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Build Back Better World(B3W) vs.

Belt & Road Initiative(BRI)

Subject: Current Affairs-CSS

By: Imran Zahoor
Ph. D in IR
Lecture Outline
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 Building Concept
 What is BRI?
 What is B3W?
 How B3W Differ from the BRI?
 Comparison between B3W
and BRI
 Challenges to B3W
 Concluding Analysis
 Research Links
Building Concept
Building Concept
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 The U.S. and China rivalry has become a

center of world politics with an impact on
political, military and economic domains.

 Decline of American global influence & the

impressive growth of Chinese economy,
Western states regard the BRI as a strong
expansionist tool in the hands of Beijing.

 The U.S policymakers are sure that such a

program requires an active response and
the B3W initiative could be such an answer.
Building Concept
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 G7 intentionally adopted “Cold War” overtones
which reflected that rising China may damage
interests of the West.

 In June,2021, G-7 Summit had certain socio-

economic, geopolitical and geostrategic aims to
scolding China over a range of issues.

 G7 leaders offered developing nations an

infrastructure plan, the Build Back Better World
(B3W) initiative

 B3W: A value-driven, high-standard & transparent

infrastructure partnership of $40+ trillion improve
infrastructure in developing world by 2035.
What is BRI?
What is BRI?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a very large-
scale Chinese initiative supported by more than
132 countries What is BRI?

The Belt and Road Initiative,

 BRI intends to build up basic infrastructure formerly known as One Belt
across the globe with a particular focus on One Road or OBOR for short,
Greater Eurasia to the South, West, and North is a global infrastructure
development strategy
of China. adopted by the Chinese
government in 2013 to invest
in nearly 70 countries and
 BRI defines five major priorities: international
 Policy coordination organizations. Aim of BRI to
promote economic
 Infrastructure connectivity
development and inter-
 Unimpeded trade regional connectivity
 Financial integration
 Connecting people
What is BRI?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 BRI focus on infrastructure investment,

education, construction materials, railway
and highway, automobile, real estate,
energy and iron and steel.

 BRI comprises two main networks: land

and sea:
 The land network composed of roads and
railways across Asia and Europe
 The sea network, largely consisting of port
developments along the Indian Ocean.
 Further involves building skyscrapers,
airports and energy pipelines.
What is BRI?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 Till 2021, almost 139 countries joined the
BRI including some of U.S partners like
Turkey, Greece, Saudi Arabia, and Italy.

 139 countries that are partners in the BRI

account for 35% of global GDP, 43% of
global trade in goods & 63% of the world

 900 billions of dollars are mobilized and

disbursed for BRI projects and end year is

 Last year, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

announced that Pandemic had affected the
progress of 30 to 40pc BRI projects.
What is B3W?
What is B3W?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 Build Back Better World (B3W) is an initiative
undertaken by G7 countries.
 Launched in June 2021, designed to
counter China strategic influence of the BRI
 Providing an alternative to the BRI for the G7
infrastructure development of the low and
middle income countries. The Group of Seven is an
 Promote economic development and inter- inter-governmental
regional connectivity. political forum consisting
of Canada, France,
 B3W will encourage private-sector Germany, Italy, Japan,
investments that support "climate, health & the United Kingdom and
health security, digital technology & gender the United States. It was
established in 1975

 B3W is global in scope, from Latin America

and the Caribbean to Africa to the Indo-
What is B3W?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 Six core principles of B3W are: shared values,
high standards of good governance,
Blue Dot Network environmental integrity, strong strategic
relationships, active participation of private
The Blue Dot Network is a capital and increased impact of multilateral
multi-stakeholder initiative
formed by the United
financial institutions.
States, Japan, and Australia
to provide assessment and
certification of
 Western leaders take two points as a stick to
infrastructure beat China with:
development projects  Firstly, they claim that Chinese infrastructure is
worldwide . of low quality.
Founded: November 4,  Secondly, they lambaste China’s ‘Debt trap
2019 diplomacy. When recipient countries become
unable to repay loans, China automatically
makes them easy prey
How B3W Differ from the BRI?
How B3W Differ from the BRI?
 Infrastructure development carried out in
sustainable manner financially,
environmentally, and socially will lead to a
better outcome for recipient countries.
 B3w will offer countries a positive vision and a
transparent source of financing to meet their
infrastructure needs.

Good Governance and Strong Standards

 Tackle climate change, build back local
economies, direct scarce financing, and boost
employment. B3W is committed to providing
citizens of recipient communities with the
long-run benefits.
How B3W Differ from the BRI?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

Strong Strategic Partnerships

 B3W will be developed through

consultation with communities and
assessing local needs as a true partners.

Mobilize Private Capital Through

Development Finance

 Under B3W,infrastructure investment by

a market-driven private sector, paired
with high standards and transparency in
public funding
How B3W Differ from the BRI?
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309


 B3W will be made in a manner

consistent with achieving the goals of
the Paris Climate Agreement.

Enhancing the Impact of

Multilateral Public Finance

 Multilateral development banks and

other international financial institutions
will start projects with catalytic impact
and increase the mobilization of capital
both public and private.
Comparison between
B3W and BRI
Comparison between B3W and BRI
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 B3W is intended to be a market-led

bilateral and multilateral approach.
 BRI mainly relies on bilateral state-backed
concessionary and commercial loans to
private capital & state-owned enterprises.

 B3W is focused on soft infrastructure like

climate change, digital technology, health
security and gender equity.
 BRI is primarily focused on hard
infrastructure like ports, roads, dams,
railways, electric power plants and
Comparison between B3W and BRI
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 B3W lacks a to help countries access global
trade and build their respective economies.
 BRI aims to produce synergies development
strategies and Corridor Development Projects.

 B3W emphasis on democratic principles,

transparency, good governance & sustainable
 BRI based on supply chain, connecting
markets via port-rail-road networks.

 B3W aims to fill global infrastructure gaps.

 BRI more focused approach to overseas
infrastructure investment.
Comparison between B3W and BRI
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 B3W initiative doesn't impose this level of

 BRI countries are obliged to use the digital
network and standards to trade with

 B3W appears to be available for ‘like-

minded’ partners in the ‘developing
world’ and makes a point of the
contributors being democracies
 BRI which has not laid down any pre-
conditions and comprises democratic
nations, as well as autocratic government
Comparison between B3W and BRI
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 B3W plans to use funding from the

Development Finance
Cooperation, USAID, EXIM,
Millennium Challenge Cooperation
and the US Trade and
Development Agency
 BRI relies mainly on state-owned
commercial banks like China
Development Bank, Export Import
Bank of China and the Silk Road
Challenges to B3W
Challenges to B3W
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 Absence of Common Commitment: The first

challenge is the absence of common
commitment. All the USA’s allies don't have
the same enthusiasm towards B3W.
 Italy, France, Japan and Germany are
economic partners of China.

 Revolves around the Private Sector: B3W

revolves around the private sector. Private
sector projects can hardly compete with
the State-owned projects in pace and
 It is difficult to convince private firms in
developed G-7 countries to invest in
developing world due to high risk and low
Challenges to B3W
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 Comparative Advantage: China enjoys a

comparatively advantageous position in
terms of infrastructure development.
 Advantage of cost control, cheap labor &
material against B3W.

 China on Edge Position: B3W as a rival will

hardly to contain China especially in
countries where China has already
entrenched its position.
 B3W is a late-comer and impossible to roll
back China’s investment.
 If B3W adopts concrete policies then it will
take a long time to expand.
Challenges to B3W
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 Less Concerned about Human

Development: B3W is based on soft
infrastructure and is a political tool.
 The USA is less concerned about human
development more concerned about
countering China through B3W.

 Priorities Divergences: Different priorities

of B3W members give credibility to its
 BRI is more focused and pragmatic.
 China initiated BRI and less issues with BRI
Concluding Analysis
Concluding Analysis
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309

 Both the B3W and the BRI has shined a

spotlight on the mirror of infrastructure
financing which should quick deeper
reflection on all sides.

 Infrastructure improvements have wide

reaching and long lasting benefits, but they
suffer massive costs, have extensive
environmental impacts, and create both
winners and losers as access to markets and
mobility are transformed.

 BRI and B3W signify that crises of climate

change, civil unrest around, growing
inequality and Covid-19 pandemic have
triggered for global power competition and
engaging stakeholders at multiple levels.
Concluding Analysis
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 B3W and BRI initiatives for developing
countries who need infrastructural investment
and the communities expected to benefit from
increased connectivity and access to
infrastructure should be of more focal point.

 Host countries should priority the needs of

common people selecting projects of B3W and
BRI and also engage the civil society, political
leadership in consultation process.

 G-7 should avoid any precondition of B3W

projects on host countries where BRI projects
are already under progress and pursue with
competitive co-existence in the global arena.
Concluding Analysis
Mr. Imran Zahoor Ph. D in IR 0321-4800309
 BRI and B3W are loan-based projects.
Although BRI has a portion of FDIs and BOT
model projects, B3W will include some aid,
but loans at commercial rates will contribute
a significant amount of total investments.

 China and USA will have the influence to

extend their political and strategic clout, but
avoid to pledge indebted states’ sovereignty,
and making them vulnerable to exploitation.

 Once the BRI and the B3W start to

complement, rather than contradict, each
other, economic partnerships will unlock
envisaging a win-win situation for the US,
China, and their respective partners.
Research Links
Research Links

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