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What are heroes? Heroes are one that risks their own life to save others. When you save others life you are deserved to be called a hero. Heroes also fight for our country, like the Firemen, Police and Flight Attendant. I saw the videos with a heart full of gratitude and respect as firefighters and rescue workers gave it their all, and in some cases, their lives. Voluntarily walking into a building that might-and would-crumble to pieces. The commitment, dedication, bravery and nobility it takes for a human being to risk their own lives in order to save others. If thats not heroism, Im not sure what is.

Firemens are heroes and they always there for us when we need help. They are deserved to be called heroes because they are there for our nation and also when the World Trade Center one and two were burning down. They risked their own life to save us in the disaster of 9-11. Two thousand firefighters were already in the scene after few minutes the airplane crashed. Firemen were there even if they werent supposed to. We will never forget.

Police are the ones that keep us safe from other bad people. They are always there for us when we need help. They are deserved to be called heroes because the fight for our nation. The Police was there saving us when the Twin Towers collapsed. They risked their own life entering the smoke to safe us. All the units in New York were there to save people from the Twin Towers. They will always be heroes for me.

The flight attendants are heroes to me because they risk their life do the passengers. They arent afraid of dying if its for their country. United airlines flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania. The four hijackers take over. Flight 93 flight attendant took over the airplane so that the hijackers wouldnt get what they wanted, crash into the White House. No survivors.

The flag was adopted in June 14, 1777, but it just had 13 stars. The 50 stars represent the fifty states and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen colonies that rebelled the Monarchy British. The flags nicknames are the Star and Stripes, Old Glory and the Stare-Spangled Banner. On May 10, 1779, Secretary of the Board of War, Richard Peters expressed concern it is not yet settled what the Standard of the United States is. On April 4, 1818, a plan was passed by Congress at the suggestion of U.S. Naval Captain Samuel C. Ried in which the flag was changed to have 20 stars, with a new star to be added when each new state was admitted, but the number of stripes would be reduced to 13 so as to honor the original colonies. . In July 4, 1960 the flag was adopted again with the 50 stars and 13 stripes.


When the flag is fixed to the side of a car, it should be to the side so that the union is towards the front. This is done to give the impression that the flag is blowing backwards from its pole as the car moves forward. On U.S. military uniforms, flag patches are the same way, that is, on the right shoulder with the union toward the front. Since the Stars and Stripes are putted with the canton closest to the pole, that section stayed to the right, while the stripes flew to the left. Other organizations that wear flag patches on their uniforms can have the flag facing in either direction. The uniform of the Boy Scouts, for example, has the stripes facing front, the reverse of the military style.


They started folding the flag differently. Begin by holding it waist-high with another person so that its surface is parallel to the ground. Fold the lower half of the stripe section lengthwise over the field of stars, holding the bottom and top edges securely. Fold the flag again lengthwise with the blue field on the outside. Make a rectangular fold then a triangular fold by bringing the striped corner of the folded edge to meet the open top edge of the flag, starting the fold from the left side over to the right. Turn the outer end point inward, parallel to the open edge, to form a second triangle. The triangular folding is continued until the entire length of the flag is folded in this manner (usually thirteen triangular folds, as shown at right). On the final fold, any remnant that does not neatly fold into a triangle (or in the case of exactly even folds, the last triangle) is tucked into the previous fold. When the flag is completely folded, only a triangular blue field of stars should be visible.


I. September 11, 2002: Bush demanded to put wanted posters in New York. II. Newsletter in Mexico September 11, 2003 the stories Marine Life come out. III. September 11, 2010 my mom pays the water. IV. September 11, 1986, a couple gets married. V. September 11, 2006 my mom finished paying the car we own. VI. September 11, 2010 my brother graduated from school in Mexico VII. September 11 2007 Agapito Maestre Gabriel, Albiac analyzed the current political. VIII. September 11, 2008, Martin Castillo had a concert in Aguas Calientes. IX. September 11, 2009, I went to Tucson with my mom. X. September 11, 2011, the tenth anniversary of the world trade center 1 and 2.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

The events that happened in September 11, 2001, by 8:00 almost everyone were busy in the Twin Towers. Business men were already in the planes waiting for the plane to go. Flight 11 was hijacked 15 minutes later after it launched. The Al-Qaeda hijackers on flight 11 stab a passenger. Around 8:26 flight 11 makes a 100 degree south heading New York. 8:46:30 flight 11 crashes in the north tower between the floors 100 and 107. The tower a start burning and minutes later people started jumping off the building. They start evacuating the Twin Towers. 10:28:25 the north tower begins to collapse. There was a 17 minute difference of the two planes that crashed in the Twin Towers. A man was talking on the phone like about 9:00 when he sees a plane getting closer to him. Each time closer and it was getting bigger. He jumps to hide beneath his desk. Hes a survivor. Flight 175 crashes in the south tower at 9:03:02. The south tower only lasted 56 minutes, after those 56 minutes the tower went down, it fell. There were so many souls lost in the Twin Towers, the one that jumped and the ones that burned up. They only had those two choices. The smoke was indescribable it was a big ball of fire. Everyone was covered with ashes of the south tower when it went down. The firemen were helping the elder get to a safe place. The flight 77 crashed in the Pentagon. It was 9 when the It only crashed the outside part of the Pentagon. They started evacuating really quickly. There was a man talking in the phone when the place exploded. There was a camera on watching the fence when the airplane crashed in the pentagon. There was a lot smoke. There were 5 hijackers in that plane. It was a loud explosion. 3,000 people went to work like it was just a normal day in their life. Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania near a camp. There were 4 hijackers in the plane. They crashed near Pittsburg. The passengers took over the plane because they didnt want to die in a terrible accident that killed more people. They risked their life for our nation. They didnt want the hijackers to get what

they wanted, crash in the white house. There were no survivors. The passengers got over the plane with hot water. It crashed about 10 am.

Ramzi Yousef and his Jordanian friend, Evad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into Lower Manhattan, and pulled into the public parking garage below the World Trade Center like about noon. Yousef fired the 20-foot fuse, and fled. Twelve minutes later, at 12:17 pm, the bomb exploded in the underground garage, creating an estimated pressure of 150,000. The bomb opened a 98 ft wide hole through four levels of concrete. The speed of this bomb was about 15,000 ft. First news reports indicated a main transformer may have blown, not realizing a bomb had exploded in the basement. The bomb instantly cut off the World Trade Center's main electrical power line, knocking out the emergency lighting system. The bomb caused smoke to rise up to the 93rd floor of both towers, including through the stairwells which were not under pressure. With thick smoke filling the stairwells, evacuation was difficult for building occupants and led to many smoke breathing injuries. Hundreds were trapped in elevators in the towers when the power was cut, including a group of 17 kindergartners, on their way down from the South Tower observation deck, which were trapped between the 35th and 36th floors for five hours. .All together, six adults and one unborn child were killed and 1,042 others injured most during the evacuation. Though it killed lives the Twin Towers didnt descend.

On February 26, 1993, a bomb set by terrorists exploded below the world trade center 1. This horrible act of violence killed innocent people, injured thousands, and made victims of us all.


In September 11 2001 4 airplanes were hijacked, flights 11, 175, 93 and 77. Flight 11 and 175 were the ones that crashed in the Twin Towers. Flight 93 was going to crash in the white house but the passengers took over and the crashed in a camp in Pennsylvania. Flight 77 crashed in the outside part of the pentagon. The north tower was hit like about 8:46 am. By that time the Twin Towers were already filled with business men. The south tower was hit around 9:00 am. That exact time they started evacuating the twin towers. A man saw the 2nd plane coming straight to him. The man hid below his desk. He survived the crash. There were 2,996 deaths, counting the hijackers and more than 6,000 injured. There were all covered in ashes. There were 7-9 people who survived the descend of the Towers because they stayed in the only place that didnt fall down. There was a couple that jumped of the building. The couple was holding hands when they jumped off. There are true stories.

In both there were injured and deaths. In both they wanted to destroy the twin towers. There were both sad moments and we still remember them and we will always will. Names of the victims of the 1993 bombing are included in the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

I think we are in more danger that Osama Bin Laden id killed because now his family will want revenge and they will harm the USA.


The most interesting thing for me is when the fireman and policeman risked their life to safe others.






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