DLP Math 1 Telling Time To The Hour and Half Hour

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I. Objectives
At the end of the, the pupils are expected to:
• Indicate time to the hour and half-hour;
• Read and write time as shown on the clock, and;
• Practice habit of coming on time.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Telling Time to the hour and half hour
b. References: Menor, N. M., & Sanvictores, M. C. J. (2017) Realistic Math Scaling Greater
Heights (2nd Edition). Sibs Publishing House, Inc.
c. Materials: Paper Clock, Flash Cards, Power Point and visual aids
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

a. Daily Routine
1. Greetings Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am!

2. Prayer Alright, so before we start please all stand (pray together)

and let us all feel the presence of God by Amen!
3. Introduction
Again, Good Morning! Good Morning Ma’am
So, we will introduce ourselves first. I am
Teacher Ethyl Pascua Mesa.

And I am Teacher Kate Nicole Visbal, you
can call me Ma’am Kate. And we will be
your service teacher for today.

4. Checking of (Ethyl)
attendance Before we start our new lesson, I will be
checking your attendance first and see
who’s absent and present for today.

Ok, no one is absent today. Very good!

5. Classroom rules Alright, I would like to remind you again of

our classroom rules. Firstly, if the teacher is
speaking listen carefully. Additionally, raise
your hand if you want to speak. Moreover,
respect the teacher and your classmates, and
lastly always do your best.
b. Review Do you still remember our topic yesterday? Yes Ma’am!

What it is all about? It is all about the

Calendars Ma’am.
Wow! What a great memory!
How many months are there in a year? (Mary Jane raises her
Yes? (pertaining to Mary Jane)
12 months Ma’am.
Ok very good, How about the days in a
week? (Chiara raises her hand)
7 days Ma’am.
Very good, you really understand what your
teacher just taught you yesterday.
Let’s clap for yourself.
c. Developmental

1. Motivation Do you want to watch some video? Yes Ma’am!

I will let you watch the Hickory Dickory

Dock in CoComelon, I want you to focus
and observe, so that later on you’ll have an
idea about our topic for today, alright?
(watched the video)
What did you just see on the video?
A mouse!
Ok, what else?
(Miles raises her hand)
Alright, clock! Clock ma’am!
So, what does sound it makes?
Everybody! Tik tok tik tok

That’s right, very good.

Alright, since your teacher already taught
you how to be able to identify a date. We
will be teaching you now how to read the

So this is a clock, and a clock tells time.

This is an Analog clock.

2. Presentation of First, I will teach you how to tell the time by

the lesson/ minute. The longer hand shows the minute
Discussion while the shorter hand shows the hour, and
the longest hand tells the second time.

A complete turn of the long hand is equal to

60 minutes or 1 hour. So there are only 60
minutes in each hour. And each minute has
60 seconds. And we have 24 hours a day, I
bet your teacher already told you this

Each of the lines or increments shows a

minute; 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4
minutes, 5 minutes. There are 5 minutes in
between of these numbers.
Yes Ma’am!
Let’s count by 5, do you know how to count
5, 10, 15, 20...
by 5?

Ok, let’s count together! 5, 10, 15, 20...

Very Good!
Now let’s move on to the shorter hand
which is called the hour hand. We will
follow the numbers according to what’s in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
the clock 11, 12!
Let’s count the numbers!

Now, if the long hand is pointing to 12 we O’clock!
called it o’clock and it’s written like :00. We
called it o’clock because its already
completed the turn of the long hand or
minute hand. Can you say o’clock?

Alright, let’s see what time is on the clock.

The long hand (minute hand) is pointing to
12 and the short hand (hour hand) pointing
to number 8, then the time is Eight O’clock Yes, Ma’am!

Remember to say the number that the short

hand is pointing out to the first before the
long hand.
Are we clear? (Xyra raised her hand)
9:00 Ma’am.
Ok let’s have another example.
How about when the long hand still pointing
at 12 and the short hand is pointing to 9?
(Rotate the clock hands on the paper clock)

Very Good!
Now let’s have Ma’am Kate to replace me
for a while.

Hello Children! Good Morning. So, teacher
Ethyl already teach you how to read time to
the hour.

So, before we move on, let’s have short

review to what you had just learned to
teacher Ethyl.
Ok! I will be singing and you will be
answering the questions that I’m going to
ask while I’m singing, so listen carefully.

“If the clock is ticking over what sound it 10:00

Tic tac
If the long hand points at 12 what time it is?
If the clock is ticking over and the long hand
points at 12 and if the short hand points at
10 what time it is?”

Very good! One more time!

(repeat the song)

Ok, very good. You can now tell the time by

hour, but what if the long hand (minute
hand) points at 6 and the short hand (hour
hand) is pointing between the two numbers?
Do we still called it o’clock? No. We only 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.
say o’clock when the long hand points at 12.

So if the long hand or the minute hand was

pointing to 6 we say 30, because, just like
what teacher Ethyl just said earlier if the
long hand points at any number at the clock
we will be counting by 5, so if the long hand
pointing to 6, let’s count to 1 by 5.

Very good!
Now, If the short hand was pointing
between two number; We say the number
that has passed the short hand.

Ok, for example.

(Xyra raised her hand)

The short hand (hour hand) is pointing 3:30 Ma’am!
3. Generalization between 10 and 11 and the long hand
pointing to 6. The time is 10:30. Because,
the short hand already passed the number Yes, ma’am!
Another example:
(Rotate the clock’s short hand to 3)
3 hands!

That’s right! (give another example) Yes Ma’am

Wow! You all are very smart.
(Mary Jane raised her
Because it tells the time
Did you learn something today class? when we need to eat and
What is the name of the object that tells the

How many hands does a clock has?

Do you think clock is important?


Wow, yes that is one of the reason why we

need a clock. Very Good!

d. Application Teacher will be grouping the pupils into 4

groups and each group has their own Analog
clock. Teacher will be showing the time in
flash cards and the pupils will be fixing the
Analog clock into the time that is shown in
Class get back to your proper seat now and
you will be having a seat work activity.
Ok, bring out your papers and answer the
IV. Evaluation
Write the time below each clock.

V. Assignment
On your assignment notebook, draw a clock pointing your favourite time of the day and explain
The clock should be coloured according to what you want.

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