Os Assignment

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Sui S Dha 60L0

8y.T.T |Camlin|

Opeating Syateen Assignmtnt

what dhe need for a cru schecuing algonthm?aplain the
ikherent cikiad o sehacling.
)Th vaniowheedd o CPU schde bing algonthm areas kolowse
i)Be Pair wilu alocating resoures to th proAes
ii)Maximie throughot e Hne systena
)Maeimi nmber c weu tcinng acceptable reapo tiu

i)Avaid indaiite postpon&meyt.

i) hid frereAa b pociies hold insg ky resourcey.

ixs Cinvt hetter Rria to mocee thet hae desirable ba haio

the tinMe, So aa to wat O PU cycles Dna real syatem ce


i)Thmghout Nmber procenes eampletd por unitE tina

an ra nge Bronm lo/eecond to Vhow dpending n tne

apantidar bom Lhmision tine to

queut witing thic tum to qet on tae CpU.

V) Repome tim i he tme tokn h an intiractie

arspoMe to taat conamand.

Camlin Page

2 xplain chackeeinhia a fcfs a SIE

a Chara cteritics a fcES nt

The proceli which arives ir in the eadyquche
aAsiqned th Ceu.

3)F aay noh pepie in natl

sern habi
4)Joba a exeeuted on fint comint
clu ing algohm.
y a noheprtlmptie, premptie sche
6) Fasy to Undeutand implamat
/mplsmnation u bayed on FlFo
3)Parn pentuene
NPoesi shich hane thi ohkarb ttmL aischeduleeh

2 tewo poAi hant sam loly timi tuh fCES w

used to beak the ie.
Taas ia nonpreenatire pnentie scheduling algathns
9 Best approach to ininize waiting ti ,

-6)Trapiiible ta implment iaintrate ystm whe requi

2s ed CU tim is not kaown
Th pmceaoY hould kndw in adance ho muc tim

8)Preaptive och oy sho rtest Job int u calleel as Shorka

Remainin Hn ftyt(SRTE
Camlin| Page

q:3)plain dhe ad van tane R diadvanhge ) pi ority Rnund

wobin algoxith

Algonthm Adyantaqeai
Conidn tue pnoit, c) the procSorK K alows th
beN -cuited kur
)Phoiby scheduhg iA pe-cmptie mocu is
naltm opiaty km

JPncer with leasey piihy may tare bor

)Round -Roain chedlihg i

Adantaae i

t eqantun.
24h pntorbaance heauy depend
3) Prio itieu Can not be et tY the ceA IeA

Q.)xplain fCFS disk schsdealine, algonthana

. lhealaonthhalooe
tthe arden they arnrin the diak quee

pnonde hat the tasteak servie

30 Atqonthmi
ndexes o
DLet Rquest array reprtsenls anomu tins erdrnc
tacu that ha heen neues ted în aucendine
theic time aiel. hec at i position diak head.
Colculate t e abio lutr distanc f th tack
3):Tn crement 3eeK cont uith thi
hon te head.
Curnenthy ditance
ericeJ rac
c pa pOSitin now hecomeA thi new
s)) Co to stepa wnil al balsa in
been sericede mqut amey hae not
Lniticl head positin

15) 34 74 (14





-g4) (42-60)+q2-)+
76 -so) t 076 -72)+ (60
(41- ) + u 4 - 4 ) S b
Camlin Page

Gxpleun Loak and C: Look olqaithm?

Loak alganthmir

gines eightty sligatly bettr eek time than au othe

alaanthmnthe hierarhy CECFS SRTE SCA N ’C-sCAN
SLook).The Look alqstona se ices quest ìmilary

f h e an more ralea that aeneded to becerned Dn

the morine din tion tu head neeries ta dinecHo

ant serridng Ruah ia the oppoite directianhe
main RaOh behind the leetter pen7omanee a Look

algoith th head u not alloue to more ttll the end_d

the dAk
2\ C- look algoitham i
atoak dik shede ling alqutthm Thy algothm also

C- SCAN alathm bt the seek b'me u bette

thenC- SCAN alaithha we knOL) that (-scAN U sedto
avaid stanvatibyo &seciley al the requesre moN uni7ocm

3erices requestt only ia one dinecion Celthey ekt r ight

until al the neaueit in dd dine tton ane nol eeriad
Ehen jumpi back t the tarthet requast Qnthe othey
direcion é serice the maininq nequeitt wshich qikea
a bette unilorm genicing os

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