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CTP Oreamuno

Grade: Twelfth
Unit of Study: Statistics

Habilidades cualitativas se escriben con adjetivos,con caracteristicas

It´s a science that deals with gathering, processing, analyzing and
interpreting data.

There are two types of statistics:

1) Descriptive Statistics:
It shows the statistical information by means of charts, tables
and graphs.

2) Inferential Statistics:
It infers the characteristics of a “whole” called population by the
observation and analysis of a little part of this population called “sample”

Population: It’s the entire set of individuals in which a statistical study is interested.

Sample: It is a subset containing the characteristics of a larger population. Samples are

used in statistical testing when population’s size is too large for the test to include all
possible members or observations.
**** Most of statistical studies are based on samples.

An observation in statistics is a value of something of interest you're
measuring or counting during a study or experiment: a person's height, a bank account
value at a certain point in time, or number of animals.

Statistical Unit:
A statistical unit is a unit of observation or measurement for which data
are collected or derived.
The statistical unit is therefore the basic element for compiling and tabulating statistical

It´s a group of statistical units that share a specific characteristic.

In statistics the frequency (or absolute frequency) of an event is the
number. of times the event occurred in an experiment or study.
Variable: It´s the characteristic of interest in the statistical unit.

There are two types of statistical variables:

1) Qualitative Variable (Categorical Variable):

It has values that describe a 'quality' or
'characteristic' of a statistical unit.

There are two types of qualitative variables:

a) Ordinal Variable:
The categories can be created and arranged before the statistical
study is carried out.


- What’s your opinion about CostaRican Health Sysytem?

Category fr
Very Good
Very bad

b) Nominal Variable:
The categories can be created and arranged after the statistical
study is carried out. The rank is based on frequency.


Where do you live?

Category fr
c) Binary variable:
It shows the presence or absence of a characteristic in the statistical


1) Do you own a laptop?

Yes ______ No ______

2) Gender:

Male _____ Female _____

3) What’s your preferred soccer team?

Saprissa ______ La Liga ________

2) Quantitative Variable (Numeric Variable):

It has values that describe a measurable
quantity as a number, like 'how many' or 'how much'.

a) Continuous Variable: It gives to the statistical unit a “Real Number” (A number that
can be expressed in decimals).


a) The average height of a group of people.

b) The average weight of a herd.
c) The average of the grades obtained by a group of students in a chemistry exam.

a) Discrete Variable: It gives to the statistical unit a “Whole Number”


a) The amount of votes obtained by a candidate in an election.

b) The amount of students in classroom.
c) The amount units produced in a manufacturing company during a day.

1) Average of deposits made by depositors in a bank during a week

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

2) Total amount of banks that run operations in Costa Rica.

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

3) What is your technical teacher’s category:

VT - 1
VT - 2
VT - 3
VT - 4
VT - 5
VT - 6

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

4) What’s your preferred soccer team in Costa Rica?:

Category fr

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

The height of a patient:

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

6) Do you have internet connection at home?

Yes ______ No _______

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

7) How old are you?

Years Months

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

8) Match your academic level:


Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

9) Total goals scored by a team in a championship.

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete
10) Average of goals / match scored by a team in a championship.

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

11) What’s your preferred fast food restaurant:

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

12) Total yesterday’s positive Covid-19 tests:

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

13) Total number of blondie girls in a group of people:

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

14) What’s your blood type?

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

15) What´s your phone service provider?

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

16) Do you agree to human cloning?

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

17) What’s the currency exchange rate in dollars?

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable
Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

18) What’s your opinion about how the government has managed the current
Coronavirus crisis in Costa Rica?

Positive _________
Negative ________

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable

Ordinal Nominal Binary Continuous Discrete

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