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Technology process of cheese making (Alpuri)

The first step in the cheese making process is to receive the milk, during which an analytical sample
is taken and checked in the laboratory. In the microbiological laboratory, they conduct: antibiotic
test, class determination test and bacteria determination test. And in the chemical laboratory, the
amount of fat, proteins and lactose is determined by means of a milk meter. Checking the amount of
fat is also done in the centrifuge. A cryoscope is used to determine whether water has been added to

The next stage of reception is primary pasteurization. First, the milk is heated to 50 degrees, after
which it is transferred to the separator, where the cream and skimmed milk were separated. Then it
was transferred to Bactofuge where bacteria and small particles were removed. After passing through
the deaerator, unwanted aromas and odors were removed. Then it goes to normalization . After that,
homogenization takes place at 70-72 degrees. Analytical sampling is still taking place. Already
processed milk is delivered to the cheese factory.

In the cheese factory, the milk is so-called cold ripening for about 12 hours. The milk is then
pasteurized at 72-74 degrees and transferred to a tank where the temperature of the milk is 30
degrees, where the cheese is made. Initially, bacterial broth and CaCl2 are added. The ripening
process lasts 3-3.5 hours (target Ph-6.4-6.45). Enzyme is added to the already ripened mass, after
addition we continue to stir for 2-3 minutes. After that, we stop for about 30 minutes. When it is
ready to cut, we cut it for 10 minutes. At first slow rotation and then fast. After cutting, we mix it
again for 10 minutes, we need a grain of small size, about 1-2 centimeters. After stirring, the serum is
released, and the amount of released serum is 30% of the total volume. Before starting the heating
process, pasteurized water (80 degrees) is supplied to the tank. At this time, the whole mass is heated
to 35-37 degrees and left for 1.5 hours. Then the grain is dried. At the same time, we control Ph, the
goal is 6.0-6.1. After drying, the mass is delivered to the first section of the drum. At the same time,
we prepare brine (8-300 l) which is mixed. Through the drum, the grain enters the FPRMs and goes
to the automatic press. The pressing process takes place in 2 stages - pressing for 45 minutes, turning
over - pressing for 60 minutes. After that, the cheese is transferred to brine, where it is delayed for 3
days. The pH of brine is 4.6-4.8. After that, the cheese is left for 1 day without brine, and the next
day it is vacuum packed, after which it passes through a thermosetting machine where the water
temperature is 85-95 degrees. after which the packed cheese goes into the chamber and matures for
40 days at 7 degrees. After 40 days, the cheese is transferred to the packaging factory, where the
packaging material is first removed. Then the cheese is cut into 2 sizes: 250 and 500 gram pieces.
Already sliced cheese is packed again on a vacuum machine, after which it passes through a
thermosetting machine where the water temperature is 85-95 degrees. A sticker is attached to each
piece, which includes the following information: batch, production date, expiration date, expiration
date. And also a label that describes the composition and calories.

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