32 Accidents on Board 船上事故

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Lesson Thirty-two

Accidents on Board 船上事故

Dialog A: Fatal Accident
对话 1: 致命事故
Bosun: Accident on deck!
水手长: 甲板发生事故!
OOW: Report injured persons.
值班驾驶员: 报告受伤人员。
Bosun: One person injured, the third officer.
水手长: 有 1 人受伤,是三副。
OOW: What happened?
值班驾驶员: 出了什么事?
Bosun: The third officer fell into the cargo hold.
水手长: 三副掉到了货舱里。
OOW: Take immediate action to recover him. I’ll call the master.
(A moment later 一会儿)
值班驾驶员: 马上采取行动救助。我会叫船长。
Master: Is the accident fatal?
船长: 事故致命吗?
OOW: Yes, sir. We suspect the accident is fatal.
值班驾驶员: 是的,我们想事故是致命的。
Master: Provide first aid. I’ll inform the authorities ashore and call
a doctor and ambulance now.
船长: 进行急救。我通知岸上有关部门并立即叫医生和救护车。

Dialog B: Man Over-board

对话: 人员落水
A crewmember: (on the phone) Bridge, Man over-board on port side.
船员: (对话中)驾驶台,有人在左舷落水。
OOW: Drop the port bridge wing “man over-board” lifebuoy.
值班驾驶员: 抛下驾驶台左翼“人员落水”救生圈。
AB: Lifebuoy dropped in water.
一水: 救生圈已抛入水中。
OOW: Sound “man over-board” alarm.
值班驾驶员: 发“人员落水”报警。
AB: Alarm sounded, sir.
一水: 已发报警,先生。
OOW: Hard-a-port.
值班驾驶员: 左满舵。
AB: Hard-a-port. Hard-a-port, sir.
一水: 左满舵。已操左满舵,先生。
OOW: (on the phone) Is person in water located?
值班驾驶员: (电话中)看到落水人员了吗?
Crewmember: Yes, person in water located.
船员: 是的,看到了。
OOW: Remain visual contact to person in water.
值班驾驶员: 盯住落水人员。

Dialog C: Shifting of Cargo

对话 3: 货物移动
Third Officer: (on the phone) Please come to the bridge, sir. Our ship
is listing to starboard.
三副: (电话中)船长,请上驾驶台。我船正向右横倾。
Master: I’ll be on the bridge right away.
船长: 我马上的驾驶台。
(on the bridge 在驾驶台)
Master: What is the situation like now?
船长: 现在情况怎么样?
Third Officer: The list is about 20°to starboard.
三副: 向右舷横倾 20°。
Master: Stop the engine.
船长: 停车。
Third Officer: Stop the engine. Engine stopped, sir.
三副: 停车。已停车,船长。
Master: Now, we have a list of 25°to starboard.
船长: 现在,向右横倾 25°。
Third Officer: The lashings of the deck cargo on No.1 hatch top have
released. Some packs of timber are lost over the
三副: 1 号舱上部甲板货的帮扎绳索松开。几捆木材掉到了舷
Master: Cargo shifting in the hold! Broadcast a distress call on
船长: 货舱内货物移动。通过甚高频播发遇险信号。

Practical Expressions: 实用表达方式

1. Operate the general alarm. 发全船紧急警报。
2. Inform the Master. 通知船长。
3. For safety reasons, I request all crew members to go to their
assembly stations.
4. All officers report to the bridge. 所有驾驶员向驾驶台报告。
5. Watch-keepers remain at stations until further order.
6. The flooding is under control. 进水已得到控制。
7. Leave your cabins immediately—close all openings.
8. Take lifejackets with you. 带上你们的救生衣。
9. Take emergency equipment with you according to muster list.
10. All crew members to assembly stations.
11. Follow the escape routes shown.
12. Do not go to the lifeboat stations before ordered.
13. Check the escape routes and report.
14. All escape routes are clear.
15. Check the launching tracks and report.
16. All launching tracks are clear.
17. Evacuate accommodation and report. 撤离生活区并报告。
18. Accommodation evacuated. 已撤离生活区。
19. Check the equipment of the crew at assembly stations and report.
20. Equipment of the crew at assembly stations is complete.
21. Passenger and crew! Follow the lifeboat-man to the lifeboat stations
on the embarkation deck.
22. Put on warm clothing and report.

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