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“oy 4 Sex oak “Guan METHOD. OS ee Ges LUCAS) ae NICK LUCAS for Complete in Two Volumes - Contents - Iotroduction : ono Fox Trot~ Sore Z Rodimonts i B Minor and Hxorcises en String Exercise || Key of fv and Exercioon The Sete : Key ot F ns Precis Note Stuly g Koy of D aud Exereises Easy Waltz Hxercise ‘The Dutch Ciel Walle Chord In © Major, > Plectrum Exercises e Long, Long Ago . Rey of A Minor Micor Watz Key of G and Exercises 1 Interval Studies : Fascinating Waltz-— Soro Axpeggio Studies Grace Notes Key of Bb and Chords Key of G Minor and Melody Benjamin Blues — Duet Various Keys and Chords ee Buy A Broom-Dut. 5s Rudy Fox Trot Duet ‘ Key of E Minor At tho Racos— Duet . ‘The Chromatic Seale - Modulatioas| America, é Orchestra Style Obligato Broken Chord Stadies. - Plectrum Studies.» F The Man On The Flying Trapeze Salo _ Sail Advancing — March. : Triplets i 2 Sharpshooters March) 1) Group of Etudes . é id Black Joe ae Technical Studies s xy of D aad Exercises. ‘The Spanish Cavalier - Tremolo Studies. ss Haypy Rastus — Jig 4 Key of Aand Exercises Published by NICOMEDE MUSIC CO.,Altoona, Pa. Augnested and Diminished Chords Six String Chords Six String Chord Studies “ Just AColtage- Duet... vittie Rose ~ Duet i Varsity Blues -Solo Flappers Trot—Sole Quilt— solo You Puayed With My Heart Song Gold Diggers - Solo Warm Breeze Gholia~ Tenge — Drag Your Feet — Solo. Bootleggers Blues— Solo GUITAR METHOD PLECTRUM PLAYING PAGE 32 33 35 235 37 38 39 3) 40 46 UZ 0. Introduction ‘The Guitar, the king of the fretted instrument group, has always been a great fa- vorite of great musicians with i's wonderful elasticity of harmony, contrapuntal effects and tone. It is today, enjoying a popularity second to no other instrument. The modern players who are creating a faror in musical circles with their guitar playing, have developed a style in which the plectrum plays a prominent part. It is for that reason that the publisher has spared no expense or pains in publishing this method for the plectrum or pick style of guitar playing. No greater exponent of this spectacular style of gui- tar playing has ever lived than Nick Lucas. The ensuing pages are the result of painstak- ing labor to present, in a simple manner, the artistry of this guitarist. This stethod is there fore, presented with the greatest of confidence in its popularity and usefulness, ‘The lessons are so easy at the start, that it will he found a pleasure to follow the les If into the more difficult soles and studies, the student will find with surprise,that he or she is able to play the guitar with a- bility. Every style of playing is illustrated in the lessons. Single string salo— chord solo— sons step by step and as the beanty of the guitar unfolds its Bo by se: ty Bu solo with accompaniment— songs with accompaniment — dance playing as required by the mod- ern orchestra — bewildering strokes — breaks — jazz in its most modern form, ett., etc. The student is advised to procure as good a guitar as possible, for it is never advisa - ble to try and make a poor instrument do the work of a good one,and if the guitar is difficult to finger or found not true in the positions, the student will waste considerable valuable time in many ways. The plectrum gives the guitar the required added power, and the modern pick style guitar player will find his or her services very much in demand The Publisher co, Copyright MCMXXX, by Nicomedo. Mus Bi International’ Gopyright Secared RUDIMENTS of MUSIC Sounds Melody is a pleasing succession of sounds, Music is Melody. To express music we use charac - ters called notes, named after the first seven letters of the alphabet viz: A-B-C-D-B-F-G ‘These notes are written on a staff of five lines. There are also four spaces found between the lines. The lines and spaces are named after the letters A-B-C-D-B-P-G, and notes placed at those lines are named in that manner Clefs ‘There are several clef signs used, but the most widely used are the treble @ and the Tass 3! Guitar musio is written in treble clef, In order to quickly learn the notes in the areble clef, the student ee ee eee Study these names., The student should be able to natie all the lines and spaces in| Duration of Notes and Rests ‘There are various types of notes tw mark time value. They are as follows‘ Whole half quarter eighth sixteenth = 32nd Gath NCTES [ach note has a eorresponding rest) Whole | half | quarter | eighth |sictoontn | znd | oath RESTS The Notes ‘The notes in music follow each other in the following alphabetical order. a = =e =] tae ee pes le ae Time "To divide time, we me How time is maried. Tine as used in modern must. measures. The lines running Zeasure measure up and down are called bars. Two lines axe called double bars.-bar-~ double + Bar Comparative Values of Notes A whole note Ss equal 19 two half notes or four quarter notes or wight Sth notes ete. A half ote fs equal #0 two quarter notes or four Sth notes etc. A half nove bears the same relation to a whole ote tht the half of anything bears towards a whole. A quarter note is equal to two Sth notes or four {Heh notes or eight Sod notes. An Sth is equal to two 16th or four B2nd notes. A 6th note is equal totwo S2ud notes to, The student should have the assistance of a teacher, explaining the time value, if possible to cblain one, for certain features connected with the sindy of emsio will be found a little bewildering without the aid of a teacher. In the tine ap marked, the upper numeral denotes the nanber of beats or counts given toa meas~ fare and the lower rumeral designate, the time value of the count. Fx: means four quarter notes. in och measure, and one count to each quarter which would give four counés or beats to one, measure However, as we go along in the method, the various time elements will be fully explained. AS cach Giferent type of time oocurs, it will be made clear to the stadent Sharps, Flats and the Natural Chargoters used in writing musie are five and are known as accidentals. # b x tb A sharp raises a note one half-tone or one fret. Sharp | Flat | Neturat| Double | Double | A fiat lowers a note ane half-tone ar one fret. Shap | Flat ‘A double sharp raises: a note one fall tone. ‘A double flat lowers a note one full tone. Arnatural restores a note to its original positon. Ledger Lines Lite ines, added below of above the staff are cilled ledger lines. ‘The notes pi thise ines and syaces are as follows. ‘Spaces below the staff. Lines below Spaces above Lines above Signatures ‘The following are the signauures of the lays in common wse. ‘The upper letter denotes the ma- jor key and’ the lelter undereath designates tho relative minor Wey. ie is seldom that more than four Sharps or four flats are used MAJOR _) c FE D 8 minoR ~~ A E B Fy Cy Gy DE AB MAJOR & minor ~ 0 a a Fae & a Musical Terms ‘Terms are used to denote various musical expressions. The student should endeavor to chtain a good knowledge of a music dictionary by frequently reviewing and memorize the terms here given: Pian» sift Avoelerando (ace) faster ‘Atenpo in the regular time janiscine pp very sft Andante (Ana!) stew od steady Con anime sith animation ore Ftd ‘Andantino (4ndRe) siower than Andante Gon brio Britiancy Fortissine “gr very lout ‘Adagio very slow Gantabile in a singing sige Mezzo iano mp moderately soft Ad libitum (ad ti) at mitt-as you please Gon mato mith motien Mezza forte m7 movertey Joud —Afetuoso affetionately- tenderly Diminuento (Gin.) diminish - sof? Sforando gf svtenty imd Allegro ively Grescento (esc) increase volume Allegretto not as quick as Aitegro alee sweclly Doloreso pathetically Coda ending passage Largo. slow and soleren Presto quick Ritardando (rit) siaver Rallentande (rat) slow gradually Exercise for Reading the Notes ‘The pupil should now try and name the following notes by each letter name, Here is where the teacher is of yreat assistance = = SS ===: — Z = Time Lessons ‘Time ds not cifieult t understand, if the student hus the assistance of a teacher. It is re- tearkable how soon the pupil will be able to correetly count the various kinds of time. In stndying: time lesson, the student will be aided by pointing at the notes with a pencil or pointer while coun ing This lesson’ teaches the analysis of each time unit. wf Scant 234 123 4 142 344 faze” 1oagst cates Com 1 2 rae? tome (Reese fees, 3. reare tes Ina time march, the count is two to each measure. Scant 2 3 4 5 6 {REI IT GI es 2 ae a mee! ord 2 i 2 i 2 This is called eut time, count two instead of four, unless © played slowly. = eg « 2 5 » 2 cant 23 4 2 zt Rete te none a Standing and Sitting Positions for Playing On this page are shown illustrations of standing and sitting positions for playing: the guitar. tudy them carefully before prooweding to the actual playing of the instrument as it will avoid the pose [ities of acquiring improper playing positions THE STANDING POSITION THE SITTING POSITION Tuning the Guitar ‘There are different ways of tuning the guitar. The first thing to do is to acquire the cor: reot pitch and learn to tune from a piano, if one is available. ‘The strings of the guitar are 2 to a piano in following manner: ‘Tune E or 6th string to this note, using Bass Clef. Aordth Dor 4th Gora = Bor 2nd Bor Ast ——: : They are, however, written in the followings manner. This, it will be nuticed, to be an octave lower then the’ notes sound. Bor én AorSth Dor 4th GorSra___Bor2nd___Bor ist = en = z > Another way of tuning is by the use of a pitch pipe Which may be bought at any first class mas store. However, one of the most common ways, is to tune from the lower B or 6th string: T) Farely guts out of tune. If the lower E is tuned to the proper pitch, the remainder of the strings m be tumed from it as follows: Place the finger at the Bth fret on the lower E string. ‘The note ths formed is an A anri tune the next or Sth string to that. ‘Then, place the finger on the Sth fret of the and the note thus formed is a D. Be careful in turning the Keys that the string be mot made too tie’ or it will break. A good way is to hum each tone as wanted and then carefully set the string te match that tone. After the 4th or D string is tuned, hold down the Sth fret of that string and tune the G stringy to that. Hold the G down at the 4th fret and tune B or 2nd string and huld the Bat th th fet and tune the fst or E string, Now place the plectrum between the thumb and first finger of the right hand. Do 1 hold-tootightly. This cut shows about the proper size of the plectrum. An explana from a teacher will be of great assistance. Lesson in Open String Reading Répeat names of strings while playing” them. Strike each string down. This is the down stroke sign=— 1 na 1Z = =e ee ee f 7 7 f ZA 2 es st = + ‘Use both: down and up strokes in this exervise. Notice the fou-foor time. This is the up stroke sig: greet 2 == == ae = = eee aaa SSeS Se, Do tot arch the wrist very much. Strike firmly but not loud Avoid harshness at all times. This exercise introduces striking two or mon: notes simultaneously, Use all down strokes. 2 gee SSS eae S88. Scale and Lesson for Reading of Notes Each fret on the guitar is one-half tone. ‘The sealé here shown shows the location of natural tenes which are the first to be used by the student. ‘The O indicates an open string. ‘The num- bers above the notes shows what finger of the left hand is to hold down the strings. The num- bers underneath the notes indicates the frets at which the strings are held down. Always hold the string down firmly, in order to obtain a clear tone. Notes on E string [A string [D string B string cr ann clp s Killa a G atring | Botrng Notes ee oro, ea Fegers Frets The above notes should be named as played: BF G ABC Deete. The student in this manner will Seen be able to promptly name every note and become a good reader, Exercises on Different Strings ‘The following exercises are given to show the location of the different notes on each string. Sta- @ Chromatic Polka Nothing: is more attractive than chromatic runs well played. Study correctly and use an alter - nate down and up stroke as marked. nA gngkap 0 na DATA nm Aen, he 4 tage America Count 4, 2 3 "a of theo, sweet Inad of | Lib-ormty, of thee Tsing My conn brys at Dane ‘pit TLandwhere my fe-thers ded! Land of the PilgrinlepridalFrom ev'ry mountainside, Let freedom ag. > How Gentle God’s Commands a = dt fat ‘Am I Not Fondly Thine Own zz BH Ea": non ert mole at 2 & Count Pek » 27 te f ‘The STONE FOLIO, a collection of selected familiar melodies, easy afFanged for the Guitar. Play- able as Bolo,Duet or Tro, may be wed tm advantage in conection with this method. Published by sim Nicomede Music Co. 48 Broken Chord Studies ‘The term broken chord is used when the chord is not played in full with one stroke bunt is broke fen up into separate parts and played a nol or two at a time. ‘Ine letter uuder the chord names the chord ere t # ra com 1&2@3648 F & Keasnoe =O é ied E = a hn c Key of G Where u symbol of a chord (letter) is given, tat chera cortienes util another symbols. written. . = t é Br Exercise to Develope Speed * This exercise inroducms sixteenth notes. Study aud observe carefully sruke marks. Gradually work up toa Pat tempo waka : Bayt aa nh 3 Bint 1 nan em ae Plectrum Studies Nothing: is more essential to an expert than the correct manipulation of the right hand in play- a plectrum instrument. Your teacher ‘will assure you of this. Use all alternate strokes and work ep to a rapid speed. Com 1& 28344 4 Frets Exercise in G (Gig Rest) — j ay The Man On the Flying Trapeze Guitar Solo (ett words) Study this number under the guidance of a teacher. Symbols are given for instruments of accom paniment. Vike an old coat that is tat-tered amd torn, I was left in this T T fide world to weep und to mom, Be - trayed by a girl, in her f triedall 1 know her to please. But 1 nev—er could pleaseher one 1 Es or t t qoar-ter so well, As the man on the Fly - ing tra - eve. CHORUS up He flies through the air with the greatest of ease, This dar- ing young 7 Aileen man on the fly - ing tra - peze, His move-ments are all girls he does please,And my love he has stolen a = way. Still Advancing March ‘This number is written in Cut Time and should be played in lively tempo. An explanation from the teacher on Gut Time is in order. eae 5 nana anis ERED A-T3 Exercise in Triplets ‘A triplet is a group of three notes of the same value, but played in the time of two of the same notes. ‘They are usually played with a down-up-down stroke as in the first exercise, Further explanation from a teacher will make this better understood cut 1 23 6 Triplets in Chord Arpeggios Glide the pleotrum over the triplet in one smooth stroke. This is the Gl le stroke sign= =n, se a nca-n 3 a meno FE Fa _ ee 2 tg a, LpAn eet a on] Another Triplet Study Observe the slur followed by an up stroke. ome Chording in Cut Time mat time. Nearly all of ‘until pronounced satis - ompaniment in is is a good example of playing an ai tudy this exe lar Fox trots are played in cut time. Factory by the teacher. e268 There’s Music in the Air a chord is composed of half notes, tremolo the top note only. Andante (som) alia Malia) Wh mand Count 4 2 3 '¢ Sharpshooters March ‘This isa popular melody and is arranged as Bass Solo. Practice it diligently. Memorizeit, nino-n rete! ga PT A Group of Etudes This group is written for the purpose of developing: speed in the execution of single note pass~ ages. Note the fingering for the left hand in particular when, a figure is uncer a note, that,tsuah ly represents an open string. As an illustration note, the figure 4 under the note G. Tn the second measure of the first Btuee, This G must be played at the 5th fret on the 4th string, thus per- nitting the plectrum to make an allemate down and up streke which is necessary ere to obtain the proper speed, Notice the glides of the plecirum. Study the first Binde carefully and the others will not be hard to understand, as the principle of the handling of the plectrum is the same in each Btode Moderato na renin Ben Amen A nA a mA no MAnA anna Cunt T&2E3&4ag 1% vr neon A nana Allegretto ee SON unis ta Uae a eee Rondo Style 2 Old Black Joe _ Guitar Solo Use a single stroke in this Guitar Solo. If is advisable that this mumber be memorized. jean CHORUS, ead Etude ‘This is a finsexample of a speed study, Study carefully and pay close attention to the stroke markings 4 renka ADA pant ae tin oA eee soe 2 eo == sae oe — — ——_ = Sint tise teaesaa [¢ C2 ONGEGTIGIG ererg7 2g a GIEGr GE $F 6 © Gt GE GT G DOP CLS EL AREER DIG ODE d Technical Studies "The stadent is urged to stady carefully the stroke marks given in each exercise. ‘The teacher should insist that the study be correctly played Com 1626364 oe ‘ acme! Pea nen Oo 7 Syncopation. Play all notes as per pattern given in measures showing: stroke marks: A Fox Trot Vamping . | ‘This is an example of Nick Lucas? style of playing modern guitar accompaniment. Frequently review this study until correctly mastered. i pe i finn 9 Ono nana Ker Don Be ‘This scale is played in the 2nd position. Observe the first finger being played at the second fret. SCALE Fiogens Frets Broken Chords in Key of D ‘Study this exercise and gradually work up to a faster speed. non-n penn Cont rézese + = Easy Fox Trot ‘This is a chorus and it Is written in the modern popular song style. Repeat several times un 181 it is correctly played, nA The Spanish Cavalier Fox trot Guitar Duet D, HENDRICKSON Moderato z ¢ 2 Sole : Bec, = = Ta see NOTE: Al the dnertion of the fence the rodent ald writ the spb of anny to the guiae asmmpeat 9 Tremolo Study f Tnstrictiom: regarding the varions tremolo’ signs are here given. All whole noscs, half notes | and dotted ques antes*are wally tenoloet pecially if used ina single note melody site ae inthe folowing. example. Massas in the Cold, Cold Ground oan 1 < + ss hint 126 Thad | nf Serenade The slur sign is used to designate notes that are to be tremoloed and is usually fiund over a passage of several motes. Tt is a curved line written over the notes and the tremolo should be con - tinuous for the entire length of the mote. The following example illustrates this more clearly, Some writers use the double bar across the stem of a note to illustrate the tremolo thus: g. In the fol- lowing selection, tremolo the slurred notes and those marked on the stems, now 2 = F Count 123 456 pees Other Signs | If a note has ane stroke across the stem, it must be played down and up. Thus: f=? tent The note also fs often marked with two dats over it. ‘Thus: # When a note marked with fwo bars across the stem or if it has four dots over, it is played, down-up-down-up. Thus: B= Pep r Exercise "This tn a triky omereise nd the teacher will find it of much value to inure careful reading of Pee ‘The PREMIER FOLIO, a collection of choice Guitar Solos and Duets can be used to advantage in connection with this method, published by Nicomede Musie Co. 30 Happy Rastus Jig At the discretion of the teacher, the student may study and play both parts im this duct. Guitar Solo or Duet NICK LUCAS Solo Bee. L- Key of A ‘This is a beautiful key owing to the ease with which the open bass stringy may be used. ‘The signature carries three sharps. SCALE Foages 28 Bee. re =z a —— miatmles Pir tga. 2 amen aL ase CHORDS 2 2 1: oe Bee i a Mal | Primo Waltz ‘This is a beautiful and melodious study in double notes. Observe tha correct fingering. Veno | Fox trot Guitar Solo As played by Nick Lucas JOS. W. NICOMEDE Key of B Minor 1. Both keyg have the same signature. ‘This key is. the relative of D ¥ SCALE ———— = Se Ree nt ee a CHORDS FET Brnigor Binge E minor Minor Chant Largo fray slow) on Ar. ? ‘Tremolo movement as Ace ‘ion of choies Guitar Solos can be used to advantage in con - lished by Nicomede Music Co. BERTY FOLIO, a coll this method, Key of E ‘The signature in the key of E Major includes four sharps. SCALE Finges_e z ale 4 ge : = = ie ——— = Frets Sar ye ee ot ee cHoRDS B A Ea & el es ee 7 Be 2g = | | + Key of F ‘This is the relative Major of the D Minor. SCALE =o Frets Gg: = CHORDS F 1 Prelude = Key of D Minor This is the relative Minor of the F Major ott 36 RR Fascinating Waltz Guitar Selo Use a down stroke on all half notes as well as chords non v4- a nen nina } Plectrum Studies Observe the alternate strokes. Practice until played at a fair speed. On pA oan” 7 Arpeggio Strokes ‘The teacher will ilustrate this stroke which is very showy. remenes fete, A n 4 ‘ © ot Cross Strokes Notfco plectrum signs. Study them as they are rather effective. ns 38 Grace Waltz This number illustrates Grace notes, Slurs, Slides and_the Snap. A grace note (b) is placed be- fore another note (there may be more than one grace note J? or [71 or }') and is used as an embellish- ment or ormantation of the picoe. ‘They are played very brightly, with ennugh rapidity as net to rab the larger note of sny of its' time, |A slur, as illustrated in this umber, Is a note made Ty dropping the finger with force upon the string and sounding the note in that manner without striking it again. The dropping of the finger sounds the note. ‘The slide is made by sliding: the finger rapidly from one note to another, whieh causes a very pleasing: sound, particularly on strings of wire. ‘The snap is made by drawing” the finger off of the string and snapping the tone with that finger of the left hand. ‘The assistance of a teacher will make this study clearer. ‘Mederato non ge n (Cie) (Saag) Sia) (Snap) a (Suz) (Grave notes) (ice ide a) Reading Notes in the Positions se ears ee ta tal Noe! fared oe eases wentar eon cay oe Mice cis oi ae Fins oc a Ss stg” fetes pte phe be. Mwol2ss15 6789 Dn wn wos 76545 24 b | Notes found on. 3rd string. 45678 90n BH 098 765 Notes found on 4th string. Notes found on 5th string. o oh ee Foe fod oO she a — = Z oF # ew is leis, cd ¥ Po a eee oe ae ee Key of Bb This key, while more difficult to play than the previous keys, is used considerable in the mod em orehestra. Study it carefully SCALE Cees ete oes th aes ese CHORDS Bb Bb FT Bb Fete agate 0s 4 HE ne a Key of G Minor o ‘This is the relative to Bb Major SCALE Fingers 3 tac ious 23 (4-0) CHORDS: G Minor © Minar Dit G Minor Frets ao EY Melody in G Minor Andante (sin) sina 40 Benjamin Blues Guitar Solo or Duct Fox trot Pupil may play either part, at tne suggestion of the teacher. JOS. W. NICOMEDE CHORUS Key of Eb SCALE ase Figen, : ss pepe ee 4 = —— 4 pas Sal es. Sa a eee ee ee CHORDS Give these chords considerable practice. Eb, Ab ie ¢ ¢ Th te 2 ¢ 2 = ES eae : - a - "nee : tee Key of C Minor SCALE ot a eee Pagers a oy pk te te 3 = ee t Frets 3 o ‘. 3 o 2 ot See 1 3 * CHORDS cine Tans rh, Gato ees easily mastered. Key of Ab ‘These flat keys are important, although considered difficult, a tare) * = : SCALE z St SS = Frets Seen aars eet nd CHORDS Byrth Key ‘This key is the relative to Ab Major of F Minor rae A carai pbs a = SS SS Lia ee CHORDS = a oe =e sat aa 43 Buy a Broom tar Solo or Duct Gut Waltz Arranged by Nick Lucas Ana Rudy Guitar Duet eae ‘This unaber may also be played as a solo moog A JOS. W: NICOMEDE (E12th fet) CHORUS 4 At the Races Guitar Duet March [AL the discretion of the teacher, the student should write the symbols of harmony to the gui - tar accompaniment. WILL. D. MOYER Ppl Teacher Modulations Practice this exercise carefully, using a fox trot rhythm, These modulations are a few ex - Genplis of the many used in modern orchestras. Key of C Zee Key of C Waltz === 3s a T * Los Fox trot tempo ‘ asc SS Est oS=55 = ‘Waltz tempo 48 Orchestra Style Obligato As played by Nick Lucas Fox Trot tempo mp | Fe SPECIAL CHORUS > | | ss = | | | Key of F{ Minor fe ‘This is the relative key to A Major. The signature for both keys is the same. et SCALE aed aaa £ Sa —— a Sung FFF be Tu eer peor eee ve pase qe cons Fats 2 CHORDS Hoe, Brinor cen Heiser Key of Ct Minor Fees Fes * oT #2 Se oe A diminished ‘7th chord may be named from any note played in the chord. = ‘An augmented chord may be 4b 3 Augmented Chor HH ned from any note played in the chord. a 1g} By moving to various po- sitions, the 9th ehords may be i made in the same formation in any key By barring the first four strings as in this diagram, any of the minor ‘th chords may be made arm ti - chords of the 9th 9 arn To; Minor 7th Chords 2 Six String Chords Chords on the Guitar may be played with all of the six strings. Such chords are known as SIX STRING CHORDS. Six string chords are most effective when played in the modern dance orchestra. Sev- eralsix string chords with diagrams and correet fingering are here given. Study each chord and memorize by naming all chords as played Observe that the chords are movable and that a new chord is obtainable at every fret. An ex- planation from the teacher on this subject will be of great benefit. Six string chords will be further shown in volume two of this method. MAJOR CHORDS This form of tix sing major chords i extansively ws, a 4 ‘TWO OTHER FORMS ‘Two additional forms of major chords are hare given ps eee ee: ae Fa SEVENTH CHORDS er Sa paee i fe i Bee ts Ba Hi THREE OTHER FORMS ‘Three additional forms of seventh chords are Rere given. Pr yo he a yom wy Be i TWO FORMS OF MINOR CHORDS ‘The following are two of the most popular forma of minor chords. Fate ea. ag aga ou Dap fo F fa, ee ; DIMINISHED AND AUGMENTED CHORDS ‘The following are the most effective diminished and angmented chords. A diminished cr augmented chord may be named from aay tote played inthe chord. agentes A b rT bi Six String Chord Studies et ‘The following: studies will include many of the most used six string chords. Practice each study carefully until all chords are fingered readily and memorized. Fox Trot tempo Ge mae eee EP ite (break) gp festa il fied Slow, Blue Fox Trot tempo rhinos by = Sebi i= Hed Hi ilies NOTE: This is a chord of tho sinth and may be played also without the fowest or 6th string, % Chords with loss than six strings may Ue played also effectively. See note) . Just A Cottage JIMMY KENNEDY Duet Arn by Nick Lucas smpaniment in the duet contains six string guitar chords as played in orchestras. The melody may be played by different instruments such as Mandolin,Violin,Tenor Banjo,C Saxophone, ete. CHORUS Tempo di Valse Melody. 3 E : 58 Little Rose JIMMY KENNEDY Duet ‘Arr. by Nick Lucas ‘The Guitar Accompaniment in this number contains many sixstring chords. Master these chords as they are a good example of modern orchestral Guitar Chord Playing in Fox Trot tempo. CHORUS, ‘Tempo di Fox Trot oo Melody =e 5 Margaret Guitar Solo Waltz JOS. W. NICOMEDE @ CHORUS ex Varsity Blues Guitar Solo. NICK LUCAS crm o Dim. G7 CAN ce = Bod ns Pee Ay © Dr anc ae SIX ORIGINAL NICK LUCAS GUITAR SOLOS, a choice collection of typical Nick Lucas style plocirum Guitar Solos, published by Nicomede Music Go. Flappers Trot Guitar Solo Fox. trot Do not play too fast. Uhe a down stroke glide ovr three strings. NICK LUCAS mene-n Aon a a iv a 4 aAnmK o br iy Ey A soe Crazy Quilt Guitar Solo ee Moderato NICK LUCAS noo 1 nna —_ Pepe a ee oy Sees nf im BT Een Em ss Ge Ta see noted % Foam. a Fc iS ce F Fm © a oc o © (See note) CODA ad fb. — atc. ms JROTE: These are aurmented chords, the fifth interval in each being sharped. 58. You Played With My Heart Song with Guitar Ace. As played by Nick Lucas JIMMY KENNEDY Introduction Popular Song Writer ‘Waltz tempo Guitar re a on Voice Some-times in | fun, things wilt be | done, em Guitar ache, Tn a | eare-less C#1See note) E Youve |) fied with my |oeart tr he ime, youve |made just a NOTE: This is an augmented chord. now T can see tans your were [fend But [now Bb D7 mee ca to |be, You'we| played with my |heart for the ch FE last cl gone from You've Te yo FBR Bhm ; | SPEGIAL CHORUS— to be played at the end of the first verse and chorus. Guitar an Le, ‘This number, “You Played With My Heart” is taken from the WONDER SONG BOOK, a Colleo- tion of comical and sentimental songs. Published by, Nicomede Musie Co, am 60 Gold Diggers Fox trot NICK LUCAS Moderato ke eee Anieend } Fn ee ee) Ba Be En ee ee uampeo ancren! yy pen age i % Wry bo oo P oo oe Fo Fo Fc OF © t! NOTE: These chords belong to the 9th and are not difficult if given a Hille study. Warm Breezes A Blue Fox trot Guitar Solo NICK LUCAS capt eet Ot ters Nae om na a = as Le! S& fal remetL enn D rent cr 7 & owns Cholla Tango Guitar Solo NIOK LUCAS an fi, ir nn inka (See note) °°? Apnon D Ao ton Tinnins 5 = NOTE: Start this moasuce with aa up stooke a8 murked. Drag Your Feet Guitar Solo Novelty Fox trot NICK LUCAS Slow and steady S$non man mf Vis. Vb. Pm Vi, ® J {Gee note) bane. (Sie) c OF sal Kine TRIO “ ae: then Trio Ay | | fiSturand tit fogs) (Stor) copa i Diim. Bo NOTE: Observe the vibrato (eB) ae marked. Flay with qulek motion of te finger 10 and fo Bootlegger’s Blues : Fox trot Guitar Solo NICK LUCAS Ey v7 qo {ENDING ad tis cicdp 6G cme Lf NOTE Snap pull string with finger of tefl. heod. a Continued in Yotume 2

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