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Abune Gorgorios Secondary school

Subject: civics Grade: 10th

Tutorial class week: 9 Date: 21/08/15

Part 1: Blank Space

1. The name we give to our values or good behavior is called……………………………..

2. …………………….. is refers to the proper use of labor/skill, knowledge, and energy
3. …………………….is a quality of depending on your power, resources, skills, and
4. The quality of accepting your boundaries as a person is termed

Part 2: choice

Choose the correct answer

5. Dependency is characterized by all except one.

A. The existence of advanced and poor nations,
B. The interference of advanced nations in the wealth of the poor nations,
C. Control of the resources of the poor nations leading to more dependence,
D. None of the above
6. All Except one of the following are the fruit of strong work habit. It
A. Gives you power and authority to suppress others
B. Opens opportunities for learning new skills and experiences
C. Contributes to the betterment of society as a whole
D. Enables you to satisfy your needs, to be a proud and respected person
7. Self-esteem encompasses all except one.
A. Self-appreciation B. Self-worth C. Self- respect D. None of the above
8. Which of the following is True about the command economy?
A. Government plays an important role in controlling market transactions.
B. Market forces play the major role in determining market prices.
C. Producers and consumers have freedom of economic decision making.
D. Economic principles uphold free trade and the removal of trade barriers.
9. ____ is the qualities that enable a person to hold fast and be string when he or she is in
danger path or in a difficult situation.
A. Money B. Courage C. Food D. Integrity
10. The positive way a worker carries out his or her work with the aim of helping oneself and
mankind is called:
A. Right attitude to work C. Industriousness
B. White collar workers D. profession
11. Well-being includes all except one:
A. The absence of positive emotions and moods
B. The absence of negative emotions,
C. Satisfaction with life,
D. The enjoyment and happiness that we get rewards in life and work
12. Pick out the wrong statement about work ethics.
A. It is a cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable and responsible for
the work that one does and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic value
B. It refers to how you feel about your job or career, so it covers your attitude and
C. It usually associated with people who work hard and do a good job.
D. It is a set of moral principles or values that employees departs by and not bring to bear
in their job performance.
13. Good work habits includes all except:
A. Respectfulness B. Dedication C. Humility D. delay
14. Which one of the following incorrectly matched?
A. Reliability- keeping promise
B. Truthfulness- to face the responsibilities upon telling truth.
C. Honesty - avoidance of lying.
D. D. Humility -show ingratitude to colleagues who work hard
15. Which one of the following is invalid about self-confidence?
A. It is about trusting your-self and having a sense of self-reliance.
B. A lack of self-confidence will hold you back from success
C. Confident people focus on their strengths and have a keen sense of what they want at
the expense of others
D. Confident people have a balanced desire to succeed and achieve, so that they attract
the outcome they seek.
16. Identify the wrong statement
A. Command Economy -is an economy where government plays the important role
B. Market Economy -is an economy where private individuals take their own decisions
with less government intervention.
C. Mixed Economy -is a combination of both the economies-both the government as
well as the private individuals takes decisions.
D. Command Economy - decisions are handed up from the lower authority.

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