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α Amylase Kit

(Direct Substrate Method)

This diagnostic reagent kit is intended for "in vitro" Quantitative
determination of Amylase activity from Serum/Plasma/ Urine.
Mix well and read the initial absorbance A0 after 1 minute &
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: repeat the absorbance reading after every 1, 2, & 3 minutes.
α Amylase is secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum where Calculate the mean absorbance change per minute
it aids the catabolism of carbohydrates to simple sugars. Damage
to the pancreas or obstruction to the pancreatic duct causes the (DOD/min.)
enzyme to enter the blood stream.Elevated levels are found in
acute pancreatitis, perforated / penetrating peptic ulcers,
paraotitis (mumps). Patients with chronic pancreatic disorders
having pancreatic cell destruction do not have high levels as less α Amylase Activity (U/L) = DA/min. x 3178
amylase is produced by the pancreas.
PRINCIPLE: Serum, plasma Up to 90 U/L at 37°C
α Amylase catalyzes the hydrolysis of a 2- chloro-4 nitro phenol Urine Up to 480 U/L at 37°C
salt to chloro nitrophenol (CNP). The rate of hydrolysis is Each Laboratory should establish it's own normal range
measured as an increase in absorbance due to the formation of representing its patient population.
chloro nitrophenol, which is propotional to the α Amylase activity in
the sample. LINEARITY:
The procedure is linear upto 1500 U/L. If DA/min. exceeds
REACTION: 0.470, repeat test using serum diluted with normal saline
α Amylase (NaCl 0.9 %) and repeat the assay, multiply result by dilution
CNP-Gal-G2 + H2O CNP + Gal-G2 factor.


Reagent 1 : Amylase Reagent For accuracy it is necessary to run known controls with every
- Laboratory Glass Pipettes or Micropipettes & Tips. 1.Saliva and sweat contains Amylase. To reduce
- Bio-Chemistry Analyzer. possibilityof contamination do not pipette by mouth and avoid
contact of sample, reagent and pipette tips with skin.
SAMPLES: 2. Avoid direct exposure of reagent to the sunlight.
Serum free of hemolysis, heparinised plasma, urine. α Amylase is 3. Any slight changes of reagents to yellow coloration does
reported to be stable in the sample for 5 days at 2 - 8°C. not interfere with performance of the kit.
4. The Reagent contains Sodium Azide. Avoid direct contact
PREPARATION OF REAGENT & STABILITY : with skin or mucous membrane. Do not swallow the
All Reagents are ready to use and are Stable till the expiry date
mentioned on the label at 2° -8 °C and away from direct
sunlight. REFERENCES:
1.Winn-Deen. E.S., David, H. Sigler E. and Chavez R., Clin.
Chem.,34, 10, (1988), 2005.
GENERAL SYSTEM PARAMETERS: 2.Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry. Burtis CA and ashwood
Reaction type : Kinetic (Increasing) ER.Second edition WB saunders company,1994,2178.
Wave Iength : 405 nm
Temperature : 37°C
Delay : 60 sec. CODE NO. PACK SIZE Reagent 1
Interval : 60 sec. S04C 2 x 10 ml 2 x 10 ml
No.of reads :3 S04D 2 x 20 ml 2 x 20 ml
Reagent volume : 1.0 ml S04F 5 x 10 ml 5 x 10 ml
Sample volume : 25 µl
Factor : 3178 IVD
Zero setting : Deionosed water UNIONPROJET S.R.L.S.

Light path : 1 cm EC REP Via Aliprandi 41-20851

Lissone (MB)

ISO 9001:2015 ISO 13485:2003

Pipette into clean dry test tube labeled as Test (T) :

Addition Sequence (T)

Working Reagent 1 ml
Sample 25µl

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