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Email Rearrangement

Email to Nick…..@......

Subject: schedule

(1) Please could you let me know whether you would be interested in
working on the main task as outlined above? For additional notes,
I realize you don’t have much information yet and may not be able
to give us an answer.
(2) Many thanks for getting back to me so promptly. It’s great to hear
that you are interested in working with us. Apologies for my delay
in replying. I was unwell last week
(3) We are still looking in to your suggestion about the scope of the
additional notes. At this stage, we have made final decision. I plan
to discuss with my team next week and aim to send you more
details over the next two weeks.
(4) With best wishes
(5) With regard to timings and details, we plan to have the main tasks
for this project ready by middle of October. We would send you
the task list then, and would like you to devise a number of
categories with which to label certain key business categories. We
would like to receive the list, arranged according to category, by
the middle of November. Please could you let me know whether
this would be acceptable to you?
(6) I look forward to hearing from you
(7) Lisa
(8) Dear Nick
2. Complete the following email with one word of your own:
Subject: Finding new markets
Dear Francesca,
Further (1)……….our discussion last week, I think it would be a good idea to
(2)………our ideas about investing new markets for our products a stage
further, especially we have (3) ……….expressions of interest from
distributors from other parts of the country.
I would be very grateful, therefore, …………you could write a proposal for
this activity (5)………we could then put to other managers for their reactions.
(6)……….your proposal, please include:
- reasons for researching new markets
- the types of market we might break in to
- how the research should be (7)………..
- the resources which will be needed for carrying (8)……… the research
- your recommendation

I look forward to having your ideas as (9)……… convenient.

Many thank in (10)………


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