore TWO similarities between the enslaved Africans and the English crew. Finally,
analyze the playwright’s use of ONE device to expose the depravity of the slave trade


35 marks

3) “The characters in Campbell’s Anansi are connected by the web of stories.”
Write an essay in which you describe TWO Anansi stories in the play. The significance
of EACH tale to the Girl on board the ship must be analysed. Furthermore, ONE

Anansi tale and ONE English story presented in the play must be contrasted.

35 marks

4) “History serves as an inspiration for Campbell’s Anansi.”


Write an essay in which you describe the historically significant description of the
treatment of the enslaved Africans on the ship. In this essay, the description of the
enslaved Africans by the English and the irony of the name of the ship, The Good
Ship Hope crew must be analysed.

35 marks

5) “History and Literature have a didactic purpose; teaching important moral

Write an essay in which you describe TWO events in the play, Anansi by Alistair
Campbell, that has a moral lesson for the reading audience. In your essay, ONE rebel
character must be described and how their rebellion is significant. Finally, comment
on the playwright’s use of the spider web to explore the significance of stories.

35 marks
6) “Power is a major theme in Campbell’s Anansi.”

Write an essay in which you describe TWO incidents in which power and authority are
used in the play. In this essay, you must also discuss how ONE of the Anansi stories
furthers the exploration of the use of power. Finally, examine one dramatic technique
used by the playwright to explore the issue of power.

35 markS

7) “Rebels are the people who refuse the seen for the unseen."

Write an essay in which you describe TWO incidents in which characters in the play

favoured the unseen over the seen. In this essay, you must also discuss how this
form of rebellion affects ONE character and comment on the effectiveness of ONE

device used by Campbell in the play to explore the theme of rebellion

8) "Anansi goes beyond a creative retelling of history to explore the common
traits of humanity."

Write an essay in which you compare TWO characters in the play and highlight their
commonalities and differences. In this essay, you must also discuss how what
characters say about Christianity how religion is used to both justify and challenge
the slave trade system. Finally, comment on the effectiveness of ONE device used by
Campbell in the play to explore the oppression of the enslaved Africans.

9) Write an essay describing TWO incidents in which conflict is presented with the

hero or heroine in the play. In this essay, you must also discuss how the hero or
heroine is affected by ONE of the incidents and identify ONE dramatic technique that
Campbell uses to highlight the theme of power and manipulation in the play.

10) Write an essay in which you describe the relationship between TWO females in the
play. In this essay, you must also discuss how the relationship between TWO male
characters compares to theirs. In one of the relationships described, examine ONE

dramatic technique that Campbell uses to present the nature of the relationship in the

11) “Survival is a dominant theme in Campbell’s Anansi.”

Write an essay in which you describe how TWO different characters plan to survive. In
this essay, discuss how ONE character uses Anansi stories to help them to survive.
Finally, comment on the effective use of ONE dramatic device used to explore the
theme of survival.

12) “Campbell’s manipulation of setting is central to the creation of meaning in the

play, Anansi.”
Write an essay in which you describe the two juxtaposed settings in the play and
discuss the significance of the Forest of Stories. Finally, comment on how the setting
helps develop one theme in the play.


Animal Farm Essay Questions

1. “Change is the only constant in life.”

Write an essay in which you describe three major changes that happened on
the farm after the rebellion. In your essay, you must also discuss how some of
these changes affected the animals. Finally, comment on Orwell’s use of one
narrative technique to examine the theme of change.

2. “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular
representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

Write an essay in which you prove the validity of this statement in Orwell’s
Animal Farm with reference to two incidents. You must also compare and
contrast the oppressive class before the Rebellion with the one after the
rebellion. Comment on the use of one technique which illustrates oppression.

3. “Political power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of one class
for oppressing another.”
Write an essay in which you prove the validity of this statement in Orwell’s
Animal Farm with reference to two incidents. You must also compare and
contrast the different classes Comment on the use of one technique which
illustrates oppression.

4. “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Write an essay in which you explain two ways how history is repeated in the
novel. You must also examine how history is changed for the benefit of
dictators. Finally, comment on the effective utilisation of one narrative
technique to examine the repetition of historical events in the novel.

5. “Revolutions are the locomotives of history.”

Write an essay in which you describe two revolutions in the novel. You must
also examine the effect the specified rebellions have on the farm. Discuss the
effectiveness of one narrative device used to examine the significance of
rebellion in the novel.

6. “Religion is the opium of the masses.”

Write an essay in which you examine the role of Moses in the novel. Discuss
the significance of religion and how it is used in the novel. Examine the
significance of one device used to explore religion in the text.

7. “Take away a nation’s heritage and they are more easily persuaded.”
Write an essay in which you examine the heritage of Animal farm. You must
also explore how traditions are changed for the benefit of those in power.
Discuss Orwell's use of a literary device examining change and transformation
of the society.

8. “The existence of the state is inseparable from the existence of slavery.”

Write an essay in which you compare the hierarchical structure of Animal farm
to the system of slavery. You must examine one character as the coloniser and
one as the colonised with specific examples. Finally, elaborate on the author's
use of one device to delineate the theme of oppression.

9. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Write an essay in which you provide three examples of inequality in the novel.
You must also discuss the hierarchy evident on the farm with specific
reference to two animals who were oppressed. Comment on the effectiveness
of one device used to explore inequality in the text.

10. “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.”

Write an essay in which you explore the selfishness of humans as portrayed in
the novel. You must also examine the selfishness of the pigs in the novel.
Finally, comment on Orwell's use of irony to explore selfishness as a common
trait of oppressors.

11. “Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Write an essay in which you examine two examples of freedom of speech in
Animal farm. Moreover, you must also explore the two incidents of the
oppression of freedom of speech and censorship in Orwell's novel. Discuss
the effectiveness of one technique used to examine either censorship in the

12. “Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”
Write an essay in which you examine two incidents of power being used for
abuse of others in Animal farm. You must also explain how fear of losing power
over others may serve as a motivation in dictatorship. Comment on the
effectiveness of one device used to examine fear or power in Orwell's Animal

13. “Animal Farm can be regarded as an allegorical commentary on politics.”

Write an essay in which you examine the Animal Farm as a literary retelling of
political corruption using farm animals by describing two incidents which can
be considered examples of political corruption. You must also examine the
pigs and dogs as corrupt politicians and two other animals as the misguided
public. Finally, explore one device used by the author to portray corruption in
the text.

14. “Power is not a means; it is an end.”

Write an essay in which you examine the power struggle evident among the
farm animals in Orwell's text. You must also discuss the two examples of
dictatorial power in the text. Comment on the effectiveness of one device used
to illustrate power in the text.

15. “The end was contained in the beginning.”


Write an essay in which you explore the cyclic structure of the novel by
comparing the state of the farm at the beginning and end of the novel.
Moreover, you must also discuss the similarities between Mr. Jones and the
pigs and how they treat the animals. Comment on the effectiveness of irony in
depiction the circular nature of oppression.

16. “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls
the past.”
Write an essay in which you describe two incidents of the pigs changing
history in the novel. Moreover, you must also discuss two key incidents that
were changed to favour those in power. Finally, comment on the use of irony to
explore the theme of control in the text.

17. “Freedom is slavery.”

Write an essay in which you examine two examples of how the system of the
pigs was a form of slavery. You must also examine two examples of how the
pigs were no different from Mr. Jones. Comment on the effectiveness of the
use of contrast to examine the freedom of the pigs and the slavery of the other

18. “Ignorance is strength.”

Write an essay in which you examine two examples of the ignorance of the
other farm animals who serve the pigs. Moreover, you must also discuss how
the ignorance of the others brought strength to the pigs. Comment on the
effectiveness of contrast in the exploration of oppression in the text.

19. “Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy.”

Write an essay in which you examine two examples of dictatorship in the novel.
You must also discuss the movement from democracy to dictatorship in the
novel with reference to the pigs. Finally, comment on the effectiveness of irony
in the delineation of dictatorship in the text.

20. “Betrayal is rife in Orwell’s Animal Farm.”

Write an essay in which you examine the theme of betrayal through the
description of two examples from the novel. You must also examine how two
specific animals were betrayed by Napoleon. Comment on the effectiveness of
one device used to explore betrayal in Orwell's novel.

21. “In Animal Farm, Napoleon struggles for power for selfish gains."
Write an essay in which you describe Napoleon's struggle for power in the
novella. In this essay, you must discuss how this struggle impacted the lives of
the animals on the farm, and examine one literary device that the writer uses to
highlight the issue of power and greed.

22. "The vision for the animals at the start of the novella is a stark contrast to the
Write an essay in which you describe the dream of the animals on Animal
Farm. In your essay, you must also discuss the structures that are put in place

for the realisation of this dream, and examine the technique of irony as it is
used to highlight the destruction of this dream by the end of the text.
English Literature Grade 11

For the Life of Laetitia Essay Questions

Instructions: Choose ONE of the following questions and write a five-paragraph


Content - 25 marks
Language and Organisation - 10 marks
Total - 35 marks

1. “The oppression of women in society is a major issue in Merle Hodge’s For the
Life of Laetitia”

Write an essay in which you describe the oppression of two major female
characters in the novel. You must also describe how each character reacts to
and copes with the oppression that they have to endure. Finally, comment on
the effectiveness of one narrative technique used to explore the theme of

2. “Education can be a great equaliser or another tool of oppression within

Write an essay describing TWO teacher-student relationships in the novel. One

relationship must capture the empowerment of students while the other
delineates the oppression of students. You must also describe how the
different rapports between teachers and students reflect the issues in wider
society. Finally, comment on the author’s use of one narrative technique used
to examine either empowerment or oppression by teachers.

3. “The family is a major preoccupation in Merle Hodge’s “For the Life of Laetitia”

Write an essay in which you describe TWO families in the novel. You must also
discuss how the family relationship influences the academic performance of
students. Finally, comment on Merle Hodge’s use of one narrative device in the
thematic development of family.

4. “The construction of gender is a central concern in the novel form.”

Write an essay discussing how ONE character constructs his masculinity and
ONE character constructs her femininity. The way the male character above
influences the female characters and how the before-mentioned female
character influences or is influenced by male characters must also be
analysed. Finally, comment on the effectiveness of ONE narrative technique
used to explore the theme of gender.

5. “Power relationships are evident in the novel.”

Write an essay in which you describe TWO power relationships in Hodge’s For
the Life of Laetitia. You must also describe how the oppressed character or
characters are affected by the power relationship. Finally, comment on the
effectiveness of one narrative technique used to delineate power in the novel.

6. "In For the Life of Laetitia, the Social Studies teacher presents to the class a
picture of the happy family."
Write an essay in which you discuss the theme of family as presented in the
novel. You must identify the characteristics that make for a happy family life,
and show how the technique of contrast contributes to the effectiveness of the

7. "The education of women is an important theme in the novel For the Life of
Write an essay exploring this theme. You must compare the experiences of
Laetitia and her friend, Anjanee, and suggest reasons for the inclusion, in the
narrative, of Mama Patsy and Anjanee's mother.

8. “Perhaps home is not a place.”

Write an essay in which you discuss the theme of home by describing two
different homes in the novel. In your essay, you must also discuss the
definition of home and how it is portrayed through the protagonist. Finally,
comment on the effective use of one narrative device to develop the theme of

9. “Friendship is a central preoccupation in the novel, For the Life of Laetitia.”

Write an essay in which you describe Laetitia and Anjanee’s friendship. In your
essay, you must also discuss how Mr. Cephas and Mrs. Lopez view their
friendship. Finally, comment on the effective use of the theme of friendship to
explore education as an issue in the text.

10. “Racism plagues the actions of certain characters in Hodge’s For the Life of
Write an essay in which you describe TWO racist characters in the novel and
discuss how their racist views affected the other characters around them.
Finally, discuss the author’s ues of one device to examine racial prejudice in
the text.

11. “Hodge’s presentation of the classroom in the novel portrays it as a

microcosm of wider society.”
Write an essay in which you examine the validity of the statement above by
discussing TWO incidents which prove that the classroom was a reflection of
the wider society. In this essay, you must also examine how Ms. Hafeez tried to
help the students to become better people and how Mr. Twearie brought out the
worst in the students. Finally, comment on Hodge’s effective use of one device
in the thematic development of social inequality in the novel.

12. “There is an interesting intersection between social class and education in

Hodge’s For the Life of Laetitia.”
Write an essay in which you describe TWO incidents in which social class and
education were interlocked. You must also discuss how these overlapping
issues were portrayed in the novel using ONE teacher and ONE student.
Finally, comment on the use of one device in the effective delineation of either
social class OR education in the novel.

13. “Women are portrayed as being central in the Trinidadian familial unit in For
the Life of Laetitia.”
Write an essay in which you describe TWO female characters who were
essential in the proper management of their families in the novel. In this essay,
you must also discuss the authority of Mr. Cephas in his family and how it
differs from the family structures examined above. Finally, comment on the
effective utilisation of ONE technique used to portray the issue of family in the

14. “The fragility of the adolescent mind is a haunting concept weaved into the
background of For the Life of Laetitia.”
Write an essay in which you describe TWO incidents of how a teacher
contributed to the mental and psychological deterioration of Anjanee in the
novel. You must also discuss how her fellow classmates responded to these
incidents and how they tried to support her. Finally, examine Hodge’s use of
irony to delineate how teachers negatively impact the mental health of


1. Select TWO stories in which setting plays a significant part in the development
of the storyline. Write an essay in which you describe the setting of EACH
story. You must also explain the significance of the setting in the development
of the story. Finally, discuss ONE other narrative element that is used to
develop the story.

2. The difference between how children and adults see the world is highlighted in
the stories “Berry” and “Raymond’s Run”, but readers are encouraged to
prefer how the children see the world. Write an essay in which you outline the
views held by children which are highlighted in each story. You must also
explain the adults’ views on the matter. Finally, say which view you prefer and
justify your answer.

3. In the stories “The Man of the House” and “What happened?” there is a focus
on ambiguity in male-female relationships. Write an essay in which you
describe ONE male-female relationship presented in EACH story. You must
also show how the ambiguity is presented in EACH of these male-female
relationships and discuss ONE theme that EACH writer portrays through these

4. Select TWO stories in which a love relationship is presented.

Write an essay in which you describe the love relationship and discuss how
the attitudes displayed by TWO characters who are involved in this
relationship affect the outcome of it. Finally, identify and comment on ONE
device used by the writer to convey his/her view of the relationship.

5. The narrators in “Berry” and “Mom Luby and the Social Worker” help us to
understand the nature of injustice.
Write an essay in which you outline what happens in EACH story and describe
the injustice in EACH story. Finally, state which narrator contributes more to
your understanding of the nature of injustice and justify your selection.

6. “An effective story holds the interest of the reader.”

Choose TWO stories that you have studied from the prescribed list. For EACH
story, Describe a memorable event or incident and comment on ONE
character’s reaction to the event or incident you described above.Finally,
discuss how the writer keeps the reader interested in this story.

7. From the prescribed list, choose TWO stories which deal with relationships.
For EACH story, describe the nature of ONE of the relationships and discuss
how the persons involved are affected by the relationship. Finally, comment on
ONE way in which the writer sustains the reader’s interest in his or her
portrayal of the relationship.

8. The stories “Berry” and “Georgia and Them there States” focus on racism and
its consequences.

For EACH story, describe an incident in which racism occurs and discuss the
consequences of this incident. Finally, discuss how the writer uses dialogue
OR characterization to present the theme of racism.

9. In the stories “The Two Grandmothers” and “To Da-Duh, In Memoriam”,

grandmothers have great influence.
Write an essay in which you describe what happens in EACH story and
compare the grandmothers’ influence on the granddaughters’ view of herself.
Finally, of the three grandmothers presented in the two stories above,
comment on the effectiveness of the writer’s presentation of ONE of the

10. Choose TWO stories from the prescribed list which focus on conflict.
For EACH story, describe the nature of the conflict and discuss the
development and resolution of the conflict examined above. Finally, examine
the writer’s use of dialogue in developing the conflict.


1) The speakers in A Lesson for this Sunday and Birdshooting Season both
witness an act of cruelty.

Write an essay in which you describe the experience of the speaker in EACH of
these poems. In this essay, you must compare the reaction of the speakers to
what they have witnessed, and examine one device that is used to present the
speaker's experience in EACH poem.

2) The poems Mirror and Little Boy Crying both present a painful experience.

Write an essay in which you compare the pain experienced by ONE person
selected from EACH poem, and comment on the effective use of allusion in
EACH poem.

3) In the poems, An African Thunderstorm and Sonnet Composed upon

Westminster Bridge, the speaker is impressed with the majesty of nature.

Write an essay in which you describe the scene witnessed in EACH poem, and
EACH speaker's reaction to that scene. You must also comment on the
effective use of ONE poetic device in EACH poem.

4) Both Dulce Et Decorum Est and The Woman Speaks to the Man Who Has
Employed Her Son both consider the tragic loss of young lives.

Write an essay in which you show from EACH poem, how and why the lives of
young men too end in tragedy. In your essay, you must also show how the
person affected responds to the loss and examine ONE device used in each
poem to effectively convey the intensity of that response.

5) Choose two poems you have studied in which an individual is discriminated

against or persecuted by others in society.

Write an essay in which you outline the discrimination or persecution taking

place in each poem. In this essay, you must discuss the speaker's attitude to
that discrimination or persecution, and examine one device that is effectively
used to evoke a response from the reader.

6) Choose two poems you have studied that deal with an individual's love of
his/her native land.

Write an essay in which you outline the situation that prompts each speaker to
reveal that love of his/her native land and examine ONE device in EACH poem
that is used to carry forward the poem's message.

7) Choose TWO poems you have studied in which the speaker is awakened to the
beauty in the world around.

Write an essay in which you outline the situation in which beauty is found in
EACH poem. You must also examine ONE device that is effectively used to
evoke a similar response from the reader.

8) Choose TWO poems you have studied in which the device of personification is
effectively used.

Write an essay in which you outline the situation described in EACH poem,
showing, for EACH poem, what effect is created by the use of personification.

9) “The poems ‘A Stone’s Throw’ and ‘The Woman Speaks to the Man Who has
Employed her Son’ are about how women are treated.”

Write an essay in which you briefly describe what is taking place in EACH
poem. In this essay, discuss the speaker’s attitude to the woman in each poem
and examine ONE device which is used to effectively convey the treatment of

10) Choose TWO poems which you have studied that focus on a significant
experience or event.

For EACH poem, describe the experience or event and discuss the speaker’s
attitude to this experience or event. Finally, discuss ONE device that is used to
present this experience or event.

11) “The poems ‘It is the Constant Image of Your Face’ and ‘Dreaming Black Boy’
are confessions of hopes and desires.”

Write an essay in which you outline the hopes and desires that are portrayed in
EACH poem. You must also discuss the poem which you find more appealing
and use evidence from the text to support your choice. Finally, for EACH poem,
discuss ONE device which is used to portray hopes OR desires.

12) “Conflicts can be internal as well as external.” Choose TWO poems which you
have studied that portray some form of conflict.

Write an essay in which you describe the conflict in each poem and comment
on how the conflict is treated or addressed. Finally, discuss ONE device that is
used to explore this conflict.

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