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Priority Materials

Answer Short Question

for August 2023

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

Tools ID Tools Question Tools Answer

986 What do we call the building that doctors and nurses work Hospital / clinic
982 What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in a sea Aqualung
一 an aquaplane or an aqualung?
972 What do we call a young dog? Puppy
970 Where do we catch a flight? Airport
962 What do we call a large building with a square base and Pyramid
triangular sides?
960 Where do passengers wait for airplanes? Terminal / airport
959 What do we call a person who defends a criminal? Lawyer / advocate / attorney
932 Which language is most commonly spoken in Britain? English
925 Where would you go to watch a film? an art gallery or a cinema
918 What do you call a person who does not give up? Persistent / perseverant
905 What is the common term for websites such as Facebook Social Media / social
and Twitter? networking
900 What's the name of the annoying sound that people Snoring / snore
sometimes make when they breathe while sleeping?
883 What is the connecting part between two bones? Joint
864 How many years does a millennium have? One thousand
845 What do we call a large container used for storing oil? Drum / barrel
837 Which animal does wool come from? Sheep
825 What is the job title of a person who paints pictures for a Painter
818 Where do passengers stand waiting for a train in the railway Platform
815 What do you call the female partner in a marriage? Wife
799 Oral English is different from academic English. Which is the Rigorous
best term to describe academic English: tolerant or rigorous?
759 What is the highest position in the embassy? Ambassador
758 What do we call famous people? celebrity
755 What is the pointing device used in a presentation? Laser pointer / laser pen
752 What do we call a person's move to a more important job or Promotion
rank in a company?
751 Where is a criminal kept as punishment? Prison / jail
738 What is the act of reusing waste materials? Recycling

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

722 In sport, what do we call the cloths that we wear and end Shorts
above the knee?
714 What do we call the action of a ball that immediately moves Bounce / bouncing
upwards from the ground after hitting it?
711 Which button do we use to remove something from Delete / backspace
685 What’s the calendar that follows the movement of the moon? Lunar calendar
676 When we say someone is doing the B.A. in history or Bachelor of arts
literature in the university, what does B.A. stand for?
665 What do we call the largest land animal living in Africa or Elephant
654 Who is the person who shares the same room with you? Roommate
649 What do we call a meeting which all staff and employees Plenary meeting
must attend?
628 What do we call a pleasant song used for causing children to Lullaby
621 What do we call a women who is getting married? Bride
603 What is the opposite of vertical? Horizontal
553 What is a doctor for animals called? Veterinarian
535 The skeleton is made up of what type of materials? Bone
529 Which part of the human face is used for smelling and Nose
527 What's the name of the imaginary line that goes around the Equator
middle of the earth?
524 What is the name of the room where scientific experiments Laboratory
522 What part of a research paper or journal article contains a list References
of its sources?
490 What is the common name for the inevitable external Skin / Peel
membrane that protects fruit such as oranges, tangerines,
and bananas?
430 What do we call a person who works for organizations Volunteer
without being paid?
416 What does the acronym ASAP stand for? As soon as possible
412 Which of our senses do these words relate to: hairy, smooth, Touch
399 Which of the following is not a real form of transportation, Art car
high speed train, art car, or airplane?
386 Which part of the body controls your thoughts? Brain
385 What do people use to see distant stars and planets? Telescope
381 If the temperature is falling, is it increasing or decreasing? Decreasing

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

362 Which word can describe moving a file from the internet to Download
your computer?
357 Which one has more academic articles, magazines or Journals
353 Which day is between Tuesday and Thursday? Wednesday
335 What is the force happened between the relative motion Friction
when objects are rubbed against each other?
334 What is the fluid that pumped from the heart? Blood
330 What is a thermometer used to measure? Temperature
319 Oral English is different from academic English. Which is the Tolerant
best example for academic English: “tolerant” or “put up with
317 In the word ‘postgraduate’, what does ‘post’ mean? After
310 How many times does a biannual magazine published in one Twice
305 Do unions work for workers or management? Workers
271 If you are happy with an agreement, what would you like to Signature
put at the bottom of the contract with the date?
268 What kind of this animal, a reptile or a mammal? Mammal
261 What do we call the thread in the center of the candle? Wick
239 Which one is using manpower plane, car, or cycling? Cycling
238 Which one is quicker? Running, walking, or jogging? Running
237 Which of these would probably be found in most homes A bed
around the world, a computer, a bed or a television?
231 Which one is a good phenomenon, high employment or low High employment
229 Which department studies the humans body part of heart? Cardiology
225 Where would you keep the meat that you wish to keep Freezer/Refrigerator/Fridge
frozen at home?
219 Where do you pay for your purchases at a supermarket? Checkout/Cashier/Counter
202 What do you call the type of animals that give birth to their Mammals
195 What object will you use to climb up to the roof of the house? Ladder
189 What kind of book is written by a person about their own life? Autobiography
147 What is the big musical instrument that has 88 black and Piano
white keys?
139 What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? War
137 What is a person that belongs to an organization called? Member
128 What is the difference between a wristwatch and a clock? The size

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

126 What does ASAP mean? As soon as possible

120 What do you call the number of people living in a specific Population
117 What do you call an equipment we use to look at stars? Telescope
100 What do we call a book that contains lots of words with their Dictionary
83 There are two types of sporting contests: one is amateur; Professional
and other is ___?
81 The people who protect the public from criminals are called? Police
80 The opposite direction of southwest in a compass is? Northeast
75 Some calendars begin the week on Sunday, what is the Monday
other day which commonly starts a week?
62 In which season would people be least likely to go snow In summer
61 In which room of their home would someone usually wash Laundry
their clothes?
38 How would you describe an economy that is largely based Agricultural
on farming?
36 How would most people travel to work each day, in big cities By public transportation/Public
like Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York? Transport/By Car/By Metro
32 How many years are there in a millennium? 1000 years
22 How many countries are involved in a mutual agreement? Two
20 How do you describe the desert? Humid or dry? Dry
11 Cherries and Apples are under which category? Fruits
7 A picture of a globe is shown) what is this field of study? Geology
4 A famous canal links the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Suez Canal
Ocean, is it the Corinth or Suez Canal?

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