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Assignment 8- PORTFOLIO Exam due 31 May 2022 @ 21:00


Social Media in Economic Development

(Refer to Lesson 2 and the eText Social Media, Development and Governance
SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth p62 - 63) to answer the following

In no more than 2 page (between 300 – 500 words), discuss how societies use
social media platforms for economic growth. Choose to discuss between Facebook
or YouTube.

In your answer, include:

• discussion / explanation with real-life example (provide accessible link or
social media handle)
• benefits of using this platform
• disadvantages of using this platform

Assessment rubric for Section A

"Briefly discuss why you have selected this drone to the NPO" 
Nothing or wrong document submitted 0%
Student has provided explanation of the social
media platform with adequate detail
Student has provided a link to a real-life
Student has provided benefits of using the
chosen social media platform
Student has provided disadvantages of using
the chosen social media platform
Exceptional, ground-breaking discussion 10%

Open Rubric

Drone technology in Society

In Lesson 3, you have come to understand and appreciate the increasing use of
Drones in society. You have also understood the different sectors, such as
medicine and agriculture, that can benefit from the use of Drones.

A Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in Southern Africa is keen on exploring the use of

ICT to support development in the villages. They have been informed by different
individuals that Drones could offer them the necessary solutions to meet this need.
The NPO is unsure as to where to start and how to go about using these Drones. Help
the NPO by searching the Internet and find a solution.

In not more than 5 pages, submit a report that includes the following:

1. Identify the Sector and explain how the drone is used in that particular sector
(1 page).

2. Insert the relevant pictures of the selected Drone (1 page)

3. Describe the Type of drone that is selected (1 page):

i. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE e.g. speed, camera quality, smart
modes, flight time, range, difficulty, playfulness

4. Briefly discuss why you have suggested this Drone to the NPO

5. In your view, what is the future of Drone technology in society

6. Reference the site(s) you have used. Apply APA style (go to Lesson 0 for
further assistance)
Assessment rubric for Portfolio Section B

Nothing or wrong document submitted 0%
One or more, but NOT all, of the required aspects
have been addressed

All required aspects have been addressed

Student has included their view(s) 70%
Additional aspects added and/or Exceptional, ground-
breaking work

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