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SAP S/4HANA Fully Activated Appliance Demo Guide PUBLIC

June 2023 (V1.8)


SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS02 – 2021 Fully Activated Appliance:

Group Reporting
Demo Guide
Table of Contents

Where Can This Script Be Used? 4

Demo Story — Group Reporting 5

1 Manage Consolidation master data 5
1.1 Consolidation Group master data 5
1.2 Consolidation unit master data 8
1.3 Assign consolidation unit to Consolidation group 9

2 Group Reporting for SAP S/4HANA Companies 11

2.1 Set Global Parameters 11
2.2 Upload/post journal entries during the month. 11
2.3 Perform data monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies 13
2.4 Perform consolidation monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies 18

3 Group reporting for non-SAP entities 22

3.1 Set up Group structure 22
3.2 Initial consolidation 22
3.3 Full consolidation 31
3.4 Subsequent Consolidation 34

4 Group Reporting - Matrix Consolidation 37

4.1 Create hierarchies for additional Master Data 37
4.2 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis View by Profit Centers 38
4.3 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis view by Consolidation Unit 39
4.4 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis view by Segment 40

5 Reporting 42
5.1 Balance Sheet (B/S) Reports 42
5.2 P&L by nature of expense 43
5.3 Cash Flow Statement 45

6 Group Reporting for SAP S/4HANA Companies – Add a new custom field 47
6.1 Creating Your Own Custom fields 47
6.2 Set Global Parameters 48
6.3 Upload/post journal entries during the month. 49
6.4 Perform data monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies 50
6.5 Perform consolidation monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies 50
6.6 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis View by Custom Fields 51

7 Group Reporting for SAP S/4HANA Companies – Integrated Intercompany Matching & Reconciliation 52
7.1 Set Global Parameters 52
7.2 Upload/post journal entries during the month. 53
7.3 Perform Data Monitor tasks 54
7.4 Schedule Matching Run Jobs 57
7.5 Reconciliation Status Overview 58
7.6 Manage Reconciliation Close (with workflow) 61
7.7 Display Reconciliation Report 64
Document History

Revision Date Change

1.0 December 2020 Release for customer 2020 FPS00

1.1 April 2021 Release for customer 2020 FPS01

1.2 July 2021 Release for customer 2020 FPS02

1.3 December 2021 Release for customer 2021 FPS00

1.4 March 2022 Release for customer 2021 FPS01

1.5 July 2022 Release for customer 2021 FPS02

1.6 November 2022 Release for customer 2022 SP00

1.7 April 2023 Release for customer 2022 FPS01

1.8 June 2023 Release for customer 2022 FPS02

Where Can This Script Be Used?

This demo script has been written for usage with the SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS02 – 2021 (all FPS) Fully-Activated Appliance (in
short “appliance” in this script), hence you will need such an appliance to make use of this guide.
The appliance can be brought up in two ways, and the demo scenario in this script is largely the same for both:

1. Via SAP Cloud Appliance Library (hosted on cloud providers)

You need a cloud provider account at AWS, MS Azure, or GCP. With this, you can deploy the appliance within 1-2 hours from > Solutions > SAP S/4HANA (your preferred FPS) Fully- Activated Appliance.
2. Via installing it on your own on-premise hardware.
You need to provide your own hardware, and order & install the appliance as explained in SAP Note 2041140.

If you are new to the SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance, introductory information can be found here:

Before you start your demo, please read SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance: Demo Scripts for information about necessary
preparations, especially any post-deployment steps to ensure the full functionality of your appliance. These steps are covered in
B) General Remarks
C) Post-deployment Steps
D) Log-on to the system
Besides this, you will also find links to all demo scripts on this page.

Demo Story — Group Reporting

For over 30 years, our customers have trusted us to help them run their group close process covering data
collection, consolidation, analysis, and publication. Today, we are building the consolidation software of the
Intelligent Enterprise. From a functional/process perspective, S/4HANA Finance for Group Reporting draws from
our heritage solutions for consolidation.
The main values added with the new S/4HANA Finance for Group Reporting:
• Simplify your architecture – S/4HANA Finance for Group Reporting is fully embedded into S/4 HANA.
What does that mean? It means it’s automatically installed with SAP S/4HANA whether it’s used or not.
It’s fully contained in the S/4HANA Database and in memory capabilities. It has the same UI, same
security, and same reporting capabilities. This all leads to large improvements in TCO as the installation,
setup and processes are greatly simplified.
• Unify Local Close and Group Close – This unification with Group Reporting improves data quality and
accelerates your group close process, while enhancing transparency and auditability using drill-through
capabilities from group reporting to the operational accounting journals.
• Continuous Accounting helps shorten your close – You can perform preliminary consolidation tasks and
reporting as often as required on any day of the month. The Universal Journal represents the single source
of truth while at the same time streamlining reconciliations and ensuring instant availability of the most
current data.

1 Manage Consolidation master data

1.1 Consolidation Group master data

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app

Consolidation Groups –
Create and Change or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Consolidation Master Data
section and choose the

Consolidation group Create

app displays.

To create a new Cons.

Group, enter the name of
the new Group, we will use
for example CG6 and press

To edit/display an existing
Group enter the
Consolidation group name
and select
Group>> Change/Display.

What to Do What You Will See
Consolidation Group Create
app is displayed.

Maintain Group details in

the Master data tab:
• Consolidation

Currency field will be

automatically completed
based on the Ledger setup.
You will need to create
multiple ledgers in your
system if you consolidate
consolidation groups in
different currencies. Each
ledger can be managed in
one ledger currency only.

Assign Validation Methods

in the Methods tab:

Select Task ID:

2980 – Consolidated Data

Click on Change

What to Do What You Will See

Then choose <click to add>

in order to assign the
Consolidation group
created in the last step to
the Valuation method:

Press Enter

Assign the validation

Method SRD1

Save the new created/

changed Consolidation

1.2 Consolidation unit master data

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Define

Consolidation Units or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Consolidation Master Data
and choose the app.

When creating a
consolidation unit following
details are to be considered:
Local Currency
Sender local currency=
Local currency
Translation method =Y0901
– standard translation
Universal Journal Integration
= Transfer from Universal

Display the details for the

already created
consolidation unit.

1.3 Assign consolidation unit to Consolidation group

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Manage
Group Structure – Group
View or as an alternative,
navigate to the
Consolidation Master Data
group of apps and choose
the app.

Manage Consolidation
Group Structure app
In the top section of the
screen, maintain filters for
Consolidation Version and
Consolidation Group and
press GO.
Under the Search filters, the
Consolidation Units
assigned, if any, to the CG6
group are displayed.

From this screen, you can:

edit or create consolidation
• To edit an existing
Consolidation Unit, select
the line’s the arrow icon
on the right.

• To assign a new
consolidation unit to CG6
group, select the Assign
button above the list.

Save your changes.

What to Do What You Will See

Both consolidation units

need to be assigned

2 Group Reporting for SAP S/4HANA Companies

2.1 Set Global Parameters

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Set

Global Parameters or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Consolidation Settings and
choose the app.

A Global parameters dialog

box displays.

Make the following entries:

Cons. Group: CG6
Version: Y10
Fiscal Year: 2022
Period: 12
Cons. Chart/Acct: Y1

Then choose Continue. –

this step will take you to the
home page.

2.2 Upload/post journal entries during the month.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Upload

General Journal Entries or as
an alternative, navigate to
the Journal Entries app
group and choose the app.

From the Upload General

Journal Entries, you can
download the journal
template which will then be
filled in and uploaded.

What to Do What You Will See

JournalEntry_Template .XLSX
template is embedded in this
document at the end of this
table for your use.

Once the app is open,

choose the format for the

After updating the template

with the journal entry values,
return to the Upload General
Journal Entries app.

Select the Browse button

and navigate to the location
of the template file and
choose Open in the dialog
box to upload the file.

To post the spreadsheet

content, select all items
displayed and choose Post
from the bottom of the view.

What to Do What You Will See

Template sample


2.3 Perform data monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Data

Monitor or as an alternative,
go to the Consolidation Data
Preparation and choose the

The Data Monitor app is

Right click on the group line
and select Open period.

Run the Release Universal

Journal task in test and then
in update run mode.

Select the box for this task

and with right click chose
Run in Test mode or in
Update mode.

What to Do What You Will See

The Release Universal

Documents screen is
Select both entities and click
on Release universal

A pop-up window will be

displayed. Confirm the
release of the reported
financial data by selecting
the Continue button.

Check the lines displayed.

You should have the journal
entries uploaded into the
system from the previous
Return to the previous
screen and select the Save
button to complete the
Release journal entries task.
Release journal entries is
possible only in update
mode (not in test).

Release of Reported
financial data was
processed successfully.

Return to the Data monitor

screen and note that the
task status is now changed
to released

What to Do What You Will See
Select the Balance
Carryforward task and with a
right click, chose Update

The balance was carried

forward successfully.

Return to the previous

Release journal entries task
status changed to

Perform the task again in

update mode.

Run the Validation Universal

Journals task in test and
update mode.

The validation of the

universal documents was
completed successfully.

The status of the task was

changed in the data

What to Do What You Will See

Run the Calc. Net Income

task in test and update

The task was completed


In case of an amount
difference that could not be
transferred, compare data
between ACDOCA and
ACDOCU to find the account
number that was not

Once the corresponding

account number for the
balance has been found,
check if the account has
been mapped to an FS
(Financial Statement) item.

Search for the App Map FS

Items with G/L Accounts.

Check if the identified

Account number is mapped
using the search function.

If the Account number

cannot be found in this list,
chose the Edit button, and

What to Do What You Will See
then create a new
assignment (+).

Insert the Account number

and the corresponding FS

Save your changes.

Run the Reported Data

Validation task in Test and
Update mode.

In the Manage Data

Validation tasks screen
select both entities and
chose the Validate button.

The task was completed


Run the Currency

Translation task in test and
update mode.

For entity 1010 this task is

not applicable as LC= GC.

The currency translation

task was completed

You may check the result in

the detailed log.

What to Do What You Will See

Run the Standardized Data

Validation task in test and
update mode.

In the Manage Data

Validation tasks screen
select both entities and
chose Revalidate button.

The task was completed`


2.4 Perform consolidation monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app

Consolidation Monitor or as
an alternative, go to the
Consolidation Process and
choose the app.

What to Do What You Will See
You can navigate to this app
directly from the Data
Monitor app by choosing
Consolidation Monitor

In the Consolidation monitor

view, right-click the IC Elim
Gross Profit task and choose
Update Run.

The task was completed


In the Consolidation monitor

view, right-click the IC Elim
Other income/Expense task
and choose Update Run.

The task was completed


In the Consolidation monitor

view, right-click the
Dividends Elimination task
and choose Update Run.

The task was completed


In the Consolidation monitor

view, right-click the IC Elim
Balance Sheet task and
choose Update Run.

The task was completed


What to Do What You Will See

In the Consolidation monitor

view, right-click the
Preparation Cons Group
Change task and choose
Update Run.

The task was completed


In the Consolidation monitor

update the Calculate Group
Shares task.

The task was completed


In the Consolidation monitor

view, right-click the
Investments/Equity elimin.
task and choose Update

The task was completed

successfully. Check the log
for further details.

What to Do What You Will See
In the Consolidation monitor
view, right-click the
Consolidated Data Validation
task and choose Update

In the Manage Data

Validation tasks screen
select the group and chose
Revalidate button.

The task was completed

successfully. Select the
arrow for further details.

Return to the Consolidation

monitor and check that all
required tasks were
successfully performed.

There are some manual

tasks which are not required
to be run periodically. For
example, Total Divestiture
should be used when selling
an entity from the Group.

3 Group reporting for non-SAP entities

3.1 Set up Group structure

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Manage

Group Structure – Group
view or as an alternative,
navigate to the
Consolidation master data
and choose the app.

In the Manage Group

Structure – Group app
assign required Cons. units
to your group.
Furthermore, maintain the
Consolidation Methods:
• M2200 as Parent
(Direct Share) and
• M2202- M2208 as
Purchase method
(Direct Share)
• M2205 as Equity
method (direct

3.2 Initial consolidation

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
Launchpad. User:
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app

Data Monitor or as an
alternative, go to the
Consolidation Data
Preparation and
choose the app.

What to Do What You Will See
In the Data monitor
app, click on the Global
parameters button.
In the pop-up window,
maintain the Global
• Consolidation
group, for
• Version: A22
• Your fiscal
year: for
• Your period:
for example, 1
• Cons. COA: Y1

In the Data Monitor

app, right-click the
status icon for the Bal
Cfwd (Balance
Carryforward) task and
select Update.

The balance was

carried forward

Chose the Back button

to return to the Data
Monitor screen.
Execute the Data
collection task.
With this step, data
from an external excel
file will be uploaded in
SAP for further
consolidation steps.
Download the Sample
Link to Sample File:
file and adjust it
What to Do What You Will See
accordingly to your
group structure.
Edit the file in Notepad
and replace “XX” with
the first 2 digits from
your cons. unit, for
example “20”.
In the Enter transfer
data screen, select the
upload button.
On the Flexible Upload
of Reported financial
data app, maintain the
parameters for the
upload file:

• Upload
method: SRD2
• Physical path
• File format:

Choose Execute.

Check Data Collection

Task Log.

The upload was


In the Data Monitor

view, right-click the
Calc. Net Income task
and choose Update

The task was


What to Do What You Will See

In the Data Monitor

view, right-click the
Reported Data
Validation task and
choose Update Run.

The task was


In the Data monitor

view, right-click the
Currency Translation
task and choose
Update Run.

The task was


The currency
translation task is valid
only for units that have
a different currency
than the Group

What to Do What You Will See

In the Data Monitor

view, right-click the
Standardized Data
Validation task and
choose Update Run.

The task was


Select one line to

display further
validation details.

Return to Data Monitor

view and choose the
Consolidation Monitor

In the Consolidation
Monitor view, right-
click the IC Elim Sales
task and choose
Update Run.

What to Do What You Will See
For example, the
consolidation unit
M2200 has the inter-
unit Sales of goods
(account 411100) of
420 with the partner
unit M2206 and is
eliminated against the
Changes in inventory
(account 412100).

In the Consolidation
Monitor view, right-
click the IC Elim
Income/ Expense task
and choose Update

In the Consolidation
monitor view, right-
click the Dividends
Elimination task and
choose Update Run.

From the log we can

see that the Internal
Dividend (account
What to Do What You Will See
603000) is eliminated
against the Retained
Earnings account

In the Consolidation
Monitor view, right-
click the IC Elim
Balance Sheet task
and choose Update

In the Consolidation
Monitor view, right-
click the Preparation
Cons Group Change
task and choose
Update Run.

What to Do What You Will See
Record type E=Record
type on which the
adjustment is posted
during First

In the Consolidation
Monitor, update the
Calculate Group

Group Direct shares

are calculated.

These percentages
were uploaded when
we run Data collection

What to Do What You Will See
In the Consolidation
Monitor view, right-
click the
elimin task and choose
Update Run.

In the Consolidation
Monitor, update the
Consolidated Data
Validation task.

In the Consolidation
Monitor view, right-
click the Consolidated
Data Validation task
and choose Update

What to Do What You Will See
Return to Fiori
Launchpad and search
Group Data Analysis

Run the report to verify

consolidated data with
expected outcomes.

3.3 Full consolidation

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Data
Monitor or as an alternative,
go to the Consolidation Data
Preparation and choose the

In the Data monitor app,

click on the Global
Parameters button.
In the pop-up window
maintain the Global
• Enter your
group, for
example CGR02
• Version: A22
• Your Fiscal year: for
example, 2022
• Your period: 02
• Consolidation COA:

What to Do What You Will See
Chose the Back button to
return to the Data Monitor
Execute Data Collection task
in update mode.
Download the sample file
and adjust it accordingly to
your group structure.
Edit the file in Notepad and
replace “XX” with the first 2
digits from your cons. unit,
for example “22”
The upload was completed

In the Data Monitor screen,

right-click the Calc. Net
Income task and select
Update Run.

In the Data Monitor screen,

update the Reported Data
Validation task.

In the tab Show Result

Analysis screen, click

What to Do What You Will See

In the Data Monitor screen,

right-click the Standardized
Data Validation task and
select Update Run.

Return to Data Monitor

screen and select the row of
each task and choose Block
to block each task.

What to Do What You Will See
Return to Fiori Launchpad
and search Group Data
Analysis app.

Run the report to verify

consolidated data with
expected outcomes.

3.4 Subsequent Consolidation

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Data
Monitor or as an alternative,
go to the Consolidation Data
Preparation and choose the

In the Data Monitor app click

on the Global Parameters
In the pop-up window
maintain, the Global
• Enter your consolidation
group, for example
• Version: A22
• Your fiscal year: 2022
• Your period: 03
• Consolidation COA: Y1

What to Do What You Will See
In Data Monitor view,
execute the Data Collection
task in update mode.
Download the sample file
and adjust it accordingly to
your group structure.
Edit the file in Notepad and
replace “XX” with the first 2
digits from your cons. unit,
for example “02”
Note that the upload was
completed successfully.

In the data monitor, right-

click the Calc. Net Income
task and select Update Run.

In the data monitor, update

the Reported Data Validation

In the data monitor, right-

click the Currency
translation task and select
Update Run.

What to Do What You Will See
In the data monitor, right-
click the Standardized Data
Validation task and select
Update Run.

Return to Data Monitor view

select the row of each task
and choose Block to block
each task.

Open Consolidation Monitor

Right click on the cell from
Consolidation Group line
and select Run successive
w/o stop.
Note that all tasks were
completed successfully,
overall group status is
marked in green.

For each task you can

display the last log for
additional details.

Return to Fiori Launchpad

and search Group Data
Analysis app.

Run the report to verify

consolidated data with
expected outcomes.

4 Group Reporting - Matrix Consolidation

Matrix consolidation combines multiple views of consolidated data for legal or management purposes. Data can be analyzed at the
Company / Profit Center/ Segment level using the hierarchies created based on the requirements.
Via Matrix consolidation, SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting supports complex legal requirements for group related postings and
provides re-organization flexibility.
Consolidated master data can be displayed by following different views:
• Group View: built on the group structure which includes consolidated groups and units
• Hierarchy views: built on hierarchies of Profit Centers, Segments and Consolidation units
• Combine different views
Group reporting is transparent, dynamic, and flexible as all views retrieve the same set of consolidated data applied with different
reporting logic. No further task processing is needed if you create a new hierarchy after completion of the Consolidation tasks.
Furthermore, you can create multiple time-dependent hierarchies to analyze data at a certain moment and even simulate data for a
future structure.

For testing purpose, we have created multiple hierarchies into the system:
● By scope and profit centers hierarchy BRD
● By scope and consolidation unit hierarchy Region
● By scope and segment hierarchy SEG

4.1 Create hierarchies for additional Master Data

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Manage
Global Hierarchies or as an
alternative, go to the
Consolidation Master Data
and choose the app.

In the Manage Global

Hierarchies, define a new
Hierarchy for Lines of
Select the + (Create a new
hierarchy) icon.
In the Create New Hierarchy
dialog box, enter the
following parameters:
• Type:
Profit Center
• Hierarchy ID:
• Hierarchy
Description: Lines
of Business

What to Do What You Will See
• Controlling Area:
• Valid From:
• Valid To:
Choose Create.

Maintain nodes and Activate

the Hierarchy.

The Hierarchy content can

also be imported from an
excel file.

4.2 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis View by Profit Centers

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Group

data analysis or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Group reports and choose
the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
window using the values in
the screen shot for the
following fields:
• Version
• Consolidation COA
• Fiscal Year Period,
for example
• Period mode
• Consolidation
for example,
• Consolidation unit
• Profit center
• Segment hierarchy
• Key date

Chose the OK button.

What to Do What You Will See
In the COLUMNS area, keep
only Version, Fiscal year and
Measures in the list.
In the ROWS area keep FS
Item and Profit Center.

Select Profit Center

Eliminated and chose Select
Hierarchy: LOB22.

The Group Data Analysis

report is displayed.
This analysis divides the
results at the brand level by
considering defined profit

4.3 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis view by Consolidation Unit

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Group
Data Analysis with reporting
rules or as an alternative,
navigate to the Group
Reports app group and
choose the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
• Version
• Consolidation COA
• Fiscal Year Period,
for example
• Period mode
• Consolidation
• Consolidation unit
• Profit center
• Segment hierarchy

What to Do What You Will See
• Key Date
Chose the GO button.

In the COLUMNS area, keep

only the Version, Fiscal year,
and Measures in the list.
In the ROWS area, keep FS
Item and Cons Unit

The Group Data Analysis

report is displayed.
This analysis divides the
results at the region level
based on Consolidation

4.4 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis view by Segment

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Group
data analysis or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Group reports and choose
the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
• Version
• Consolidation COA
• Period/year for
example 002/2022
• Period mode
• Consolidation group
• Consolidation unit
• Profit center hierarchy
• Segment hierarchy
Choose the OK button.

What to Do What You Will See
In the COLUMNS area, keep
only the Version, Fiscal year
and Measures in the list.
In the ROWS area keep FS
Item and Segment

The Group Data Analysis

report is displayed.
This analysis divides the
results at segment level.

5 Reporting

5.1 Balance Sheet (B/S) Reports

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Group

data analysis or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Group reports and choose
the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
• Version
• Consolidation COA
• Fiscal Year Period for
example 001/2022
• Period mode
• Key Date
• Consolidation group
• Consolidation unit
• Profit center hierarchy
• Segment hierarchy
Choose the OK button.

The Group Data Analysis

report is displayed.

What to Do What You Will See

Right-click the FS Item fields

in Rows in the navigation
panel and choose Hierarchy
> Select Hierarchy.
Choose the item hierarchy
Y1/GRCAL2023 and choose

The report displays the

balance sheet for the group.

5.2 P&L by nature of expense

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Group

Data Analysis or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Group Reports app group
and choose the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
• Version
• Cons.COA
• Fiscal Year Period, for
example 001/2022
• Period mode
• Key Date
• Cons. group
• Cons. unit hierarchy
• Profit center hierarchy
• Segment hierarchy
Choose the OK button.

What to Do What You Will See
The Group Data Analysis
report is displayed.

Right-click the FS Item and

choose Hierarchy > Select
Choose Item Hierarchy
Y1/GR_PL_23 and choose

The report displays the P&L

for the group.

Drill-down to Original

Click on “Navigate To “and

choose Display Group
Journal Entries with
Reporting Logic.

The Display Group Journal

Entries is displayed.

Select the document

number for further details.

What to Do What You Will See

The Group Journal Entry is


5.3 Cash Flow Statement

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Group

Data Analysis – With
Reporting Rules or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Group Reports and choose
the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
window with the values in
the screenshot:
• Version
• Consolidation COA
• Fiscal Year Period, for
example 001/2022
• Period mode
• Key Date
• Consolidation group
• Consolidation unit
• Profit center hierarchy
• Segment hierarchy
• Rep. Item Hierarchy
What to Do What You Will See
• Reporting rule variant

Choose the OK button.

The Group Data Analysis

With Reporting Rules report
is displayed.

6 Group Reporting for SAP S/4HANA Companies –
Add a new custom field

In this demo, we will enhance Group Reporting by adding a customer-specific field for geographical regions.

For more details on extending Fiori applications, please refer to the demo guide “Extensibility – Fiori custom fields & applications”
Another useful link written from the Group Reporting perspective is

6.1 Creating Your Own Custom fields

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori
User: S4H_EXT
Password: Welcome1

Choose the cc app.

Existing custom fields

are listed.
Choose the (+) Add

As Business Context
choose Group
Reporting: Journal
Entry Item (this will
determine in what apps
you can see these

Set your preferences

regarding the other

Choose Create and


What to Do What You Will See
Choose the UIs and
Reports tab and
choose Enable Usage
and the checkbox for
the Search Relevance
category for the app
areas where you want
the custom field

In our example of the

product master app,
choose Post Group
Journal Entries.

Choose Save.

Choose Publish.
Note: this will take
several minutes until
the status changes to
Published, especially
when you do it for the
very first time.

A new custom field in

the Post Group Journal
Entries app is available.

You can now use this

field in the Post Group
Journal Entries app as
shown before.
If the new field doesn’t
show up immediately,
clear your browser
cache and try again.

6.2 Set Global Parameters

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Set

Global Parameters or as an
alternative, navigate to the
SAP S/4HANA Financial

What to Do What You Will See
Closing Cockpit and choose
the app.
A Global parameters dialog
box displays.

Make the following entries:

Cons. Group: CGR02
Version: A22
Fiscal Year: 2022
Period: 01
Cons.Chart/Acct: Y1

and choose Continue. – this

step will take you to the
home page.

6.3 Upload/post journal entries during the month.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Post

Group Journal Entries or as
an alternative, navigate to
the Post Group Journal
Entries app group and
choose the app.

Before you post an

adjustment, make sure that
the period is opened in the
Data Monitor app.

Select the Create button.

What to Do What You Will See

In the General Data section,

insert the information
Document type: 31
Fiscal Year: 2022
Period: 01
Text : Group
Reclassification (for
Consolidation Group: CGR02

In the Line items section,

insert the information
Line item: 000001
FS item: 123100
Consolidation unit: 1010
Customer region: USD
Amount in Group Currency:

Line item: 000002

FS item: 123100
Consolidation unit: 1710
Customer region: USD
Amount in Group Currency:

Then choose Save or Create.

Now, the document has
been created.

6.4 Perform data monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies

Execute the steps described in chapter 2.3

6.5 Perform consolidation monitor tasks for S/4HANA Companies

Execute the steps described in chapter 2.4

6.6 Consolidation Matrix - Analysis View by Custom Fields

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Group
data analysis or as an
alternative, navigate to the
Group reports and choose
the app.

Maintain the report

parameters in the pop-up
window using the values in
the screen shot for the
following fields:
• Version: A22
• Ledger: Y1
• Consolidation COA:
• Period/year, for
• Period mode: PER
• Consolidation
group: CGR02
• Consolidation unit
• Profit center
• Segment hierarchy
• FS item
• Hierarchy valid on

Chose the OK button.

In the COLUMNS area, keep

only Version, Fiscal year,
Reporting Period, and
Measures in the list.
In the ROWS area, keep FS
Item and Customer region.

Group data analysis is

displayed. We noticed that
the custom field Customer
region, is also displayed.

7 Group Reporting for SAP S/4HANA Companies –
Integrated Intercompany Matching & Reconciliation

7.1 Set Global Parameters

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app
Consistency Check of
Accounting Integration and
click Execute.

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Set
Global Parameters.

What to Do What You Will See
A Global parameters dialog
box displays.

Make the following entries:

Cons. Group: CG6
Version: Y10
Fiscal Year: 2021
Period: 12
Cons. Chart/Acct: Y1

Choose Continue. This step

will take you to the home

7.2 Upload/post journal entries during the month.

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Upload
General Journal Entries or as
an alternative, navigate to
the Journal Entries app
group and choose the app.

From the Upload General

Journal Entries, you can
download the journal
template which will then be
filled in and uploaded.

Choose the format for the


What to Do What You Will See
After updating the template
with the journal entry values,
return to the Upload General
Journal Entries app.

Select the Browse button

and navigate to the location
of the template file and
choose Open in the dialog
box to upload the file.

To post the spreadsheet

content, select all items
displayed and choose Post
from the bottom of the view.

7.3 Perform Data Monitor tasks

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Return to the Home view

and open Data Monitor.

What to Do What You Will See
Right-click the Release
Universal Journal and select
Test Run and update run
Review the line for your
consolidation unit and
review the data list (already
submitted and pending delta
for submission) or delta
mode (pending delta for
submission) using the left or
right buttons.
Choose < (Back) and repeat
this step, right-clicking
Release Universal Journal
and selecting Update run.
Choose the button Release
Universal Documents on the
upper left of the screen to
continue with release of SAP
S/4HANA Accounting data.
On the Release of Universal
Documents for
Consolidation dialog box,
choose Continue.

On the Release of Universal

Documents for
Consolidation dialog box,
choose Continue.

Create a New File and

Download Template.

What to Do What You Will See
Return to Data Monitor
Select the cell for your item
in the Data Coll. -
Milestone/Data Collection
column and choose Test
Run, or right click your item
and choose Update.

Make the following entries:

General selections section:
Consolidation group: CG6
Consolidation Unit: 1710;
File section:
Upload method: SRD2
Physical file name: example
File format: ASC

Choose Execute.
Review the detailed log for
the result.
Choose the < (Back) button
and repeat the previous two
steps after selecting Update

The task is executed

successfully with detailed
log about calculated net
income result.

Return to the Data Monitor.

Select the cell for your item

in the Cal Net Income
column and choose Test
Run, or right click your item
and choose Update.

What to Do What You Will See
Select the cell for your item
in the Reported Data
Validation column and
choose Update Run, or right
click your item and choose

7.4 Schedule Matching Run Jobs

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app Schedule
Matching Run Jobs
Selected the period you
need. For example:
09/20/2022- 11/30/2022

View the document


7.5 Reconciliation Status Overview

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Search for the app
Reconciliation Status

Go to Reconciliation Status
Overview, make the
following entries and choose
Reconciliation Case: SF101
Company: 1710
Period/Year: 011/2022
Hover over the
Reconciliation status bar to
show the detail of how many
partner companies are
reconciled, reconciled within
tolerance, or not reconciled.
If new documents are
posted, the New Postings
column shows Detected.

You can choose button

Netting View to view the
report based on paired
display groups.
You can manage
assignments on the upper
right above the chart choose
TSL (Amount in Transaction
Currency) or HSL (Amnt in
Company Code Crcy) or KSL
(Amnt in Global Currency).

To manage assignments,
choose the right arrow
button > for a reconciliation
balance line item.
Choose Show Filter Bar on
the upper right of the

The parameters are set as
Reconciliation Case: SGR01
Display Group: All IC
Accounts AR/AP
Cons. Unit: 1710
Period/Year: 001/2022
Consolidation Version: Y10
Consolidation COA: Y1
Partner Unit: 1010

Choose Go.

Choose the Details button to

Manage Assignments:

In the Manage Assignments

view, choose Auto Match to
automatically assign reason

Choose Check Results.

All the assigned items (by

rule or by manual) are
displayed in the lower part
of the screen.

Manually assign if needed.

For example, select for each
partner and a leading unit an
unassigned reference that
matches the amounts or
reference and choose

Enter Reason Code S00 and


Choose Assign.

Optionally, you can remove

the assignment by selecting
the assignment and
choosing Unassign.

You will be prompted if you
want to unassign, choose

Choose Back.
Right click an amount (for
example Leading Unit
Choose Show Matching

7.6 Manage Reconciliation Close (with workflow)

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Search for the app Manage

Reconciliation Close
Enter the parameters as
follows, then choose Go.
Reconciliation Case: SF101
Fiscal Year Period:
Company: 1710
Trading Partner: 1010

Close reconciliation status

for the items with Open
status under the unit that
you use.

The Workflow Status is now

“In Process” – Pending
Open the Fiori Launchpad.
User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1

Workflow Status – click on

In process

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_PP
Password: Welcome1
Click on Notifications

Click on Approve
and then Submit.

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Return to the app Manage
Reconciliation Close

Return to the Home view

and open Consolidation

In the Consolidation Monitor

view, right-click the IC Elim
Balance Sheet and choose
Update Run.

In the Consolidation Monitor

view, right-click the
Consolidated Data Validation
task and choose Update

If the validation method for

your cons group is missing
or wrong, you can maintain
it as follows:

Access the app Assign
Validation Methods
(VECMA) to synchronize the
latest validation settings.
Select Task ID 2980 and
choose Change to go to
change mode.
Select Version Y10 and
Period Category 9.
Select consolidation unit to
be assigned and select
validation method SCD1.
Choose Save.

7.7 Display Reconciliation Report

What to Do What You Will See

Open the Fiori Launchpad.

User: S4H_FIN
Password: Welcome1
Go to Reconciliation
Balances view, make the
following entries, and
choose Go:
Reconciliation Case: SF101
Display Group: 1010
Company: 1710
Fiscal Year Period :

Go Details, manage
assignments and choose
Show Balances:

This concludes the demo, Group Reporting which walked through the group close process covering data collection, consolidation,
analysis, and publication.


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