Unit 6 - Going Out

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Unit 6: Going out

Unit 6: Going out

1. Present progressive
wh- questions
negative statements

2. Vocabulary: verbs

As we saw in unit 5, the present

progressive (continuous) is used to
describe activities happening at
the moment of speaking (or
around the moment of speaking)
or for future arrangements.

Here, we’re going to see more

examples of the present
progressive with WH- questions
and negative statements.
Question Word +am / is / are + subject + verbING

Let’s remember the

structure of the present
continuous for Wh-
question and negative
Mom: “Paul, what are you doing? It’s 10:08! Your
dad is in the car!”

Now, answer these questions:

1. Is Paul early or late?

2. Is Paul going by car now?
3. Is Paul’s dad leaving now?
4. Why do you think his dad is in the car?
5. Do you think Paul and his mother are staying home or going

1a. Grammar. Present Progressive Wh - questions

Write questions using the words in parentheses. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

(where/ she / go)

Q.: Where is she going?
A.: She is going to an amusement park.

3.( what/ the children /do)

1.( where/ they /go) Q: ________________________?
Q: ________________________? A: ________________________.
A: ________________________.

2.( what/ he /eat) 4.( who/ she /call)

Q: ________________________? Q: ________________________?
A: ________________________. A: ________________________.

5.( what/ Tom /do)

Q: ________________________?
A: ________________________.
1b. Grammar. Present Progressive: Wh questions 2
Read the statements and look at the underlined words. Write the correct Wh-question using the present

1. __________________________________________________?
Example: He’s sleeping on the sofa.
What is she doing?
2. __________________________________________________?
She’s taking a shower. We’re going to Spain. We are so excited!

3. __________________________________________________?
Tina isn’t coming to the party because she is too tired.

4. __________________________________________________?
We are watching T.V.

5. __________________________________________________?
I’m taking the midterm exam in 3 weeks.

6. __________________________________________________?
Charlie is working late this weekend.
1c. Grammar. Present Progressive: negative statements
Complete the sentences with the present progressive in negative form.

1. You_______________ my pen. (not use)

2. I ________________the washing up right now. (not do)

3. Listen, he ___________________ the guitar tomorrow. (not play)

4. She _____________________ a coffee at this very moment. (not have)

5. It __________________ this afternoon. (not snow)

6. They _________________ married. (not get)

7. They train __________________ now. (not leave)

8. He ____________________ the windows. (not shut)

9. I _________________________ the car to the garage. (not take)

10. Oh dear, he ____________________ the race now. (not win)

1d. Grammar. Present Progressive: negative statements 2.
Change these sentences in present progressive to the negative form. Use contractions.

Example: I am watching TV. – I’m not watching TV.

1. I am talking. ____________________________________________________

2. They are drawing. ____________________________________________________

3. He is opening the window. ____________________________________________________

4. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. ____________________________________________________

5. We are helping in the garden. ____________________________________________________

6. You are singing. ____________________________________________________

7. It is raining. ____________________________________________________

8. She is joking. ____________________________________________________

9. I am tidying up my room. ____________________________________________________

Present Progressive: Wh-


1. ask
2. listen
3. look
4. meet
5. say
6. study
7. talk about
8. think
9. turn around
10. write

(Remember you can practice the

pronunciation of these words n English
Discoveries, with a right click on the
2a. Vocabulary: Verbs

Unjumble the verbs on the list. Then, complete the sentences.

1. Let’s _______ the teacher about the exam.

2. _________! The dogs are running. 1. YUTSD
3. After the quarantine, I want to _________ new people. 2. YAS
4. Don’t ______ ________. Your boyfriend is coming that way. 3. KAS
5. I like to _________ English at UPC. It’s great! 4. TREWI
6. It’s my teacher’s birthday. I want to _______ happy birthday to her. 5. KHINT
7. You _________ Frank is nice, right. 6. KOLO
8. Today, we will _________ _____________ Covid 19 in class. 7. LAKT OUTAB
9. I have to _________ a text for my English homework. 8. NETILS
10. What music do you _______ to? I love rock. 9. TEME
Sources & Credits

● https://thenounproject.com/
● https://www.shutterstock.com/
● https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/credit
● English Discoveries Student platform
● https://slidesmania.com/es/
● http://walesskag.over-blog.com/article-modal-verbs-102110707.html
● https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/youtube_1384060?term=video&page=1&position=1
● https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary


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