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Compare Louis xviii and

Charles x
Theresa Shamiso Sibanda
Mount Pleasant high school

Louis xviii and Charles x’s rule in France had both similarities and differences.
Louis XVIII was flexible whilst Charles was rigid and too conservative.
Louis xviii was willing to adopt the middle of the road approach whilst Charles x
believed in the spirit of revenge.
Louis xviii kept most of the changes introduced by the French revolution and
Napoleon Bonaparte. Charles x made an attempt to reverse most of the
changes and tried to restore ancient regime policies.
Both at one time abused their executive powers denying people of France their
View towards constitution

Louis xviii ruled with a constitutional charter and Charles also ruled with a
constitutional charter but against his will. He said ”I would rather chop wood than
rule in the fashion of the kings of England.
Both Louis xviii and Charles x although they ruled with a charter they chose to ignore
certain portions of the constitutional charter.
Louis xviii said a charter is a “gift from the king otherwise he was prepared to rule by
his fore father methods.”
He insisted that in the preamble that this a statement be included “ the charter was
a privilege to the French and not a right.”
Charles x openly said “…would rather chop wood than rule in the fashion of the kings
of England. “
This shows his dislike of the constitutional charter though he ruled with it.
Royalist influence upon monarchs

Both Louis xviii and Charles x were influenced by the ultra royalists to carry out
ultra royalist policies.
Louis xviii was influenced by the ultra royalist to adopt a white flag and discard
tricolor flag .
He was also influenced by Ultra Royalist to retire Napoleon Bonaparte officers
and put some on half pay.
Charles x was influenced by the Ultra royalists to compensate émigrés and
revive Roman Catholic Church powers.
Perception of Ancien regime policies

Louis xviii was sensible to see that the days of the ancient regime can not be
restored especially after the 100 days.
He realized the need to compromise different groups to avoid hostilities.
Instead he adopted the middle of the road approach.
Unlike Louis xviii Charles x wanted to turn the clock backwards .
Charles x wanted to restore days of the ancient regime.
Limited liberties

Both Louis xviii and Charles x at one time limited French liberties granted by the
constitutional charter.
Louis xviii limited French liberties after the death of Duc de berri.
He reintroduced strict censorship, abolished freedom of speech publication and
introduced open ballot.
Charles x also limited freedom.
He introduced strict censorship and put press under state.
Control over Ultra royalists

Louis xviii was able to exercise control over ultra royalists.

He dissolved the chamber of deputies when he realized that the ultra royalists
were making him unpopular because of their white terror.
Charles x was heavily influenced by ultra royalist to adopt extreme policies or
adopt reactionary policies.
He was influenced by Polignac and his daughter to restore pre 1789 conditions.
“Father at least now you are ruling”
Limited Franchise

Both Louis xviii and Charles x had a limited franchise.

Louis xviii only allowed 100 000 of 29 million people to vote .
Charles x further reduced franchise to 25 000 out of a population of 29 million
Both Charles x and Louis xviii gave rich land owners a double vote in elections.
Louis xviii gave rich owners a double vote after the murder Duc de berri
Charles x gave rich land owner double vote.
Charles x even altered electoral laws to make sure that ultra royalists remain in the
chamber of deputies for long.
Instead of yearly elections he prolonged the years to five.
This was to allow ultra royalist to influence the chamber of deputies for a long time.
Compensation of Emigres

Louis xviii did not compensate émigrés nor revive Roman Catholic church
former position and powers.
Charles x compensated the émigrés $40 million francs and revived church
Coronation was done by the church.
Charles x revived monasteries and Jesuits activities.
He revived sacrilege laws.
View of the National Guard

Louis xviii was prepared to keep the institutions and changes brought about by
the French revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte.
He accepted the presence or existence of the National guard.
Charles x made a blunder of disbanding the National guard when they showed
their disappointment in his reactionary policies.
This made him to alienate with the liberals who felt French liberties were no
longer protected.
Nature of their ministers

Louis xviii had sound and sober minister Richielieu was of good influence.
He advised him not to revenge Bonapartists but instead advised the king to
adopt middle of the road approach.
Charles believed in revenge even before he became the king.
He revenged the Bonapartists by organizing white terror against known
supporters of the 100 days.
Charles x had a minister Polygnac who wanted him to return pre -1789
Abuse of executive powers

Both Louis xviii and Charles x at one time abused executive powers to their
Louis xviii dissolved the chamber of deputies in 1816 to contain the activities of
Ultra royalties.
Louis xviii dissolved the chamber and ordered fresh elections.
Louis xviii prevented Abe Gregoire from taking his position in the chamber of
deputies because he denounced kings as monsters.
Louis xviii dismissed ministers at will.
He removed Decaz and replaced him with Vilele who was an Ultra royalist.
Charles x used executive powers to declare state of emergency and declare
ordinances of St cloud.
He also dissolved the chamber of deputies and ordered fresh elections.
He dismissed Martignac and replaced him with Polignac
Separation of Powers

Both Louis xviii and Charles x accepted a constitutional charter idea of

separation of powers.
Both ruled with the chamber of peers nominated by the king and chamber
deputies elected by active citizens who paid $300 francs as tax.
Adoption of an adventurous foreign
Both adopted Louis xviii and Charles x pursued an adventurous foreign policy
Louis xviii sent Chateaubriand to participate in Spain and successfully
suppressed revolts in Spain.
He restored Ferdinand vii despotic powers.
Louis xvii mended relations with Great powers.
He paid reparations and France was successfully added to the Quintuple and
became a member of the congress system.
Charles x intervened in Algeciras and occupied Algiers.
Groups they alienated

Both Louis xviii and Charles x alienated with the liberals, republicans and the
This is supported when Louis xviii adopted a white flag and abandoned tricolor
flag .
He reintroduced censorship and prevented Abe Gregoire from taking his seat in
the chamber of deputies.
Charles x alienated with the republications and liberals when he further reduced
franchise to 25 000 .
When Charles x disbanded national guard, compensated emigres and revived
church powers this made him unpopular with the different groups in France.

Louis xiii was more flexible especially before the death of Duc de berri.
Charles x was more conservative and adamant to change and wanted
absolutism restored
Practice questions

Compare the reign of Charles x and Louis xviii in France between 1815-30. (25)
Why were both Restored bourbon rulers unpopular in France between
Why did Charles x reign end in a revolution .(25)
The End

Amigo Tutor: Theresa Shamiso Sibanda

Mount Pleasant High School

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