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Angelic Sigils of Power

Transform Your Life with Instant Access to the Angels of the Tarot and Zodiac

Tristan Whitespire

Copyright © 2020 Tristan Whitespire

Disclaimer: The information provided in this book is not to be taken for medical or professional advice under any circumstances. By using the information
contained in this book the user assumes full responsibility and agrees that Tristan Whitespire will not be held liable or responsible for any consequences that
come as a result of the actions you take based on reading the information contained herein. The reader understands that no promises of success are made to
the readers of this book. By reading this book you agree and understand that nothing said herein is meant to give medical, legal, or financial advice and
should not be used in place of medical, legal or financial advice from a qualified expert. If you are in need of legal, financial, or medical help seek professional
help and do not use the information in this book as a substitute for the guidance and advice of certified, qualified experts under any circumstances. Always be
sure that you adhere to and obey the government, the laws, and the authorities of your country.

Dedicated to the Olympic Spirit Och. Who continues to inspire my mind with wisdom so that I may inspire others. And to The Gallery of
Magick, whose work forever revolutionized magick and made all of this possible.

The magick within the book you now hold in your hands is said to have origins that date back to the beginning of humanity. This is ancient
knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation in one form or another since the days when humanity spoke freely with
angels and was said to walk with God. Hidden within the framework of this magick is the knowledge of the essence of who we are, our
connection with God, and the nature of the human soul.

Thankfully, it isn’t necessary to understand any of that background information or theories to access the immense power of this magick.
The rituals are brief and take only a small amount of time to complete. There are no tools involved, no facing in special directions, and no
elements of darkness or calling on demons involved. This is simple, pure, yet powerful angelic magick of Light.

These rituals cover the entire range of human desires. What is your greatest desire in your life right now? What obstacles and hardships
are you facing now that you wish to overcome? Are you suffering from loneliness? Are you stuck in a dead-end job that you hate and wish to
escape? Are you looked down upon and cast out by others? Are you scraping by and living paycheck to paycheck? Do you wish to glow with
light of strength of wellbeing? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then it is not a mistake that you are reading this book. Destiny
has brought us together through these words for a very special purpose.

The Human Soul and the Zodiac

It is a trend in contemporary books on magick to skip a discussion of theory. This is done for good reason as most readers will not be
interested in learning long winded theories of how the magick was formed and the meaning of the various names and so on. In this book
however, it would be beneficial to the reader to have a briefest overview of the origins of this magick.

Though this chapter on theory is not essential to working the magick at all. You do not need to understand the Kabbalah or any other
complex and esoteric teachings to get this magick to work. Simply make the calls to the angels as described and they will come to your aid,
bending destiny in your favor. However, this short chapter is for those who desire to look a bit deeper in to the rhyme and reason behind this
magick, these angels, and their connection to the 36 Tarot cards.
If you care nothing for theory, feel free to skip straight to the chapter entitled ___________ and read on from there. For those who decide
to stick around to read the theory behind this magick, I will keep this as short as possible so you can get to the magick.

There are 36 archetypal energies which compose all events of our life from the spiritual to mundane and all in between These archetypal
energies are depicted by the 36 numbered cards of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot (2 of wands through 10 of wands, 2 of cups through 10 of
cups, 2 of swords through 10 of swords, and 2 of pentacles through 10 of pentacles). These 36 Tarot cards are each assigned to one of the 3
decans of each sign of the Zodiac. What is a decan? The Zodiac is made up of 12 signs. Each of those signs is separated into 3 sections that
further details the powers, nature, and attributes of that Zodiac sign. These 3 sections are called decans.

There is much more to it than this, however it is beyond the scope of this book to explain these concepts in detail. This is a book of practical
magick, not theory. Therefore, I will only touch on each concept just enough for you to understand and possibly give you clues for further
research if desired.

In my cosmology God is our Highest Consciousness. The universe is the Infinite Mind of God. There is no difference between our
consciousness and God’s consciousness or between our mind and the Universal Mind of God. All is one. Then what causes all the chaos, stress,
character flaws, imperfections, and frustrations we experience in life? If we are God, then where is our power and perfection?

Our power and perfection are within us. We ARE power and perfection itself, yet those qualities are frequently blocked from manifesting.
God/Consciousness is like a pure and perfect shining light. The Source of all Light and Goodness. Our soul is like a prism through which that
light shines. Google an image of a prism to get the idea. White light flowing through one side of a crystal is projected out of the other side as
a rainbow. That rainbow which the Light of God/Consciousness becomes as it shines through our soul is the 36 aspects of our soul which
match the 36 decans of the Zodiac and the 36 numbered cards of the Tarot. As you can see, the Zodiac is not a strange or obscure image that
someone simply invented. It is a picture of the human soul.
The Human Soul and the Kabbalah

The Kabbalah is a deep and mysterious topic. I can’t pretend to fully understand it. In the process of studying it a picture gradually formed
for me over the years that led to the small bit of understanding that I have now. This is the part of the book where it may get a little complex,
but I will try to keep it as clear and simple as possible.

All of creation unfolds by a specific process. That process is depicted through a diagram called the Etz Chaim (Tree of Life). Whether you
understand this tree or not, it does not affect your ability to use this magic at all. And for those of you who don’t care for background theory,
again, you may skip ahead to chapter _____. I won’t delve too deeply into this information because it goes far deeper than the scope of this
book but will touch on it as an overview.

The universe as described by Kabbalah unfolds through four levels called “worlds”. Each world has a Hebrew name which describes its
function and each world corresponds with a suit of the Tarot, an element, and an aspect of the human body.

Each level also corresponds to a letter of the Divine Name YHVH (pronounced: EE-AH-OH-EH). This is the name of the Supreme God and
the Source of the universe in Jewish belief.

1. Atziluth (World of Emanation) = Fire = Suit of Wands = Spiritual body. Y (EE)

2. Briah (World of Creation) = Water = Suit of Cups = Emotional body. H (AH)
3. Yetzirah (World of Formation) = Air = Suit of Swords = Mental body. V (OH)
4. Assiah (World of Manifestation) = Earth = Suit of Pentacles = Physical body. H (EH)

As you can see, every aspect of life is covered on all four levels.

As mentioned before, all of creation unfolds by a specific process. This process consists of several stages whereby manifestation proceeds
from the most subtle spiritual planes, to the dense physical plane. There are 10 stages through which creation unfolds. In Kabbalah, these
stages are called Sephiroth (plural) or Sephirah (singular). Each Sephirah is assigned specific powers which match up perfectly with the powers
of the planets. Therefore, a planet is assigned to each Sephirah. This makes understanding their powers a little easier.

There is a great amount of depth to understanding the Sephiroth and their powers and attributions which again, goes beyond the scope
of this book as a grimoire of practical magick. I will briefly describe the Sephiroth just enough to allow for further research if you desire.
Though many of my readers, I suspect, will already be knowledgeable on this topic.

Each Sephirah is assigned a number which shows its position in the process of creation unfolding into manifestation. The very top Sephirah,
Kether, is assigned to the Aces of the tarot. There are no angels in this system assigned to the Ace cards. The angels begin with the second
Sephirah, Chokmah (2) and continue down to Malkuth (10). So, we will skip over Kether in this description.

Chokmah = Neptune = 2s of the Tarot (2 of Wands, 2 of Cups, etc.)

Binah = Saturn = 3s
Chesed = Jupiter = 4s
Geburah = Mars = 5s
Tipareth = Sun = 6s
Netzach = Venus = 7s
Hod = Mercury = 8s
Yesod = Moon = 9s
Malkuth = Earth = 10s
As mentioned earlier, there are four levels or “worlds” in the universe. Each level corresponds to an aspect of our body (spiritual body,
emotional body, mental body, and physical body) as mentioned above. The next picture shows how this looks.

Each Sephirah in the four worlds (excluding Kether) manifests it’s energies as a decan of the Zodiac. Each Decan of the Zodiac is assigned
a card from the Tarot. The meanings of each of the 36 numbered cards from the Minor Arcana is derived from the 36 decans. These cards
represent the decans in the form of a picture and all the symbolism in these cards describes the energies present within the decan that it
represents. So, in order of creation: First came the Sephiroth, then the Decans of the Zodiac were formed from the Sephiroth, and then the
Tarot cards were formed from the Decans of the Zodiac.

As you can see, this entire system is based on the Kabbalah and the order in which creation unfolds to become manifest as physical reality.
The process that Spirit unfolds through to become a human body. The Sephiroth, although shown as 10 separate stages in four separate worlds,
truly exist simultaneously as one. You can think of all the Sephiroth in all 4 worlds as being one big ball of light that you call your soul. All the
attributes and powers of the Sephiroth are contained within your soul. Therefore, the entire Zodiac and all the Tarot cards are also contained
within your soul. They are a picture of your soul.

Because we live in a world of time and space, we need images to show us step by step in linear form how creation unfolds so that we can
see the individual energies and aspects of creation. We separate the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies as well as the 10
Sephiroth. But truly, they are all one and exist simultaneously as one. Just like the colors of the rainbow all exist as one within light, but our
eyes separate the colors to see them one at a time.

Four Charts
Because everything in the Universe (including careers, human relationships, ect.) unfolds by this same pattern called the Tree of Life, it
can be said that there is a Tree that exists for every event and situation.

There is a Tree of Life in each of the four worlds. This tree shows the pattern that God/Consciousness takes as it descends from the Infinite
Light, down through to physical manifestation. The powers that God/Consciousness manifests in becoming manifest is what makes up the 36
qualities of the Human Soul, the 36 Decans of the Zodiac, and the 36 Tarot cards.

There is also said to be a Tree in each of the Sephiroth as well. But we won’t get that deep into things in this book.
The next four charts show the Etz Chaim (Tree of Life) diagram for each of the four worlds.
The Nature of the Universe
Throughout this book, we use the terms “consciousness” and “soul” frequently. It would be good to have a bit of explanation regarding
what these terms mean. In the Kybalion it says,

“The ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” And,

“The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes.”

The Universe is the Mind of God. God is Consciousness. All things are created from this Consciousness. This Consciousness is Pure Light.
When Consciousness is unmanifest, it is God. As Consciousness unfolds, it begins to vibrate and becomes Mind. This vibration is known by
Hindus as the cosmic sound of OM. Mind is the space within which every created thing arises.

This Mind is still God, but not purely God. It can be molded, shaped, and influenced by all living beings. It is like a blank canvas upon
which we can draw. The soul is the result of Consciousness and mind blending. Buddhists say the soul does not truly exist. That it is an illusion
and there are no individual beings. They say that only the One Mind and One Consciousness exist. But I use the term soul to describe that
aspect of our self which is our essential identity. That aspect which incarnates from lifetime to lifetime. Buddhists would call this the
Mindstream (citta-santāna). And this is where the problem of duality begins. That mindstream or ego or soul (whatever you wish to call it) can
be distorted or corrupted.

Consciousness is perfect. It is whole and complete and without flaw. The qualities and attributes that Consciousness manifests that we
call the 36 Decans of the Zodiac and the 36 Sephiroth are perfect and without flaw. But mind is not perfect. Mind is corrupted by matter and
so when the perfect Light of Consciousness flows through the mind, it gets corrupted by our false thoughts, false beliefs, and false perception
of things. In other words, God’s Light is distorted by the ignorance of our mind.

The mind is like a prism through which the Light of Consciousness flows. When mind is full of darkness or ignorance then the Light of
Consciousness is distorted and this manifests as troublesome or unbalanced life circumstances. These unbalanced life circumstances are shown
by the negative aspects of the Zodiac, the Tarot cards reversed, and the negative Tarot cards.

The purpose of this system is to work with the angels that rule over each of these 36 aspects of our Consciousness to clear, eliminate, and
balance all the distortions within our soul and mind. When we clear these distortions away the light of Consciousness can flow through us
and express itself perfectly. As a result, our personality and life become perfect.

Why is this? The universe is like a holographic projection of the mind/soul. If you are familiar with a holographic projector, you know that
it works like a movie projector. The light shines through the lens or film and the image projected outwardly is what we see as “reality”. This
is exactly how the universe works. The light of Consciousness flows through our soul and mind and it projects outwards whatever contents
we hold there. Whatever thoughts or emotions or distortions are held within our mind/soul are projected outwardly as our life’s circumstances.

Therefore, when we change our mind and change our vibration, we change our life. This is why meditation and spiritual work is so
important. The mass of humanity is constantly projecting their thoughts and emotions as the reality we experience and perceive around us. If
our thoughts and emotions are predominantly negative and filled with greed, lust, hatred, ignorance, and so on, then our world reality with
reflect exactly that.

But when we purify and balance the distortions and ignorance in our mind, then when the light of Consciousness flows through us, it will
project love, joy, peace, and harmony. Divine qualities and high vibrational, harmonious emotions and situations are experienced. This is all
done through balancing these 36 aspects of our Consciousness. We must clear away the dust and darkness from the prism of our soul and
mind until it shines as a crystal-clear prism so that the undistorted Divine Light of Pure Consciousness may manifest in us and through us
and become our collective reality. When a certain mass of humanity has been purified thus, the Golden Age will dawn and usher in an era of
world peace. That is the mission of this work as it has been since the dawn of time.
The Power of Hebrew Letters
You may have noticed on the cover and on the pages of this book that this magick is written in a different language. This language is
called Hebrew. It is an ancient language of great, sacred power. In the ancient Jewish book titled, “Sefer Yetzirah,” It is said to be the language
which God used to create the Universe. Hebrew letters are not just letters. They are living entities. It is said that God called the Hebrew letters
before him/herself in the beginning of time and told them what roles they would fulfill in the creation of the Universe.

God used these letters to create the Universe and it is said that these letters sustain the Universe as well. Therefore, it is said that if one
knows how to manipulate these letters in the proper way, one gains the power to manipulate the very forces that create, govern, and sustain
the Universe.

By these letters, various names of God can be formed which gives us the ability to access specific aspect of God to create specific changes
in the universe. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet (or in Hebrew, Aleph Bet), has spiritual attributes, powers, and even angels assigned to
them. In the case of a sacred name of God called, “The 42 Letter Name of God,” as well as with the letters of the 72 Letter Name of God, each
letter contains and angel. So in calling certain names of God, you are also invoking countless angels and forces beyond comprehension or

It was forbidden in ancient Jewish culture to draw a visual representation of God or angels. However, it is also a belief in many ancient
cultures such as Jewish and Egyptian cultures, that the name of a thing IS that thing itself. This is why in the magick rituals in this book, we
scan the Hebrew letters because in doing so, we are beholding the actual form of the angel or the “garment” of the name of God that we are
calling on. Within the name of God, IS God. Within the name of an angel, IS that angel. For this reason, in many cases the name of an entity
written in Hebrew is more powerful than any other image or sigil of that entity.

The Origin of this Magick

There is no simple single source for this magick. It is not my idea or creation. Its origins are divine. Over the millennia the knowledge was
revealed and passed down. First only orally and in secret societies; from master to disciple. Then later it appeared in written form whether the
knowledge was able to spread.
The origin, discovery, and preservation of this magick up to the present time is to me, somewhat miraculous. For example, what I call
“Angel 1 and 2” in the ritual are angels of the Shem HaMephorash or 72 Letter Name of God. The discovery of these names is a mystery. They
were decoded from a scriptural passage in the book of Exodus 14:19-21.

Each line in these three verses contains exactly 72 letters when written in Hebrew. The amazing part of the discovery of these 72 names is
that someone, in some ancient time realized that if you line up these three verses, and write the middle verse backwards, 72 Names of God
show up. These are the Names of God from which the 72 angels in this book are derived. For when you add “iah” or “el” to the end of these 72
names of God, they become powerful angels. Another example of how powerful Hebrew letters are.

Even more interesting is that the powers of these 72 angels, when put into 36 pairs of 2, govern the 36 Decans of the Zodiac. It is calling
these angels in pairs that forms the basis of this magick. Again, this is not my invention, but such a method of calling is rare to see and has
been a hidden secret in magick known only to a select few.

For example, in the popular grimoire called The Miracle of New Avatar Power, author Geof Gray-Cobb uses this method of calling the
angels in pairs of 2 for many of his attack and defense rituals. Many people have found these rituals to be fast and effective.

I won’t bore you with a long and drawn out history of these angels and the development of their use in ritual magick. That information
makes no difference to the magick that we have now. This magick works regardless of what we know or don’t know about it. Just know that
when you behold these sigils, you are beholding powers that have worked for millennia and will continue to work now just the same.
Compared to this magick, the Tarot is a relatively new development. The brilliance of the Tarot is that it depicts these 36
aspects of the soul in simple and easy to understand images. IN researching the powers of these angels, I was delighted to find
that the powers of each pair of angels assigned to the Decans corresponded exactly to the images and meaning of each tarot
card. It could be said that the angels are the remedy of the negative cards of the Tarot and the support or power behind the
positive cards.

You don’t need to go and research the powers of each of these angels to find out what they are capable of. The key to this magick is using
your intuition to discover the powers of each card based on the images themselves and the meanings of each card. I have written an extensive
list of powers for each card. You can use this as a springboard of sorts to discovering new powers.

Just like the Tarot cards themselves may have a slightly different meaning depending on what cards they are next to in a reading, so can
the powers of each card be stretched (within reason) to fid your individual circumstanced. As you grow with the magick, you will gain a
progressive deepening of your understanding of the profundity of this magick and what each card is capable of. This system is the essence of
Tarot magick.

There are many different and creative ways that you can use this magick because of its relationship with the Tarot cards. I’m sure that
those using this system will probably come up with ways that I haven’t even thought of or considered. That being said, here are a couple brief
possibilities to highlight the creative potential of this system.

This first method is one of my favorite applications. Because with this system we are literally holding in our hands the powers of each of
the 36 numbered cards of the Minor Arcana, the cards are no longer just obscure images that we have to puzzle over to decide how they apply
to our life. The cards are now alive to us; vibrant and bursting with energy to help us.

There are multiple ways to use divination with this magick. One way to do this is to draw the 36 numbered cards of the minor arcana out
from the deck. Hold your situation or desire in mind and ask, “Please show me what angels can help my situation.” Or something similar.
Draw the card after shuffling and decide how the powers can help with your situation. Do the ritual to apply those powers and work on your
situation from that angle until you see change. You can apply this method to any issue.

You can also just do your readings as usual using the entire deck and pay close attention when one of these 36 cards are drawn. It changes
your perspective on your readings when you know that you are now empowered to change that aspect of your situation signified by the
placement of that card through this system of magick.

The Method
This magick has a simple process of 8 steps. I will briefly describe each of those steps and then summarize them. You are encouraged to
write your own summary if you feel it would make it easier to understand.

Step One
Beneath the sigil you will find a list of names. I have detailed what each name is. Such as “Banner Mantra,” “God Name of Planet,” ect.
On this first step, you will chant what I call the Banner Mantra. This word is a one of 12 permutations on the Divine Name YHVH (pronounced
EE-AH-OH-EH). There is one permutation for each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. Chanting this mantra connects us to the energies of that
particular section of the Zodiac.
I could easily say here that you should chant from 3-5 minutes but I won’t. Instructions like that make me uncomfortable personally and
I feel like I have to keep watching the clock to see when 5 minutes has passed. The purpose of this chanting (besides for connecting you to the
necessary energies) is to relax your mind and body. Continue the chant until you feel relaxed and at peace in both body and mind.

This does not need to be a profound relaxation, but just an easing of your thoughts and cares of the outside world. Just a slight dropping
of the shoulders as tension is released. Simply a slowing down of the rapid and frantic pace of modern life. Once you feel this relaxation, you
may proceed to the next step.

Step Two
Magick becomes powerful when we connect deeply with our emotions in each ritual instead of just mentally running through the ritual.
Remember, the emotional body is right beneath the highest spiritual body in the 4 worlds theory that we discussed. During the ritual you are
connect with your emotions regarding the situation, feeling them fully, and then shifting them to be become what you desire.

On this step you are simply allowing yourself to feel what you feel. Notice how you feel regarding the situation you desire to change. It
may be anger, regret, frustration, boredom, lack, or any other number of emotions. Whatever you feel, allow yourself to experience it. It doesn’t
have to be intense and you don’t need to stay on this step for a long time. Just long enough to experience the emotions regarding the situation
you desire to change, acknowledge them, and move on to the next step.

Step Three
On this step, we are connecting to the powers in the sigil and then stating our will. As I mentioned earlier, Hebrew letters are extremely
powerful. Scanning the Hebrew letters connects us to whatever force or energy is behind the letters. Even if you can’t read or understand
Hebrew, it matters not. Your soul knows all languages. Your soul connects to the letters and words, understands them, and connects you to
the forces that they symbolize as you visually absorb the shapes of the letters.

This step is effortless and relaxing. As you scan, your brainwaves will slow down so you may find random thoughts popping into your
head that have nothing to do with the magick, or you may find yourself getting lost in a daydream. If this happens, simply bring your focus
gently back to scanning and focusing on the shape of the letters.

You aren’t strenuously or intensely staring at the letters. Just an easy, relaxed, scan of the letters is find. Scanning each letter should only
take about 5 seconds or so. If you feel any tension or struggle, you are trying too hard.

After the scan is complete you state your will for the ritual out loud. Simply say, “It is my will to _____.” A single sentence will do. This
step focuses your subconscious energies in a powerful way that makes the ritual much more likely to be successful. You can fill in that blank
with any short and concise statement that defines your purpose for the ritual. Examples:

“It is my will to obtain a new job.”

“It is my will to become more confident.”
“It is my will to silence my enemies”
“It is my will to create harmony in my group.”

This alerts the entire Universe of your will and the magickal energies immediately begin to flow towards fulfilling your stated will. You do
not want to say: “It is my will to obtain a new job because I need to get more money to pay for my families food. Because we have been

You will be able to elaborate on your purpose for the magick after you call upon the angels. They are the ones who carry out your will and
make the necessary changes to your reality.

Step Four
Here we make the call to the angel that rules over the Zodiacal Decan. The names that you call in this step consist of various names of
God, the name of the angel that rules over the Zodiac sign, and the last name you call is the angel that rules over the Decan of the Zodiac

These are the names that you see on the outermost circle in each ritual. The primary names of God in this step stay the same in every


You may find it helpful to write these names down somewhere so that you don’t have to keep flipping to the front of the book, unless you can read Hebrew.
These names of God invoke the Divine Power necessary to empower each ritual.
There are three names that change in each ritual for this step. The names that change are:
1. The God name of the planet
2. The angel of the Zodiac sign
3. The angel of the Decan.

These three names you will see listed beneath each sigil for easy reference. Simply call the names as listed.

Step Five
In step four, we called upon the angel whose name is in the center of the sigil. In this step we are calling upon what I call angel 1 and 2.
These are the angel’s whose names are listed on the top and the bottom of the inner circle. These are the angels of the 72 Letter Name of God
and they greatly empower the ritual.

Each of these 72 angels is connected to a Psalm and you can easily get their attention and help by first reading the Psalm and then simply
calling their name. That is what we do in this step.

The Psalms are written in Hebrew around the second and third circles of the sigil that you scanned. I wrote out the Psalms in phonetic
Hebrew syllable by syllable. I tried to make the pronunciations as easy and obvious as possible. If you find yourself having trouble with my
pronunciations, don’t worry. You don’t have to speak the words perfectly to get the attention of the angels. Some people even say you can
speak them in English and it will still work (I have tried this method myself with some success).

You can also check out the pronunciations as listed in Damon Brand’s brilliant book that deals with these angels called, The 72 Angels of
Magick. His phonetic spellings of the Hebrew letters are perfect and easy to read. I drew my spellings from different sources though since his
are copywritten.

The last name you speak after each Psalm is the name of the angel. Upon speaking the angel’s name, know that they are present and you
have their attention. Remember, you are not calling these angels from some distant galaxy in another dimension. These angels are within you.
They are aspects of yourself. This is why they are not difficult to summon at all and you may even immediately sense their presence the
moment you speak their name. Though even if you sense nothing, know that they are definitely with you and ready to help.

Step Six
On this step you repeat the names of the angels that you called in the previous two steps and then state what your will is. When you state
your will in this step, you can elaborate on your will that you stated in step three. Example:
“Hear me! (name of decan), (name of angel 1), and (name of angel 2), it is my will to obtain a new job! I desire a job with higher pay than
my last job. Bring me a job in which I get along with my co-workers. I desire it to be close to home and fulfill my every need, even those I
forgot to ask for.”
You don’t want to carry on too long. Just state in 3-4 sentences your primary request for the ritual. The angels are with you and can see
through your thoughts and emotions. They know and understand the thoughts behind your thoughts and the causes behind your emotions.
Don’t be afraid they won’t understand you. They do understand you and they know how to bring about the fulfillment of your will in a way
that is in harmony with your highest good.

Step Seven
Each of the 72 angels has a name of God assigned to them. On this step you will chant the names of God. As you chant the divine names
you can either gaze at the sigil directly or close your eyes. I personally prefer to gaze at the sigil.

As you chant, pretend as if your will has been fulfilled. Allow yourself to feel the joy, peace, victory, or whatever else you will feel when
your desire has been fulfilled. This is a tremendously powerful step and may even be the most powerful step of the entire ritual. By allowing
yourself to feel as if your will has already been fulfilled, you are communicating to the universe and the angels exactly how you want to feel
when your desire manifests.

The more intensely you allow yourself to feel that your desire is already fulfilled, the faster and more surely your will shall manifest. This
step alone makes up the entirety of many systems of reality creation and manifestation. You will chant and hold this feeling for about 3-5
minutes. You may even visualize your result has already manifested and “see” yourself in your new job, your new relationship, your new car,
or see your family finally getting along, or feel the relief you will feel when your enemy is silenced, ect.

Summary of Ritual
1. Chant the Banner Mantra until mind and body are relaxed and at peace.
2. Think of your reason for performing this ritual. Connect to your honest emotions regarding the situation.
3. Scan the 3 rings starting with the outermost ring first and then the two inner rings. After the scan, state your will in a single sentence.
4. Make the call to the first Decan by speaking the names of God as mentioned in the summary. These names remain the same in each
ritual: EL, ELOHIM, ADIRIRON, EHYEH ASHER EHYEH, SHADDAI, EE AH OH EH. Then speak the God name of the planet, the name of the
angel of the zodiac sign, and lastly, the name of the angel of the Decan.
5. Read the first Psalm and then call the first angel’s name. Read the second Psalm and then call the second angel’s name.
6. Say, “Hear me! _____ (speak the name of the decan), _____ (speak the name of angel 1), and _____ (speak the name of angel 2).”
Then say, “It is my will to _____ (speak your will by summarizing it into a few sentences that describe your essential desire).
7. Chant the Divine Names while feeling as if your will has already been fulfilled and you have obtained your desire. Continue chanting
for 3-5 minutes.

Sample Scenarios

Here are two examples of how this magick may work in real life situations. I have made up the names and details of these stories.
Sample Scenario 1
Maria is an office worker in a large corporation. When she first got the job she loved in as it was exactly what she needed at the time in
terms of salary and the hours fit her schedule. However, she has been in the same position now for 4 years and she feels the job has started to
feel stale and boring. She is ready for a change but doesn’t know exactly what kind of change she desires.
She spoke with her boss about various departments she could transfer to but none seem very appealing. She feels stuck and feels like she
needs a road opener to clear away obstacles and give her ideas of what her options are.
Maria remembers she just bought Angelic Sigils of Power which allows her to call upon the powers of the Tarot cards to change any
situation in her life. She pulls out her Tarot deck and scans through the 36 numbered cards of the Minor Arcana to see which image resonates
with her and describes her situation.
She first considers which of the 4 Kabbalistic Worlds applies to her need. Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, or Physical? She realizes what she
needs is ideas and since the swords suit deals with thoughts and ideas so she focuses on those 9 cards. Flipping through the cards the 8th card
of the suit catches her eye. Maria feels that the Eight of Swords, which depicts a person trapped and tied up in their situation with a blind fold
over their eyes intuitively feels exactly like her situation. She feels like it is literally her in the image on that card.
Reading the powers given for the card online and in the book she sees that these angels have the power “to see new paths and options that
you can take to achieve your desires” and ” to bring the wisdom to make wise decisions which lead to freedom and success in life.” Excited that she found
exactly the power that she needs, she performs the ritual.
At work the next day Maria is getting coffee in the lunchroom when she overhears a conversation about a new department that is opening
up that sounds exactly like what she is looking for. She applies for the position and lands the new job successfully.

Sample Scenario 2
Peter has been in a romantic slump for the past 3 years. He has dated a few women during that time but for some reason the women pull
away from him after a few months. Try as he might, he just can’t figure out why he isn’t able to maintain a relationship. This has caused him
a great deal of depression. His days are restricted to going to work at a job that he hates, then coming home to an empty house to eat twinkies
and watch reruns of old cartoons. He cringes at every love scene and laments the fact that romance never happens in his life.
He remembers that when he told his friend about his depressing situation, his friend let him borrow a book he bought called Angelic Sigils
of Power. He said the rituals were powerful and they worked. Curious, but not really believing a word of what his friend said, Peter decided
to try out the divination method. He pulled out his old Tarot cards and separated the 36 cards of the Minor Arcana from it. He focused on his
desire, “reveal to me the reason I can’t find a long-lasting romantic relationship.”
He shuffled the cards and drew the 8 of Pentacles. Peter didn’t see the correlation between the card and his situation immediately, so he
researched the powers and meanings of the 8 of Pentacles card. He understood from his research that the 8 of Pentacles was all about perfecting
your work, paying attention to details, having good time and money management, working hard, and staying focused. As he contemplated
his life he realized that he lacked all of those qualities. He never worked out at the gym and so he had gained a great deal of weight, he
sometimes goes days without shaving, slacks off at his job, hasn’t had a haircut in a month, and had just “let himself go” in many ways.
He realized that he had become unappealing to potential romantic partners because he had become, in his words, a lazy slob! He performed
the ritual saying, “It is my will to become attractive to romantic partners.” And after calling the angels, he elaborated, “It is my will to become
attractive to romantic partners. Reveal to me what I need to change within myself so that I can successfully attract a partner and have a long
term, fulfilling romantic relationship.”

He then chanted the names of God while visualizing himself in a happy and successful relationship. While chanting he saw that in his
visualization, he was thinner, his clothes neat and clean, he was cleanly shaven, and his hair was cut as well. Taking this as a sign from the
angels, he went to get a haircut and purchase a few new outfits. He resolved to take better care of his appearance. He felt motivation for the
first time in a while to go jogging; a hobby he used to have but lost after breaking up with his first long-term girlfriend.

Two months later, Peter’s confidence was restored. He had trimmed his weight, dressed more stylishly, and was frequently complemented
on his new hairstyle and appearance. Because of this, he was able to confidently approach and successfully ask out a coworker he had been
attracted to for a long time. She said yes, and they have been dating for over a year now.

The above two scenarios are just examples that I made up to give you an idea of how one may go about using this magick. As in Peter’s
situation, the angels may very well give you the answer you seek while you chant the divine names at the end of the ritual. I have experienced
this myself. These angels work very quickly when called by this method. Sometimes the results are obvious, sometimes they are subtle.
Regardless of how the results manifest, when you call the angels by this method you are always heard and always responded to. The results
may not be what you had in mind, but the are always in accordance with your highest good.
If you perform the ritual and it seems like nothing happened after a few weeks, ask the angels to open your eyes to what is blocking your
desired result from manifesting. In my experience with this magick, it should not take longer than a few weeks to see change begin to manifest.
Usually you will see changes within the first week, if not the first day. And often you may notice desired changes occurring DURING the ritual
process itself. Although for big changes, it may take months for your full result to manifest, but you should see definite progress towards your
goal manifesting in the weeks following the ritual.

How Often to Perform the Ritual

There is no set number of times that you must perform the ritual. When called by this method, just one ritual is enough to convey your
will to the angels. When they hear your desire, know that the angels set to work immediately on making the necessary changes to fulfill your
request. If you desires to repeat the ritual, it is permitted, but make sure you aren’t repeating it due to impatience for your results to manifest.
Trust that when you call, your request is heard and will be responded to.

The 36 Angelic Sigils of Power

This system anticipates every trouble of the human condition on all 4 levels of being and provides the remedy
to rise above them. Through this system we are empowered to triumph over difficulties on all kinds and achieve a
state of harmony. Anything standing in the way of our dreams and desires in life or our spiritual growth can be
overcome through these angels. All troubles are merely distortions of consciousness. These angels are the keys
which harmonize those distortions and remove any blockages to the Light of God.

Suit of Wands

Two of Wands – The Power of Manifestation

Decan: Mars in Aries
 Give boldness and power to your personality.
 The ability to be a leader, blazing your own path.
 To inspire others to follow you.
 To speak your mind and to face your fears.
 To face life directly and courageously.
 The energy of authority, as well as physical and mental vitality and drive.
 Banishes laziness and timidity.
 Gives the quality of originality.
 To be spontaneous without being impulsive.
 The power of expansive and unrestrained strength.
 The power, focus, and determination to accomplish anything.
Banner Mantra: EE-AH-OH-EH
God name of planet: Elohim Gibor (EH-LOH-HEEM GEE-BOAR)
Angel of Aries: Melchiadel (MEHL-KEE-AH-DELL)
Angel of the Decan: Zazer (ZAH-ZAIR)
Angel 1: Vehuiah (VEH-HOO-EE-AH) (1)
(Psalm 22:20)
Angel 2: Yeliel (YEH-LEE-EHL) (2)

Three of Wands – The Power of Expansion

Decan: Sun in Aries
 To explore new possibilities in your life
 Plan for success
 Conquer uncharted territories
 Move beyond your comfort zone successfully
 Gain a vision of the future
 To understand the direction you desire to go in regards to anything in your life
 Gain a birds eye view of your life and see the big picture
 To be a visionary
 Plan for the future
 Discover your life purpose
 Find your way out of hardship
 Solve difficult or complex problems
 To be looked up to and respected as a leader
 To make wise decisions
 To find a way out of a crisis when all hope seems lost
 Discover your life's path and purpose
Banner Mantra: EE-AH-OH-EH
God name of planet: Jehovah Eloah Va Da'ath (EE-AH-OH-EH EH-LOH-AH VEH DAHT)
Angel of Aries: Melchiadel (MEHL-KEY-AH-DEL)
Angel of the Decan: Behahemi (BEH-HAH-HEH-ME)
Angel 1: Sitael (SEE-TAH-EL) (3)
Angel 2: Elemiah (EHL-EM-EE-AH) (4)
Four of Wands – The Power of Fortune
Decan: Venus in Aries
 To bring great success
 Reverse bad luck
 Bring great healing
 To be celebrated and honored in your chosen field
 To achieve a job promotion
 To escape oppressive situations
 To bring freedom and overcome those things or people that hold you back from your desires
 Bring good fortune
 Recover a love of life
 To bring excitement to a dull life
 To make your personality and life radiate beauty
 To bring harmony to discord
Banner Mantra: EE-AH-OH-EH
God name of planet: YHVH Tzabaoth (EE-AH-OH-EH TZAH-VAH-OAT)
Angel of Aries: Melchiadel (MEL-KEE-AH-DEL)
Angel of the Decan: Satondar (SAH-TONE-DAHR)
SHEY AH (Psalm 80:20)
Angel 1: Mahasiah (MAH-HAH-SEE-AH) (5)
Angel 2: Lelahel (LEH-LAH-HEL) (6)
Five of Wands – The Power of Harmony
Decan: Saturn in Leo
 To bring mutual understanding during disagreements
 To find creative and original solutions to social problems
 To bring everyone into accord with each other
 Bring peace to arguments
 Give wisdom to end debates
 To bring strength to overcome those who challenge you in a peaceful way
 Encourages harmonious order
 Encourages teamwork
 To overcome setbacks
 To find peace and patience to deal with annoyances
 Have wisdom to deal with an overwhelming or demanding person
Banner Mantra: EE-OH-EH-AH
God name of planet: YHVH Elohim (EE-AH-OH-EH EL-OH-HEEM)
Angel of Leo: Verachiel (VEH-RAH-KEY-ELL)
Angel of the Decan: Losanahar (LOH-SAH-NAH-HAR)
(Psalm 34:5)
Angel 1: Nith-Haiah (NEET-HAH-EE-AH) (25)
Angel 2:Haaiah (HAH-AH-EE-AH) (26)
Mantra: Orsy Agdu (OAR-SEE AHG-DOO)
Six of Wands – The Power of Achievement
Decan: Jupiter in Leo
 To achieve great success in any venture
 Overcome all opposition
 To bring recognition and respect from others
 To be rewarded for your work and awarded great acclaim
 To bring great confidence
 Give great optimism
 Brings complete security and protection
 Bring peace and calmness
 Brings great assistance to those suffering health issues
 Bring clarity when confused
 Overcome social anxiety
 Raise self-esteem.
Banner Mantra: EE-OH-EH-AH
God name of planet: El (EHL)
Angel of Leo: Verachiel (VEH-RAH-KEY-ELL)
Angel of the Decan: Zachi (ZAH-QEE)
Angel 1: Yeratel (YEH-RAH-TELL) (27)
Angel 2: Shahaiah (SHAH-HAH-EE-AH) (28)
Mantra: Teos Adad (TEE-OHS AH-DAHD)
Seven of Wands – The Power of Assertion
Decan: Mars in Leo
 To pursue what you truly desire
 Powerfully assert yourself in any situation
 To overcome opposition to your plans
 Discover a path to true wealth
 Overcome poverty and economic hardship
 To withstand great stress and pressure in life
 To stand up to those who challenge or criticize you
 To overcome any attempts to hold you back from achievement of your goals
 To have absolute surety
 To overcome self-doubt
 To maintain integrity when it is challenged
 To maintain the integrity of an organization or group when outside forces seek to weaken it
 Restore vitality when depleted
 To be invigorated
 Overcome depression and feelings of hopelessness.
Banner Mantra: EE-OH-EH-AH
God name of planet: Elohim Gibor (EH-LOH-HEEM GEE-BORE)
Angel of Leo: Verachiel (VEH-RAH-KEY-ELL)
Angel of the Decan: Sahiber (SAH-HE-BUR)
(Psalm 9:12)
Angel 1: Reiyel (RAY-EE-EL) (29)
Angel 2: Omael (AWE-MAH-EL) (30)
Mantra: Zimi Tura (ZEE-MEE TOO-RAH)
Eight of Wands – The Power of Materialization
Decan: Mercury in Sagittarius
 To bring spiritual and mental enlightenment
 Rise above material concerns and the weight of the world
 To make wise decisions with speed
 To execute plans successfully
 To overcome all hesitation and timidity
 To speed up a decision
 To cause a decision to be made in your favor
 To discover needed information
 To successfully end a dispute
 To move on and get over the past
 To bring a project or endeavor to a successful completion
 To end a relationship in a harmonious way
 To cause those in power to reveal information that helps you succeed.
Banner Mantra: EE-AH-EH-OH
God name of planet: Elohim Tzabaoth (EL-OH-HEEM TZAH-BAH-OAT)
Angel of Sagittarius: Advachiel (AHD-VAH-KEY-EL)
Angel of the Decan: Misrath (MEES-RAHT)
Angel 1: Vehuel (VEH-HOO-EL) (49)
Angel 2: Daniel (DAH-NEE-EL) (50)
Mantra: Mara Pola (MAH-RAH POH-LAH)
Nine of Wands - The Power of Persistence
Decan: Moon in Sagittarius
 To overcome setbacks
 To triumph over opposition
 To break through obstacles
 To rise again no matter how many times you fall
 To bring firm resolve and great inner strength
 To give determination and willpower
 To tap into the limitless inner strength at the core of your being
 To enhance physical, mental, and/or spiritual strength
 To accomplish tasks that you feel are too much to handle with ease
 To discover hidden knowledge that leads to great power and success in both your spiritual and physical life
 To give great courage
 To overcome fear and pessimism
 To gain the power to protect others
 To bring liberation from all difficulties
Banner Mantra: EE-AH-EH-OH
God name of planet: Shaddai El'Chai (SHAH-DYE-EL-QAH-EE)
Angel of Sagittarius: Advachiel (AHD-VAH-KEY-EL)
Angel of the Decan: Vehrin (VEH-REEN)
Angel 1: Hachashiah (HAH-QAH-SHE-AH) (51)
Angel 2: Imamiah (EE-MAH-MEE-AH) (52)
Mantra: Bila Abag (BEE-LAH AH-BAHG)
Ten of Wands – The Power of Realignment
Decan: Saturn in Sagittarius
 To restore balance to one’s life
 To bring stability to unstable situations
 To restore harmony when life feels ruined
 To speak honestly and openly and be listened to with warmth and understanding
 To receive aid from others when one feels overworked or desperate
 Gives the strength to handle daily tasks
 To overcome escapism and face life directly
 To assess one’s life situation and make adjustments where there are unnecessary burdens and struggles
 Find an easy way to progress
 To restore mental and emotional stability after a period of struggle
 To recover physical strength and vigor after an exhausting endeavor
Banner Mantra: EE-AH-EH-OH
God name of planet: YHVH Elohim (EE-AH-OH-EH EHL-OH-HEEM)
Angel of Sagittarius: Advachiel (AHD-VAH-KEY-EL)
Angel of the Decan: Aboha (AH-BOH-HAH)
Angel 1: Nanael (NAH-NAH-EL) (53)
Angel 2: Nithael (NEE-TAH-EL)
Mantra: Obra Bora (OH-BRAH BOH-RAH)

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