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(Office of Legal Advisor, Patiala)

To Regd/Mail.

1. CE/Op. Border Zone

PSPCL, Amritsar (1 43001 )
2. CE/Op. South Zone
PSPCL, Patiala
3. CE/Op. North Zone
PSPCL, Jalandhar (aa}01)
4. CElOp. Central Zone
PSPCL, Ludhiana (141001)
5. CE/Op. West Zone
PSPCL, Bathinda (151001)

Memo No a7 3 f pq i LB-2(e6014)1 9

Dated . 12 -7') "{ I

Subject :- CWp no. 230O9 of 2019 filed by M/s lmpactProjects Private Limited & anr
Vs pSpCL & Ors.- Involving issue regarding electricity connections to the
residents of colonies developed by developers / builders / societies

/owners /associations for residential purposes'

It is pertinent to mention herein that nowadays, colony projects are being

taken up by the developers / builders/ societies/owners /associations for residential
purposes. They left the projects in between and want to hand over the incompete
projects to the distribution licensee (PSPCL). In the absence of complete
infrastructure, the .distribution licensee (PSPCL) is forced to take over the
incomplete local electricity distribution network & culminates in unjustified multiple
litigation being faced by PSPCL. In many cases interim orders are passed by
Hon'ble courts directing PSPCL to release electricity connection to the incomplete
colonies causing unnecessary financial burden on PSPCL.
The Hon'ble High Court while deciding the subject cited CWP,

dismissed the petition on the following grounds:-

l. The issuance of NOC does not confer any right on the developer to get the
electricity supply on the basis of the supply code applicable at its issuance.
ll. The petitioners want to hand over the incomplete projects to the distribution
licensee and walks away.
lll. No doubt, individual electricity connections have been issued to the occupiers /
buyers/ individual owners of the residential premises, however, that would not
absolve the petitioners from fulfilling the requirements of the supply code,2014

__\ 0<

*'aboue-mentioned of Hon'ble High court while

rsis of observations
fired by deveropers decided the case in favour of
dismissing the subject cited cwp,
is as below '-
pspcL on07.4.2o21and operative part of the High court order
*This matter can be examined from yet another perspective. tf
in the absence of
ricensee is forced to take
gver the incomplete local
comprete infrastructure, the distribution The developer after
consumers are likety to suffer'
erectricity distribution network, the proiect and the
wourd wark away from the
handing over the comprete management in the
ricensee waurd be then either be uniustifiably required to invest
irity of the devetoper as
per supply code' 2014 or the
infrastructure which is theresponsib
occupier wilt get proper supply of
the etectricity
are not entitled to the writ as
ln these circumsta'?ces, the petitioners-developers
dismissed' "
directions to all your subordinate offices
therefore it is requested to issue necessary
to cwP no. 23009 of 2019' through
to defend at pending court cases similar
of High court'
pspcr couns.ers .on the basis of aforesaid orde* dt. 07.04.2021
in case
have already been passed by any court
Besides above, if any interim orders
then same be got vacated by filing
/cases simirar to subject cited matter,
pspcl counser in that court/ courts where the case / cases are
DA: CoPY of HC order dt' 07'04 '2021

Le AdviSor
PSP L, Patiala

CC: 1. CElCornmercial, PSPCL, Patiala

necessary instructions to all DS'
2.SE/Tech to Director /D for impating
Q1\"\]t Organization offices'

*7 /

CWP No.23009 of 2019 -1-


CWP No.23009 of 2019(O&M)

Date of Decision : 07 .04.2021



r ,,, '''': ...petitioners

'.'i,: ;ri :.,:
'.t I.rt,

it, tf t Versus '. ;;' '' 't t' ;':l l:.

''.-'ri "', ;
i :r 'l:.,tl]'. ,:i .' :, ,, ,.


. i:1.,--
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.:, ,.i' ::t

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L.xSrrnrlnpn1, ;'
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, ,l.r.-i' ,. r ..
' ' ,: . '' "it" ' ' .,,

. Drotan+. llfr
.,^.. lll', $a;,$dvocate with
. ^ ^vevtr,r. -.,tff[i.nder.Sihgh,
"r,,1: Mr. J.S.Gill, AdVO'qaii;{,,: ':," ' ;' '
for the petitionerst,
t,,i :r , ,. l

Mr. Naveen S. Bhara-iiwff iLAdVocate

for rhe responffiui "i-,.,.i
AI{IL I&HETARPAL, J. i::i ;il,..
.:;. -",., ,

;::.;,i,', :,,r,:
l. Through this writ'peffi| fiGA fV two separate companies

having a common management, the following substantive reliefs have been


sought:- ,1,,iil;,i,. ,unri:,

"i. Summon the entiretrecord of the iasb,'ir,'/orr of writ in

nature of Mandamus directing the' respnndirt no. I to
' release the.electricity connections to the residents of the
colonies establisheibuilt by the petitio,Ters as in relation

to ttvo colonies namely Gard,en Enclave Extension-I and

Garden Enclave Extension I the petitioners have already
completed the installation of LD system and as far as the
remaining colonies; wherein NOAS have been issued by
Corporation, are concerned the petitioners are ready to
deposit the bank guarantee in relation to incomplete LD

system as per the letter dated 06.06.2019 (Annexure

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CWP No.23009 of 2(E9'





In the considered

arises for consideration is:-


the'power/electrieity under the Supply Code applicable


at the'time of issuance of the NOC inespiective of the


time/period which has elapsed from the datp of issuance

of the NOC to the completion of the.otony!

2. petitioners are developers and colonizers. Th.y got the

,'l i

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' J 'i,.r:'.i,,:'J:

CWP No.23009 of 2019 -3-

approval/licence to develop various'contiguous pieces of vacant land. The

first project i.e. Garden Enclave with respect to land measuring 49.78 acres

was approved on 04.01.2002 by the Punjab Urban Development Authority

(hereinafter referred to as PUDA) for cawing out 513 residential plots.

Thereafter,'on 28.07.2003, the petitioners got the approval of the second


project i.e 'Garden Enclave g*t6'diiott:l *ttf, re,spect to the land measuring
..,.; , ri t.t _ .:, ; , ,. ::, : r :i ::; i"

, 18.83 acres Su$sequentlyi

ii the appli.utio" of tUlfpetitioner, PUDA
, n,,*''l,'u', '.t' ;i.#^
granted appr-bvaitb develop 4.84 acres of land vide a comminigation dated

q-' 'i."':,,- t'i,t!'':r

l 0.09, 2004iu,'ihereafter, on 30.06'.2qq6, i ttr,9 fourth proj ect i.e.'mr$att rart'
'. it
t | '! ,i
'..i..:'i"t.., . :, ,.i," o.:-''f ', ,+
* area of 8.84:?.g

'l '-{.v^giupp.t , i::..
by the PUDA. The!fur,
' ", ..,
.io,-,, ,,

on fi.Os.zoo6, the fifttr projpgt';$'.' , of 'Impact Estatesw-ith


. .'

l':'-::'--".*-: -::
Sr. Name of Licence Licence NOC NOC valid
No. Colony by date of valid upto issued by upto
issue PSEB il
l. Garden LDC200?88 04.0r.2002 03.01.2005 NoNOC"
Enclave applied.

2\ Garden LDCa00/,|136 28.07.2004 27.07.2007 3420 28.L2.2007

3. Garden LDC200A143 10.09.2004 09.09.2009 3'23 28.12.2007
4. Impact 26t2006 30.06.2006 29.06.2009 L223 21.07.2008 20.07.2010
e./ Pad(
5. Impact 3012a06' 11.08.2006 10.08.2009 1220 21.07.2008 20.07.2010
6 Garden 3u2406 14.08.2006 130;08.2009 L226 21.07.2008 20.07.2010

2.2 It would be'appropriate to notice that variouslNo Objection

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; S,r

CWP No.23009 of 2019 -rt-

certificates (hereinafter refened to as 'Noc) have been sr$rnted by the

Punjab state Electricity Board (now re-named as punjab isrur. power

Corporation Limited) (hereinafter referred to as PSPCL) underisection 5 of

the Regulation Act, 1995. The petitioners claim that when they approached

the PSPCL to take over the complete management of the electjricity supply

of the afore-stated six projects, the same: was::refus'ed and thQy have been

directed on 15.01.2018 to apply for yet *onuiiNo€, taking the

combined load-o-f.all the six projects. "i "
This communication *nU b-ttt.t similar
" "ii'
communications are rhe subject mattgr;o{g,.hallenge in the The
,,.. :,,,
t; I ,;,,,r, ,, ""i,$eUU;n.
I ' ,,'
stand.of' respondents is that thegersix;areaF:for,m a part of an intbh-ated

colonSl being contiguous to

iach'othb,r,'having common raciiities wiitt u

singleibntry and exil gate. Err!;,m4,!.raii6;;, are cornmon

{ra *.r.}or.,
the entire area developed by the petrtiohe* ir required to be jpnsidered as
one integrated unit iN per ,.Ntti6fi
. .' i
' .. ., :;:i:.:.,
1i':" i: \;: ;-t
e punjab
stale Etectricity

Regulatory commission (Elebtrierr*ffileoa. and Relaied Matters)

Regulation s 2al4 (hereinafter refened tci-:as'r1the supply .oaf zot+) and

hence, the petiti-ollers are liable to obtain,ia fresh,NO6,.

,iilr. I

d ar.h has heard the rearneo ."ffir.u|.
..": ,..i;:r
parties at

length and with their able assistance perused ,il'b ifrblil on liberry

having been granted, dle learned counsel for the petitioners t u,lnt.o written

synopsis along with a rorrir.ry of the submissions.




Learned senior counsel representing ,...1

the peuupners wnile

drawing the court's attention to the various permissions graittea by the

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CWP No.23009 of 2019 -5-
1995'and therefore, clubbing of the expected demand of the electricity of all

the six colonies is not permissible. He further submits that the petitioners

cannot be directed to comply with the supply code, 2014, partigularly when

the 'NOC'(s) with fespect to 5 colonies have already been granted to the

petitioners before the year 20L4. Fufther, with respect to the first colony,
'' .':

there was no requirement of obtdining a T.[OC' from the PSPCL at the

t- '
: l . , ,. I

relevant time. Hei ''

r"submits that.the impugned coniiunications do not
,. .i
" i:l
: ":'

have any statutqryU*is and therefore, the respondents cannbatnsist upon its
w,' ..: :,1

compliaric.,,, l.u*.d senior coun5etr; in support of his .r##*, relies

:: - . .,

that the petitioners were grantdg,+t.v,,!{gus 'NOCs' only for developing

'..'l't it,tl, :., , ,, , ,' ' , ,

various projects from time to;ffi+#ne lXm' itself, it was indicated that
,..... .:::;,: j.:+.:.

the electricity connection shaliib6";#ed,ras per the prwalent policy-

regulations at the time of relea$6, bf;the,ictqafglecfricity cOnnection. He

firther submits {h!t in more than oneparagiaphs of each 'NOC', it was

*ti,. .,..,ii.$i,! ,,.

specified nutiifi8'tlectricity connection to the hdlrs,Wdings in the

\ proposed projects shall be governed b11the prevareni:Suii$i ttih. ut the time

'bf actual release of the connection. He fruther submits that the petitioners

did not complete the projects for a long time and therefore,'various 'NOCs'

do not confer any indefeasible right. He, while refening to Regulation 6.7
of the Supply Code, 2014, submits that the respondent-Power Distribution

licensee has oaly directed the petitioners to cornply with the regulations

which have been framed by the Regulatory Commission. He furtlter content

' that once it is shown that the developers are common and the land of all the

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CWP No.2rooq of ztiq . -6-

areas/projects is contiguous without any bifurcation or fndependent


identification and all the projects have common facilities including a single

entry and exit gate, then, the respondents are justified in c[ubbing the

expected demand and requiring the petitioners to comply withtthe supply


This Bench has analyzed:the,argumenls of the learned counsel

for the parties

- and
proceeds to adjudicate the dispute.
''.i,,' ':;

'i ,:: 'B

4. Section 82 of the Electricit Act, 2003 mandatesl.:Xr*t every

State rGqvernment shall, within six, mo,pths ,from the appointfA Ogte,,, Uy
.,. j .,i l, i
j,.:,,: " .

*n*ai.n, constitute for .

; ,oct, a commirJron *i *-
"l;.:'i'l' i ,'

various other provisions in thd 2003 Act,Which enables the

2014'). These Relulations have been made in exercise or irre powers


conferred under Sectibn 181 read with Sections 43, 44, 45,46,47, 4g, 50,

'the gleJtricity Act,

2403. Regulation 6.7 la1'5 down the procedure for supply of electticity to the

individual consumers in the residential/multi-storey residential lcomplexes


developed under the by-laws/rules of the State Government. clfuse 6.7 of

the Supply Code 2014 is extracted as under:- i

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v,' ,iii;i' ii'
CWP No.23009 of 2019 -7-
n6.7 Strytpty of Electriciry to Inilivifutal Consumqs in
the Residmtial Colonies/fuIulti-Storey Residential
Complexes Develapeil hye-lawdrales of the Stote

6.7.1 In the event of residential colonies/complexes

developed by developers /builders /societies /owners
of r e s ident s /o c c up i e r s under by e - I aw s /ru I e s
/ asso c i ati ons
of the State Govt. not. covered under Regulation 6.6.
above, the ,, residents/occupiers of such
colonies/cornplexes shall obtain individual connections
diye c t lll fr o m lh €:.d ist r ib uti o S l i c g ns€€; :,
releaie of srch connections shall,bi? governed by the
foilowing terms and canditions:-


S.No. Name of category Load(KW)
Residential plots
1, Up ro 100 (Sq. Yards) 5
2. From f01- 200 (Sq. Yards) 8
3. From 201-250 (Sq. Yards) 10
Sr 4. From 251-350 (Sq. Yards) T2
5. From 351- 500 (Sq. Yarrls) 20
1 6. Above 500(Sq. Yards) 30

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CWP No.23009 of 201$;' +8-

S.No. Name of category oad(KW)

Residential flats
1. One Bedroom Set 5
2. Dwelling unit (single room flat) 1.5
under basic service to urban poor
under JnNURM/E-WS fl ats.
3. Two Bedroom Set 7
4. Three Bedroom Set 10
5. Four Bedroom Set 72
2 6. Five Bedrobm Set 15

Commgrcial Area 1,, i .- 10 |

1.Shop ,.1,,: ,' i

2. Other C'rmmercial plot(s) for ' 35 Wnns per sq.

dispensary, school, hospital etC. ' . vard i

including other common services ' ,,i

3 falling under commercial eategory

4 Other load for common sen'ices As pr rgquirement E

Note: One third of the:lotal residential loadiahd 40% of

colony load, which wiil.Uafurttter inrease{ by aO% n

take into ailountfunii_,griwtn of bad. rne ipia shall be
conv erte d ii,,*yL' 6r' ustig a pow e r fac tor of

r e s i de nt s / o c c 1ap iQr sltiifl, ile p o s i t th e e s ti,m a

l, cost of LD
sy stem of th9' c oi Io1V as'igr,, qpp rov e d I ay o ut & get
it t*1gut94 ,, np.;n 'j.,*i!:.;{istrpution . li tu_ l



;,i,,,The'expendtnre af L;p system including cable up
:iirtfo the metering poinT'bf each cons"die
&1 kV system
include cost of the materitiT,ii,,::Tt, plus 16%
tion l's

connections within the iime frame specified ii,regulation
8. However, the developer/builder societ!/ wners/
association of residents/occupiers shall havelthe option
to execute the worls of internal L.D system of the colony/
complex of its own in accordance with thQ approved
layout plan/sketch approved by the, distributiQn licensee
subject to payment of 15% supervision charpes on the

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CWP No.23009 of 2019 -9-
' labour cost to the licensee. Nfter its completion and
,*ection by the Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. of
Punjab, the distribu.tion licensee will take over the L.D
system which will be connected to its distribution system.
The distribution licensee shall thereafier maintain L.D
system at its own cost. In case the de:veloper requests for
energisation of incomplete LD system, the same shatl be
allowed provided the developer furnish a Bank
Guarantee (BG validfor 5 years) equivalent to 150% of
: the estimated cost,of balance works. This amount of Bank
Guarantee sndttt,tceip on reilucing with the complition of
. remaining warks" of the L.D: syster1 ,Afier submission of
'Bank Guarantee to .the satisfactioi ilflicensee, it shall be
responsibility of the licensee to release C,pnnections to

,,:.,*;'i;,,,.i.','g1e residents/occupiers of the colony/complei according
i "'; ': to the timeframe specified in regulation
'-o-"'----'' B. | ,

4.L As already noticed the aforesaid supply code 2014 has been
mpde in exercise of the powers conferred under the Electricity Act, 2003 and
hende it is a subordinate legislation/delegated legislations. The

{' communications under challenge have been issued in accordance with the

aforesaid Supply Code 2L04. Therefore, the learned senior counsel is not

conect in contending that the communications have been issued without any

statutory basis.

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CWP No.23009 of 2019-,, *::' l1o- i

4,2 Now, let's examine whether it is permissible lto club the


expected electricity demand of the various projects or not? I


On careful reading of Regulation 6.7.1(c), it is apqarent that the


developer/builder/society/owners/association of residents/occupiers are

required to lay down a local distribution system themselves or deposit the


charges w;ith the PSPCL to layidown $e foeat;distribution sysiem for them.

It is further provided,that such area/cotooy #ouiOtO,:p.nlsupply from
:: . /:.:r ,' .i' 't ,i
, ,:. ..
: :r'

l1KV feeder.,:,The expenditure incurred by the distributiohf Hcsnsee for

1"'1 B
. ,i;
;oi',itKV feeder(s) including;;,from feeding subst[tioh,,, 16 the

,,1,,. .r: | .,
connection point shall also l.'Uo*'ty'*,i.A.rreloper. It is further provided
1r:,:':t:',.' ,r:", '.r,1 .1 ,.:,i.,,,',.1.,' i 'i' ;i'

' ,'l: - :'i'i-

': \,'" "l'-:l
-"'.'":';", .,, ,:il ,,:t' i .i
undOr clause (d) that
in case the expected:demand of the colony/complex,

Regulation 6.6 provides that the distribution licensee shall prdvide a single

point supply for residential colonies/complexes developed dy developers

/builders /societies /owneis /associations of residents/o...rpi.i, under bye- ,h

laws/rules of the State Govt. hot covered under Regulation 6.6f above on 11

Kv. feeder.. Clause 6.7 further lays down the manner in whichltfre suppty of

electricity of individual conzumers in the new residential cflonies/multi-


storey residential complexes, developed under the bye-laws at{O *t.s of the

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CWP No.23009 of 2019 -11-

State Government, shall be released. Regulation 6.7.1 do grant liberty to the

residents/occupiers of such colonies/complexes to obtain individual

connections directly from the distribution licensee. However, it obliges the

developers/builders to make an iurangement for the compliance of the

requirernents specified in the Supply Code, 2014.

4.4 On careful reading',of Regulation 5';7, it becomes clear that the

suppty of electri#t6 the iriOiviOuaf .onro.iii ini'the residential colonies/

.ir i, ,j:, .::i1:.r::

multi-stor.,y,ii1,b ntiuf complexes developed by develbpqrs /builders/

societiesl, owners/associations of rpsidents/occupiers
who are nOi,correred
,. 1,., ., I i:.

,rrrAeri 6.6, slrplli-be;;11sued,,',byi

the Distribution ii"etttut.
'' -Rggtrlation tl ,..,
"t :.
However, before such connbction"S; "'#i'releaSed, the developer has
,, ,.: 'o.J,i,'\,':'ll
given fivo options under ClauselliiilofRegufation 6.7 .1. One is to deposit the
.i ': i .: :

estimated cost of laying tfre tocai$gU"U.4system of the colony with the

..,.. ..,. ,r 't ,, ,'ir,::

Disribution Licensee. rnd,,:idiiierifi*it.'iiieuned by the Distribution

.,, ,. .iri, r;. , r i:.
.Licensee for erection of 11 KVA''|'ej r
fncluding breaker from the feeding

subst4tion to the connect[on pii.i tiof.ilrq,intfial'distributionrsystem shall

also be born by-fti developer. Sedond:gption is that tle,developer can get

',;;;1ir. , ';' ',:,1'

the work of itiiiffiii local distribution system *.."t"1ihifir:,1*n level. In

- -;.;;::;,"
. ,..-.. . t.;:,'::i1 .

that case, the developer would be required to pay:157orl'df"thiiisupervision

r charges on the labour cost to the licensee and thereafter get it inspected and

approved from the Chief Electrical Inspector to the Government of Punjab.

Clause-'d'provides that in case the expected demand of the colony/complex

computed as per: Clause 'b' exceeds 4000 KVA, the developer is also

required to pay the system loading charges as provided. However, if a grid

substation is required to be erected in the colony, the developer shallprovide

the space and the right of way free of cost. In other words, as per the supply

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CWP No.23009 of 2019

code, it is the duty/responsibility of the developer to bear the cfst of not only :

of the local distribution system but also to pay the system loading charges. It

may be noted here that the respondents have taken a specific stand that

although six separate projects wefe got approved by thP petitioners,


however, this entire developed area is contiguous and there is no physical i


separation between the houses/buildings of these six project$. The entire

area has comqgn'rfagilities. There is neither any separate

or exit gate
, r.. ,, ,'1, "' ti'

for the hoqseq, Of'each project nor the plots in these projects''ard separated by B
-:' i'r'':''
a bounqlry wall. In these circum;taneq$,,particularly when *i
licensee,is required to supply ttie,,elecficity in the area, In which.the
,:y,.t':.,' :- - ', .,, .' :-; , I t.t,;t,
,,.t,,.,,,i,,t' ,t.",..,,,;...,I.' I
expected demaqd is likely to: exceed:4009,:,tr(Ve, the petitio$ers, who 4re
- l', ; ' '.
''' '.' - .. ^..;,1,
away froin providing
developerS/colofrzers, cannotte'pe itteO.ito,stry :

infrastructure required for the suppifu,of the electricity. As ahjeadV noticed,

the respondents are justified in insisting the petitionerS to cordrply with the

requirements. r.).
4.5 It may be noted here that the learned counsel app{aring for the

petitioners has emphasized on the definition of the word '.olort[' as defined

in Section 2(i) of the Regulation Act, 1995. No doubt, tf,..oto{V as defined


means an area of land not less than 1000 Sq. Mtr. divided or plpposed to be

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counbel for the

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CWP No.23009 of 2019: i-14L

the disfiibution licensee. This 'NOC' is granted only to take lthe opinion of

the distribution licensee with respect to feasibility of the supp$' of electricity.


at the location where the project is proposed to be developed., The issuance

of 'NOC' does not confer any right on the developer to getithe electricity

supply on the basis of the supply code applicable at its issuance. Still

further, on careful reading of tn. 'NOCf,,it is hpparent that the distribution

t i'i ''jl- r: l
' ',
' '

licensee did notiff,that the instructions amenOeA from:,tine t6 time shall be

.j ;: . t]: :r :li i!, i:i:i ,

applicable-, fi',these circumstances, this Bench expressest$ts+iryUility to

i '.t.,'.
accept $-g,aigumentsgf the leamed cgp;g|,for the petitionersJ ::L
,,. :

4.7 ,, ,,, r' The learned counsel for.the.,,r,,, ondents is also correct'while

i,=r .,.,... '...:i-,i':'.i',''; , | .,.,, '

contbnding that the

r .,i. ',i-;,,.i.,rl. r
t ,n. r.u,loor-rooglu',
,'. i'
, ';,
ttrereaftltook 10-11 years to Citmpletg thg'projects cannot irlsist.for supply

of the electricity .'! p., the supply,toO.iipbfitable in the yeaf 2007-08. He

, rit. :: i: :.i.j :g ::r. r,.. I

incomplete projects to the distribution licensee and walk . In such

petitioners to comply u{ith the necessary requirements,i so that the . l

infrastructure for the expected dgmand of electricity is in p$ce before the :

petitioners hand over the management of the electricity airtlUotion to the


occupiers/buyers/individual owners of the residential premlses, however,



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76 April, 2021 i:r..i'i;

Whether speaking/rexssnsd;i"ii..',i i

Whether reportable
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::: Downloaded on - 21-05-202L 16:39;34 :::

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