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The Xavier China Experience

Parent Orientation


Meet the Supervisors

Mrs. Jennifer Say Team Leader Mrs. Jopin Galvez Filipino Mr. james Rivera Sap, Math Ms. Mila Llarenas CLE Mr. Noriel Oraa Math Mrs. Julie Cruz Science Mr. Franco Addun Social Studies

Meet the Supervisors

Mrs. Cathy Lauengco Guidance, Filipino Mrs. Telle Ortiz English Mr. John Joseph Leonor PE, Science Ms. Maggie Qin Chinese Mr. Emman Abadam ODS, CLE

International Programs at Xavier

Began with Grade 7 XCE Has expanded to include summer and semester break programs (Beijing, Singapore, Yunnan) International Programs Office established 3 years ago Vision: Students graduate Xavier with the skills to understand and thrive in a diverse and changing world


To provide a supportive environment that will motivate students to learn Chinese language and culture To provide students a firsthand experience of living abroad and away from his family and undergo personal growth in the process

Academic Program
Mrs. Jopin Galvez

Interdisciplinary Subjects work together for more synthesis and fewer assessments Made to Fit Experience Classes take advantage of the surroundings and context Student Initiative Student choice in projects / topics; groups decide where to go for research


15 hours of class per week regular and advanced strengthen conversation

skills in a variety of situations (especially when exploring) grade school and college students

will converse with Chinese

Filipino and CLE

Task is to reflect on the


Reflection will take the form

of journals and reflection writing, to be done in Filipino

Filipino compositions will

count as CLE reflections

Math and Social Science

Task will be to discover information about Chinese culture through first-hand sources

Students will design

questionnaires and conduct interviews

Math will help analyze data

using basic statistics

Science and English

Focus will be on real-life research skills

Students will test conduct

scientific tests of various products in China

Major assessment is a

research paper, to be assessed by both departments

Formation Program
Mrs. Cathy Lauengco


Students will be in small

groups of 10 or 14

Roommate will be from the small group (to be announced in China) Mentoring

Mentors will live in same building as students

Weekly mentoring sessions

Religious Formation Mass is held at a local cathedral

Morning and

Evening prayer services

Students organize

Mr. Emman Abadam

Discipline Policies
Overview Rules of Student Handbook apply, as do any
rules stipulated by South China Normal University

Any offense committed during the program will

be properly documented and will be sanctioned based on the provisions of the handbook.

Sanctions include cleaning duty and detention If the offense warrants severance from the school,
the student will be sent home and the case will be handled in Xavier School.

Discipline Policies
Special Policies
Students are expected to be punctual and attend all XCE Mandarin will be spoken as much as possible to develop
students fluency Activities. They must always be with their group or with their buddy.

Haircut will be inspected before departure, after 3 weeks,

and again upon return search for contraband

Rooms will be inspected weekly for cleanliness, by random

Possession or use of alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal (such as cellphones) items will result in severe sanctions.

Discipline Policies
Warning Status
A disciplinary warning will be given to a student who commits any of the following offenses:

Breaks away from his assigned group during field trips

Goes off campus without permission, breaks

the established perimeter or arrives past curfew

Receives 8 greenslips

Program Details
Mrs. Jennifer Say

6:45 7:15

Projected Daily Schedule Prayer

Breakfast Chinese Recess Chinese Lunch / Rest CLE English Math Soc Sci Recess Wushu Art Wushu Dinner Supervised Studies Lights out English CLE Filipino






8:30 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:20 10:20 - 11:50 11:50 - 1:00 1:00 - 1:50 1:00 - 2:50 2:50 - 3:10 3:10 - 4:00 4:00 - 5:30 6:00 - 7:00 7:00 - 9:00 10:00pm Filipino Science

Science Math Soc Sci

Free time (Intrams, laundry)

Trips and Activities

Overnight Trip Shangchuan Island Site Visits Shangxiajiu, Guangdong Museum, Chimelong Zoo

Cultural Exchange Interaction with students from local school

Living Arrangements

Foreign Student dorm, reserved primarily for Xavier

2 students in each room

Location of School

Within the newly developed University town

Living Arrangements

November and

December weather can be cool Health and Safety

Crime rate is low; city and campus are safe. One big modern hospital nearby

Packing Considerations

Clothes, toiletries, medication, and other personal essentials (complete list on our website at Pack warm, durable clothing that can be worn in layers. Students may NOT BRING laptops, cell phones, or any electronic gadget Limit spending money to $350 equivalent in RMB (better to change some money here).

Dates to Remember
Student Orientation Part 1 Saturday, 10/1 8:00-3:00pm (Lecture hall) Part 2 Friday, 10/21 11:00- 12:00 (MPC) Send-off Mass Tuesday, 10/25, 10:45 (MPC) Luggage Weigh-in Batch 1 Tuesday, 10/25, 8:00-10am (Media Ed) Batch 2 Thursday, 10/27, 8:00-10Am (media Ed)

Departure From Xavier (Cz3092)

Dates to Remember batch 1

October 26 Assembly Time: 6:00am (MPH) Flight Schedule: 11:55am

batch 2
October 28 Assembly Time: 6:00am (MPH) Flight Schedule: 11:55am

Arrival In Manila (Cz397)

Dates to Remember batch 1

December 7 ETA At NAIA: 2:15pm ETA at XS: 4:00pm

batch 2
December 9 ETA At NAIA: 2:15pm ETA at XS: 4:00pm

Dates to Remember

Graduation December 6 9:00am- 11:00am

Dates to Remember

Visiting Days
Team 1 December 5 4:00-9:00pm December 6 after Graduation till 8:00pm

Dates to Remember

Visiting Days
Team 2 December 6 after Graduation till 8:00pm December 7 8:30- 8:00pm

Mrs. Mabelle Concepcion

Parent Sharing

Small Group Discussions

XCE Supervisors

Last Reminders

Full schedule, complete packing list, and all relevant dates and information will be posted on

Please be reminded of your sons orientation this Saturday (October 1, 2011) Please feel free to call or e-mail the International Programs Office ( or 723-0481 loc. 434/219

The Xavier China Experience

Parent Orientation

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