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Bacolor, Pampanga

Graduate School
Practical Research 1- Quantitative Research
Name: Pamintuan, Dyan T.
Section: MAEd-English 1A
Professor: Dr. Fernandina Otchengco

Output #1. Rhetorical Precis

Title: Effective Strategies for Teaching and Learning Reading in Key Stage 1 (Grade 1-3)

Rhetorical Precis #1
In the study “Impact of Childcare Center Programs on Reading Achievement of English
Language Learner Students” (2017), Keil Valerie claims that Childcare Center Program can
help improve the reading achievement of learners in kindergarten and first grades. Keil supports
this claim by comparing the results of the learner who participates in Childcare Programs,
which shows higher scores in reading throughout kindergarten and first grades, to those with
no formal childcare. Her purpose is to provide a strategy in helping schools and education
sectors look at the program as a foundation in order to help learners be appropriately equipped
in their Key Stage 1 when it comes to reading. She establishes a formal and highly academic
tone to maintain objectivity and confidence in her audience, who seek strategies to help learners
develop Reading literacy.

Rhetorical Precis #2

Davidsen Deborah, in her study entitled "Effect of Differentiated Instruction on Reading

Comprehension of Third Grades" (2018), asserts that using Differentiated Instruction will help
improve Students' Reading Comprehension. She supports this assertion by investigating the
effect of Differentiated Instruction on a group of learners and comparing it to the learners who
received Non-differentiated Instruction- which shows that the use of Differentiated Instruction
significantly improved the students' Reading Comprehension. Her purpose is to encourage all
stakeholders to provide opportunities for teachers to learn and apply this strategy in order to
help the students become proficient readers. She establishes and maintains a formal tone with
her audience, researchers, and teachers intrigued by how to cater to the needs of diverse
Rhetorical Precis #3

In the study, “Effects of a Paired Bilingual Reading Program and an English-only

Program on the Reading Performance of English Learners in Grade 1-2” (2012), Baker et al.
address that one of the strategies is considered to be more effective than the other and found
that it was the Paired Bilingual Reading program. They support this claim by dividing the
students into two groups wherein the first group (Paired Bilingual Reading Program) receives
significantly higher scores than the second group (English-only Program). Their purpose is to
show the findings between two strategies in order to help teachers choose the appropriate way
of teaching Reading and assisting the students with their Reading Performance. The authors’
audience likely consists of those interested in the education sector through their references to
the strategies in reading; they addressed readers with a formal and objective tone.

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