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September 1, 2021

DR SYED AKHTAR ALI SHAH, THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE .............................................................................................. 2

HARIS IQBAL, THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE ..................................................................................................................... 4

MUHAMMAD HASSAN ILYAS, THE NEWS ............................................................................................................... 6

CONSTANTINO XAVIER, NITIKA NAYAR, SOUTH ASIAN VOICES .............................................................................. 8

MALIK MUHAMMAD ASHRAF, DAILY TIMES ........................................................................................................ 13

SIKANDAR NOORANI, DAILY TIMES ...................................................................................................................... 16

RAFIA ZAKARIA, DAWN ........................................................................................................................................ 18

NEBOJSA MALIC, RT NEWS................................................................................................................................... 20

State of human rights in Afghanistan
Dr Syed Akhtar Ali Shah, The Express Tribune

ncertainty over the Afghan civilians. The recent values of democracy and
political and scenes of barbarity have human rights. A democratic
diplomatic future of exposed the devastating system is essential for the
Afghanistan loom large as the situation in Afghanistan, which provision and protection of
world is still bewildered over is only expected to further human rights. The theocratic
the blitzkrieg of the Taliban that deteriorate. model, under whatever
resulted in a bloodless takeover nomenclature and concept,
Human rights under the
of Kabul. The country now negates democracy and is a
shadows of guns and bombs are
stands divided over the replica of totalitarianism. In a
a farfetched thought. A refugee
Taliban’s victory, which has model that is based on the
remarked, “I left my whole life,
received mixed reactions. notion of divinity, the ruler
my home to continue to have a
Many have eulogised the cannot be questioned. Under
voice. Once again, I am running
Taliban’s takeover as a the divine right of rule, it is the
from my motherland. Once
transnational movement, ruler’s word that carries the
again, I am going to start from
interpreting sharia in their own finality.
zero. I took only my cameras
sense. Violence is rational
and a dead soul with me across The jubilant supporters of the
behaviour because the sword is
an ocean. With a heavy heart, [I Taliban’s governance argue
the deciding factor against the
say] goodbye [to] motherland.” that peace has returned, and life
enemy. On the contrary, those
This demonstrates the dire will be safer. However, in
who believe in liberty, freedom,
human rights conditions in the today’s world the “right to life”
and right to life have expressed
country. People have the right is defined and understood in a
anguish and concern over the
to enjoy an environment free wider scope. Life does not
Taliban’s takeover. The use of
from coercion and uncertainty, mean mere survival but also
violence is considered an
which cannot be provided in includes the quality of life.
state ruled by men with mob Under this wider scope, instead
The tragic events that unfolded mentality. of interpreting life as
in Afghanistan in recent days vegetative, the boundaries are
There is a need for laws and
left everyone traumatised and extended to various rights that
rigorous reforms. The laws
sorrowful. Babies were thrown make the right to life
should be in accordance with
over walls in a bid to protect meaningful.
the Universal Declaration of
them, young men clung to
Rights. Certain rights are Under the UN declaration,
airplanes boarding foreign
intrinsic in nature and cannot be human rights include respect
troops in attempts to escape the
taken away. In all civilised for the norms of international
country but only ended up
nations around the world, law, especially relating to the
falling off the sky. The situation
human rights have great use of force. The recognition of
was further worsened by a
precedence in their the primary responsibility of
suicide attack at Kabul airport,
constitutions. The political states is to protect their
which killed members of
systems of these civilised populations from genocide,
foreign troops as well as
nations are built around the crimes against humanity, ethnic
cleansing, and war crimes. The absence of even the most basic human rights watchdogs?
human rights framework also of human rights in the country. Those who understand the
includes addressing the reasons worldview of the Taliban are
A country that does not follow
for displacement and already aware that the future
a constitution or prescribed
statelessness. political setup will be highly
laws cannot be deemed suitable
centralised. The Ameer ul
The proliferation of hate for the provision and protection
Momineen will be the head of
speech, incitement to violence, of human rights. Amongst
the temporal and spiritual
and violent extremism threaten many others, UN high
world. In this form of system,
human rights. Fundamental commissioner for human rights
there will be little to no space
rights such as the right to free Michelle Bachelet also
for any political groups. To
movement, right to form an expressed concerns over the
mitigate their image and
association, right to freedom of violations of human rights in
showcase freedom, the Taliban
speech, right to religion, and Afghanistan. She urged the
may include some influential
freedom of choices aid a Taliban “to adopt norms of
people from the past
meaningful life. At present, the responsive governance and
government in subordinate
chaotic situation in human rights, and to work to re-
positions. But this would most
Afghanistan, with images of establish social cohesion and
likely be a temporary
gun-toting persons all around, reconciliation, including
adjustment. Human rights in a
has put the whole population in through respect for the rights of
broader context will not be
a state of siege. People’s all who have suffered during
conspicuous in a Talibanised
movement has been restricted the decades of conflict”.
Afghanistan as they are in other
which demonstrates the
The question at hand is: will the civilised nations.
Taliban adhere to appeals of the
Friends not masters: are we there yet?
Haris Iqbal, The Express Tribune

akistan acts as an up an international tribunal for For example, Mullah Baradar
arsonist and poses Osama bin Laden was quickly was arrested in a joint raid with
as the fireman. rejected as a ploy. The CIA in Karachi and was held in
They should suffer diplomatic restrained threat of bombing our prison for eight years
and economic isolation. Pakistan “back to the stone without any trial or legal
Pakistan should be faced with a ages” convinced General representation. He was released
future that looks like North Musharraf to join the hippie due to the US pressure in 2018
Korea.” This was the measured trail of Operation Enduring to help with the Afghan peace
reaction of previous US Freedom. There was no public process. Ironically, he is now
national security adviser Lt Gen discussion on the merits of war the highest ranking leader of the
HR McMaster in response to on our neighbour as the sword Taliban movement and may
the recent carnage in of “either you are with us or become the next head of state in
Afghanistan. He was supposed against us” was dangling above Afghanistan. It is now our hope
to be one of the ‘adults in the our necks. We rejoiced at the that he will forget the fond
room’ who would moderate the prospects of US economic aid memories of our land and
unpredictable tantrums of and glowed in the aura of being emulate Prophet Yusuf (peace
Donald Trump. Didn’t we have praised as a responsible partner be upon him) when he forgave
this old perception that state. Thus, there were no moral his brothers.
Republican pro-military qualms about international law
Thus, it hurts us deeply when
establishment was favorable to when we arrested Taliban
our US ally threatens to make
Pakistan than Democratic Ambassador Mullah Zaeef and
Pakistan the next North Korea.
administrations? With loyal handed him over to the
This is the sad and sorry state of
friends like these, who needs Americans where he was given
affairs of a nuclear armed
enemies! Twenty humiliating state hospitality at Guantanamo
nation of over 200 million
years of ‘do more’ and when Bay. We didn’t blink an eye
people. We had trampled on
the time for withdrawal comes, when thousands of US drone
local and international laws to
place the blame on a convenient strikes happened on our own
ensure that the war on terror
bogeyman. This is the price country as we were told that it
was a success. We did not
paid by a country which chose was all in our national interest.
respect the rights and dignity of
to be a mercenary for the An armed insurgency started at
our own citizens, let alone
highest bidder under the facade our western border, and after
foreign diplomats and nationals
of national interest. Isn’t it time countless sacrifices, we started
during the last twenty years of
that we reflect on our realising that perhaps there
war. A nation which is not
inconvenient truths? were consequences of being a
based on moral and ethical
After 9/11, it was only a matter principles is bound to be a
of time before the war of However, it was hard to break loser; this much is clear from
vengeance needed to be old habits and we continued the our religion which is supposed
initiated to restore the honour of business of detaining to be the basis of the Islamic
America. Taliban’s offer to set ‘terrorists’ with our US partner. Republic of Pakistan. It is
correct that our current the future. Hopefully, we will mercenary state for one
leadership is now united in also start to respect our own superpower to the next.
being a partner in peace and people and laws. Otherwise, we
will not host foreign bases in will continue to remain a
Taliban: questions, answers, and facts
Muhammad Hassan Ilyas, The News

ave the Taliban basis of the formation of the also took away the individual
achieved power system. Every system that is set right of a person to have a
through the process up without it would be against difference of opinion about
of Shariah? Islam is clear that the instruction of our religion. these. The beard, purdah,
transfer of power is only Thus, in our view, the control women’s education, their right
credible through one route – on power by the Taliban is to work and travel, art, music,
and that is through advice and against religious instructions television and cameras,
seeking the opinion of the about transfer of power. All banking, sacred places of non-
people. The Quran has such governments are Muslims, their religious
explained this in these words: illegitimate by nature. festivals and identity: in all of
(Ashura; 83:38). “And their these matters, they have forced
The Taliban talk about
system is based upon mutual their own interpretations upon
installing the Shariah: does this
consultation.” others. This was not
not provide justification to their
implementation of the Shariah
Religious scholars usually government? The first
but in fact a serious violation of
explain this Quranic instruction requirement of the Shariah is
Shariah principles.
from two aspects. The first is that one should follow it
that this consultation would not oneself. In our view, the taking What can be the greatest
be with all Muslims but only over of power by the Taliban is challenge for the Taliban
with those who have the power in itself against Shariah. We today? The greatest challenge
to act and give solutions – that should also understand that for the Taliban today is their
is: scholars who possess firm there are two types of own past. If they compromised
belief and also those leaders of instructions in the Islamic now upon the things which they
the nation who are recognised Shariah. One relates to those had declared requirements of
for their religious identity. The that are given to an individual religion earlier, they would
second aspect is that the act of as a person. The other is given have to answer the big question
consultation is necessary after for Muslim society as a whole. of whether their religious ideals
coming into power, not before. The first type is between a have changed.
person and God: no state has
In our opinion, both these We know that there is no
the right to intervene or enforce
points go against the principle foundation for such a change
these. The others – that are
of what has been mentioned in within the Taliban’s religious
given for society as a whole –
the Quran. This is because the thought. In reality, they believe
are a few.
Quran has mentioned this in in the ideology they have been
relation to all people, not But this system has been turned practising. If this change in
restricted it to a specific group. upside down by the Taliban. their behaviour is a
Hence the consultation must be They have in the past forced consequence of global pressure
with all. Secondly, this people to implement not only or the need to retain power, then
consultation is not an additional those instructions that are their status would be greatly
or beneficial advice, but is the related to the individual, but affected. Their internal groups
would insist upon Pakistan’s society is in reality a thought. Unless this thought is
implementing their Shariah religious society. Hence the challenged, their end or
along the lines of the past. And religious views which our survival is all temporary. The
in armed groups, this insistence scholars communicate to our Taliban represent the religious
reaches chaos very quickly. people, the latter accept these as thought of Muslims that has
true religious practices. At the approval from almost all
The movement of the Taliban is
level of these scholars, it has scholars. The Taliban have
really the realisation of the
been accepted that democracy shown their ideology in
ideas that were initiated during
is not desirable in our religion. practice. This ideology has its
the third and fourth centuries of
The religious parties that are a own arguments and possesses
the Muslim calendar. The
part of this democratic system its own history. To fight this
background of this was the
also consider this to be merely thought, it is not sufficient to
psychology behind considering
a ladder to reach their bring in B-52 planes. It is
the purpose of ending disbelief
destination. necessary to conduct a grand
(kufr) as the glorification of and
dialogue on this thought at a
control by Islam at the global Similarly, in the opinion of
global level. Such a dialogue
level; division of the world into these scholars, a religious state
should be held with Muslim
regions of peace and regions of has the right to punish crimes
war; and organising of ordinary that are concerned with God –
Muslims as subjects of rulers. such as disbelief, polytheism Whether global peace is
While history has brought and apostasy. Third, they desired, or the stability of the
human beings to the heights of believe in global control of region, the real war with
progress in the social sciences Islam and an end to the power ideological groups such as the
in the form of democratic of disbelief. The Taliban have Taliban can only be at the level
values, independence of demonstrated these ideas of intellectual argument. But
thought and freedom of practically. Its climax was the for this it is essential that there
expression of opinion, it is no attack on September 11 – that should be a narrative to counter
longer possible to implement was, for the Taliban, a the arguments of the Taliban –
these ancient social ideas. challenge to the status of and that such a narrative arises
Hence when the actions of the satanic forces and disbelief. from the sources that the
Taliban would deny their own Hence, support for them in Taliban also believe in. Power
ideals, the greatest challenge of Pakistan is natural. Through can only bring temporary
traditional religious thought this support, the people of protection, but not end
would be whether they are Pakistan not only agree with the permanent disturbance.
ready for reconstruction of their Taliban but are supporting their
The writer is a young
thought or whether they would own religious sentiments.
theologian, researcher and
come to adopt the ways of the
What lessons are there for the expert in ancient Arabic
world by giving up their
US in this war with the language and literature.
religious ideas as impractical.
Taliban? The biggest lesson for
Why is there so much support the US is that the life of
for the Taliban in Pakistan? ideological groups is their
India’s New Consulates and Subnational Diplomacy in South Asia
Constantino Xavier, Nitika Nayar, South Asian Voices
ollowing the Taliban’s

region, dealing with an Since 2001, India has opened
sudden takeover in increasingly large set of approximately twice as many
Afghanistan in August, subnational entities in new missions in the region as it
India closed its five diplomatic neighboring countries, did in the previous fifty years
missions in the country. including local or provincial altogether.
However, this was a rare authorities, minority groups,
To assess the historical trends
exception to India’s recent and economic actors.
in India’s subnational
trend of expanding its
A Growing Subnational diplomatic network in South
diplomatic network in South
Footprint Asia, we surveyed annual
reports published by India’s
Much attention has been given
Our ongoing research finds that Ministry of External Affairs
to the domestic sources of
over the last 20 years, India (MEA) since 1948, websites of
Indian foreign policy, including
opened or reopened thirteen Indian diplomatic missions, and
the role of regional states and
new consulates in seven of its media reports. We also
other subnational entities such
eight immediate neighboring interviewed retired and serving
as business houses, the media,
countries (excluding China). officers of the Indian Foreign
and religious or migrant
This means that since 2001, Service.
communities. But the reverse
India has opened
aspect has been less studied: Including the five missions that
approximately twice as many
how does Indian foreign policy were temporarily suspended in
new missions in the region as it
operate to engage subnational Afghanistan, India currently
did in the previous fifty years
entities abroad? What role do operates 24 diplomatic
India’s diplomatic missions representations in eight of its
These new consulates and other play in this outreach beyond nine immediate neighboring
missions are the most visible capital cities? countries (except China). In the
aspect of India’s subnational last twenty years, India opened,
Reflecting their size and
footprint across the region, upgraded or reopened thirteen
diversity, many of India’s
going beyond traditional consulates in the neighborhood.
neighbors have federal or
embassies or high commissions
decentralized constitutions that The ten new consulates include
situated in capital cities.
endow their provinces or Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif in
Located in second-tier cities or
districts with significant Afghanistan (2002), Birgunj in
peripheral regions, often in the
governance autonomy. India’s Nepal (2004), Phuentsholing in
neighbor’s borderlands, these
consulates (or assistant high Bhutan (upgraded in 2006),
smaller missions spearhead the
commissions, as in the cases of Jaffna and Hambantota in Sri
widening reach of India’s
fellow Commonwealth Lanka (2010), and Sittwe in
subnational engagements in
countries) play a critical role in Myanmar (2014). The latest
South Asia. India’s new
engaging these subnational openings took place in 2018-
consulates reflect the country’s
entities. 2019 in Bangladesh, with two
expanding interests in the
new assistant high
commissions in Sylhet and interdependence in South Asia. Asia. The missions in Khulna
Khulna. One more consulate The consulates help promote and Sylhet, for example,
has recently been approved for trade and passenger movement oversee the implementation of
Addu, in the Southern part of across land borders and also new inland waterways
the Maldives (2021). support Indian companies protocols, as well as new rail
involved in cross-border and road routes via Bangladesh
In addition to these ten new
infrastructure projects. that are spurring unprecedented
consulates, India re-opened
development in the landlocked
three more. In Afghanistan, For example, the consulate in
Northeast region. The older
Kandahar and Jalalabad were Birgunj, in southern Nepal,
consulate in Chittagong helps
reactivated in 2002, after supports Indian companies
in ensuring that this hinterland
closing during the first period building infrastructure for the
economy, from Assam to
of the Taliban rule. In Nepali government, including
Mizoram, is linked to the Bay
Myanmar, in line with new cross-border check posts,
of Bengal. Further southeast, in
promoting its Eastern roads, railways and pipelines
Myanmar, the new consulate in
geoeconomic reorientation, that are deepening economic
Sittwe is located at the coastal
India reopened its consulate in and transportation links
hub of the Kaladan Multimodal
Mandalay (2002), which had between both countries.
Transit Transport Project,
been closed since 1979. Located near the border check
which is also improving
post where 45 percent of total
Today, India’s subnational connectivity with India’s
bilateral trade took place last
missions play different roles landlocked North East. The
year, the mission also helps
that complement the embassies mission in Mandalay oversees
ensure smooth commercial
or high commissions located in the India-Myanmar-Thailand
relations, assisting exporters
capital cities. Functions range Trilateral Highway that plans to
and importers in overcoming
from economic diplomacy to connect the state of Manipur to
difficulties in transit. Similarly,
political outreach, and from Bangkok.
the consulate in Phuentsholing
cultural affairs to technical
is located near an important While many of these
assistance and development
border trade point, which connectivity initiatives are
cooperation. We identify three
oversees 75 percent of bilateral agreed upon between the
significant roles—economic
trade with Bhutan. central governments in New
diplomacy, development, and
Delhi, Dhaka and Nay Pyi Taw,
community engagement—that The importance of India’s
these consulates do much of the
give India’s neighborhood consulates in implementing the
daily heavy lifting to ensure
policy a focused subnational regional connectivity strategy
that they become reality. This
dimension. is particularly visible in
includes monitoring progress
Bangladesh and Myanmar, in
Economic Diplomacy and on the ground, supporting
line with India’s “Act East”
Cross-Border Connectivity Indian companies, and liaising
policy. These new missions in
First, India’s consulates play an with local authorities.
the borderlands of Bangladesh
increasingly important role in and Myanmar are fleshing out Development Cooperation
its economic diplomacy, the geoeconomic and Post-conflict
focusing on fostering transformation of “East South Reconstruction
connectivity and Asia” to connect with Southeast
Second, India’s new consulates Zaranj-Delaram road, linking to under which 43 schools, 18
play an important role in Iran. The mission in Herat health centers, and 51 bridges
implementing India’s oversaw India’s efforts to build and roads have already been
development cooperation the Afghan-India Friendship constructed.
initiatives. Half of India’s Dam. And the consulates in
Community Engagement:
international assistance is Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad
Reaching Out to Minorities
concentrated in the immediate helped implement hundreds of
neighborhood. This is small developmental projects, Third, India’s new missions in
particularly important in South including in the health, the neighborhood have helped
Asia’s post-conflict areas, education and irrigation formalize community outreach
where India has helped stabilize sectors. to specific subnational groups,
and rebuild war-torn areas including minorities who
The consulate in Jaffna, opened
through grants, loans, and other sometimes share ethnic,
just after Sri Lanka’s civil war
development instruments. religious and other ties to India.
ended in 2009, is perhaps the
This underrated peace-building most important example of a Situated in capital cities, India’s
and developmental dimension subnational diplomatic mission diplomatic missions are often
of India’s foreign policy relies spearheading rehabilitation and embedded in more
crucially on the role of these reconstruction efforts. The cosmopolitan, majoritarian
subnational missions, located in mission focused on a massive settings. Consulates balance
peripheral regions. They help outreach campaign to the Tamil this centrality by using their
New Delhi assess needs on the community, including peripheral location to connect
ground and monitor resettlement policies through with minority groups through
implementation, especially one of the largest-ever housing focused cultural diplomacy
projects under the expanded projects in South Asia covering instruments, often in the forms
High Impact Community around 300,000 people, as well of scholarships, developmental
Development program. This as financial support to set up support and exchanges. This
requires travelling to project new health and education may include specific support
sites, engaging community systems. In 2015, this consulate for religious communities to
leaders and ensuring smooth hosted the first-ever visit of an preserve their heritage, as well
communication with central Indian Prime Minister to Jaffna. as capacity-building programs
and provincial or local run by the Indian Council for
In Myanmar, India’s new
authorities. Cultural Relations and the
consulate in Sittwe has focused
Indian Technical and Economic
In Afghanistan, for example, on implementing India’s
Cooperation Program (ITEC)
India’s four consulates helped support to stabilize the conflict
that help empower
implement India’s mission to in Rakhine state, including
marginalized communities.
stabilize the country beyond various grants under the Border
Kabul, a developmental effort Area Development Programs In Sri Lanka, for example, two
of around USD $3 billion since and relief to mitigate the of the missions are
2001. The consulates in Herat Rohingya refugee crisis. The concentrated on engaging the
and Kandahar ensured that consulate also oversees Indian country’s Tamil communities
India completed the projects in Chin State and the through cultural diplomacy.
construction of the difficult Naga Self-Administered Zone, The old representation in
Kandy supports the Indian- The three functions discussed missions across the region.
origin and historically above sometimes overlap and Over a dozen new consulates
discriminated “Plantation are not exhaustive. By flying and other representations are
Tamil” community. The new India’s flag in peripheral now complementing India’s
consulate in Jaffna has financed regions, these diplomatic traditional embassies and high
various community activities, missions also play symbolic commissions located in major
from supporting the renovated roles, an impact that is difficult capital cities. This growing
Jaffna Public Library to to measure. The growing network also brings new
increased artistic and academic presence of these subnational challenges for India’s
links with the Indian state of missions also signals India’s neighborhood policy.
Tamil Nadu. Other examples far-reaching strategic
First, as the region’s
include the consulate in objectives in the neighborhood,
predominant power with a
Birgunj, Nepal, through which often in direct competition with
history of interventionism,
India connects with the China. The Indian consulate in
India’s subnational missions
Madhesi groups in the Terai Hambantota and the one
must be able to balance their
lowlands, where Hindi and planned in the Maldives,
subnational outreach,
other Indian languages are demonstrate how India tailors
especially to minority groups,
predominant. In Myanmar, its economic and security
with the security concerns of
through its new consulate in interests in the Indian Ocean
the host country’s central
Sittwe, India has addressed the region to two subnational areas
authorities. This is a sensitive
specific needs of the in these important island states.
issue, particularly in border
predominantly Muslim
As the region experiences a areas, where much of India’s
population of the Rakhine state.
new period of connectivity and connectivity focus lies.
It also has jurisdiction over the
integration, and India’s foreign
Chin state, which shares close Second, India’s subnational
policy interests multiply, there
ethnolinguistic and religious diplomacy abroad will have a
has been a greater demand for
ties with the Indian state of limited impact unless it is also
more, sometimes also smaller
Mizoram. able to further decentralize its
and more nimble, subnational
foreign policymaking at home.
Finally, in Afghanistan, the missions across the region.
Indian consulates across
consulates in Jalalabad and
The rapid growth in India’s borders will have to be
Kandahar have played an
diplomatic network in South empowered to cooperate more
important role in India’s silent
Asia over the last twenty years closely—and sometimes
but steady outreach to the
reflects how the neighborhood directly—with subnational
majority Pashtun population,
has become a priority for its entities on the Indian side,
while the two Northern
more diverse interests. As the especially governments in
missions in Herat and Mazar-e-
region experiences a new border states.
Sharif have a special role in
period of connectivity and
engaging the Tajik, Uzbek, and Third, India must continue to
integration, and India’s foreign
Hazara minorities. encourage its neighbors to
policy interests multiply, there
reciprocally expand their
The Future of India’s has been a greater demand for
subnational presence in India:
Subnational Neighborhood more, sometimes also smaller
in 2018, Bhutan became the
Diplomacy and more nimble, subnational
second country, after staff these new representations conditions of South Asia’s
Bangladesh (2017), to open a and maximize their impact. hitherto neglected borderlands.
consulate in Guwahati, the Besides the limited numbers of
As the periphery becomes
capital of Assam, in India’s India’s Foreign Service, which
central to bridging South Asia,
Northeast. In the future, one has delayed the opening of
how New Delhi engages these
could think of a Nepali some new missions, there is
diverse subnational groups both
consulate in Lucknow or Patna, also a pressing need for
within and across its borders
or a Myanmar mission in specialized training for Indian
will help define the future
Guwahati or Imphal. diplomats to engage with South
course of connectivity in the
Asia’s diverse subnational
A final challenge relates to region.
entities. This includes linguistic
India’s ability to deploy
expertise and training on the
adequate human resources to
political and socio-economic
Climate Change and Pakistan
Malik Muhammad Ashraf, Daily Times

limate change during the last twenty years. management, Protected Areas
triggered by the While the world is still initiative and Pakistan Clean
increased emissions of indecisive – and some countries Air Programme. Prime Minister
green-house gases is including the major pollutants Imran Khan also inaugurated
undoubtedly the biggest are even showing reluctance to the world’s biggest Miyawaki
challenge facing humanity in cut down on the green house urban forest near Lahore on
the twenty first century. emissions preferring industrial August 9 as part of monsoon
Admittedly, the failure of the growth over it– the developing drive under the 10-billion Tree
international community to countries including Pakistan Tsunami Project. All the
check the continued rise in perforce have to devise their foregoing steps in the words of
temperature caused by the own strategies to minimize the Prime Minister are driven
emission of green-house gases, impact of the climate change till solely by his commitment to
can lead to catastrophic such time a collective will and future generations of a clean
consequences. Therefore, as commitment of the global and green Pakistan to mitigate
repeatedly reiterated by the UN community crystallizes into the impact of climate change.
Secretary General, it is concrete actions to deal with the
Pakistan, under the stewardship
absolutely essential to make challenge.
of Prime Minister Imran Khan,
peace with the nature, meaning
Pakistan, under the stewardship has given top priority to putting
thereby that there was no
of Prime Minister Imran Khan, in place steps and measures that
escape from keeping the rising
has given top priority to putting can be helpful in lessening the
temperatures below 1.5
in place steps and measures that debilitating impact of the
centigrade as emphasized by
can be helpful in lessening the climate change.
the scientists and
debilitating impact of the
environmental experts. A report It is pertinent to note that
climate change. The central
released by UN on Monday Pakistan besides the measures
theme of the effort is to make
August 8, 2021 called ‘Code mentioned above has also
Pakistan clean and green. It has
Red for Humanity’ says that the launched the initiative to
launched a number of
earth is getting so hot that produce 60 per cent of all
initiatives including the
temperatures in about a decade energy in the country through
landmark 10-Billion Tree
would probably blow past a renewable resources by the year
Tsunami which has won
level of warming that the world 2030. It has already scrapped
international acclaim, including
leaders have sought to prevent. two coal power projects which
from the World Economic
were supposed to generate 2600
The climate change Forum.
MW of electricity and replaced
phenomenon has already
Pakistan can also rightly boast them with hydro-power units.
started having devastating
about myriad of other
impacts globally and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has
initiatives including green
is among the top 10 countries been a vociferous advocate of
economic stimulus, Eco-system
which have been bearing the collective action by the world
Protection, Wild life
brunt of this climatic onslaught community on climate change.
In recognition of his discourses member of the United Nations Framework
at the Convention of Intergovernmental Panel on Convention on Climate
Biodiversity, in the UN General Climate Change has also been Change’s (UNFCCC) 21st
Assembly and the nature based playing a pro-active role in Conference of the parties. The
solutions devised by his shaping the global discourse on Paris Agreement marked a
government, UNEP fighting global warming. historic turning point for global
approached Pakistan for climate action, as the world
Perhaps a cursory glance at
hosting the UN Environment leaders were able to evolve a
efforts at the international level
Day 2021. Prime Minister consensus on its framework and
to deal with the climate
Imran khan addressing the goals. But regrettably President
challenge would be quite
moot apprised the world Donald Trump pulled out of the
relevant here. The first ever
community regarding future agreement like he did in case of
international agreement on
plans of this government to deal other international
restricting emissions of green-
with climate change, including commitments by US.
house gases known as Kyoto
Recharge Pakistan designed to
Protocol was adopted on 11th However, it is satisfying to note
divert flood water to wetland to
December 1997. The protocol that President Biden has
recharge water table and
operationalized the United announced to rejoin the Paris
Mangroves forestation which
Nations Framework Agreement. Not only that, in
absorb carbon besides green-
Convention on Climate Change view of the urgency involved he
house gases. Explaining the
by committing industrialized also convened Leader’s
threat faced by Pakistan due to
countries and economies in Summit on Climate on 22-23
climate change, he also urged
transition to limit and reduce April, 2021 attended by 41
the need for the world to pay
greenhouse gases (GHG) countries including Pakistan.
attention to reducing carbon
emissions in accordance with The Summit underscored the
emissions which cause glacier
agreed individual targets. urgency and the economic
melting posing threats to
Those targets were stipulated to benefits of stronger climate
countries such as Pakistan and
be met in two phases. But action. Its deliberations are
Central Asia where rivers were
regrettably the required considered to be a key
fed by the glaciers. He also
cooperation from the milestone on the road to the
called on the world community
participating countries did not United Nations Climate
to assist the poor countries
come forth. New Zealand, and Change Conference (COP26)
including Pakistan which were
Russia did participate in this November in Glasgow.
bearing the brunt of this
Kyoto’s first-round but did not
phenomenon. In view of the foregoing
take on new targets in the
realities, Pakistan can rightly
Pakistan also co-chaired the second commitment period.
take pride in the fact that it has
multibillion-dollar Green Canada withdrew from the
not only set the ball rolling in
Climate Fund, established to Protocol in 2012 and the USA
the right direction in regards to
support climate actions in did not ratify it at all.
saving the country from the
developing countries, last year.
The second international vagaries of the climate change
Pakistan as Vice President of
agreement known as Paris but has also made a sterling
the UN Framework Convention
Agreement, was signed on contribution to this global
on Climate Change and
December 12, 2015 during the cause. The initiatives taken by
Pakistan are surely worth The writer is a retired diplomat,
emulating by the world and a visiting professor at
community, particularly the Riphah International
developing countries. University, Islamabad.
Changing Scenario in Afghanistan
Sikandar Noorani, Daily Times

Q uick meltdown
Ashraf Ghani’s regime
and rapid arrival of
of on inefficiency


and neutrality.

response to some highly

maintained patience earlier in

Taliban in Kabul palace can be provoking irresponsible

Afghanistan’s chaotic situation
interpreted in many ways. It is allegations from Ashraf Ghani,
presented by President Biden in
quite complicated to identify and his close aides Amar Saleh
his address has raised many
the victor and loser as the and Hamad Ullah Mohib.
questions on credibility of the
objective of US arrival in Changing scenario has very
US. While shifting the blame of
Afghan arena still remains quickly exposed the reality of
failure on Afghan army and
vague. This policy flaw was these critiques of Pakistan as
political leadership, Biden
amply exposed by Washington they are now seen blaming each
categorically refused to invest
Post last year with disclosure of other for the miserable failure.
any more in Afghanistan on the
nearly two thousand authentic Gradually, international
plea that continuation of such
documents. community is realizing that
folly might fulfill undisclosed
Pakistan’s proposal of
Based upon the disclosures of desires of China and Russia.
stabilizing Afghanistan through
Washington Post, an article by Interestingly, no such thought
all-inclusive interim
a writer analyzing the negative came to the minds of US
government should be
impacts of US flawed policies decision makers ever before.
supported to end the existing
titled ‘Intriguing Truth of Though, Biden clearly
Afghan Papers’ was published emphasized that hunting down
in Daily Times on 1 January the AQ and OBL was the prime New government will be facing
2020. What has transpired now objective of two decades long a great challenge of harnessing
in Afghanistan at final phase of stay in Afghanistan but the terrorist organizations that
US withdrawal was always a meaningfully he avoided to are left behind by the departing
writing on the wall. Recent comment on multiple players.
optics go in favor of Taliban infrastructural development
Pakistan has significantly
who emerged on Afghan arena projects accomplished under
emerged as a true partner in
as a major unified group. various long term bilateral
peace restoration efforts with
Taliban-US agreement inked in agreements by none other than
mature diplomacy and
Doha last year was actually a America.
undeniable assistance in
formal recognition of former
Besides practical end of Ashraf evacuation operations. When
group as a dominant
Ghani’s government with entry US had announced completion
stakeholder in comparison with
of Taliban in Kabul, arrival of of withdrawal on 31 August as
much shaky Kabul government.
Afghan politician’s delegation per the Doha agreement, then
Obviously, unceremonious
in Islamabad on same day why its manifestation radiated
sudden departure of Ashraf
appeared as another important so much chaos in Afghanistan?
Ghani from Kabul palace
development. Stance adopted Apparently, it is due to
further embossed a final stamp
by Pakistan is based on solid absolutely no resistance from
principle of non-interference Afghan army for which corrupt
ruling elite and US equally New government will be facing shadowy network of US
stands responsible. It will not a great challenge of harnessing contractors in Afghanistan
be wrong to say that US the terrorist organizations that must not be ruled out in the
decision makers already knew are left behind by the departing context of prevailing tug of war
about the defeat of Afghan players. Taliban have asked between global players. The
army but their time estimation constructive assistance from obsession of US with anti-
was inaccurate. This all came neighboring states. These states China games in the region are
much earlier than expectation expect elimination of terrorist no more a secret. Quad alliance
as Afghan army was nowhere groups from Afghan soil. has kept India in lead to counter
seen resisting the Taliban. This Future Afghan government the growing Chinese ingress in
may be taken as a blessing in under Taliban is expected to the region. US troops’
disguise as bloodshed was end the footprints of all militant withdrawal should not be
averted in absence of organizations such as TTP, weighed as a victory or defeat.
resistance. Though, western ISIS, ETIM and Jundullah who Terrorist attacks in Dasu and
media is demonizing the have been a source of concern Gwadar on Chinese led projects
Taliban, their entry in Kabul for Pakistan, China, Russia and are not good omens. Situation
without bloodshed and Iran. If this issue remains in Afghanistan is still evolving
subsequent actions so far have unresolved under future interim as calls for resistance are being
effectively countered many setup, then a greater wave of raised by Amar Saleh and son
wrong speculations. destabilization might shake the of Ahmed Masood against
whole region. India, being a future set up. Blasts at Kabul
Key regional players Russia,
major supporter of Ghani airport, subsequent drone
China, Iran, Pakistan and
regime and sponsor of anti- strikes by US on IS-KP targets
Turkey seem much hopeful
Pakistan proxies, seems in a and terrorist attacks on Pakistan
about future interim
state of diplomatic dilemma posts from Afghanistan are
government in Afghanistan
amid rise of Taliban in Kabul. indicators of a complex
which will be surely led by
Mysterious paralysis of Afghan challenge. Pakistan should
Taliban. Western countries
army in recent scenario has not cautiously keep all options
have also softened their initial
yet been appropriately assessed open to deal with whatever
hard stance and urged Taliban
which as per US president emerges out of rapidly evolving
to earn legitimacy through
comprises three lac soldiers scenario in Afghanistan.
abidance of commitments on
equipped with latest combat
fundamental human rights.
Let’s be sure that process of a
The writer is a freelancer and
big change in Afghanistan is A complex challenge may rise
can be reached at
still evolving. Peaceful for future government if
takeover of Kabul is much deserters of Afghan army join
easier than governing and the ranks and files of existing
stabilizing a war ridden terrorist organizations as it
Afghanistan in coming days. happened in Iraq. Existence of
Empowering themselves
Rafia Zakaria, Dawn

HE goal of course was carnage; but the narrative of the need British women to
never to save Afghan war did not include that aspect. empower us, we can manage
women. Everyone in quite well without them.’
The US-Nato coalition and the
Afghanistan and the
taxpayers who were funding the Long before the Americans got
surrounding region knew this.
neo-imperial excursion wanted to it, it was the British who
But the superpower was in a
to hear about the ‘good’ that were resorting to ‘save the
bloodthirsty mood, the tragedy
was being done in Afghanistan. brown woman’ slogans.
of 9/11 dictated the need for
So front-page stories in widely
vengeance. Afghanistan had Afghan women could not retort
read newspapers were devoted
not been involved in the attacks this way. They were already
to ‘honour’ killings and
at all but Saudi Arabia, from living in a ‘hellscape’, a
Western plans to eliminate
where the majority of the creation of the Taliban’s
them, to the girls’ schools that
attackers actually originated, misogynistic proclivities, of
were located on the outskirts of
could not be attacked as that public whippings, of
bombed-out shells of villages,
would disrupt the world’s and executions, of house-to-house
and to the ’new’ Afghan
America’s own economy. searches and so much else that
woman who had been
Afghanistan, already addled by was part and parcel of the
employed by the Americans or
decades of foreign occupation militant group’s desire to
this or that NGO, and who was
and CIA proxy wars, was the control and intimidate. Some
now an independent woman.
answer. did protest the invasion, begged
The trick is an old one. Long again and again for peace, for
The bombings began in the
before the Americans got to it, no air strikes, no invasion, no
autumn of 2001 and they have
it was the British who were occupation but their voices
continued right to the end. To
resorting to ‘save the brown were drowned out, in some
provide a cover story regarding
woman’ slogans in order to cases by the many wealthy
the necessity of the invasion —
justify their own colonial Afghan expatriates who stood
they couldn’t openly state
presence. At the time, only to gain from the invasion and
vengeance as a reason — they
those Indian women who the aid money that was attached
latched on to the deplorable
supported the British Empire to it.
condition of women’s rights in
were included in the plans —
the country. It was true, Afghan Trickle-down feminism,
and sometimes they too were
women lived in abject devised as it was by fervent
left out. In the early 1900s, a
conditions, but then so did white middle-class feminists-
conference was held in London
Afghan men, one in three turned-warmongers, did not
on the topic of how best to
people quite literally at risk of work. For the 20 years of the
empower Indian women. An
starvation. Bombing villages US-Nato presence, an aid
Indian activist put it well: ‘To
that were scrounging around for economy emerged in Kabul and
have a conference about us
an existence unleashed new in some of the other provincial
without us and decide what we
heights of mayhem and capitals. The Afghan women
need is ridiculous; we don’t
who found jobs attached to the
US presence, and in particular delegitimised to such an extent does not bode well for their
those women who worked in that any talk of women’s future.
the Green Zone, found freedom was and is considered
The US-Nato experiment to
themselves living some to be a collaboration with the
transform Afghan women into
modicum of ‘free’ lives where empire and its nefarious doings.
rough imitations of middle-
freedom meant not wearing the This last bit is crucial because it
class women in the white and
burqa and kowtowing to the represents the gargantuan task
Western world failed. The
neo-colonial masters who that faces the Afghan women in
consequences of it will be borne
funded their paychecks. In this developing an indigenous
by Afghan women, who never
small sense, the ‘liberation’ was conversation around
provided permission for an
a success. empowerment that can
invasion in their name but who
legitimise the idea once again.
In all other senses, it was a will nevertheless pay the price
In the current climate of
failure and evidence of that is for it. The incoming Taliban
uncertainty and constraint, this
visible in just how readily the government, despite its efforts
seems nearly impossible to
structures constructed by the to seem kindly and
invaders collapsed. Without aid accommodating, is likely to be
the economy will now shrink In any case, in the near term, as retrogressive and repressive
and thousands of Afghan Afghan women need the basics as ever.
women will be pushed out of it required for survival. Those
The hope lies in the possibility
even if the Taliban do allow whose husbands, fathers,
of Afghan women, particularly
women to work. In the rural brothers etc have been killed,
those who are educated, in
areas, women will still face the and there are thousands and
devising a locally relevant plan
prospect of more air strikes, thousands of them, need help
for their own welfare and
dead husbands and sons and the just to live. Those who are
empowerment. This will take
question of how they will internally displaced or are
time, quite likely a very long
survive. refugees headed to Pakistan or
time and one can only hope and
Iran or elsewhere require
What was required in pray that they are able to
humanitarian assistance. The
Afghanistan was cultural survive until it comes.
need is urgent and the time is
transformation and grassroots
dire because the twin The writer is an attorney
change. This did not happen
catastrophes of the Taliban teaching constitutional law and
because in connecting women’s
takeover and the hovering Delta political philosophy.
empowerment to foreign
variant-fuelled Covid-19 surge
occupation, drones and bombs,
the entire idea of it was
Biden doubles down on Afghanistan exit ‘triumph’ in belated,
recycled and rambling speech
Nebojsa Malic, RT News
Afghan interpreter who ‘helped

he US pullout from negotiated with the Taliban and
Afghanistan was a had 5,000 of their fighters save Biden’ in 2008 pleads for
stunning success, any released from captivity – and rescue after being left behind
mistakes were someone else’s Biden’s own greatest
Perhaps this really is the best
fault, and the only other choice achievement, with the only
Biden and his administration,
was endless war, President Joe alternative another decade of
the “adults in the room” who
Biden argued in a bid to war for no purpose whatsoever,
“trust the science” and defer to
convince the media, he argued.
“experts” could do – but that’s
Americans, or even himself.
That was the choice, the real not really a ringing
Almost 24 hours after the last choice, between leaving or endorsement of their
US airplane departed Kabul, escalating. competence and expertise, if
Biden appeared before the you stop to think about it.
Much of Biden’s speech was an
White House press corps and
argument against staying in Which is why you’re not
began reciting the speech in a
Afghanistan. It’s the exact same supposed to. Instead, Biden
raised voice. He made the
argument he had made multiple lapsed into a laundry list of
decision to end the “longest war
times before, against a straw excuses, addressing the costs of
in American history.” The
man that literally no one – aside war in lives and treasure and
evacuation airlift was an
from his newfound neocon waxing empathic about
“extraordinary success.” No
backers – actually believes in. “national security” and actual
one in history has ever done
The actual criticism, that the US interests. He once again
anything like it, he said.
withdrawal was poorly brought up that the mission was
Then the excuses started. The organized, mishandled, failed to avenge 9/11, saying it was
assumption that the US-backed to get everyone out and got accomplished in 2011 with the
Afghan government could people killed, he simply waved death of Osama Bin Laden.
resist the Taliban “turned out away by saying it couldn’t have Great, but who was vice
not to be accurate.” The been done better. president then, and said and did
Americans left behind had nothing for the next five years?
Really? Would someone else
ignored more than a dozen calls No wonder he refuses to take
manage to evacuate a convicted
to leave, some wanted to stay, questions from the press.
rapist deported from the US,
had dual citizenship and roots
but leave behind the interpreter While speaking of the deaths of
in the country – but can still
actually involved in rescuing soldiers and veterans
leave if they want to do so, the
him and two other senators committing suicide, Biden
State Department will arrange
back in 2008, when their inevitably brought up his late
that diplomatically, he said.
helicopter was grounded by a son Beau in a bid for sympathy
Somehow, the withdrawal was blizzard in potentially hostile and emotional manipulation –
both the fault of his predecessor countryside? even after the families of the 13
Donald Trump – who
fallen troops told him to knock
it off.

The pinnacle of cynicism,

however, was arguably Biden’s
insistence that the US needs to
learn from its mistakes and
abandon the notion of nation-
building. This is not just about
Afghanistan, he argued, but
ending an era of major military
operations “to remake other

This would be objectively true,

yet it’s also utterly absurd
considering who it’s coming
from – someone with a 50-year
career in politics and
committed to transforming his
own country in the name of
“equity” and “building back
better.” If you’re hoping Biden
will now stop trying to regime-
change places like Cuba,
Venezuela, Belarus, Syria, Iran
or anywhere else Washington is
determined to promote
“democracy” and “human
rights,” do I have a bridge to
sell you…
If anything, Biden voicing this
argument will only discredit it
in the eyes of a growing number
of Americans who are already
increasingly angry at his
administration. This, in turn,
would only help the
Washington establishment,
gripped by the dangerous
delusion that the US needs to be
a globalist empire. Perhaps that
was the entire point.

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