EEvG - Demand Assessment

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Renewable energy supply of buildings

Lecture 03
Demand Assessment

Fatma Deghim, M.Sc.


Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang
Semester plan
Date Lecture Exercise

17.04.2023 L 01 Introduction

24.04.2023 L 02 Technical basics (online)

01.05.2023 - -

08.05.2023 L 03 Demand assessment E 01 Demand assessment of a building

15.05.2023 L 04 Solarthermal power E 02 Exercise solarthermal power

22.05.2023 L 05 Photovoltaics E 03 Exercise PV

29.05.2023 - -

05.06.2023 L 06 Geothermal heat and heat pumps

12.06.2023 L 07 Wind power

19.06.2023 L 08 Biomass

26.06.2023 L 09 Energy storage systems for buildings

03.07.2023 L 10 Power and heat networks

10.07.2023 - Digital excursion Oscar von Miller Forum

17.07.2023 - Q+A

24.07.2023 - Exam
Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |2
Content of the lecture

1. GEG
2. Heating load calculation according to DIN EN 12831
3. Exemplary heating load calculation
4. DIN V 18599
5. Summary

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |3
1. GEG
2. Heating load calculation according to DIN EN 12831
3. Exemplary heating load calculation
4. DIN V 18599
5. Summary

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |4
1. GEG
Gebäudeenergiegesetz or engl. „Building Energy Law“

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |5
Development of legal guidelines in Germany
• 1977: Wärmeschutzverordnung (WärmeschutzV)
 The aim was to reduce the energy consumption of buildings through constructive measures because of rising energy
costs due to the oil crisis

• 1978: Heizungsanlagenverordnung (HeizAnlV)

 Following the WärmeschutzV with a focus on central heating and central water heating systems

• 2002: Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV)

 Fusion of the WärmeschutzV and the HeizAnlV

• 2020: Gebäudeenergiegesetzt (GEG)

 Fusion of the EnEV, the EEWärmeG and the EnEG

• 2023: changes in the GEG


Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |6
Gebäudeergiegesetz GEG („Building Energy Law“)

§2 (1): The GEG is a law which is valid in Germany

• for buildings which are heated and/or cooled using energy

• for technical systems of these buildings for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot
water production
Not included!

§2 (2): The GEG is not valid for

• Buildings which are mainly used to breed and raise animals

• Buildings made out of glass, used to grow or sell plants

• Religious buildings (churches, synagogues, mosques…)

• Buildings underground

• Residential buildings, which are used for less than 4 months per year

• …

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |7
Gebäudeergiegesetz GEG („Building Energy Law“)

Requirements of the GEG

Requirements for residential Requirements for non-residential

buildings (§15,16 GEG) buildings (§18,19 GEG)
Primary Energy Demand for Demand for
Demand • heating • heating
• hot water • hot water
• ventilation • ventilation
• cooling • cooling
• lighting
must be smaller than that of a must be smaller than that of a
„reference building“ „reference building“

U-Value The maximum value of the specific The maximum value of the average
transmission heat loss with regard to U-value with regard to the heat
the heat transferring surface must not transferring surface must not exceed
exceed given heat losses of reference given values

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |8
Gebäudeergiegesetz GEG („Building Energy Law“)

Requirements of the GEG – Primary Energy Demand

Reference Building (Non-Residential)

What is the „refenence building“?

 A hypothetical building which is
comparable to the planned building
Its building envelope has the given
U-values and it has the same
• geometry
• usable floor area (Nutzfläche)
• orientation
as your planned building

GEG, Anlage 2

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang |9
Gebäudeergiegesetz GEG („Building Energy Law“)

Requirements of the GEG – Primary Energy Demand

Reference Building (Non-Residential)

What is the „refenence building“?

 A hypothetical building which is
comparable to the planned
Its technical building equipment is
composed of the given specifications

For example:
4.3: Heating Transfer System in rooms
with a room height < 4m
A static heating system needs to…
 have a heating surfaces arranged
on the outside wall
 be hydraulically balanced
GEG, Anlage 2
 have a certain type of thermostat
Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 10
Gebäudeergiegesetz GEG („Building Energy Law“)

Requirements of the GEG – U-Value

Non-Residential Buildings: The maximum value of the average U-value with regard to
the heat transferring surface must not exceed given values.

The requirements for the

planned non-residential
building are presented here
When designing a building
it must be made sure that
these requirements are met

GEG, Anlage 2

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 11
Selection of GEG-relevant standards

- DIN V 4701-10: Energetische Bewertung heiz-und raumlufttechnischer Anlagen – Teil

10: Heizung, Trinkwassererwärmung, Lüftung.

- DIN V 4108-6: Grundlagen zum Wärme-, Feuchte und Schlagregenschutz

- DIN V 18599: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Berechnung des Nutz-, End
und Primärenergiebedarfs für Heizung, Kühlung, Lüftung, Trinkwarmwasser und

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 12
1. GEG
2. Heating load calculation according to DIN EN 12831
3. Exemplary heating load calculation
4. DIN V 18599
5. Summary

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 13
2. Heating Load Calculation according to DIN EN 12831
Heating systems in buildings
Method for calculation of the design heat load
Heizungsanlagen in Gebäuden
Verfahren zur Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 14
Recap: Heat Demand Assessment

Simplyfied model of heat gains

and losses in a building Calculation of the energy demand


System boundary
Useful energy
QS System boundary

QV transfer

Qi distribution storage generation

QV: Ventilation heat loss [W]
QT: Transmission heat loss [W]

Qi: Internal gains [W] Source: DIN 4701-10 (Energetische Bewertung heiz- und raumlufttechnischer
QS: Solar gains [W]
Qh: Heating Load [W] Heat that must be supplied to the rooms to maintain the target temperature

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 15
Heating load in general

Influence on the heating load

Building envelope (thermical quality)

User (room-temperatures)
Climate (e.g. air temperature, wind speeds…)

Trasmission Heat Loss [W] Ventilation Heat Loss [W]

Heating Load [W]

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 16
Heating load in general

Heating Loads of different buildings

 The heating load is highest during

winter, typically in January

 The higher the energetic quality of the

building (envelope and technicel
equipment) the lower the heating load

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 17
Heating load in general

Development of average Primary Energy consumption

Zero energy

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 18
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

• Serves to design all components of a

heating system (radiators, heat generators,
pipelines, fittings…)
• Determination of the power-output of the
required heating surfaces (room-specific,
area-specific and for the entire building)
• The heating load indicates the amount of
heat (𝑄ሶ = ) that must be supplied to a
room / a group of rooms / a building under

variable ambient- and usage-conditions in

order to keep the planned indoor
temperatures constant

Burkhardt, Wolfgang, Kraus, Roland. Projektierung von Warmwasserheizungen: 7. Auflage. München: Oldenbourg Industrieverlag, 2006

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 19
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Method of calculating the heating load for one room

a) Determine the outside


b) Define every single room as

either heated or not heated
and define its temperature

c) Consider the size and the

energetic quality (U-value) of
all elements of the room
(walls, windows, doors…)

d) Calculate the transmission

heat losses that occur from
this room
DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 20
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Method of calculating the heating load for one room

e) Calculate the ventilation heat

losses that occur through this

f) Add up transmission- and

ventilation heat losses

g) Calculate the heat-up load

(power needed to heat the
room up)

h) Add all this up to get the

DIN EN 12831 heating load of the room

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 21
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Method of calculating the heating load for the whole building

a) Sum up the transmission heat losses of all the rooms, without considering heat flows between
heated rooms
b) Sum up the ventilation heat loses of all the rooms, without considering heat flows between
heated rooms
c) Add up the transmission- and the ventilation heat losses of all the rooms
d) Calculate the heat-up load of the building using a factor (from tables) which considers the power
needed to heat up rooms which have cooled down
 The heating load of the building is the sum of the heat losses and the heat-up load

English German

Transmission heat loss Transmissionswärmeverlust

Ventilation heat loss Lüftungswärmeverlust

Heat-up load Aufheizleistung

Heating load Heizlast

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 22
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Example – Transmission Heat Losses

Outside -16°C
The bedroom
1. Loses heat to the ouside
Bedroom Bathoom
2. Loses heat to the floor
20°C 24°C
3. Gains heat from the bathroom

Floor 15°C Every heat flow is dependant on

• The area of the element (wall,
window, door, ceiling, floor…)

Living Room • The U-value of the element

20°C • The temperature difference

Floor plan (Grundriss)

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 23
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Example – Transmission Heat Losses

Outside -16°C

The bedroom
Stairs Attic
1. Loses heat to the ouside
2nd floor 15°C 15°C
2. Gains heat from the bathroom
3. Loses heat to the attic
Stairs Bathoom Bedroom
1st floor
15°C 24°C 20°C
 Transmission heat losses of
every room in every direction
Ground Stairs Bathoom Bedroom
floor 15°C 24°C 20°C

Sectional View (Schnitt)

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 24
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

What information do you need to calculate the heating load?

• Meteorologic data (norm-outside air temperature)

• Norm-inside temperature

• Floor plans and sectional views (Grundrisse und Schnitte)

• A description of the building:

• Volume of the rooms (heated and not heated)

• Area of all the elements (walls, windows, doors, floors…)

• U-Value of every element

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 25
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Norm-Outside Air Temperatures in Germany

DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1 Berichtigung 1:2010-11 Titel (Deutsch): Heizsysteme in Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast - Nationaler Anhang NA, Berichtigung zu
DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1:2008-07

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 26
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Norm-Outside Air Temperatures in Germany

Iso-Thermal map of Germany

Hamburg: -12°C
 Lines show places where the same outside
temperature is used to calculate the heating load
Berlin: -14°C
Dortmund: -12°C

Dresden: -14°C

Munich: -16°C
Stuttgart: -12°C

Garmisch: -18°C

DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1 Berichtigung 1:2010-11 Titel (Deutsch): Heizsysteme in Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast - Nationaler Anhang NA, Berichtigung zu
DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1:2008-07
Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 27
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Norm-Inside Air Temperatures

DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1 Berichtigung 1:2010-11 Titel (Deutsch): Heizsysteme in Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast - Nationaler Anhang NA, Berichtigung zu
DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1:2008-07

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 28
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the heating load

Heating Load ΦHL

Transmission Heat Loss ΦT
Ventilation Heat Loss ΦV
Heat-Up Load ΦRH

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 29
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Transmission Heat Loss

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 30
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the transmission heat loss

Transmission heat loss ΦT =
Sum of the transmission heat loss coefficients 𝐻𝑇 * temperature difference

𝛟𝐓 = 𝐇𝐓,𝐢𝐞 + 𝐇𝐓,𝐢𝐮𝐞 + 𝐇𝐓,𝐢𝐠 + 𝐇𝐓,𝐢𝐣 ∗ 𝛉𝐢𝐧𝐭 −𝛉𝐞

HT,ie Transmission heat loss to the environment (outside)

HT,iue Transmission heat loss to an unheated room
HT,ig Transmission heat loss to building elements with contact to the ground
HT,ij Transmission heat loss to a heated room
θint Inside temperature of the heated room
θe Outside temperature

 There is a specific coefficient for every type of transmissional heat loss

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 31
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the transmission heat loss coefficient to the environment 𝐇𝐓

HT,ie = σk Ak ∗ (Uk + Δ UWB )

HT Transmission heat loss coefficient

Ak Area of the element
Uk U-value of the element
Δ UWB Factor for heat brigde correction

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 32
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the transmission heat loss coefficient to an unheated

neighbour room 𝐇𝐓,𝐢𝐞

HT,ie = σk Ak ∗ (Uk + Δ UWB ∗ bu )

HT Transmission heat loss coefficient

Ak Area of the element
Uk U-value of the element
Δ UWB Factor for heat brigde correction
bu Factor for temperature correction for unheated neighbour rooms

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 33
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Factor for temperature correction for unheated neighbour rooms 𝒃𝒖

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 34
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Ventilation Heat Loss

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 35
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the ventilation heat loss

Ventilation heat loss ΦV =
Ventilation heat loss coefficients HV * temperature difference

ϕV,i = HV,i ∗ (θint − θe ) with HV,i = Vሶ i ∗ cP ∗ ρ and cP ∗ ρ = 0,34 Wh/m3 K

 ϕV,i = Vሶ i ∗ cP ∗ ρ ∗ θint − θe

 𝛟𝐕,𝐢 = 𝟎, 𝟑𝟒 ∗ 𝐕ሶ 𝐢 ∗ 𝛉𝐢𝐧𝐭 − 𝛉𝐞

ϕV Ventilation heat loss

Vሶ i Air flow out of the heated room
cP specefic heat capacity (Air = 1010 J/(kg*K))
ρ Density (Air= 1,21 kg/m³)
θint Inside temperature of the heated room
θe Outside temperature

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 36
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the Air Flow 𝑽ሶ 𝒊

The value used for calculation is determined by comparing the air flow from infiltration Vሶ inf,i
and the hygienically necessary minimum air flow Vሶ min,j

Vሶ i = max(Vሶ min,j , Vሶ inf,i )

Vሶ min,j hygienically necessary minimum air flow

Vሶ inf,i air flow from infiltration

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 37
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Hygienically necessary minimum air flow 𝑽ሶ 𝐦𝐢𝐧,𝒊

Vሶ min,j = nmin ∗ VR

nሶ min Minimum air exchange

VR Volume of the room

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 38
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Air flow from infiltration 𝑽ሶ 𝒊𝒏𝒇,𝒊

Vሶ inf,i = 2 ∗ VR ∗ n50 ∗ e ∗ ε

VR Volume of the room

n50 Air exchange rate at a pressure difference of 50 Pa
e Shielding coefficient (Abschirmungskoeffizient)
ε Factor for altitude correction (Höhenkorrekturfaktor)

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 39
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Air flow from infiltration 𝑽ሶ 𝒊𝒏𝒇,𝒊

 𝒏𝟓𝟎 Air exchange rate at a pressure difference of 50 Pa

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 40
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Air flow from infiltration 𝑽ሶ 𝒊𝒏𝒇,𝒊

 𝑒 shielding coefficient

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 41
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Air flow from infiltration 𝑽ሶ 𝒊𝒏𝒇,𝒊

 𝛆 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 42
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Heat-Up Load

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 43
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the heat-up load

Heat-Up Load ΦRH = Area Ai * factor fRH

The heat-up load is the heat needed to heat up a room which has cooled out during
a time of non-heating (e.g. over the night). It depends on
• The heat capcity of th elements (how good can e.g. the walls store heat?)
• The time needed to heat up
• The temperature drop during the time of non-heating
• The type of control system

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 44
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the heat-up load

ΦRH = Ai * fRH
ΦRH Heat-Up Load
Ai Area of the room
fRH factor to consider re-heating

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 45
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Equation to calculate the heat-up load

ΦRH = Ai * fRH
ΦRH Heat-Up Load
Ai Area of the room
fRH factor to consider re-heating

DIN EN 12831

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 46
DIN 12831 – Heating Load

Forms according to DIN 12831

Building Data and Benchmarks

Heating Load of a room

DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1 Berichtigung 1:2010-11 Titel (Deutsch): Heizsysteme in Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast - Nationaler Anhang NA,
Berichtigung zu DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1:2008-07

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 47
Characteristic values for the specific heat load of different
buildings in Germany
Specific Heat Load for different construction ages in Germany


specific Heat Load [W/m²]


50 50
40 30
20 15
< 1970 1977 - 1984 1985 - 1995 New Building New Building Passive House
not isolated EnEV KfW 60/40

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 48
1. GEG
2. Heating load calculation according to DIN EN 12831
3. Exemplary heating load calculation
4. DIN V 18599
5. Summary

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 49
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Examined Building General Information

• Free standing residential building
• Square building layout (10m * 10m)

Upper Floors (Groundfloor, 1st Floor)

• Heated and used for living
• 4 windows on each side with an area of
2m² each  16 windows in total


45° • Unheated
• No windows, all basement walls border
on the ground
• Ceiling of the basement is the thermical
base of the building
2,5 m
Attic (2nd Floor)
10 m • Unheated
• Floor of the attic is the thermical top of
the building

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 50
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Thermal Envelope

Name Amt. Gross Area


OW 4 10 * 5 * 4 = 200

WI 16 2 * 16 = 32

BC 1 10 * 10 = 100

TSC 1 10 * 10 = 100

OW Outter Wall Außenwand

WI Window Fenster
BC Basement Ceiling Kellerdecke
TSC Top Story Ceiling Oberste
10 m

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 51
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Thermal Envelope

Name Amt. Gross Deduc- Net

Area tion Area Area

[m²] [m²] [m²]

OW 4 200 32 168

WI 16 32 - 32

BC 1 100 - 100

TSC 1 100 - 100


The area of the windows is subtracted from the area of the outter walls

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 52
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Thermal Envelope

Name Amt. Gross Deduc- Net Correction

Area tion Area Area Factor

[m²] [m²] [m²] [-]

OW 4 200 32 168 1,0

WI 16 32 - 32 1,0

BC 1 100 - 100 0,4

TSC 1 100 - 100 0,4

Elements which face the outside air do not

need to be corrected.
Elements facing unheated rooms (like the floor
of the basement and the ceiling of the 1st floor)
are corrected  their heat loss is decreased

DIN EN 12831 Bbl1: 2008-07, Tab. 6

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 53
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Thermal Envelope

Name Amt. Gross Deduc- Net Correction U-Value

Area tion Area Area Factor

[m²] [m²] [m²] [-] [W/(m²K)]

OW 4 200 32 168 1,0 0,28

WI 16 32 - 32 1,0 1,30

BC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,35

TSC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,20

EnEV, Annex 1, Tab. 1

U-Values are taken from the EnEV, Annex 1, Table 1

 Requirements for the reference building for residential use

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 54
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Thermal Envelope

Name Amt. Gross Deduc- Net Correction U-Value Correction U-Value

Area tion Area Area Factor Factor Heat corrected
Temp. Bridges

[m²] [m²] [m²] [-] [W/(m²K)] [-] [W/(m²K)]

OW 4 200 32 168 1,0 0,28 0,10 0,38

WI 16 32 - 32 1,0 1,30 0,10 1,40

BC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,35 0,10 0,45

TSC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,20 0,10 0,30

The U-Values have to be corrected considering the

influence of heat bridges
As no further information is available, we use the
correction factor of 0,1
 The higher the factor, the higher the heat losses

DIN EN 12831 Bbl1: 2008-07, Tab. 5

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 55
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Heat Losses

Name Amt. Gross Deduc- Net Correction U-Value Correction U-Value Heat Loss
Area tion Area Area Factor Factor Heat corrected Coefficient
Temp. Bridges HT

[m²] [m²] [m²] [-] [W/(m²K)] [-] [W/(m²K)] [W/K]

OW 4 200 32 168 1,0 0,28 0,10 0,38 63,8

WI 16 32 - 32 1,0 1,30 0,10 1,40 44,8

BC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,35 0,10 0,45 18,0

TSC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,20 0,10 0,30 12,0

Heat Loss Coefficient HT = Net Area * Correction Factor Temp. * corrected U-Value
Example: HT OW = 168m2 ∗ 1,0 ∗ 0,38 = 63,8
𝑚2 𝐾 K

 This value gives the heat loss lost through that element depending on the temperature difference

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 56
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Transmission Heat Loss: Transmission Heat Loss

Name Amt. Gross Deduc- Net Correction U-Value Correction U-Value Heat Loss Transmission
Area tion Area Area Factor Factor Heat corrected Coefficient Heat Loss ΦT
Temp. Bridges HT

[m²] [m²] [m²] [-] [W/(m²K)] [-] [W/(m²K)] [W/K] [W]

OW 4 200 32 168 1,0 0,28 0,10 0,38 63,8 2.298

WI 16 32 - 32 1,0 1,30 0,10 1,40 44,8 1.613

BC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,35 0,10 0,45 18,0 648

TSC 1 100 - 100 0,4 0,20 0,10 0,30 12,0 432

Transmission Heat Loss ΦT = 4.991 W

Transmission Heat Loss Φ T = Heat Loss coefficient HT * Temperature difference

Example: ΦT OW = 63,8 ∗ 20°𝐶 − −16°𝐶 = 2.298 𝑊

 This value gives the actual heat loss through that element at the given temperature difference
 With a steady heat flow through that element for 1 h, a heat amount of 2.298 W * 1 h = 2,298 kWh is lost

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 57
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Ventilation Heat Loss

𝛟𝐕,𝐢 = 𝟎, 𝟑𝟒 ∗ 𝐕ሶ 𝐢 ∗ 𝛉𝐢𝐧𝐭 − 𝛉𝐞 with Vሶ i = max(Vሶ min,j , Vሶ inf,i )

Calculate the volume of the building

Gross Volume = 10 m * 10 m * 5 m = 500 m³
Net Volume = 500 m³ * 0,8 = 400 m³ = VR

Compare Vሶ min,j and Vሶ inf,i

Vሶ min,j = nmin ∗ VR
1 m3
ሶVmin,j = 0,5 ∗ 40 0m3 = 200
h h

DIN EN 12831 Bbl1: 2008-07, Tab. 8

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 58
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Ventilation Heat Loss

𝛟𝐕,𝐢 = 𝟎, 𝟑𝟒 ∗ 𝐕ሶ 𝐢 ∗ 𝛉𝐢𝐧𝐭 − 𝛉𝐞 with Vሶ i = max(Vሶ min,j , Vሶ inf,i )

Compare Vሶ min,j and Vሶ inf,i

Vሶ inf,i = 2 ∗ VR ∗ n50 ∗ e ∗ ε
Vሶ inf,i = 2 ∗ 400 m3 ∗ 3,0 ∗ 0,03 ∗ 1,0 = 72

DIN EN 12831 Bbl1: 2008-07, Tab. 9, 10, 11

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 59
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Ventilation Heat Loss

𝛟𝐕,𝐢 = 𝟎, 𝟑𝟒 ∗ 𝐕ሶ 𝐢 ∗ 𝛉𝐢𝐧𝐭 − 𝛉𝐞 with Vሶ i = max(Vሶ min,j , Vሶ inf,i )

Compare Vሶ min,j and Vሶ inf,i

m3 m3 m3
Vሶ i = max Vሶ min,j , Vሶ inf,i = max 200 , 72 = 200 = Vሶ min,j
h h h

Calculate the ventilation heat loss

𝐖𝐡 𝐖𝐡 𝐦𝟑

𝛟𝐕,𝐢 = 𝟎, 𝟑𝟒 𝟑 ∗ 𝐕𝐢 ∗ 𝛉𝐢𝐧𝐭 − 𝛉𝐞 = 𝟎, 𝟑𝟒 𝟑 ∗ 𝟐𝟎𝟎 ∗ 𝟐𝟎°𝐂 − −𝟏𝟔𝐂° = 𝟐. 𝟒𝟒𝟖 𝐖
𝐦 𝐊 𝐦 𝐊 𝐡

 Ventilation Heat Loss ΦV = 2.448 W

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 60
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Heat-Up Load

ΦRH = Ai * fRH

ΦRH = 200 m2 ∗ 21 = 4.200 𝑊

 Heat-Up Load ΦRH = 4.200 W

DIN EN 12831 Bbl1: 2008-07, Tab. 14

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 61
Exemplary Heating Load Calculation

Heating Load Calculation


ΦHL = 4.991 W + 2.448 W + 4.200 W = 11.630 W

𝚽𝐇𝐋 = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟔𝟑𝟗 𝐖 = 𝟏𝟏, 𝟔 𝐤𝐖

Specific Heat Load for different construction ages in Germany

Comparison with the benchmark
specific Heat Load [W/m²]

11.639 W W 200

Specific Heating Load = = 58

200 m2 m2 150

70 50
50 40 30

20 15
< 1970 1977 - 1984 1985 - 1995 New Building New Building Passive House
not isolated EnEV KfW 60/40

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 62
1. GEG
2. Heating load calculation according to DIN EN 12831
3. Exemplary heating load calculation
4. DIN V 18599
5. Summary

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 63
4. DIN V 18599
Energy efficiency of buildings –
Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for
heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting
Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden –
Berechnung des Nutz-, End- und Primärenergiebedarfs für
Heizung, Kühlung, Lüftung, Trinkwarmwasser und Beleuchtung

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 64
DIN V 18599

DIN V 18599-1:2016-10, Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Berechnung des Nutz-, End- und Primärenergiebedarfs für Heizung, Kühlung, Lüftung, Trinkwarmwasser und
Beleuchtung, Teil 1: Allgemeine Bilanzierungsverfahren, Begriffe, Zonierung und Bewertung der Energieträger

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 65
DIN V 18599

DIN V 18599-1:2016-10, Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Berechnung des Nutz-, End- und Primärenergiebedarfs für Heizung, Kühlung, Lüftung, Trinkwarmwasser und
Beleuchtung, Teil 1: Allgemeine Bilanzierungsverfahren, Begriffe, Zonierung und Bewertung der Energieträger

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 66
DIN V 18599

Available software products to calculate the energy demand according to DIN V 18599 are:

• Solar Computer

• ZUB Helena

• Hottgenroth Energieberater 18599

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 67
DIN V 18599

Exemplary user-surface in Solar Computer – Input building data

Building Data
• Define every single room (size of
the elemets, used materials…)
• Define the connection of the
rooms among each other (which
rooms are next to / over / under
each other)
• Construct all rooms in all stories
of the building
• There is a 3D CAD Tool
available which can be used to
draw the building and then
transfer the rooms into this input

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 68
DIN V 18599

Exemplary user-surface in Solar Computer – Input zones

• Define the different zones which
exist in the building
• Specific zones must be defined
• For different types of use (e.g.
offices, floors, bathrooms,
• When the technical equipment
of the same rooms is not
comparable (e.g. one office
has cooling, others do not)
• The technical boundary
conditions of the rooms must be
(heated/cooled/ventilated or not,
applied user profile, lighting, hot
water consumption, air

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 69
DIN V 18599

Exemplary user-surface in Solar Computer – Input technical building equipment

Technical Equipment
• The complete technical building
equipment is defined here
• Each installation (heating, hot
water, cooling, ventilation…) can
be described in detail
(generation, storage, transport,
• It is defined which zones are
supplied by which installations
(e.g. there might be a different
ventilation system for bathrooms
than for meeting rooms)

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 70
DIN V 18599

Exemplary user-surface in Solar Computer - Results

• Shows a summary of the most
important calculation results
• Energy demand is given
• Primary energy
• Final energy
• Usable energy
• Benchmarks of the building
are given
• Demanded values of the
• Demanded values for
• …

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 71
DIN V 18599

What does this energy demand include?

E-Demand considered in DIN V 18599 E-Demand NOT considered in DIN V 18599

Use-specific Energy Requirement User-specific Energy Requirement
(Nutzungsspezifischer Energiebedarf) (Nutzerspezifischer Energiebedarf)
= Energy demand for technical building equipment = Energy demand generated by appliences…
• Heating • Houserhold appliences (refrigerator,
• Hot Water preparation washing machine, dishwasher…)

• Cooling • Electronics (Computers, TVs…)

• Ventilation • Elevators

• Auxiliary Energy for pumps, ventilators… • Lighting in residential buildings

• Lighting (in non-residential buildings) • …

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 72
1. GEG
2. Heating load calculation according to DIN EN 12831
3. Exemplary heating load calculation
4. DIN V 18599
5. Summary

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 73
Summary – Heating Load

Simplyfied model of heat gains

and losses in a building
Heating Load ΦHL
Transmission Heat Loss Φ T
QT +
Ventilation Heat Loss Φ V
QS Heat-Up Load Φ RH

 Design components of a heating system
QV: Ventilation heat loss [W]
 Determine the power-output of the heating surfaces
QT: Transmission heat loss [W]
 Calculate the amount of heat that must be supplied
Qi: Internal gains [W]
to keep the planned indoor temperatures constant
QS: Solar gains [W]
Qh: Heating Load [W]

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 74
How to proceed when designing an energy concept

Framework conditions Concept Development Evaluation

Location Ecology
Energy Demand
(Climate…) (CO2-Emissions…)
Design Economy
(building envelope…) (Life Cycle Costs…)
Usage (Acceptance)
Law Architecture
(requirements…) Optimizing (Design Quality)

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 75
Burkhardt, Wolfgang, Kraus, Roland. Projektierung von Warmwasserheizungen: 7. Auflage. München: Oldenbourg
Industrieverlag, 2006. ISBN 978-3-835-63092-5.

DIN EN 12831:2003-08 Titel (Deutsch): Heizungsanlagen in Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Norm-Heizlast;
Deutsche Fassung EN 12831:2003

DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1 Berichtigung 1:2010-11 Titel (Deutsch): Heizsysteme in Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung
der Norm-Heizlast - Nationaler Anhang NA, Berichtigung zu DIN EN 12831 Beiblatt 1:2008-07

Institut für Bauforschung e.V. [IFB] (Hrgs.). (2010). U-Werte alter Bauteile: Arbeitsunterlagen zur Rationalisierung
wärmeschutztechnischer Berechnungen bei der Modernisierung. Hannover: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.

Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang | 76

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Renewable Energy Supply of Buildings

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of Engineering and Design
Chair for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building

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