Public Health Rotation Reflection

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Nickou Memari

Summer 2023 Dental Public Health Rotation Reflection

1. During your rotation experience, what Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) did you observe
that are potentially impacting the oral health of the patients seen? 

During my rotation experience, I observed various Social Determinants of Health including

economic stability, education, access to transportation, access to healthcare, language and
literacy skills. These different aspects impacted and okayed a role in determining the oral health
of the patients. One specific patient who came to the clinic yesterday only spoke Spanish, which
impacted her experience because she needed an interpreter in order to get care and have the
procedures explained to the child. Also, the education level of the parents impacted the oral
health of their children. Two of the children who came in yesterday mentioned that it was their
first ever dental visit. Not having an education on the importance of dental care at a young age
and establishing a dental home during childhood impacts the oral health of the children.

2. Discuss one thing you learned while on your public health rotation. Discuss one thing that
shocked or surprised you. 

One thing I learned was the importance of access to transportation for patients. Dr. Olga
emphasized this and how having a bus stop in front of the community center was essential for
many patients coming to receive care. In addition, I learned more about SDF application by
observing the application of SDF on one of the patients by Dr. Olga. I also learned that the
patient must not eat 30 minutes after this application. I liked how Dr. Olga suggested the
application of fluoride after SDF in order to prevent the bitter taste of the SDF affecting the
child. One thing that surprised me was the low number of patients due to the new HIPAA rule
regarding text message reminders of appointments.

3. Optional: Please share any comments or suggestions on how we can enhance future dental
public health rotation experiences. 

The only suggestion I could provide would be a reduced number of students for the rotation because I
felt that several times a number of us did not have much to do or assist, as expressed by a few of my
classmates as well. Overall, it was a wonderful experience being out in the community and I look forward
to many more like these.

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