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Mathonline Corollaries to the Open Mapping Theorem Fla Corres tothe Open Mapping Theorem Corollaries to the Open Mapping Theorem Recall om The Open Mapping Theorem page that if X and Y are Banach spaces and fT: X_» ¥is abounded linear operator hen tosed and only tT i an open map. ‘Wie wil now pagent some corollaries tothe open mapping theorem. range T(X) is (Corollary * tals us that's a bljectve bounded tnear operator rom a Banach space X to a Banach space Y then the inverse 7" i also houndes. Corollary 4 Lat X and ¥ be Banach spaces and let T :X > ¥ be a bounded near oparatr T's bjectve then Tf a bounded tnear operator + Proof: Sinco Ti bjectve, P(X) = ¥, which is closed. So by tho open mapping theorom we have that Tis an open map. Bul again sinco Tis bjsctva,T being open implies that Tie bounced tear operatr CCoroary 2 gives us 2 quicker way to dotormine if two norms an a space ar space. -uvalent or not - provided that X equipped wth both norms forme @ Banach Corot 2: Lat (X,[-Ih) ard OKI) be Banach spaces. theeiean M > O orwhch fa, = Mla oreveya € X then Ih and i ae equal aos «root Let: (X=) (= [a Be the dnt map dined fr az € X byi(2) = 2. Than foral= © X we have that H(z) < Mali + So¥is boundes. Sie (X= Iy) and (Xa) ao Banach spaces and sine iis ace, by eorlary Lwe have tat £1 (6 la) > Ob [h) 8 Bounded tear operat So tere exe an m > O sve that |e (z)|), < mlz, (2) + Fords € X Hence oral © X All, < lal, < alal, ® + Soll and | sare equivalent norms. i Powsced by Wiles com Hop |Terms of Serie [Privacy | Report bug | Flag as objactonatle ‘Unless aterise stated, te antont of this page is Keone under Creative Commons Aebuton ShwraAlke 3.0 License Mathonline Corollaries to the Hahn-Banach Theorem Fla CCoroarios tothe Hahn-Banach Thoorem Corollaries to the Hahn-Banach Theorem RRocall rom The Hahr-Banach Thoarom (Real Version) page thatif Xis alinoar space, YC X is linear subspace, and: ¥ ~> Ris tnear functional for wich nor oxstsa sublinoarKunctonal p: X ~» R which dominates, 04 ey} < p(y} for ally € ¥ thon thrw exists anwar function & : X > forwnie + 1.8(y) = 9) orally € ¥ (isan exenson of). + 2.8(2) < ple) fora © X (bis dominatos by We wil now look some coro to the Habn-anach theorem Coroltary 1: Lt (X, |» J) be @ normed near space and et ¥ © XC bee tnearsubspece. if © ¥* thon thre exists an F< X* such tat Fly) = f(y) foraty ©¥ ana |= [fh Corotary 1 says that if isa bounded tnear functional dfinod ona subspace Y of @ normed near space X then f can be extonded toa Bounded tnear uretonel F dotined onal of X which proseroe the norm on J. + Proof:Lotp:X' > Rbe detned forall © X'by: ple) = sills + Note that since {> ¥ —+ R is @ bounced linear operator, fis wel-defnes, Note that pis certainly a sulinear functional, since forall 2,22 € X ‘ac forall > 0 we have that plex +22) = [filzs + all < [flll2alix + |22llx] = Wl |2alLx + [ilizelle = P(e) + ple) @ (Az) = |F|l|Azi| = Al fllzalix = Ape) + Also nota that or ally € ¥ we have that SW) Reeucn hat Fly) = f(y) orally © ¥ and stich that P(e) < pl) foralz © X. + Atha remains to show i that Fis bounded and || = fl] Fes, Fis bounded since for every = € X: F(a) < ple) ~ Walle @) + This also shows hat Fl] < |f|-For te reverse inequality, observe that IFI= sup IF(@)|2 sup ftv) = Is 6 + Hence [LF] =f). Corollary 2: Let (X, [| |) Be @ normed linear space and kl 2» © X. Then there exists an F © X* such that | Fl] = 1 and F(@0) = [ull + Proof: Lat ¥ = {Ato :A.€ R} = Rey. Than ¥ isa subspace of X, Define alr tunctonalf : ¥ —+ R frally= Azo € ¥ by: S(v) = fa») = Alzalle © + Oosowe hat / © ¥" snc foray € ¥ wo have that Sta) = Alzolly = zo = Lv ” + hich shows us hat |f| = 1. Furthermore, ote hat fo) ~ ol By Cora 1, there exit an F ¢_X" such that Fig) = f(y) fra ¥€¥ and = lf 80 Fl) = f(e0) = |20|x ara (P| — f| = 1. ‘Corollary 3: Lat (X, [= |x) Bea normed near space, Worl f © X° wo have that f(z) = fly) thon = = w + Proot: Suppose insteas that = 4 y. Then — v 4 0. By cory 2, there exists a tearunctinal F< X* such hat [JF] = 1 and F(z —y) = [2 sly. Sines F'stinoar, the second equalty mplos that F(z) ~ Fy) =~ vil ® + Butlie —yllx # Osnce x ~ y 4 0.80 F(e) + Fly) which sa contradiction since F € X*.So me musthave that = ‘Corollary 4: Lat X and ¥ be Banach spaces andlet T= X—> ¥ be alinear operator for every f EY" wehave hat fo T © X" hen Tie ounce near operator. + root We wll prove corollary & by invoking The Closed Graph Theorem. + Lot (za) de. soquonce in X ta converges tox and et (T'(zq)} converge to Since f and fo Tare continuous for al fc ¥* wo have tha: °) sin, s0(20))= $((tin 2») = screen sb, 07 (20) = 4( i, 60) = 10) + So f(T(2)) = fly) tral f € ¥*.8y corr 3 tis imps that (2) = y. By the Closed Graph Theorem, isa bounded linear operator. ‘Corollary 5: Let X be a normed inear pace t L S by a nonempty Inear subspace. y € Ss such hat dy, L) = 8 > O then there exists an Fe X* suenthat Fl) <1. f(y) = 4, and f(0) = Oral € L. Recaltnat dy, L) denotes the astanc rom the pointy tothe set Land's given by dy, L) = infice lly —U + Proof: Let $= 1+ Ry = {I+ Ay: € L}. Then $ is a subspace of X. Define afuncon f : $+ R forall (I+ Ay) € S by +29) = 5 (10) + Not that fis wlldetnee fort + Ary ta + Aaythen fy ~ fs = (Aa ~ Ar} soit Ar 2a then y isaconradioton since d{y, L) = 6 > 0.8941 = Avie. fh + ds) = flle-+ a9). + Observe that f stinger fis ako bounded since forall (I+ Ay) © Swe have that which implies that y © L, which L#(+ A9)| = [96] = [Alay Z) = [Aig is — yl] = nf lls — Ag] <= 2 co) + Ato {|| < 1, By Cortay 1 there exits an F € X* such that F(s) = f(s) foralls € Sand Fl = | f].80 |F| <1. Fly) = fly) = 6. ane ile Liven f() =O. wares by Vilesotcom Hol |Turms ofSovice [Privacy | Report bug | Flag as objectonatls Unogs ater sited, te cantent of this page is Keond under Creative Commons Alebuton ShwreAIne 3.0 License Mathonline Corollaries to the Uniform Boundedness Principle Fla CCorotarios tothe Uniform Boundedness Princisle Corollaries to the Uniform Boundedness Principle Recal tom The Unirm Soundedness Prine page hatifX is a Banach space and ¥ is norms naar pace whore Fi colocon of bounded Wear oparaors ram X to Y such tat for evry 2 € X wo have thal suPrey T(z) < 0 ton supliT| <0 “0 We wil now loka some corotaria fo the uniform boundedness princi, Corollary 4: Lat. X'be Banach space and lt A CX". Then Ae bounded in X" Fand ony for evry © X we have tha 95D oq [/(@)| = + Proof: Recall that X" = B(X,R). + & Suppose that is bounded. Than tere exists an M > O such that forall f € Awe have tat < M.Let 2 © X. Then sup [f(=)| < sup fl l=] = [2l| sup Lf < [21M < 00 @ rh ea va + © Since X's @ Banach space and Aisa collection of bounded linear operators from X to R, and snoe for every © X'wo are given tat sup ea [f(2)| < 00, y th principle of uniform boundedness we have that: sup [| < 00 ® ve + Soletaupycgllfl = M-Then fra € Awe have that ||| such at © + And 30 for every © Xwe have that |T,(2)|| < Mila. Taking the limit as n —> 06 gives ws ” Ur(=)| = im (2) = tim, (2) < Ma + SoT is bounded ll Theoreml: Let X and ¥be Banach spaces and et {7} be «sequence of bounced near operators from X to(| SYS] such hat for evayx € X there exists a y € ¥ for which imme |Ta(2) — yl ~ 0. Then here exis a boundsdinear operator T: X > ¥ such that for every € X wo have that ltny so |Tn(2) ~ T(2)| = 0 and sup [Tall < 0 + Proof: Lot T: X > ¥ be defines fr each « © Xb m2) im, Ta(@) = y ° + Note that ise woldsined and furthermore, T'istinear since Frits are near. We wil now show that is bounded, Ty :m € N}. Then F isa collection of bounded inear operators trom X to ¥. For each x € X since Ty (2) converges toy we must have that {| (z)|| 1 € N's bounded, that i, foreach 2 X we have that: sep lTs(2) <6 © + So by he unform boundedness pine we have that sup [Ta < 28 (10) + Let M sup | Tall Tan forall © N wa have tat Ty | 00 gives us tat res 12) (N= guy TG TUX) ea jective namely. So X sisomettealysomorpne to range() — TUX). Corollary 2 Let X be a normed tnoa space. Then the closed uri ball of X* has an xtreme point + Proof: X" is a locally convex toplogical vector space with respectto the weak-* topology. If Bx- denctes the closed unt ballin X° then By is anempty and convex. 8y Alaoghs thorom, Bc is weak compact. + Soby The Krein-Miman Lemma we have that Bx hasan entrome poi Ml Powered by Wik com Hl (Tarms of Service [Privacy | Report bg | Flag a 0b Uniessabterwise sated, te cntent of hs page ig Leensd under Creative Commons Avbuton ShaeAlne 3.0 Lesrse

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