Parents Newsletter - Week 2

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The Ten Lepers Lesson 2


Ten Lepers

A Bit of News
We want to thank all you parents for the opportunity to teach your children about Gods Word. Our church people pray for your child by name every day. Take time this week to thank God for His blessings in your life. NEXT SUNDAY we will begin Part One of the story of Josephs Thankfulness We will practice our Christmas music in Kidz Worship.

One day, Jesus decided to travel to Jerusalem. On his way, He would pass between the two places of Samaria and Galilee. As Jesus arrived closer to the city, he saw a pitiful sight. There were ten (pause) lepers who were standing outside the city all alone with no family or friends nearby. How sad! Jesus felt sorry for them and he wanted to help them, but He wanted them to ask for His help. You see, Jesus will not push his own way on us. He waits for us to come to Him and

Family Time Is Important

ask for His help. Do you have a friend who tries to give you advice all the time even when you do not ask for it? How does it make you feel? How does it make you feel when someone tries to get you to do what they want all time? Maybe, they want to be the leader all the time or the one who it IT. Maybe they want to be the first in line or get the first piece of pizza all the time. Because of their leprosy (pause) these lepers were not allowed to live in the community around other people. They had an infection that made them unclean. I volunteer in a hospital once a week and see many sick people. Some of these people have infections. When I go into their rooms I may have to wear a gown, mask, and gloves. I cannot let my clothes touch anything in the room or near their bed. Ask your kids for what happened next..Asst. Pstr Jeanne Jeanne McIntosh September 2011

A Note from our Staff

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