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NOILVONIdd¥ INTRODUCTION TO LEADERSHIP 1.2 CONCEPTUALIZING LEADERSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE Purpose Toldenttyhow you vewleadership ‘To.explore your perceptions of iferentaspects ofleadership Directions Consider fr a moment your own Impressions ofthe word leadership. Based on your experiences with leecers Inyourttetime, whatis leadershin? Using the scale below, incicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with te following stelements about leadership, When think ofleadership, think of ron with spaciol personally ats 2. Much ie paying the piano or tenis adehip ica leerned abit. 2 Leadership requires knowledge andicnow- ho, Lesion ooatetpopieoranerhan sho a Followers caninuence the leedershin press 3s ‘muchasleaders Leadership is aboutthe process ofinfuencing others, ‘Some people are bom to beleaders. 8. Some people ave the naturslabiliyto be leaders, ‘The key to successtulleadershipis having the right sas. Leederships best described by what eaders do Leaders and folowers shave Inthe leadership process. Leadershipisa sels of actions rectedtoward postive encs, Apetson noeds tohaveccertanvaistobean ‘flecive leader. @ Veredoessoeen conmoreusehiote ra domlonatevesionct ie uestomnake Chapter Understanding Leadership 1.2 CONCEPTUALIZING LEADERSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE (Continued ‘4. Everyonehacthecapoctyto bea teade, 18. Efectve leaders are competentinthel roles. ‘6 Messercectiesertlepaombgtatesnd vpecele, 17. Leadership is eb0utthe common purposes ofeaders 20, People can develop th abit otene. 21. lecve eager have competence andlnowedge. aan areas 2 miei abtow ise viis ae 23, ctv leadership best online bythe eae {olower labo 24. Leaders ipnuenceandareinivenced by olowers Scoring 1. Sumscores on tems 17,13, and19 rat emphasis) Sum scores onitems 2,8, 4, nd 20 abit emphasis) ‘Sum scores onitems 3, 9,15, and 21(kll emphasis) ‘Sum scores onitems 4,10, 16, and 22 foehavior emphasis) ‘Sum scores onitems 5,17, and 23 relationship emphasis) 15. Sumscoresonitems 6 12,18, and 24 process emphasis) 2, 3 4 s. APPLICATION

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