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Journal of Cardiovascular
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Roles of Testosterone Replacement in 1-17
ª The Author(s) 2015
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Cardiac Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav
DOI: 10.1177/1074248415587977

Wanpitak Pongkan, DVM1,2,3, Siriporn C. Chattipakorn, DDS, PhD2,3,4,

and Nipon Chattipakorn, MD, PhD1,2,3

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone, which is the major circulating androgen hormone in males. Testosterone levels
decreasing below the normal physiological levels lead to a status known as androgen deficiency. Androgen deficiency has been
shown to be a major risk factor in the development of several disorders, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and ischemic
heart disease. In the past decades, although several studies from animal models as well as clinical studies demonstrated that
testosterone exerted cardioprotection, particularly during ischemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury, other preclinical and clinical studies
have shown an inverse relationship between testosterone levels and cardioprotective effects. As a result, the effects of testos-
terone replacement on the heart remain controversial. In this review, reports regarding the roles of testosterone replacement in
the heart following I/R injury are comprehensively summarized and discussed. At present, it may be concluded that chronic
testosterone replacement at a physiological dose demonstrated cardioprotective effects, whereas acute testosterone replace-
ment can cause adverse effects in the I/R heart.

testosterone, ischemia–reperfusion injury, heart, aging

Introduction Previous studies reported that men have a higher incidence,

mortality, and risk of coronary artery disease than women14-16
Testosterone (or androgen) deficiency is a condition in which
and the risk of coronary artery disease increases markedly with
the concentration of testosterone hormone is lower than the
age.16 In addition, patients with coronary artery disease17-20
normal physiological level.1,2 The primary cause of testoster-
and congestive heart failure21 have been shown to have lower
one deficiency is due to a testicular disorder or an abnormal
levels of endogenous testosterone compared with healthy
function of the hypothalamus–pituitary axis, while a secondary
men, and the severity of both diseases shows a strong corre-
cause or transient testosterone deficiency is caused by the lation with the degree of testosterone deficiency.5,17,22 It has
effect of drugs; aging; acute or chronic diseases; or chronic
also been suggested that low serum testosterone levels could
comorbidities such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, dyslipide-
be used as a predictive marker for cardiovascular disease in
mia, and insulin resistance.1,3-5
The prevalence of symptomatic testosterone deficiency is
approximately 481 000 new cases per year in US men aged
between 40 and 69 years2 and 5.6% in men aged 30 to
79 years.6 Another study reported a higher prevalence of 1
Faculty of Medicine, Cardiac Electrophysiology Research and Training Center,
hypogonadism (38.7%) in men aged 45 years (mean Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
age ¼ 60 years) visiting primary care practices in the United 2
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiac Electrophysiology
States.7 The prevalence of hypogonadism also increases sub- Unit, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
stantially with age6,8 in which the prevalence increased to Center of Excellence in Cardiac Electrophysiology Research, Chiang Mai
20% of men older than 60 years, 30% older than 70 years, and University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Department of Oral Biology and Diagnostic Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry,
50% older than 80 years.9 Although this condition commonly Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
occurs in middle- to older aged men, it can also be found in
younger men.1,2,6,8 In addition, lower levels of serum tes- Manuscript submitted: March 3, 2015; accepted: April 20, 2015.
tosterone are associated with the development of several
Corresponding Author:
disorders including obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, Nipon Chattipakorn, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiac Electrophysiology Research
metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and coronary and Training Center, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand.
artery disease (ischemic heart disease).5,10-13 Email: nchattip@gmail.com

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2 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Although there are many reports indicating that testosterone channel) messenger RNA (mRNA) level and also increased the
provided cardioprotective effects24-26 such as antiarrhythmic Naþ/Ca2þ exchanger mRNA level,62,64,65 improved the cardiac
properties,27 reduced infarct size,28 enhanced vasodilatation,29 L-type calcium current,62,63 increased Ca2þ released via the
decreased atherosclerosis,30 and improved metabolic para- ryanodine receptor,61 maintained FK506-binding protein 12.6
meters,31 these findings are controversial at this time.32-36 in ryanodine receptor type 2,60 maintained or increased
Moreover, when it comes to the role of testosterone in the SERCA and Naþ/Ca2þ exchanger activity,46,61 and maintained
ischemic heart or cardiac ischemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury, phosphorylation of phospholamban Thr17,46 thus resulting in
limited data are currently available. Despite limited data, faster Ca2þ removal out of the cytoplasm.
inconsistent reports exist regarding the effects of testosterone
in I/R hearts. In this review, the roles of testosterone in the heart
following I/R injury are comprehensively summarized and dis- Testosterone and the Pathological Heart
cussed. The consistent findings, as well as controversial results, Previous studies demonstrated that a reduction in plasma
are also presented, focusing on the effects of testosterone on the testosterone levels can be either the direct cause or the conse-
heart during an I/R injury. quence of several cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension,
diabetes, atherosclerosis, and heart failure.23,66-73 There is also
a correlation between low levels of testosterone and the sever-
Physiological Roles of Testosterone in the Heart ity of each of these diseases.71-74 The incidence of chronic heart
The cardiac muscle is one target tissue of the testosterone failure due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy is associated
hormone.37,38 It is well known that the level of testosterone with a significant decrease in testosterone concentrations,74
is associated with effects on the cardiomyocytes such as in which androgen replacement therapy could improve heart
hypertrophy and cardiomyocyte apoptosis39,40 and is also failure symptoms.75 Several lines of evidence indicate that
associated with the contractility of cardiac muscle.38,41-43 testosterone may effectively provide protective effects in the
Previous studies reported the beneficial effect of testosterone cardiovascular system76,77 and that decreased circulating tes-
at physiological levels on cardiovascular function by tosterone may increase cardiovascular risk, atherosclerosis,
inducing vasorelaxation of vascular smooth muscle.39,44,45 and mortality in men.76,77 Testosterone therapy has also been
Testosterone controlled cardiac relaxation by acting mainly shown to improve the cardiac ischemic condition, comparable
through sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2þ-ATPase (SERCA),46 to the effects of existing antianginal drugs but has no beneficial
increasing or regulating cardiac contractility, and Ca2þ handling effects in peripheral arterial and cerebrovascular diseases.76 On
in the heart.38,43,47 However, conflicting evidence was that the other hand, several conflicting studies have shown that
chronic administration of a synthetic testosterone (nandro- testosterone replacement also increases the incidence of car-
lone decanoate) decreased left ventricular myocardial func- diovascular disease.33,67,76,78 However, a recent review by
tion and thus overall cardiac performance without altering Morgentaler et al clarified these controversial studies and con-
contractility in rats.48 cluded that low levels of total testosterone, bioavailable testos-
The physiological effects of testosterone on cardiac electro- terone, and free testosterone are associated with an increased
physiology have been reported. It has been shown that the Q-T risk and severity of coronary artery disease, whereas high
interval was shorter in men than in women.49-52 Moreover, both serum testosterone concentrations (endogenous or via testoster-
endogenous and exogenous testosterone could shorten or one therapy) markedly reduced cardiovascular disease and car-
decrease the dispersion of the Q-T interval,50,53,54 whereas a diovascular risk factors.79 Furthermore, Morgentaler et al also
contrasting study found that the testosterone level and the revealed that testosterone therapy is associated with a reduction
Q-T interval on electrocardiogram did not have any relation- in obesity, fat mass, metabolic parameters, and inflammatory
ship with each other.55 Furthermore, beneficial effects of markers.79
testosterone on the ST-segment and atrial fibrillation have been
reported. Testosterone was shown to modulate the early phase
of ventricular repolarization resulting in decreasing the ST-
Testosterone and Cardiac I/R Injury
segment.56,57 Other studies reported that aging men with Testosterone deficiency plays a role in the development of
decreased serum testosterone levels had a high incidence of ischemic heart disease.19,76,77 Men with heart disease or
atrial fibrillation.58,59 These were consistent with the study ischemic heart disease had lower levels of testosterone than
using a rat model, which reported that deficiency of testoster- men with normal coronary angiograms18 and that testoster-
one was arrhythmogenic in rat atria possibly through less bind- one improved ischemic tolerance and quality of life in hypo-
ing of FK506-binding protein (FKBP12.6) to ryanodine gonadal men with angina.80,81 However, inconsistent reports
receptor type 2 (RyR2), resulting in calcium leakage from the exist regarding the beneficial effects of testosterone in the
sarcoendoplasmic reticulum.60 Testosterone also plays an heart,32,33 and the questions remain whether it does truly pro-
essential role in the Ca2þ regulation in male hearts in both vide cardioprotective benefits.24,25 Currently, there are only a
genomic and nongenomic pathways.46,61-63 It has been shown few studies investigating the roles of testosterone in the myo-
that testosterone maintained or increased the expression of cardial infarction model and in the I/R heart. In spite of lim-
dihydropyridine receptor (a1c-subunit of L-type calcium ited data available, the effects of testosterone on several

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Pongkan et al 3

Table 1. Summary of the Effect of Testosterone on the Infarct Size in I/R Heart.

Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref

ORX rat MI Physiological dose testosterone # Infarction size Testosterone replacement decreasing
LAD ligation propionate, 2 mg/kg, SC the infarct size may be due to decrease
Pretreated for 1, 3, and 28 days in the number of apoptotic cells
and testosterone-stimulating
neovascularization by mobilization and
homing of CD34þ cells into ischemic
area. In addition, endogenous
testosterone deprivations in rats impair
angiogenesis following infarction.
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose testosterone, # Infarction size The decreasing infarct size may be due to
(ORX rat) LAD ligation 2 mg/kg, SC a1-adrenoceptor stimulation and
30-Minute ischemia Pretreated for 8 weeks reduction in myocardial apoptosis.
120-Minute Noradrenaline 107 mol/L
reperfusion Pretreated during I/R
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose testosterone, # Infarction size
Testosterone may decrease infarct
(ORX rat) LAD ligation 2 mg/kg, SC size by enhanced stimulation of
30-Minute ischemia Pretreated for 8 weeks preconditioning by either metabolic
120-Minute Pretreated with U50-488H inhibition or a k-opioid receptor agonist
reperfusion 10 mg/kg 24 hours before I/R resulting in increased heat shock protein
70 synthesis, which plays a role
in cardioprotection.
ORX rat I/R Testosterone # Infarction size Acute exogenous testosterone can reduce
LAD ligation 0.02, 0.2, and 2.02 mg/kg infarct size in ORX rats, the mechanism
60-Min ischemia Acute IV injection 15 minutes may be mediated by a nongenomic
4-Hour reperfusion prior to reperfusion. testosterone pathway.
ORX rat MI Testosterone undecanoate, No difference in Chronic anabolic testosterone treatment
LAD ligation 500 mg/kg myocardial had no detrimental effects following
Deep IM injection every 4 weeks infarct size myocardial infarction.
for 8 weeks analyzed by
Rabbits I/R Supraphysiological dose of No difference Supraphysiological dose of testosterone
LAD ligation testosterone, 50 mg/kg, IM was found in treatment had no detrimental effects
30-Minute ischemia Pretreated for 1 weeks and myocardial on the infarct size.
3-Hours 50 mg/kg, acute treated infarct size
reperfusion 5-10 minutes before I/R
Abbreviations: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; MI, myocardial infarction; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; I/R, ischemic and reperfusion;
IV, intravenous; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; IM, intramuscular; SC, subcutaneous; IEI, infarct expansion index.

crucial parameters in the myocardial infarction as well as the infarction model through increased synthesis of 70-kDa heat
I/R heart including infarct size, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) shock proteins (Hsp70s) 25 and activated k-opioid receptor
release, myocyte viability, left ventricular contractile func- agonist.82 Consistently, a recent in vivo model study in
tion, arrhythmias, and heart rate variability (HRV) have been ORX rat’s heart demonstrated that acute injection of testos-
reported with inconsistent findings. In this review, the effects terone prior to the reperfusion period could reduce the
of testosterone on each of these crucial parameters in the infarct size.83 However, the supraphysiological dose of tes-
myocardial infarction and I/R heart are comprehensively tosterone replacement (500 and 50 mg/kg) in the myocardial
summarized and discussed. infarction and I/R models exerted neither adverse effect nor
infarct size reduction benefits.84,85
Effect of testosterone on the infarct size in I/R hearts. Testosterone It is of interest to note from these findings that physiolo-
has been shown to have an infarct limiting effect in ex vivo gical levels or low doses of testosterone may provide a cardi-
and in vivo models of orchiectomized (ORX) rats with I/R oprotective effect against I/R injury. Most of the positive
injury. These reports are summarized in Table 1. In the Lan- effects of testosterone on the infarct size in I/R models also
gendorff isolated heart, a physiological dose of testosterone occurred in the combination of testosterone supplement and
2 mg/kg body weight has been shown to decrease the infarct conditional treatments, including I/R preconditioning and
size in I/R heart by either the reduction in myocardial apop- adrenergic receptor stimulation. The underlying mechanisms
tosis through a1-adrenoceptor stimulation28 or the promo- responsible for these findings need to be investigated in
tion of neovascularization of heart tissues in myocardial future studies.

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4 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Table 2. Summary of the Beneficial Effect of Testosterone on Cardiac Function in I/R Heart.

Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose Improve contractile Testosterone may improve
(ORX rat) LAD ligation testosterone, 2 mg/kg, SC recovery during both I/R contractile function by
30-Minute ischemia Pretreated for 8 weeks and sympathetic enhancing the expression of
120-Minute reperfusion Noradrenaline 107 mol/L stimulation period a1a- and b1-adrenoceptors.
Pretreated during I/R
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose Improve contractile Preconditioning requires
(ORX rat) LAD ligation testosterone, 2 mg/kg, SC recovery in reperfusion testosterone to increase
30-Minute ischemia Pretreated for 8 weeks period by: heat shock protein 70
120-Minute reperfusion Pretreated with U50-488H – " LVDP synthesis, which plays a role
10 mg/kg 24 h before I/R – # LVEDP in cardioprotection.
– Improve +dp/dt max
Isolated rat heart I/R Supraphysiological dose of In testosterone treated Testosterone improves left
(ORX rat) 30-Minute global no testosterone undecanoate, group: ventricular contractile
flow ischemia 500 mg/kg, IM – " LVDP functions during I/R injury
30-Minute reperfusion Pretreated for 2 weeks – # LVEDP and attenuates reperfusion
5a-dihydrotestosterone – # Intracellular Ca2þ induced Ca2þ overload.
(DHT), 75 mg/pellet, SC overload at end-
implantation, pretreated ischemic and
for 3 weeks reperfusion period
Isolated rat heart I/R Supraphysiological dose of " Aortic flow, cardiac Administration of high-dose
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global no testosterone, 1 mg/d (as output, cardiac work, testosterone confers
flow ischemia pellet), SC implantation, LVDP, contractility cardioprotection via ARs
45-Minute reperfusion pretreated for 3 weeks (þdp/dt) in testosterone- by improved postischemic
treated group functional recovery.
ORX rat MI Physiological dose of " % EF Testosterone replacement
LAD ligation testosterone propionate, 2 " % FS therapy improved
mg/kg, SC, pretreated for # LVEDP myocardial performance.
1, 3, and 28 days

Abbreviations: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; SC, subcutaneous; I/R, ischemic and reperfusion; IV, intravenous; IM,
intramuscular; LVDP, left ventricular develop pressure; LVEDP, left ventricular end diastolic pressure; MI, myocardial infarction; ARs, androgen receptors; EF,
ejection fraction; FS, fractional shortening.

Effect of testosterone on cardiac function in I/R hearts. Testosterone could improve myocardial performance in a myocardial infarc-
exerts a beneficial effect on cardiac function in ex vivo models tion model.25
of ORX rats with I/R injury and in vivo models of ORX rats Inconsistent findings of the effect of testosterone on cardiac
with myocardial infarction (Table 2). The beneficial effects contractile function have been reported in ex vivo models of
of testosterone in the ex vivo model using the Langendorff iso- ORX rats with I/R injury. These reports are summarized in
lated heart preparation technique demonstrates that a physiolo- Table 3. The study using Langendorff isolated hearts reported
gical dose of testosterone (2 mg/kg) combined with I/R that chronic exogenous testosterone (subcutaneous implanta-
preconditioning,82 and adrenergic receptor stimulation28 tion of DHT 200 mg) neither improved nor worsened myocar-
improves contractile recovery during the I/R period. The postu- dial functional recovery after I/R injury.87 Acute infusion of
lated mechanism of this effect was through a1-adrenoceptor 17b-hydroxy-4-androsterone at a physiological level (10
stimulation28 and increased synthesis of Hsp70 via a k-pioid ng/mL/min) in isolated hearts could depress the recovery of
receptor agonist.82 Interestingly, supraphysiological doses of myocardial function during I/R injury36 by inducing hyper-
both testosterone and its metabolite (5a-dihydrotestosterone trophic response in the heart via androgen receptors, resulting
[DHT]) also exhibited a beneficial effect on cardiac function in an increase in ventricular stiffness.36 There is a report that
during I/R injury by attenuating intracellular Ca2þ overload the androgen receptor blocker flutamide could improve cardiac
during the reperfusion period,24,86 whereas the supraphysiolo- contractile function during cardiac I/R injury.88 However, this
gical dose of testosterone replacement (50 mg/kg) in another study was carried out in intact animals without testosterone
I/R model exerted neither adverse nor beneficial effect on car- deprivation. These findings suggest that endogenous testoster-
diac function.85 This suggests that testosterone plays a cardio- one may also act via other mechanisms instead of just the geno-
protective role by reducing intracellular acidification resulting mic effect on cardiac function during I/R injury.38,89 This could
in the maintenance of physiological cytosolic Ca2þ levels dur- be due to the nongenomic effects that are similar to other ster-
ing ischemic stress.86 In addition, echocardiographic study also oids,89 which could bind to specific membrane binding sites
demonstrated that testosterone replacement therapy (2 mg/kg) and stimulate the secondary messenger signaling cascades,

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Pongkan et al 5

Table 3. Summary of the Adverse or Neutral Effects of Testosterone on Cardiac Function in I/R Heart.

Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Rabbits I/R Supraphysiological dose of No difference in left Supraphysiological dose of
LAD ligation testosterone, 50 mg/kg, IM ventricular ejection testosterone treatment had no
30-Minute ischemia Pretreated for 1 weeks, and fraction and left detrimental effects on cardiac
3-Hour reperfusion 50 mg/kg, acutely treated ventricular fractional function.
5-10 minutes before I/R shortening
Isolated rat heart I/R 5a-Dihydrotestosterone No difference in Chronic exogenous testosterone
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global (DHT), 200 mg (as pellet), postischemic recovery of neither improved nor had a
no flow ischemia, SC implantation, LVDP between castrated detrimental effect on myocardial
followed by pretreated for 3 weeks male-treated and - functional recovery following I/R
40-minute untreated groups injury.
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiologic dose of 17b- – # LVDP Acute exogenous testosterone
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global hydroxy-4-androsterone, – " LVEDP depresses myocardial contractile
no flow ischemia 10 ng/mL/min, acute – # Contractility functional recovery during I/R
40-minute infusion 5 minutes before (þdp/dt) and # injury via nongenomic pathway.
reperfusion ischemia relaxation (dp/dt)
Isolated rat heart I/R Flutamide (testosterone Blocking of testosterone Lack of testosterone receptors
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global receptor blocker) pellet, receptor: depresses cardiac functional
no flow ischemia 10 mg SC implantation, – " LVDP recovery during I/R injury.
40-minute pretreated for 3 weeks – # LVEDP
reperfusion – " dp/dt and þdp/dt
Abbreviations: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; MI, myocardial infarction; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LV, left ventricular; I/R, ischemic and
reperfusion; SC, subcutaneous; EF, ejection fraction; LVDP, left ventricular develop pressure; LVEDP, left ventricular end diastolic pressure.

protein kinases (A and C), mitogen-activated protein kinase 2-8 weeks), whereas acute treatment of testosterone (infusion
(MAPK), adenylyl cyclase, and intracellular Ca2þ.39,89-91 5 minutes before ischemia) in myocardial infarction model
These alterations in the nongenomic effect could induce vari- resulted in decreased cardiac function. Further studies are
ous cellular outcomes including a rapid rises in the intracellular needed to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for these
Ca2þ concentration,44,45,92 neuromuscular or junctional signal effects on cardiac function.
transduction,39,44 and vasorelaxation39,45 and could be respon-
sible for cardioprotection.
Effect of testosterone on LDH release in I/R hearts. Testosterone
The importance of endogenous testosterone is emphasized
has been shown to exert beneficial effects in ex vivo models
by many reports of androgen deprivation therapy in patients
of ORX rats with I/R injury (Table 4). These studies using the
with prostate cancer, which demonstrated that androgen depri-
Langendorff isolated hearts demonstrated that both a physiolo-
vation therapy could increase cardiovascular events such as
gical dose (2 mg/kg) or supraphysiological dose of testosterone
increased risk of ischemic heart disease,93,94 induction of meta-
could decrease LDH release in the I/R heart,24,28,82 and the pro-
bolic syndrome,93-96 increased fat mass and decreased lean
posed mechanisms could be via either a1-adrenoceptor stimu-
mass,97,98 and increased atherosclerosis in animal models.30
lation28 or increased synthesis of Hsp70s.82
However, there are a few clinical studies in patients with pros-
tate cancer, demonstrating that androgen deprivation therapy
did not have any correlation with cardiovascular disease and Effect of testosterone on myocyte viability in I/R hearts. Testoster-
mortality.99-102 The discrepancies in these clinical findings one has been shown to have beneficial effects on cell viabi-
could be due to differences in study design and populations, lity in ORX rats with I/R injury and ORX rats with the
selection bias in men treated with Androgen suppression ther- myocardial infarction model (Table 5). Recent in vitro stud-
apy (AST), and confounding factors such as comorbidity or ies using the isolated ventricular myocytes demonstrated that
lifestyle. However, on the basis of the current data, lacking a physiological concentration of testosterone combined with
of endogenous testosterone or androgen suppression may be I/R preconditioning82 and adrenergic stimulation28 could
associated with increased risks of cardiovascular diseases. increase ventricular myocyte viability in the I/R model. Tes-
The discrepancies in these findings regarding the role of tes- tosterone could work through the angiogenesis pathway82 and
tosterone in cardiac function during I/R could be due to differ- a1-adrenoceptor stimulation, which are mediated by both
ences in the experimental model, an addition of conditional androgen receptors and nongenomic actions.28 A physiologi-
treatments, and dosages of testosterone treatment (physiologi- cal dose of testosterone (2 mg/kg) has also been shown to
cal or supraphysiological dosage). Moreover, it is interesting decrease the apoptotic cells in the myocardial infarction
that most reports showing the positive effects of testosterone model, and these beneficial effects are thought to occur
used similar durations of treatment (chronic treatment for through the nongenomic pathway.25

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6 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Table 4. Summary of the Effect of Testosterone on LDH Released in I/R Heart.

Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Isolated rat heart I/R Supraphysiological dose Testosterone Administration of high-dose
(ORX rat) 25-Minùte global no flow 1 mg/d (as pellet), SC – # LDH release testosterone confers
ischemia, followed by implantation during pre- and cardioprotection via ARs
45-minute reperfusion Pretreated for 3 weeks post-I/R by improving postischemic
– Prevented the functional recovery.
reduction of LV
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose of # LDH release during Testosterone decreases LDH
(ORX rat) LAD ligation testosterone 2 mg/kg, SC, I/R release by enhancing the
30-Minute ischemia and pretreated for 8 weeks beneficial effect of
120-minute reperfusion Noradrenaline 107 mol/L a1-adrenoceptor resulting
Pretreated during I/R in reduced myocardial
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose of # LDH release during Testosterone decreases LDH
(ORX rat) LAD ligation testosterone 2 mg/kg, SC, I/R release by enhanced
30-Minute ischemia and pretreated for 8 weeks preconditioning
120-minute reperfusion Pretreated with U50-488H, or stimulation of a k-opioid
10 mg/kg, 24 hours before receptor agonist, resulting in
I/R increased synthesis of heat
shock protein 70.
Abbreviations: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; I/R, ischemic and reperfusion; SC, subcutaneous; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LV, left ventricular; ARs, androgen
receptors; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery.

Table 5. Summary of the Effect of Testosterone on Cardiomyocyte Viability in I/R Heart.

Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref

ORX rat MI Physiological dose of Testosterone replacement, with Testosterone replacement
LAD ligation testosterone propionate, and without testosterone decreases the number of
2 mg/kg, SC receptor blocker, decreases apoptotic cells through
Pretreated for 1, 3, and the percentage of TUNEL- nongenomic pathway
28 days positive cells compare with mechanism.
Flutamide (testosterone castrated group.
receptor blocker),
30 mg/kg/d, SC,
pretreated for 1, 3,
and 28 days
Isolated rat I/R Physiological dose of – " Expression of a1a- and Testosterone reduces I/R injury
ventricular 10-Minute metabolic testosterone 2 mg/kg, b1-adrenoceptors. by enhancing the beneficial
myocytes inhibition and SC, pretreated for – " Cell viability compared effect of a1-adrenoceptor
(ORX rat) anoxia 8 weeks with the castrated group. stimulation, which was greater
10-Minute Followed with 108 mol/L than the adverse effect of
reperfusion concentration of b1-adrenoceptor stimulation
testosterone incubated through both androgen and
for 24 hours before I/R nonandrogen receptors.
Noradrenaline 107 mol/L
Pretreated during I/R
Isolated rat I/R Physiological concentration Testosterone combined with Testosterone is required for the
ventricular 10-Minute metabolic Testosterone, 108 mol/L preconditioning restored the cardioprotection of
myocytes inhibition and incubated for 24 hours ventricular myocytes viability. preconditioning. This effect is
(ORX rat) anoxia before I/R pretreated mediated by androgen
10-Minute with U50-488H 30 receptors.
reperfusion mmol/L 30 min before I/R
Abbreviations: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; MI, myocardial infarction; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase dUTP nick end labeling; I/R, ischemic and reperfusion; SC, subcutaneous.

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Pongkan et al 7

Effect of testosterone on molecular signaling in I/R hearts. Most of whereas the supraphysiological dose of testosterone replace-
the molecular studies on testosterone replacement demon- ment (50 mg/kg) demonstrated antiarrhythmic effect in I/R
strated adverse effects in an ex vivo model of ORX rats with model.85 The mechanism responsible for the protective effect
I/R injury (Table 6). In Langendorff isolated hearts of ORX of testosterone on arrhythmia reduction was thought to be
rats, acute exogenous testosterone replacement at a physiolo- through a1a-adrenoceptor stimulation28 and shortened the QT
gical level had damaging effects on the myocardium after I/R interval.85 Since this positive effect of testosterone on the car-
injury by the inhibition of signal transducers and activators of diac arrhythmia during I/R occurred together with the use of
transcription 3 (STAT-3) and the suppression of the cytokine adrenergic receptor stimulation (Table 7), it is still unclear
signaling 3 (SOCS-3) antiapoptotic pathway.32 In addition, whether testosterone alone could provide a similar benefit. This
acute testosterone infusion to physiological level in an needs to be investigated further.
isolated heart also increased the activation of the p38 MAPK
and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways. These molecular sig- Effect of testosterone on HRV in myocardial infarction model. Cur-
nalings were involved with myocardial inflammation,36 rently, there is no basic study on the effects of testosterone on
increased apoptotic protein caspase 3,36 decreased antiapop- the HRV, and there is only 1 clinical study investigating the
totic protein BcI-2,36,103 and Forkhead box O3a phosphoryla- effect of testosterone on HRV in patients with coronary artery
tion (p-FOXO3a),103 and downregulation of PI3K/Akt disease. This cross-sectional study in men with stable coron-
antiapoptotic pathways, resulting in reduced phosphorylation ary artery disease (age 36-73 years, mean age: 56 years)
of Bcl-2-associated death promoter protein (Bad) and unable reported that a high level of blood testosterone was associated
to inhibit Bax-triggered apoptosis.103 Consistent with these with increased HRV (Table 7).104 These findings suggested
results, blocking of androgen receptor in an I/R injury model that testosterone might have a positive effect on cardiac
using the Langendorff isolated heart resulted in decreased autonomic regulation in men after myocardial infarction by
proinflammatory cytokine production, decreased p38-MAPK promoting parasympathetic dominance. Future basic and clin-
and caspase 1, decreasing the expression of apoptotic protein ical studies are needed to investigate the roles of testosterone
caspases 3 and 11, and increasing the antiapoptotic protein in the cardiac autonomic balance in both I/R injury and myo-
Bcl-2.88 cardial infarction models.
In contrast to findings following acute testosterone adminis-
tration, a study using chronic exogenous testosterone replace-
The Relationship Between Testosterone Levels and
ment demonstrated improved cardiac function and restored
the activation of the myocardial PI3K/Akt pathway including
Coronary Artery Disease in Clinical Studies
decreased proapoptotic (Bax and Fas-L protein) and increased Clinical studies show that low levels of testosterone were
antiapoptotic proteins (Bcl-2, p-Bad, and p-FOXO3a) in this linked to increased blood pressure, dyslipidemia, athero-
isolated heart investigation.103 The beneficial effect of testos- sclerosis, arrhythmia, thrombosis, and endothelial dysfunc-
terone on molecular parameters has also been demonstrated tion, as well as to impaired left ventricular function.105
in ORX rats with an myocardial infarction model. Testosterone Haring and colleagues demonstrated that serum testosterone
administration at a physiological dose level (2 mg/kg) could levels were inversely related to mortality rate due to cardio-
promote angiogenesis after myocardial infarction by increasing vascular disease or cancer, whereas low serum testosterone
hypoxia-inducible factor 1a (HIF-1a) and stromal cell-derived was associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality23
factor 1a (SDF-1a) signaling cytokines, which are generated at and that plasma testosterone level could potentially be used
low oxygen concentration to promote neovascularization.25 as a predictive tool for mortality from cardiovascular dis-
Moreover, testosterone could also increase the number of ease.106 Regarding the relationship between plasma testoster-
CD-34 progenitor stem cells that can differentiate into hemato- one levels and coronary artery disease, a previous clinical
poietic and endothelial progenitor cells in the ischemic study has shown that the plasma level of total testosterone,
myocardium.25 free testosterone, and bioavailability testosterone was signif-
Regarding the effects of testosterone in an I/R model, it may icantly lower in men with coronary artery disease than
be proposed that either acute exogenous testosterone replace- healthy men.18 However, several reports found that only free
ment or endogenous testosterone could provide deleterious testosterone was significantly lower in men with coronary
effects on the heart by accelerating the apoptotic signaling pro- artery disease.107-110 It has also been shown that a low testos-
cess after I/R injury. However, chronic exogenous testosterone terone level was associated with atherosclerosis111 and myo-
replacement may exert a beneficial effect in both I/R and myo- cardial infarction112 in men, supporting the previous findings
cardial infarction models. that low levels of testosterone could increase the risk and
contribute to a high prevalence of coronary artery disease
Effect of testosterone on cardiac arrhythmias in I/R hearts. In Lan- in men.22,110,113-116 In addition, the level of testosterone
gendorff perfused hearts, a physiological dose of testosterone shows an inverse correlation with the severity of coronary
(2 mg/kg) combined with adrenergic stimulation has been artery stenosis.17,107,108,117,118 These findings suggested that
shown to reduce reperfusion arrhythmia during I/R injury by endogenous testosterone may play a preventive role in the
reducing the incidence of premature ventricular beats,28 development of coronary arteriosclerosis.117,119 Despite these

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Table 6. Summary of the effect of Testosterone on Molecular Parameters in I/R Heart.
Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref
ORX rat MI Physiological dose of testosterone Testosterone Exogenous testosterone replacement
LAD ligation propionate, 2 mg/kg, SC – # Levels of HIF-1a, SDF-1a, and VEGF mRNA expression. promotes neovascularization by the
Pretreated for 1, 3, and 28 days – " The number of CD34þ cells homing of CD34þ stem cells and
Flutamide (testosterone receptor increases the expression of cytokines
blocker), 30 mg/kg/d, SC, pretreated for Endogenous testosterone deprivation worsened cardiac function. HIF-1a, SDF-1a, and VEGF in the early
1, 3, and 28 days stage of MI, resulting in an increased
neovascularization in the MI heart.
Isolated rat heart I/R 5a-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 100 mg (as Depletion of endogenous testosterone Testosterone downregulated antiapoptotic
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global pellet), SC implantation, pretreated for – " STAT-3 and SOCS-3 in male hearts protein, STAT-3, and SOCS-3 expression
no flow ischemia 3 weeks in the myocardium after I/R injury.
40-Minute reperfusion Physiologic dose of 17b-hydroxy-4- Blockade of testosterone receptor
androsterone 10 ng/mL/min, acute – " SOCS-3 levels in males
infusion (AI) 5 minutes before ischemia
Administration of exogenous testosterone to ORX male and female
– # STAT-3 activity and SOCS-3 level
Isolated rat heart I/R Physiologic dose of 17b-hydroxy-4- Testosterone Exogenous testosterone has detrimental
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global no flow androsterone 10 ng/mL/min, acute – " The activation of signaling enzymes of myocardial effects on the myocardium after I/R injury.
ischemia infusion 5 minutes before ischemia inflammation (p38 MAPK and JNK)
40-Minute reperfusion – " An expression of apoptotic protein (caspase-3)
– # Expression of antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2
Isolated rat heart I/R Flutamide (testosterone receptor blocker) Blocking of testosterone receptor and castration Decrease in androgen receptors causes an
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global no pellet 10 mg, SC implantation, pretreated – # Proinflammatory cytokine production (TNF-a, IL-1b, and adverse effect on the I/R heart
flow ischemia for 3 weeks IL-6)
40-Minute reperfusion – # Expression of p38 MAPK
– # Expression of apoptotic protein (caspases 1, 3, and 11)
– " Expression of antiapoptotic protein (Bcl-2)
Isolated rat heart I/R 5a-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 100 mg Castration or flutamide treatment
(ORX rat) 25-Minute global no (as pellet), SC implantation, pretreated – " The activation of the myocardial Akt pathway, p-Bad, Bcl-2, Acute exogenous testosterone has damaging
flow ischemia for 3 weeks and p-FOXO3a effects on myocardium after I/R injury
40-Minute reperfusion – # Fas-L in male hearts through downregulation of the Akt

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– " Bax pathway in male hearts following I/R.
Physiologic dose of 17b-hydroxy-4- Acute testosterone replacement reversed the effects of Akt signaling The chronic treatment of testosterone can
androsterone 10 ng/mL/min, acute in castrated male hearts provide cardioprotective effects.
infusion 5 minutes before ischemia – # p-Bad
– # Bcl-2/Bax ratio
– # Antiapoptotic protein p-FOXO3a
Chronic testosterone replacement
– # Bax
– " Bcl-2/Bax ratio

Abbreviation: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; MI, myocardial infarction; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; SC, subcutaneous; I/R. ischemic and reperfusion; HIF-1a, hypoxia-inducible factor 1-a; SDF-1a, stromal
cell-derived factor 1a; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; STAT-3, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; SOCS-3, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3; mRNA, messenger RNA; p38 MAPK, p38 mitogen-
activated protein kinase; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinases; Bcl-2, B-cell lymphoma 2; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor a; IL-1b, interleukin 1b; IL-6, interleukin 6; Akt, protein kinase B; p-Bad, The Bcl-2-associated death
promoter; FOXO3a, Forkhead box O3; Bax, bcl-2-like protein 4; Fas-L, Fas ligand.
Pongkan et al 9

Table 7. Summary of the Effect of Testosterone on Arrhythmia Parameters and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in I/R Heart.

Animal Species Model Drugs/Dose/Route Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Isolated rat heart I/R Physiological dose of Testosterone restored the Testosterone replacement, mediated
(ORX rat) LAD ligation testosterone 2 mg/kg, incidence of PVB to the by androgen receptors, reduces
30-Minute ischemia SC, pretreated for sham control arrhythmia during I/R injury.
and 120-minute 8 weeks
reperfusion Noradrenaline 107
Pretreated during I/R
Rabbits I/R Supraphysiological Testosterone significantly Supraphysiological dose of testosterone
LAD ligation dose of shortened the QT interval treatment may be anti-arrhythmic by
30-Minute ischemia testosterone, by 9% compared with the shortening the QT interval.
3-Hour reperfusion 50 mg/kg, IM control group
Pretreated for 1 weeks
and 50 mg/kg, acute
treated 5-10 minute
before I/R
Human aged MI 88 Postinfarction men High level of blood Testosterone has a positive impact on
36-73 yr 24-Hour Holter testosterone associated cardiac autonomic regulation in men
(cross- monitoring with improved HRV by after MI by promoting
sectional study) Measure the levels of – " SDNN parasympathetic dominance.
testosterone – " rMSSD
hormone – " pNN50
Abbreviations: ORX rat, orchiectomized rat; I/R, ischemic and reperfusion; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; SC, subcutaneous; PVB, premature
ventricular beat; MI, myocardial infarction; SDNN, the standard deviation of NN intervals; rMSSD, root mean square of the successive differences; pNN50, the
proportion of NN50; IM, intramuscular.

beneficial reports on testosterone, inconsistent findings exist. and myocardial infarction,125 suggesting that unnecessary use
A recent clinical report demonstrated that both low and high of testosterone without medical supervision is likely to cause
levels of total testosterone were associated with an increased undesirable effects. A summary of clinical reports regarding
ischemic arterial disease risk ratio, suggesting that only an the effects of testosterone replacement on myocardial infarc-
optimal range of plasma testosterone could provide cardio- tion and heart failure is shown in Table 9.
vascular protection.120 A summary of clinical reports regard-
ing the association between the plasma testosterone levels
and coronary artery disease is shown in Table 8. Conclusion
The cardioprotective effects of chronic testosterone replace-
ment to the physiological dose have been demonstrated in
Effects of Testosterone Replacement on Myocardial
an I/R heart. This technique is seen to be effective by reducing
Infarction and Heart Failure in Clinical Studies the infarct size, improving contractile functions, decreasing
Previous studies demonstrated that testosterone replacement LDH release, increasing ventricular myocytes viability,
therapy exerts protective effect against myocardial ischemia reducing arrhythmias, and improving autonomic regulation
such as delayed time to ischemia,80,81,121 reduced exercise- of the heart after I/R. These beneficial effects of testosterone
induced myocardial ischemia,80,121 and decreased severity of are thought to occur via the stimulation and expression of a1a-
coronary stenosis by increased coronary artery diameter and adrenoceptor, increased synthesis of Hsp70, increased neo-
coronary blood flow.122,123 This could be partly due to its vascularization of CD34þ stem cell and cytokines HIF-1a,
effects of reducing cholesterol and triglycerides81,122 and SDF-1a, and vascular endothelial growth factor in the early
decreasing serum tumor necrotic factor a.81 It has also been stages of myocardial infarction. In addition, testosterone may
shown that testosterone therapy was associated with a reduced play a beneficial role by maintaining intracellular Ca2þ home-
risk of myocardial infarction.124 However, as discussed earlier, ostasis during ischemic stress (Figure 1). However, acute tes-
inconsistent findings from clinical reports exist. Several studies tosterone replacement might cause adverse effects in the I/R
found that testosterone therapy could increase the risk of myo- heart by reducing cardioprotective signaling proteins such
cardial infarction, especially in older men.33,67 Several compli- as STAT-3 and SOCS-3 after I/R and also decreasing myocar-
cations have been reported with supraphysiologic doses of dial Akt activation, leading to reduced Bad phosphorylation
testosterone replacement in athletes including hypertension, and decreased Bcl-2 levels, which consequently results in
cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrhythmias, worsened I/R-depressed myocardial function.

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10 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Table 8. Summary of Clinical Studies Reported on the Association Between Testosterone Levels and Coronary Artery Disease.

Model n Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Men with CAD 201 Plasma testosterone levels in patients with CAD were lower than in Low plasma testosterone level may be a risk factor
the healthy participants. for CAD.
Men with CAD 56 Men with coronary artery disease had lower TT levels, Testosterone may be involved in the pathogenesis of
testosterone/estradiol ratio, and free androgen index than the coronary atherosclerosis.
control group.
Men with CAD 803 – Testosterone level was inversely associated with severity of Lower testosterone levels are associated with
coronary stenosis (Gensini coronary score). greater coronary stenosis.
– The severity of CAD was lower in participants with high level
of testosterone.
Men with CAD 191 – The level of FT and TT was lower in patients with CAD than Low levels of testosterone are associated with
in the control group. premature coronary artery disease and its
– Low TT was significantly correlated with CAD. severity in young adults.
– The severity of coronary stenosis (Gensini coronary score)
was correlated with low TT and FT.
Men with CAD 201 – Testosterone level was inversely associated with the level of  Testosterone may play a preventive role in
arteriosclerosis. the development of coronary
– Lower concentrations of DHEA and testosterone were arteriosclerosis.
found in those men with more severe arteriosclerotic  Low levels of testosterone lead to greater
lesions. severity of arteriosclerotic lesions.
Men with CAD 128 – TT levels were not different from control. FT levels are inversely associated with the severity of
– FT level in 3-vessel lesion group was lower than that in coronary artery lesions.
double-vessel lesion group and single-vessel lesion group.
Men with CAD 69 – TT and FT levels in patients with CAD were lower than the Low levels of FT may be related to the development
control group. of premature CAD.
– Patients with FT levels below the cutoff value of 17.3 pg/mL
had 3.3-fold risk of developing premature CAD compared to
those with FT levels above the cutoff level.
Men with CAD 129 – Patients with CAD had lower levels of TT and FT than Low levels of plasma testosterone are associated
controls. with the increased risk of CAD in men.
– Degree of CAD had an inverse relationship with plasma
testosterone levels.
Men with CAD 139 – TT, FT, SHBG, and AR levels in the CAD group were Low levels of TT and SHBG could be risk factors for
reduced compared with the control group. CAD in elderly men.
– TT and FT levels were negatively correlated with CAD.
Men with CAD 105 Men with CAD had lower levels of FT than the control group. Low levels of FT are associated with the
development of CAD.
Men with CAD 237 – No differences in TT, SHBG, AR, and DHEA levels among  Low levels of FT contribute to a high
groups. prevalence of CAD in elderly men.
– Serum level of FT was lower in the CAD group than in the  The age-related reduction in FT and AR
control group. accelerates the progression of coronary
– FT level was inversely correlated with CAD. atherosclerosis.
– Age was negatively correlated with the levels of FT and AR
Men with CAD 100 Patients with CAD had lower values of FT Low levels of FT may contribute to the development
of premature coronary artery disease.
Men with MI 100 – Patients with STEMI and SA had low testosterone level Testosterone deficiency may contribute to the
– Hypotestosteronemia prevalence was higher among patients development of coronary instability and MVO
with STEMI compared with patients with SA pathogenesis.
– Hypotestosteronemia independently predicted both angio-
Men with CAD 111 – Plasma testosterone level was inversely correlated with the Endogenous testosterone may provide protective
degree of coronary stenosis. effects on coronary arteries.
– Higher blood level of TT was associated with the lower
number of stenosis in the coronary arteries.
Men with CAD 3650 Lowest total testosterone had IAD risk ratio 2.23, whereas highest  High and low plasma testosterone levels are
total testosterone had IAD risk ratio 3.61. associated with an increased risk of IAD in
elderly men.
 An optimal range of plasma testosterone may
confer cardiovascular protection.

Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; TT, total testosterone; FT, free testosterone; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; SHBG, sex hormone binding
globulin; AR, androgen receptor; MI, myocardial infarction; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; MVO, microvascular obstruction; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial
infarction; SA, stable angina; ECG-MVO, electrocardiographic microvascular obstruction; angio-MVO, angiographic microvascular obstruction; IAD, ischemic
arterial disease.

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Pongkan et al 11

Table 9. Summary of Clinical Studies Reported on the Effect of Testosterone Replacement on Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure.

Model n Treatment Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Men with MI 46 5 mg testosterone daily by transdermal Testosterone increased the time to Low-dose supplemental testosterone
patch or matching placebo for 1-mm ST-segment depression. treatment in men with chronic
12 weeks. stable angina reduces exercise-
induced myocardial ischemia.
Men with MI 10 Testosterone injections (1 mL of Testosterone therapy increased the Testosterone replacement therapy in
100 mg testosterone/mL) every time to 1-mm ST-segment hypogonadal men delays time to
2 weeks for 1 month. depression and reduced total ischemia and reduces the total
cholesterol and serum tumor cholesterol and inflammation.
necrosis factor a.
Men with MI 15 Testosterone undecanoate, 250 mg/ – Testosterone increased the Testosterone exerts protective effects
mL every 12 weeks for 12 months time to 1-mm ST-segment on myocardial ischemia.
(intramuscular injection). depression and increased
hemoglobin and hematocrit.
– Testosterone decreased the
CIMT, BMI, and serum
Men with MI 6355 Eight-year follow-up of patients who – Testosterone therapy was not Older men treated with intramuscular
treated with at least 1 intramuscular associated with an increased testosteroneinjections have no
injection of testosterone enanthate, risk of MI. increased risk of MI.
up to 1 mL; testosterone cypionate, – Testosterone therapy was For men with high MI risk,
up to 1 mL; testosterone cypionate, associated with a reduced risk testosterone use is modestly
100-200 mg; testosterone of MI. protective against MI.
enanthate, 100-200 mg;
testosterone suspension, up to
50 mg; testosterone propionate,
up to 100 mg; and testosterone
pellet, 75 mg

Men with CAD 14 Testosterone (2.5 mg; intravenous in Testosterone increased the time to 1- Short-term administration of
5 minutes) before exercise tests. mm ST-segment depression and testosterone exerts a beneficial
increased total exercise time. effect on exercise-induced
myocardial ischemia in men with
CAD. This benefit may be related to
a direct coronary-relaxing effect.
Men with CAD 13 3-Minute intracoronary infusion of Testosterone increased coronary Intracoronary infusion of testosterone
physiological concentrations artery diameter and coronary blood induces coronary artery dilatation
testosterone (1010 to 107 mol/L). flow. and increases coronary blood flow
in men with CAD.
Men with MI 1 A recreational weight lifter was taking Hematologic studies showed Association with and potential
(case high-dose intramuscular polycythemia and right coronary interplay between traditional
report) testosterone for the previous angiography revealed a total cardiovascular risk factors, high-
6 weeks and intermittently occlusion at the mid-portion of the dose testosterone use, and possibly
for 2 years. vessel with intracoronary thrombus. elevated plasma viscosity is
proposed as possible contributors
to this cardiovascular event.

Men with MI 46 Received two 2.5-mg self-adhesive There was no change in fibrinogen, tPA Physiological testosterone
active testosterone patches each activity or PAI-1 activity, and replacement does not interfere with
night for 12 weeks. hemoglobin concentration in the blood coagulation status.
testosterone group.
Men with CAD 1223 – 13 Patients used testosterone – Testosterone therapy was Testosterone therapy was associated
gel (1% 5 g packets) associated with increased risk with increased risk of adverse
– 436 Patients with testosterone of adverse outcomes including outcomes.
injections (200 mg/mL) all-cause mortality, MI, and
– 774 Patients used patches ischemic stroke.
(2.5 mg/24-h patch) – No difference in the risk of
– (Average 531 days) adverse outcomes across the
3 testosterone formulations.

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12 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Table 9. (continued)

Model n Treatment Major Findings Interpretation Ref

Men with MI 55 593 Compared the incidence rate of MI – Younger men with a history of In older men and in younger men with
(post/preprescription rate ratio heart disease had a 2-3-fold preexisting diagnosed heart disease,
[RR]) following initiation of increased risk of MI within the risk of MI following initiation of
testosterone therapy (TT) 90 days after TT. TT prescription is substantially
prescription. – Men aged 65 years and older increased.
had a 2-fold increase in the risk
of MI within 90 days after TT.
Men with CHF 50 Testosterone enanthate (250mg/mL) Improved diastolic function and Testosterone replacement exerts a
1 mL once every 4 weeks for 12 increased trend in 6-minute walk beneficial role in improving
weeks (intramuscular injection). distance (6MWD) parameter. functional capacity and quality of life
in patients with heart failure.
Men with CHF 70 Testosterone undecanoate 1000 mg Testosterone therapy improved Long-acting testosterone therapy
long-acting once every 6 weeks for oxygen consumption, quadriceps improves exercise capacity, muscle
12 weeks (intramuscular injection) isometric strength, insulin strength, glucose metabolism, and
sensitivity, and baroreflex. baroreflex sensitivity in men with
moderately severe CHF.
Men with CHF 76 Testosterone replacement therapy (5 Improved exercise capacity, no Testosterone replacement therapy
mg Androderm) at physiological adverse events. improves functional capacity and
doses for 12 months symptoms in men with moderately
severe heart failure.

Abbreviations: MI, myocardial infarction; CIMT, carotid intima–media thickness; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; PAI-1, plasminogen
activator inhibitor 1; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; CHF, congestive heart failure; TT, testosterone therapy; RR, post/preprescription rate ratio.

Figure 1. The potential roles of testosterone replacement in cardiac ischemia–reperfusion (I/R) and myocardial infarction models. During
cardiac I/R, testosterone administration has been shown to reduce infarct size, decrease lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, and increase
cell viability via increased neovascularization, increased heat shock protein 70 syntheses, a1a-adrenoceptor stimulation, and decreased myocar-
dial apoptosis. The reduction in sympathovagal imbalance may occur due to decreased oxidative stress. The reduction in cardiac arrhythmia
could occur due to decreased intracellular Ca2þ accumulation and a1a-adrenoceptor stimulation. Furthermore, testosterone could decrease
intracellular Ca2þ accumulation, increase an expression of a1a- and b1-adrenoceptors, decrease LVEDP, increase LVDP, and ejection fraction,
thus resulting in increased contractility and improved cardiac function. HIF-1a indicates hypoxia-inducible factor 1-a; SDF-1a, stromal
cell-derived factor 1a; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; CD34, hematopoietic progenitor cell antigen CD34; LVDP, left ventricular
develop pressure; LVEDP, left ventricular end diastolic pressure.

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Pongkan et al 13

Author Contribution 11. Haffner SM, Karhapaa P, Mykkanen L, Laakso M. Insulin resis-
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critically revised the article; gave final approval, and agreed to be 12. Grossmann M, Thomas MC, Panagiotopoulos S, et al. Low testoster-
accountable for all aspects of work ensuring integrity and accuracy. one levels are common and associated with insulin resistance in men
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land. Circulation. 1999;99(9):1165-1172.
15. Chrysohoou C, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, et al. Gender differ-
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ences on the risk evaluation of acute coronary syndromes: the
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This
CARDIO2000 study. Prev Cardiol. 2003;6(2):71-77.
work was supported by the Thailand Research Fund Royal Golden
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