1st Announcement Ver 7 - Final

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1. REMARKS AND INVITATION a. b. c. Invitation from the Chairman of the 15th AFCMA Organizing Committee... 3 Welcome Address from the President of AFCMA ........................................ 4 Welcome Address from the Chairman of ICMC (Indonesian Catholic Medical Community) .................................................. 5 2. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ............................................................................................ 6 3. PROGRAM AT GLANCE ................................................................................................... 7 4. CONGRESS VENUE & OFFICIAL HOTELS a. b. Congress Venue: Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel ............................................... 10 Official Hotels ............................................................................................... 11 i. ii. Inna Grand Bali Beach Puri Dalem

iii. Sanur Agung c. Hotel rates

5. REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................... 13 6. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS .................................................................................................... 14 7. CONTACT .............................................................................................................................. 16

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

Invitation From The Chairman of The Organizing Committee

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On behalf of the committee, it is my pleasure to announce that the 15th AFCMA Congress will be held on 18 21 October 2012, in Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel in Bali, Indonesia. As you perhaps know, Indonesia was appointed as the host for the next AFCMA Congress. I do hope that all of you, Board and Members of AFCMA will make a note in your calendar for this important date, so that you can schedule your presence at the congress from now on. I would also urge Board and Members in other regions within FIAMC to come and attend the Congress. The Organizing Committee has chosen Bali as the location of this congress, to attract more participants. Most of you would have heard of Bali as one of the favorite tourist destinations in the world. We assure you that aside from the interesting topics that will be discussed in the congress, there will also be opportunity for you to see the beauty of the Paradise Island of Bali. Please go through the following pages in this announcement, especially the Congress Programme. There are still some vacancies for congress speakers that you may be able to fill. The topic can be related to the main theme, subtheme or as free papers. Please let me know if you are interested to be one of the speakers. With this announcement I would like to welcome you to the 15th AFCMA Congress in Bali, and encourage you to register early. With my warmest regards, In Christ, Albert Hendarta, MD, MPH. Chairman 15th AFCMA Congress Organizing Committee

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Welcome Message From The President of AFCMA

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is my honour and privilege to welcome you to the 15th Congress of the Asian Federation of Catholic Medical Associations. In November 2010 the International Catholic Medical Community (ICMC) Bali Branch was officially formed in Bali. Some members of AFCMA Executive Committee were fortunate to be able to witness this auspicious occasion and to offer advice to the Organizing Committee of the 15th AFCMA Congress which will be held here. We note that both ICMC and Perdhaki are co-oorganizing this important event. We are truly impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the Organizing Committee led by Dr. Albert Hendarta to ensure that all of you coming to this beautiful island of Bali with its tropical forests, sandy beaches, coral reefs and fantastic shopping outlets will want to extend your stay here after the Congress. The Theme chosen for the Congress is The Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World. As practicing Catholics we are told to uphold our Churchs Teachings in the face of challenges from modern technology which has its good and bad points. We are faced with the challenges of trying to protect human life from the beginning to the end of human life. We must also uphold our Biomedical Ethics as Catholic Doctors e.g. we support the adult stem cell research and the usage of adult stem cells to as treatment to replace damaged or diseased tissues. We do not support embryonic stem cell research where embryos are harvested are then destroyed for the sake of medical research. There is a great future for producing induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from adult stem cells but the technique has not been perfected yet. iPS have the ability to change into any adult cell in the body and there is no ethical issue involve here. All these and other important and interesting issues confronting the Catholic Doctor will be discussed in detail here at the 15th AFCMA Congress. We sincerely hope that we will all be enlightened and empowered by the Holy Spirit after this Congress and will be able to respond and defend our Churchs Teachings whenever such challenges arise in our daily life. Finally we must thank the Organizers: ICMC and Perdhaki for the splendid effort they have made for co- hosting this 15th AFCMA Congress and making our stay in Bali a truly memorable one. In Jesus Christ, Dr. Freddie Loh President AFCMA (Asian Federation of Catholic Medical Associations)

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

Welcome Message From The President of ICMC

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Praise The Lord that ICMC has been appointed as the host of the 15th AFCMA Congress. On behalf of ICMC, I would like to thank the Executive Committee of AFCMA for appointing ICMC and also Perdhaki to co-host the Congress. My gratitude goes to the Organizing Committee (including ICMC Bali as local committee) who have put their utmost and splendid effort to make the Congress a big success. Bali, a beautiful island, was chosen as the location of the Congress, so that the participants, besides attending the interesting sessions, would be able to enjoy the beauty of the paradise island. We are truly delighted to invite all of you to attend the 15th Congress of AFCMA , that will be held on 18 21 October 2012, in Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel in Bali, Indonesia. Brothers and Sisters, through this opportunity we would like to encourage all of you to actively participate in the congress. The Theme of the Congress, The Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World was chosen to anticipate the advances of modern technology in medical sciences for the Catholic doctors according to the Catholic Churchs Teaching. holiday. It is our great honor to welcome all of you to come to Bali for the Congress and

Our warmest regards, In Christ, Ignatius Harjadi Widjaja, MD, DEd, President ICMC (Indonesian Catholic Medical Community)

The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

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Organizing Committee
Archbishop Antonio G. Filipazzi,
Apostolic Nuncio

Organizing Committee
dr Angela Abidin.MARS.,SpMK , Sr Johanni,CB,SKM dr Ika Belinda dr Freddy Ciptono dr Benny Handoyo

Mgr. Martinus D. Situmorang, OFM Cap, President of the Catholic

Bishops Conference of Indonesia Mgr Silvester San.,Pr, Bishop of Denpasar


Delegate Services






Fund-raising Committee
Dr. Med. Dr. Lukas Jusuf Dr. Hasan Haris, MKK Dr. Elisa Dr. Lidwina

DR. Dr. Ign. Harjadi Widjaja, PA DR. Dr. E. Widyastuti Wibisana, MSc(PH). Dr. Stephanus Indradjaya, MSc, PhD. Prof. Dr. A.N. Kurniawan, SpPA(K) Prof. DR. Dr. A. Herkutanto, SH, FACLM Prof. DR. T. Santoso, MD, FACP, FESC Prof. Dr. W.F. Maramis, SpKJ(K)

Dr. Veronica Wiwing, SpMK Dr. Lenny Tan

DR. Dr. Robert Ganda Sentana, MS Dr. Liliana Kurniawan, MSc, MHA, DTMH

Dr. Albert Hendarta, MPH

Bali Local Committee

Dr. Hensen, SpPD

Scientific Committee
Dr. Felix Gunawan DR. Dr. F. Joedajana, SpPK Fr. DR. CB. Kusmaryanto, SCJ

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

Program at a Glance
10.00 16.00 16.00 17.30 17.30 18.30 18.30 19.30 Registration Opening Mass Opening Ceremony & Welcome address Keynote Lecture H.E. Msgr Jean Marie Mupendawatu (Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Healthcare Worker)

Thursday, 18 October 2012


19.30 22.00 08.30 09.00 09.00 10.00 10.00 10.30 10.30 11.00

Welcome Reception Friday, 19 October 2012 Morning Mass Alimurung Lecture: State-of-the-art of the current medical knowledge. Value and its consequences. Coffee break Challenges of Catholic Doctors in upholding Biomedical Ethics Panel Discussion. Topic: Medical Intervention in the beginning of life Presenter: Dr Rudy B.T. Sp OG Panelist: 1. Dr Edna Monzon (Chair person): viewed from clinical aspect 2. Fr David Garcia OP: viewed from moral theological aspect 3. Fr/Sr/Dr.....: viewed from clinical aspect 4. Fr/Sr/Dr ....: viewed from bio-ethical aspect Fr Dong-Ik Lee DR Dr FM Judajana SpPK

Session 1 : Challenges of Catholic Doctors in Upholding Biomedical Ethics

Session 2 : Challenges of Catholic Doctors at the Beginning of Human Life 11.00 13.00

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13.00 14.00 14.00 16.00

Lunch/AFCMA council meeting Panel Discussion. Topic : Ordinary and Extraordinary care in chronic illness Presenter : Dr George Isajiw KM Panelist: 1. Prof. W.F. Maramis, Dr, SpKJ(K) (Chair person): viewed from clinical aspect 2. Fr Dr Stephen Fernandes: viewed from moral theological aspect 3. Fr. Dr. CB Kusmaryanto, SCJ : viewed from bio-ethical aspect

Session 3 : Challenges of Catholic Doctors at the End of Human Life

16.00 16.30 16.30 17.00 17.00 - 17.30 17.30 18.30 18.30 21.00

Coffee Break Natural Fertility Awareness Fertility Treatment through medical and surgical NaPro Technology Q&A Congress Banquet Saturday, 20 October 2012 Dr Ian Snodgrass Sister Mary Ann M.D.

Session 4 : Challenges of Catholic Doctors in Promoting Natural Fertility Awareness

Session 5 : Controversy of the Use of Condom in HIV Prevention 08.30 09.00 09.00 09.20 09.20 09.40 09.40 10.00 10.00 10.30 10.30 11.00 Session 6 : Free paper 11.00 12.45 Morning Mass Clarification of Pope Benedicts Fr David Gracia statement on the use of condom in HIV prevention The effectiveness of the use of condom in HIV prevention: viewed from epidemiological perspective The effectiveness of the use of condom in HIV prevention: view from medical perspective Q&A Coffee Break Paralel , @ 15 mnts + QA 5 mnts Free paper (1a) Free paper (1b) Dr Nafsiah Mboi, SpA, MPH Dr Peter Au-yeung

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

1. Fr.Dr. Agustinus Ryadi,Pr: Challenges of Catholic doctors : From Ethics to Bioethics 2. Joon-Ki Kang M.D.: Care of the handicapped children

5. Dr Fmihiko Shinozaki: Medical missionat Philippines rural agriculture district-25 years report 6. Dr Nobuaki Sakai, D.D.S.,D.D.Sc.:Primary Health Careina Districtof East Timor by a Nonprofit Organization 7. Sr Mitsue Oda F.M.M: Where is no doctor in the villages in Ethiopia,21 years experience 8. Dr Albert Hendarta.,MPH: The role of Catholic Hospital in serving the poor, experience in urban setting in West Jawa Free paper (2b): 5. Session allocated for speaker from sponsored country. 6. Session allocated for speaker from sponsored country.

3. Dr Shigeki Hitomi: The health Health Care in a District of care system of old clergies in East Timor by a Nonprofit Japan 4. Dr Hana Claus : Human Sexuality, the Teen STAR Where is no doctor in the program and approach 12.45 13.45 13.45 15.30 Lunch Free paper (2a): 1. Prof Dr W Maramis: Value Education in Catholic Medical Schools 2. Dr Hendra Wijaya: Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia

3. Perdhaki, humanitarian mission sup- 7. Session allocated for ported by AFCMA ( tran Aceh tsunami speaker from sponsored 2005 to Merapi Volcano eruption country. 2011) 4. Fr Gino :The spirituality of Catholic doctors in humanitarian aid 15.30 16.00 16.00 19.00 19.00 22.00 09.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 Coffee break AFCMA Country Report Free time Sunday, 21, October 2012 Conclusion of the congress Closing mass & ceremony Farewell lunch 8. Session allocated for speaker from sponsored country.

REMARKS: Pre and post-congress tours will be announced later

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Congress Venue
Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel & Suites
Jalan Hangtuah No 46, Sanur Bali 80228 Tel +62-361-281 78 Fax +62-361-289 166 The Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel is located in the tranquil coastal village of Sanur, which is an ideal place from which to explore the island of Bali. The hotel is just minutes from great shopping, entertainment and cultural attractions. The hotel is situated close to temples, galleries, restaurants, a golf course and the very popular Sanur Beach, 30 minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport. The spacious and comfortable rooms, numerous restaurants and bars, modern fitness centre and traditional spa are all set around a long freeform pool and tropical garden, providing a tranquil haven for guests. Combine this with a distinctive and separate Meeting and Convention Centre, with a capacity for 1,000 people, this hotel becomes the ideal venue for corporate meetings, exhibitions, incentives, conventions or just simply for a private Balinese getaway.

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

Inna Grand Bali Beach

Jalan Hangtuah, Sanur Bali 80332 Telp. +62-361-288511 Fax +62-361-287917

Located on the site of Balis first five-star hotel - Inna Grand Bali Beach, founded in 1966 - is the most complete resort complex in Bali, featuring state-of-theart visitor facilities, but also numerous artistic amenities that bring to life the cultural excellence of the Balinese people and their many talented neighbors.

Puri Dalem Hotel

Jalan Hangtuah No 23, Sanur Bali Tel + 62 361 288421 Fax + 62 361 289009 A Sanur Bali Resort Hotel lay on the most tranquil coastal village and classical tourist destination of Sanur - Bali. Puri Dalem Hotel is just a short walking distance stroll to Sanur Beach where the peaceful, beautiful village, white sandy beach make the sunrise the most beautiful thing to memorize in Bali. By walking distance of the resort, find a relaxed and fancy varieties of restaurant, others offering nightly live entertainment. Sanur is also has its colorful and vibrant temple festivals, in the rustic villages.

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Sanur Agung Hotel

Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai No 174, Sanur Bali 80227 Tel + 62 361 288409 Fax +62 361 289575 The modern minimalist hotel provides a relatively peaceful vacation getaway while still being close to all that Sanur has to offer. Nearby the hotel are a variety of restaurants and bars. Each guest room features all the basic amenities, completed with private bathroom and shower with hot water. When not out enjoying the warm Bali sunshine and glittering seas, lounge around the hotels outdoor pool and completely relax. When the sun goes down, head out and explore the exciting nightlife before retreating to your room for a good nights sleep.



IDR 725,000 IDR 925,000

Congress Venue 5 minutes walk 5 minutes walk 5 minutes walk

Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel Inna Grand Bali Beach Puri Dalem Hotel Sanur Agung Hotel

Superior Pool View / Balcony Superior

Price to be advised

IDR 522,000 IDR 425,000


REMARKS rates are quoted per room per night Room Room rates are quoted per and service night and breakfast for 2 persons Rates include government tax room per charge,

*USD 1 = IDR 8,700 IDR 9,000

Rates include government tax and service charge, and breakfast for 2 persons

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

Registration prior to congress is strongly advised. The organizer is constructing a congress website so that the participants will be able to register online. As a preliminary information, the fees are

International Participants Category Before 18 July 2012

Delegate Student Accompanying Person USD 225.00 USD 150.00 USD 150.00

After/On Site
USD 275.00 USD 200.00 USD 200.00

The Delegate and Student Fees include Opening ceremony Coffee break Luncheon Two times dinner Congress Kit The Accompanying Person Fee include Opening ceremony Congress banquet Social program

The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

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Call For Abstract

All participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation in the final program. Presenters may indicate their preference for either oral or poster presentation. Poster presenters will be allocated specific times for their presence at the poster viewing area.

Instructions for Authors:


2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

All abstracts must be submitted in English and should not exceed between 200 and 300 words The abstract title, names of authors and affiliations should not be included in the word count. Please do not submit any tables or figures in the abstract. The title should be in capital letters and bold print. Do not centralize. The authors names should appear as their two initials followed by their family names. Authors affiliations should be indicated by numbered superscripts with the name of the respective institution(s), city and country listed immediately beneath the list of authors, typed in upper and lower case and single-spaced without using full-stops. The presenters name is to be underlined. Structure the abstract as: Objective(s); Material & Method(s); Result(s); Conclusion(s). Type the text in single-space with no indentations. Take a new line for each new paragraph (objectives, methods, results, conclusions). Do not include non-standard symbols, as they will not be recognized on setting up the printing matter and may be displayed wrongly. Use standard abbreviations. Place unusual abbreviations between brackets () after the first appearance of the word. Please save your abstract in Microsoft Word format with a preferred font size 12 point in Times New Roman. Should the presenting author be submitting more than one abstract, please number the files accordingly. Corrections sent in after the abstract has been submitted cannot be accepted. All abstracts will be pre-reviewed by the scientific committee. Accepted abstracts will appear in the Program Book. The presenting author whose abstract is accepted for presentation must register for the congress and pay the applicable registration fee. Omission will result in non-publication of the abstract. Abstract should be categorized according to the topics listed below. Please select a topic that best suits your abstract. Indicate the category that you are submitting for below the abstract content (eg: a). Only ONE of the following abstract categories is allowed:

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The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 | Challenges of Catholic Doctors in the Changing World

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Challenges of Catholic doctors in upholding Biomedical Ethics Challenges of Catholic Doctors at the beginning of Human life Challenges of Catholic Doctors at the end of Human life Challenges of Catholic Doctors in Promoting Natural Fertility Awareness Controversy of the use of condom in HIV prevention Others related to Catholic Health Care (free paper)

14. DECLINE OF ABSTRACT: if you do not follow the above guidelines, your abstract may be corrected and returned for revision.

Submission information

Abstract is to be submitted electronically as a file attachment to the secretariat at secretariat@afcma2012.com Please ensure that you comply with the above specifications.

Submission deadline
30 April 2012

Registration and notification of submission status

All presenting authors must register for the conference upon acceptance of their abstract(s). Authors will be notified of the status of their submission by 30 June 2012. Details of oral resentation and poster format will be provided for successful submissions. Authors who wish to withdraw their submission papers are to notify the secretariat in writing.

Note to all presenters

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend or change any part of the submission guidelines without prior notice.

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For more information, please contact: dr Angela Abidin ,MARS,SpMK / Sr Johanni CB,SKM The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 Organizing Committe C/O : Perdhaki Jalan Kramat VI No 7 Jakarta - Pusat 10430 Telp : +62 21 3140455 +62 21 3909245 Fax : +62 21 31926044 Email : afcma2012@icmc.or.id The 15th AFCMA Congress 2012 Secretariat c/o Bali Discovery Tours Pertokoan Sanur Raya Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai No 27, Sanur Bali 80227 Indonesia Tel +62 361 286283 Fax + 62 361 286284 Email: secretariat@afcma2012.com


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