Song For Dad

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Song for dad’s birthday

 A song for dads

 Thank you, dad,

Dad is our the embrace of a father’s love, I find solace, a bond that is genuine, eternal and
flawless. With arms strong and tender, he holds me near, guiding my steps, erasing all fear.

His love, a fortress that shields my heart, through life’s challenges, we’ll never part. A guardian and
mentor, forever by my side, he fills my heart with love’s endless tide

In his eyes I see unwavering devotion, a love that transcends all earthly notion. With each gentle word
and encouraging smile, he strengthens my spirit, mile after mile.

Through laughter and tears, he’s always there, a pillar of strength, beyond compare. His wisdom flows
like a timeless river, guiding my dreams, making them shimmer. Sometimes I come home and say “dad, I
just feel sad”. He asks me what is wrong and no matter how tough the situation can be, his words are “u
are going to be fine soon”. Well he is the person who sits down to listen to my silly stories but no matter
how ridiculous they are, he just listens, smiles and shakes his head, I guess he finds me funny. when I
grow up, I want to be a parent like he is.

Oh father, your love is a radiant light, guiding my way through the darkest night. I’m forever grateful for
your gentle embrace, a love so pure, no measure can trace

On this day, I celebrate you, dear father, for all the love you’ve shown, and rather, I cherish the bond
that we both share. A father’s love, beyond compare.

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