Unit 9 - On The Move

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Unit 9: On the
Unit 9: On the

1. Pronouns

2. Vocabulary:
Pronouns are probably the easiest
topics in English. As the definition
goes, they simplify sentences by
replacing nouns making the
sentences more readable and avoid

Here we are going to talk about

subject pronouns, object pronouns and
possessive pronouns.

1. This is Peter. He is very nice.
2. English is fun. I love it. (object)
3. This is not his pen. It’s mine.
Subject Pronouns
Subject pronouns are short words
used to represent people or things.
The personal pronouns are I, you, he,
she, it, we, and they. They are
primarily used to avoid repetition.

Myra (David's kitten) looks cute,
but he thinks she is evil.
(The personal pronouns "he" and
"she" avoid the need to repeat
"David" and “Myra.")
Object pronouns
The object pronouns are me, you, him,
her, it, us, and them. These are the
versions used when the personal
pronouns are direct objects, indirect
objects, or objects of prepositions. They
usually go after the verb, and follow this
subject + verb + object
1. Paul knows Marina. He likes her.
(direct object.)
2. Paul wrote a letter to his friends. He
gave them the letter.(indirect object.)
3. Paul took his brother to the gym. He
went with him. (object of a preposition.)
Possessive pronouns
The possessive pronouns are mine,
yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.
They represent something that is owned
and tell us who the owner is.
Myra protected the pantry. She
thought all the food was hers. (“hers”
represents “all the food” and tells us
the owner is “Myra”.)

Note: A possessive pronoun replaces a

possessive adjective + a noun,
her food = hers
my story = mine
their jellybean = theirs.
Here we can see the
difference between
possessive adjectives
and possessive


This is ta complete
list of pronouns in
Karla wants her husband, Bob, to start taking care of
his body, so she likes him more.

Now, complete these ideas with the correct information:

1. “Her” refers to _______________.

2. “His body” refers to _______________.
3. “She” is _____________.
4. “Him” refers to ¨ ____________.
5. “her husband” could be replaced by the pronoun ____________.
1a. Grammar. Subject pronouns
Replace the underlined words with the appropriate pronouns in the box. Use capital letters when necessary.

1. The man went shopping and bought some books. The books were history books.
2. My sister is studying at the library because my sister has an exam tomorrow.
3. Jack lives in a city but Jack likes to go camping every summer.
4. I put the cookies on the table but now the cookies aren’t there.
5. The cat looked at me and then then the cat started to meow.
6. Mrs. Simpson works at a hospital. Mrs. Simpson is a doctor.
7. We saw the movie but the movie wasn’t very good.
8. I like the weather in Spain. The weather is often warm and sunny there.
9. I gave the report to Mr. Jones and Mr. Jones read it.
10. Where are the magazines? Are the magazines in the living room?
11. I made some coffee. The coffee is in the kitchen.
12. My grandmother is retired and my grandmother lives in Vancouver.
1b. Grammar. Object pronouns
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.

1. Do you know that man? Do you know _______________?

2. My friend and I have money. _______________ can go shopping.

3. Robert and Mark are late. _______________ should hurry.

4. She gave _______________ a birthday gift. I really like it.

5. Elephants are very big, so _______________ eat a lot of food.

6. My brother is studying because _______________ has a test tomorrow.

7. Do you feel okay? Can I help _______________?

8. My new neighbors are very friendly. I really like _______________.

9. I need to find my book. Where did you put _______________?

1b. Grammar. Object pronouns
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.

10. Spiders have eight legs, and _______________ also have many eyes.

11. I’m busy right now. Could you please call _______________ after an hour?

12. He gave me the box, but _______________ lost it.

13. We gave him the money, and he gave _______________ the candy.

14. I almost never eat junk food because _______________ isn’t healthy.

15. Who is she? Do you know _______________?

16. My sister isn’t here. _______________ is at work.

17. Dinosaurs were very large, but _______________ all died millions of years ago.

18. Could you please help _______________? I have a problem.

1c. Grammar. Pronouns: subjects vs objects
Choose the correct pronoun.

1. I / me like London. 11. She /Her wants to go home early.

3. All the students passed except I / me. 12. Everyone arrived on time but he / him didn’t.
4. A: Who’s there? B: I / Me! 13. Please keep up with we / us.
5. They / them love vegan food. 15. We / Us have been to Rio.
6. A: Is that the man you told me about? 16. Could you pass the coffee to she / her?
B: Yes, that’s he / him. 17. My brother is taller than I / me.
7. We all like cake except she / her. 18. I / Me went to the bookshop yesterday.
8. He / him will get a new phone soon. 19. Our new teacher is friendlier than she / her.
9. His sister isn’t as tall as he / him. 20. All the children came inside except they /
10. Is that chocolate for I / me? them.
1d. Grammar. Possessive pronouns
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive pronoun.
1. We bought that house last year. It is _______________.
2. This car belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It is _______________.
3. I think I saw John drop this pen. I think it is _______________.
4. This book is _______________. It has my name on it.
5. My brother and I made that chair. It’s _______________.
6. Excuse me. This phone is _______________. You forgot to take it with you.
7. Her sister drew the picture. It’s _______________.
8. The little boy shouted, “Give the ball to me! It’s _______________!”
9. That’s _______________. We bought it last night at the department store.
10. The bicycles were _______________, so they rode them home after school.
11. A: Are you sure this book belongs to your mother? B: Yes, it’s _______________.
12. A:This is _______________ - you ordered the pizza. B:I ordered the spaghetti.
13. A: Is this Robert’s? B: No, it’s not _______________.
14. I think these keys are _______________. I left them on the table.
15. Thomas can find his classroom, but Susan and Mary can’t find _______________.
1e. Grammar. Possessive adjectives vs possessive pronouns
Choose the correct possessive form.
1. Is this cup (your / yours)?
2. The coffee is (my / mine).
3. That coat is (my / mine).
4. He lives in (her / hers) house.
5. You might want (your / yours) phone.
6. The new car is (their / theirs).
7. She cooked (our / ours) food.
8. Don’t stand on (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him (her / hers) suitcase.
10. I met (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this (their / theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat (her / hers)?
13. The grey scarf is (my / mine).
14. That red bike is (our / ours).
15. We should take (our / ours) coats.
1f. Grammar. All mixed pronouns
Choose the correct pronoun.
1.My sister bought that new car last week. That car is …. 5.Is this … pen? Does it belong to you?
a)his a)you
b)hers b)yours
c)her c)your

2.The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. The green one is … 6.No, that’s not …. That pen is blue. My pen is green.
car. a)my
a)her b)mine
b)she c)me
7.… home is located downtown, so it’s close to my
3.Excuse me. Have you seen … cell phone? I lost it. work.
a)my a)We
b)mine b)Ours
c)me c)Our

4.That dog belongs to my neighbor. It’s … dog. 8.My brother doesn’t like … new job because it’s
a)our very boring.
b)their a)his
c)his b)its
1f. Grammar. All mixed pronouns
Choose the correct pronoun.
9.The cat was hungry and tired, so it ate all … food 13.Her friend says it’s …, but I think it belongs to
and fell asleep. them.
a)its a)her
b)it’s b)his
c)it c)our

10.It’s not theirs, it’s …. We bought it yesterday. 14.What do you like to do in … free time?
a)our a)your
b)them b)yours
c)ours c)ours

11.What time does … English class begin? 15.I don’t think that sandwich is mine. I think it’s ….
a)yours a)her
b)you b)yours
c)your c)their

12.… friend is over there by the cafeteria. Can you 16.Is it his, hers, yours, ours, or …? I really don’t
see him? know!
a)Me a)they
b)My b)theirs
c)Mine c)them
?v=4khSnzr24uw (subject and
object pronouns)

?v=bhzh8VDykc4 (possessive
adjectives and possessive

1. bus
2. bus fare
3. bus stop
4. car
5. conductor
6. late
7. take a taxi
8. train
9. wait for
10. walk

(Remember you can practice the

pronunciation of these words in English
Discoveries, with a right click on the
2a. Vocabulary: Transport

Complete the sentences with the correct word from Unit 9.

1. I need to ________ in the park and exercise my legs. This quarantine is not good for me.

2. Excuse me, where is the ____ _______? We want to take a _______ to go to Larcomar. 1. bus
2. bus fare
3. It’s 10:25 already! Jamie is ______, but let’s _______ ___ her. Maybe she had an emergency.
3. bus stop
4. The Metropolitano ____ _______ is S/. 2.5. 4. car
5. “Perurail” _______ is really elegant and fast. 5. conductor
6. late
6. I don’t have a _______. I prefer to use my bike.
7. take a taxi
7. Does this bus have a _____________ to collect the tickets? 8. train
8. I don’t want to ______ ___ ________ because it’s more expensive than the bus. And it’s also 9. wait for
10. walk
dangerous, like Uber.
Sources & Credits

● https://thenounproject.com/
● https://www.shutterstock.com/
● https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/credit
● English Discoveries Student platform
● https://slidesmania.com/es/
● http://walesskag.over-blog.com/article-modal-verbs-102110707.html
● https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/youtube_1384060?term=video&page=1&position=1
● https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary


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