Who May Be Adopted - DAA - Haldos

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WHO MAY BE Domestic Adoption Act

ADOPTED Sections 3 and 8

R.A. 8552 – SECTION 3
• Definition of Terms – For the purposes of this Act, the
following terms shall be defined as:
• "Child" is a person below eighteen (18) years of age.
• "A child legally available for adoption" refers to a child
who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to
the Department or to a duly licensed and accredited
child-placing or child-caring agency, freed of the
parental authority of his/her biological parent(s) or
guardian or adopter(s) in case of rescission of adoption.
• "Voluntarily committed child" is one whose parent(s)
knowingly and willingly relinquishes parental authority to
the Department.
R.A. 8552 – SECTION 3
• Definition of Terms – For the purposes of this Act, the
following terms shall be defined as:
• "Involuntarily committed child" is one whose parent(s),
known or unknown, has been permanently and
judicially deprived of parental authority due to
abandonment; substantial, continuous, or repeated
neglect; abuse; or incompetence to discharge parental
• "Abandoned child" refers to one who has no proper
parental care or guardianship or whose parent(s) has
deserted him/her for a period of at least six (6)
continuous months and has been judicially declared as
R.A. 8552 – SECTION 3
• Definition of Terms – For the purposes of this Act, the
following terms shall be defined as:
• "Supervised trial custody" is a period of time within which
a social worker oversees the adjustment and emotional
readiness of both adopter(s) and adoptee in stabilizing
their filial relationship.
• "Department" refers to the Department of Social Welfare
and Development.
• "Child-placing agency" is a duly licensed and accredited
agency by the Department to provide comprehensive
child welfare services including, but not limited to,
receiving applications for adoption, evaluating the
prospective adoptive parents, and preparing the
adoption home study.
R.A. 8552 – SECTION 3
• Definition of Terms – For the purposes of this Act, the
following terms shall be defined as:
• "Child-caring agency" is a duly licensed and accredited
agency by the Department that provides twenty four
(24)-hour residential care services for abandoned,
orphaned, neglected, or voluntarily committed children.
• "Simulation of birth" is the tampering of the civil registry
making it appear in the birth records that a certain child
was born to a person who is not his/her biological mother,
causing such child to lose his/her true identity and status.
R.A. 8552 – SECTION 3
• Definition of Terms – For the purposes of this Act, the
following terms shall be defined as:
• "Child-caring agency" is a duly licensed and accredited
agency by the Department that provides twenty four
(24)-hour residential care services for abandoned,
orphaned, neglected, or voluntarily committed children.
• "Simulation of birth" is the tampering of the civil registry
making it appear in the birth records that a certain child
was born to a person who is not his/her biological mother,
causing such child to lose his/her true identity and status.
R.A. 8552 – SECTION 8
• Who may be adopted. – The following may be
• Any person below eighteen (18) years of age who has
been administratively or judicially declared available for
• The legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by the other
• An illegitimate son/daughter by a qualified adopter to
improve his/her status to that of legitimacy;
• A person of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said
person has been consistently considered and treated by
the adopter(s) as his/her own child since minority;
R.A. 8552 – SECTION 8
• Who may be adopted. – The following may be
• A child whose adoption has been previously rescinded;
• A child whose biological or adoptive parent(s) has
died: Provided, That no proceedings shall be initiated
within six (6) months from the time of death of said
G.R. L-22523

This is an appeal from the decision of the Juvenile and

Domestic Relations Court in Special Proceeding No. 0001,
dismissing the petition instituted by the spouses Luis R.
Santos Jr. and Edipola V. Santos for the adoption of the
minor Edwin Villa y Mendoza
G.R. L-22523
• Facts:
• Luis E. Santos, Jr., 32, a lawyer, with business interest in a
textile development and the IBA electric plant and a
general manager of Medry Inc., and the secretary-
treasurer of Bearen Enterprises and his wife Edipola V.
Santos, 32, a nurse by profession, with combined income
of approximately PhP900 a month filed a petition on
January 8, 1963 praying that the minor Edwin Villa y
Mendoza, 4 years old, be declared their son by adoption.
• Edwin is the younger brother of Edipola V. Santos.
• Edwin was born on May 22, 1958 and with records
showing that he was sickly since birth.
G.R. L-22523
• Facts:
• Edwin and Edipola’s parents entrusted the minor Edwin to
the petitioners due the former’s impairing health.
• Years after, Edwin and the petitioners developed a deep
and profound love for each other.
• The natural parents of Edwin and Edipola testified that
they have voluntarily given their consent to the adoption
of their son and submitted a written consent of
conformity to the adoption
G.R. L-22523
• Issue:
• Whether or not and elder sister may adopt a younger

• Ruling:
• Yes, Edipola V. Santos and Luis Santos, while the former
being the older sister of the minor Edwin, can adopt the
said minor.
G.R. L-22523
• Rationale:
• Article 335 of the Civil Code enumerates those persons
who may not adopt, and it has been shown that
petitioners-appellants herein are not among those
prohibited from adopting. To say that adoption should
not be allowed when the adopter and the adopted are
related to each other, is to preclude adoption among
relatives no matter how far removed or in whatever
degree that relationship might be, which in our opinion is
not the policy of the law.

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